Old World Order

                                                                  Thurston’s Thoughts

The Untouchables

Old World Order

The Global Imperialistic Monarchy and Dictatorial Ideology of Old is a moral and tyrannical absolutism that does not allow for the possibility of error, dissent, or critical analysis. The primary axis of our existence rotates on these principles, beliefs, and indoctrinations. Serious contemplation reveals a consolidated fundamental integration of indoctrinations incorporating the fragmentation of a vast sea of miscellaneous disjointed beliefs.

They all go along to get along because they have the same consolidated purpose, control by voluntary subjugation. Ice cream in any flavor is still ice cream seducing according to your palate or appetite. All things arriving at the same destination by any road or method including magic carpet ride concludes at the same end point or intent. But so does ignorance, cowardice, and capitulation. Many times we don’t want to know the answer and many more times we fail to seek it. Mostly we simply accept the answer we have been told.

The Bible states “God forgives ignorance because we cannot believe what we do not know”. How can we be accountable for what we do not know? But, should we be accountable for what we don’t want to know? Conversely, I submit what about what we wholeheartedly believe which we do not know or, more pointedly, what we know but reject because of what we have been told to obediently believe? Can this be obedience to ignorance or ignorance to obedience?

The polarity of truth must provide for a sliver of possibility however remote. Like the man said where there is doubt there is no doubt. Therefore, knowledge must be sought by the inquisitively clever for the knowledgeable to obtain it. Be ever mindful that knowledge above all has always been forbidden. Knowledge is the destination rewarding those whose journey braves the perseverance, perils, condemnations, and exiles to not only know it but to speak it.

Plato’s Cave in a metaphysical context of ideology represents the constraints of our mind limited by the conditioning of our perception rejecting the realization of an expansion beyond a conditioned boundary. Just as “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, because they have rejected it”. We are also controlled by our “sinful ignorance” to accept the comfort of being told and led as opposed to discovery by examination.

The Polly wants a cracker parroting of spiritual and intellectual illiteracy without hesitancy adds water and stirs the corrupted intentions of absolutism by submission. Such is the shepherds of deception herding the sheep of zombified groupies in need of forgiveness for they know not to what they are faithful. This global cult of ignorance worship a BDSM paradigm of punishment desensitization for deviant behavior from prescribed protocols.

In other words, beaten into submission by the conformity of social constructs which defy logic, humanity, and nature. It is a reason the driver’s seat and steering wheel are not faced towards the rear. We have already seen where we have been but must be vigilant about where we are headed as a species. The rearview mirror is a fraction of the size of the windshield according to the significance of each’s vision. Prisoners of the ideological past cannot be pioneers of the future.

The mushroom of time is an expansion of contractions where exact patterns can never be repeated, maybe by occurrence but not by time and space. Same appearance and application, different space in time, but a mutually adjusted calculation for the differences created by time’s ramifications and the Butterfly Effect’s compounded revelations. This accounts for the fluctuations needed to fabricate conclusions by faith, belief, programming, or coercion.

A cow may be free to roam the pastures giving the appearance of freedom but the reality of confinement branded by the ideology of its owner. The global constructs of society expanded to the connectivity of humanity is unevenly yoked to sustain conflict and separation by the smoke and mirrors of conquest instilling mass hallucinations of subjective morality based on purpose, cajolery, or power.

Our branded minds succumb to religion, politics, class, gender, race, greed, manipulation, and geography roaming the pastures of subjugation grazing on the circumstances and predispositions we are fed. The politics of economics is by government or perhaps the government’s politics is economics, either way each requires complicity and ignorance. For example, people evaluate their leaders by their economies and the economic wellbeing of the people.

It is a savior’s mentality or victimization liberator attributed to a deliverer with us oblivious to other factors galvanized by a previous crescendo of inevitabilities. The seesaw’s motion is only balanced in passing towards its extremities of up and down. The natural inclination of time is change, of cause is effect, and of expectation is disappointment. Rain falls as a necessity and so does societies and economies as a result of the atrophy of prosperity.

During times of fiscal depression does money evaporate into losses or to the coffers of a formulated enrichment back to the origins of their disbursement. The roulette of economics are played at the casino of governments regulated by the Central Banks of forbidden anonymity. Everyone who is someone has a Central Bank regulating their economy, a private corporation that never loses.

We never blame our antiquated systems, unfounded veracities, or mercenary propensities but instead rely on our lethargic understandings targeting the easiest and most accessible lightening rods of our discontent. We must have someone to blame when there is no mirror to show the reflection of the one at fault whether individual, nation, policy, or what have you. The perjury of commonsense renders a mistrial of validation detached from the sworn testimony of history.

