Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution
Introduction to Thurston’s Thoughts
A- The Historical View Part B- Interpretation
A- Theory of Critical Race 20 B- Distorted History 35
A- Absolute Certainty 50 B- Most CeArtainly Did 62
A- To Tell the Truth 71 B- Pulling the Curtain 93.
A- Overdrawn Account 107 B- The Big Payback 125
A- Twisted Reality 147 B- Madness to the Method 168
A- Happy Emancipation 185 B- Regifting Freedom Again 197
A- Disturbing Display 220 B- Hustling Backwards 237
A- No N-word Allowed 259 B- Speak no Evil, Do no Harm 270.
A- Tactical Protest 293 B- Power to the Purpose 312.
Don’t Say It if We Don’t Mean It 346
Hard Hat and a Lunch Pail 434
Mindlessly Tethered 576
Conclusion 587
Appendix 601