We are modern day stone-age flintstones following a bedrock of deception torn right out of history. Word of mouth is most often deceit of ears and apathy of discernment captivating the mind by attrition of reasoning. You can only stand on business when you are standing on knowledge. If you believe and propagate, mustn’t you verify? Tell the truth and shame the Devil but tell a lie pleases who, God?

The atrocities of mass hysteria and concentrated psychological abandonment of inhibitions and humanity often ignited by anger shields the ambiguity of ulterior motives placing the masses on the Demon time of concession. The absorbed forfeiture of perspective and arbitration of facts ricochets most accountability on the prey away from the predator. This Nostradamus of devious breath exhales the prognostications of oppression, exploitation, and inhumanity.

The dead beat authoritarian  alimony of morality or adolescent obligated provisions from subjugation’s accountability is beamed up by Scotty and transported to the bosom of Abraham claiming the moral peak of justification. The chastity belt of self-righteousness prevents the intercourse of compassion and culpability. The weeping willow thrashes in the storm but rejoices in its resiliency assured this too will pass.

So the youth must balance obedience to the past with their obligation to their future. Old heads live in the past, the youth live in the future, but we meet in the present. The future is theirs as the past has been ours. Discard the old skins of antiquated ideologies to receive the expansion of new wines of possibilities forsaking vengeance, nearsightedness, and the genocide of valor.

The monarchial illuminati of social hierarchy and dehumanization strut of arrogance must give way to an escalation in conscientious reflection or condemnation of method relieving the constipation of civilization. Trading places soils the undergarments agitating the self-loathing incontinence of oppression when mutated inwardly but promoted outwardly. The rock and roll of struggle with the bull’s horns of deceit sounds the disharmony of belief, actions, and justifications.

We revere technological advancement while neglecting human development perpetuating sociologies, ideologies, and indoctrinations as relics of dubious distinction and probabilities. The untouchables of the Old World Order rolling loaded dice leaves baby still needing a new pair of shoes with us staring at snake eyes losing our humanity. The youth must lead a Future World Order abdicating the inheritance of ignorance, exploitation, and oppression.

Apostles of Deceit

              Thurston’s Thoughts

Behold the Pale Horse 

Apostles of Deceit

Theology is generally considered to be information regarding God and religion. Theology is accredited as a divine doctrine from a transcendental God-being directing the stipulations of our behavior for earthly blessings and a heavenly reward in the afterlife. The human aspect of following these instructions and implementing them is where the discrepancy of honoring them ruptures. So only by our words do we have an abundance of believers while our deeds reveal no scarcity of deceivers. Therefore, is it a problem of doctrine or deceit? Theological guidance or depraved behavior are demonstrated by the cloak of our actions.

The vast majority of people have a religious compass of belief governing their behavior. However, the veneer of religious affiliation often mask the consciousness it takes to feel like decent folk despite commissions to the contrary. At what point does a believer’s actions expose them as a situational believer incapable of restraint when tested? The profusion of religious righteousness escalates the arrogance of entitlement based on assimilation and proximity of common belief, circumstances, or objectives. The resulting tug of war absorbs those betrothed to capitulation by a hierarchy of condemnation whose humanity is judged summarily as less valuable by religious belief or culture.

Although the cattle brand of religious ideology is responsible for many wonderful things it also has instigated some of the most heinous acts ever committed. Conquest has always been the destructive gene of humanity, but ideological conquest is a mirage whose invasion is of a thought or belief. Thoughts cannot be exterminated by invasion, only the people holding them can. Thoughts must be persuaded just as beliefs are convinced. Conciliatory actions are the persuasion which convinces opinions fostering a truce of ideological hostilities. Accordingly, complementary actions must be sought instead of rhetoric of divisiveness prolonging conflicts whose resolution will not be by force or vengeance.

While force can be met with force, it must also be met with reason. Whereas vengeance belongs to the offended, similar to punishment and force it must not be measured by rage but by violation. The punishment must correspond to the offense for the reaction to be considered appropriate. Frustration, nationalism, or geo-politically influenced actions rarely exterminate ideologies, religious beliefs, or resentment. Still, the drawing of first blood incites blinders of justification validating retaliation, but not unrelenting vengeance exceeding the callousness of the provocation that initiated the retaliation.

Nevertheless, to abandon the core beliefs of one’s assertions betrayed by one’s actions invalidates either the core belief or the action. It is our ideological identity that binds us beyond geographical boundaries accept when geographically challenged. Then aggression, vengeance, or conquest overwhelms our humanity, beliefs, and convictions suspending the means justified to ruthlessly secure the ends. From biblical, ancestral, to historical conflicts an eye for an eye is a uniform equivalent as the reasonable consequences and complications for acts of transgression.

This medieval inhumanity takes up the pale horse weapons of the sword, famine, pestilence by violence, and animalistic thirst of human sacrifices to appease a justification of belief, outrage, or seizure by force, suffocation, or exploitation. So we are indeed constantly living in the last days of the apocalypse due to a penchant for power, control, and violence. Our masquerades of beliefs, morality, and echelons of humanity disrupts every ecosystem on earth and now even threatens beyond our stratosphere. So behold the pale horse of believers medieval weapons in hand accompanied by a twisted Ideological famine employing a philosophy of genocidal conquest and vengeance bolstered by the righteousness of subjectivity.

The Pale Horse of the apocalypse rode by death and followed by hades devouring humanity corrupts the north star guided by ideologies imbedded psychologically and sociologically. Religious and cultural differences are often the witches brew stirring atrocities shrouded by subjective validation. Therefore, contradictory actions makes beliefs questionable but deeds clear. The harmonic principles of stimulating war, starvation, or inhumanity while highbrow posturing reveals the sinister intent of the outcome and the wayward deeds to achieve it.

A sentiment galvanized and mass produced triggers a manipulated hysteria disengaging the method from the objective often leading to unconscionable subjugations of humanity. Those aligned with the perpetrators of such inhumanity also bear the burden and sins for their complicity in their commission. According to Leviticus 5:1 silence toward evil is accountable for those who remain silent. So the sin is equally attributed to the action and the silence that witness it. We are often motivated by our cultural affiliations, economics, or xenophobia to minimize our actions along with those who we hold allegiance.

Given the historical context of tenets of beliefs, especially the reigning doctrines, surely an ethical acknowledgement should extend to reciprocate the same humanity we expect for ourselves. The nucleus of an understanding is a concession to a settlement. Submitted by untenable circumstances, suppression, or decimation beyond contention orchestrating terms of survival leaves no room for options or concessions. However, it does amplifies the ideology sought to be exterminated beyond the margins inviting pervasive condemnation and contempt. 

The benefit of victory at the expense of the soul has been the traditional apocalyptic exchange pulverizing the mind and spirit to exercise dominance and intent. The P.R. campaign of history continues to unravel escalating conflicts instead of reevaluating the procession to clash and assigning name to deed. So, for the sake of brevity pardon me for my indirect appropriation. In terms of ideology and not identity, every belief system has its origin, journey, and circulation unique unto itself. Each distinctive expression represents the bylaws, if you will, representative of that belief or ideology.

Many of the reigning doctrines navigate the globe beyond language, culture, class, or geography making its ideological replication a thought amplified in theory and practice. As such, it is as fluid as it is pervasive beyond extermination. The aforementioned belief systems have survived many attempts to purge them for this reason, the robust rituals of religious and sociological integration. This ancestral uniformity of automated perceptions harkens of their ancient necessity and limitations but these ideological antiques of elapsed ignorance must be abandoned for future trajectory.

The resolution for the future is not in centuries and millennium old grievances, fallacies, or denials of their occurrence or repercussions. Integrity and candor identifies the solutions estimated by the adaptation to achieve its purpose. As many beliefs and celebrations or observances converge upon us this holy season, contemplate what yours are by doctrine similar to others. The semantics of each basis yields parallel principles of behavior regarding peace, love, and exemplary character. So, seemingly there is no discord by doctrine on preferred code of conduct or bylaw behavioral comparisons despite worship.

However, the renunciation and aspersions emerge from the contradictory conduct overriding the lofty directives and portrayals diametrically opposing the assertions of belief, intent, and character or prestige biblical, historical, or otherwise. The voyeuristic trance of the past is a fetish of regressed infantile development entombed by the expired limitations of knowledge and belief remaining confined to its expression and stagnation. In other words, having outgrown the play box and frivolous fascinations eager for exploration and expansion but restrained by nurture and circumstances. It is the essence and nature of survival, of life to seek development.

So, primitive perspectives adhering to a history repelling transformation consents to the tunnel vision of past discord. Self-preservation will always gravitate towards survival but so will errant beliefs and ideologies morphing their definition and intent to ensnare a host or parasitic devotion. These are those known by their words but exposed by their deeds. These are the trojan horses concealing the pale horse of destruction double crossing believers by hijacking the sincerity of a belief to hide among them. By their blasphemous contradictions of inhumanity, deceit, and destruction they corrupt the sanctity of the belief.

The plight of further generations entrusted to rectify the colosseum remnants of our stagnation, inhumanity, and ignorance will be to discontinue a legacy reduced to a rigid past rejecting a radiant future. Many worn out concepts, practices, and justifications prevent the invigorating possibilities of our transcendental progressions. The yellow brick road is a journey onward toward the conviction of our actions, words, and belief to be obvious in the unity of our conduct and humanity. The blueprint is known but the execution is still by guillotine instead of accomplishment.  

The deed identifies the doer and dogma or doctrine. Our sin is not of sight but of silence cajoling the apostles of deceit to discredit us by association to their betrayal of our belief and humanity. Consensus is not always popular and many times is silent until outrage is popular. So, who is being deceived, us, them, belief, or actions? Whichever, should not be determined by the sin of our silence or the silencing of our sin but the universal tenets of our shared beliefs. 

Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Table of Contents


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future   Anthem of Evolution 

  Introduction to Thurston’s Thoughts


A-  The Historical View                                               Part B-  Interpretation                      

A- Theory of Critical Race 20                       B- Distorted History  35                       

A- Absolute Certainty  50                              B- Most CeArtainly Did 62                     

A- To Tell the Truth 71                                  B- Pulling the Curtain 93.                    

A- Overdrawn Account 107                         B- The Big Payback 125                         

A- Twisted Reality 147                                  B- Madness to the Method 168         

A- Happy Emancipation  185                      B- Regifting Freedom Again  197      

A- Disturbing Display 220                          B- Hustling Backwards  237                

A- No N-word Allowed 259                         B- Speak no Evil, Do no Harm 270.   

A- Tactical Protest 293                                  B- Power to the Purpose 312.               

 Don’t Say It if We Don’t Mean It  346

 Hard Hat and a Lunch Pail  434

 Mindlessly Tethered  576

 Conclusion 587

 Appendix  601






Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Introduction

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Every so often, there is a seismic shift in circumstances brought about by a demand for change. Those who benefit most from change position themselves to capitalize upon that change. They then endeavor to maintain their advantage to sustain their benefit. But, the same is even more true for those adhering to the existing circumstances anticipating changes unfavorable to their concerns. It is the short-sighted cycle of selfish accumulation and consolidation without considering long-term implications or progress.

In an ironic twist, this hedonistic short-sightedness, selfish exploitation, and immediate gratification usually initiate the resulting demand for change. Figuratively milking the cow dry. The cycle feeds upon itself, continuing to circulate cleverly disguised with different variances of the same dynamic and sequence of results benefiting the usual suspects. Therefore, we must change the operational dynamics to alter the cycle and change the outcome.

The current process is constructed whereby there is no scenario where we, as Black people, collectively win. The odds are partly because our effort to shape the dynamic lacks definition and unity while facing staunch opposition. Speaking to power is vastly different from having authority. Speaking to power is more or less a formal complaint, while authority only exists to the extent it is recognized or exercised.

The objective is well defined in these terms on what shapes the narrative or dynamic. It is having power and speaking with authority. We need our power recognized to configure methods asserting authority to regulate our desired outcome. Primarily, the plight of our race is what is understood must not only be spoken but, to a more significant degree, demonstrated. The demonstration is not in organized protest or rioting but psychology and sociology. Let us systematically break down our constraints with brutal honesty, good, bad, or indifferent.

We must navigate a progressive path to acknowledge our power despite the history of slavery and any arising inferiority insinuations. The historical narrative has predominately focused on the dredges of slavery while ignoring or embezzling Black people’s achievements and contributions before, during, and after slavery. That narrative propagates inferiority to fill the void created by deception furthering the ignorance of white superiority and their insistence on Black subservience.

We should take an analytical approach to detect, identify, isolate, infiltrate, and dismantle our challenges regarding racism. So before any other considerations, it must first be determined what is the objective. Next, what are the strengths and vulnerabilities of the challenge? Then, how can the challenge be divided and overcome? Followed by what portion of the challenge must be prioritized and focused upon for maximum or strategic neutralization? Then finally, what will be installed in its place, and how will it be implemented to further achieve our objective?

The process will then come full circle, returning to the initial intent and evaluating it from its beginning to the acquisition of our objective. The subsequent actions are the steps needed to create any power-wielding authority or influence quantified by practical results. So, the starting point is to build power they cannot ignore. The goal in building it is a strong horizontal foundation. That is the strategic phase, but there is also the practical logistics of having the unity, personnel, and preparedness to accomplish the task.

Any movement starts in silence and thought, building a presence where the efforts cannot be snuffed out in its development or execution. Consequently, preparation creates resistance to collapse,  countering an anticipated condition or a predictable response based on contingency and method of implementation. A lesser power can withstand a more significant power when properly positioned to diminish the options and possibilities of opposition. Any concepts deployed must be applied using psychology and translated into sociological, political, and economic strategies.

Amazon Excerpts




Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Book Description

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Book Description 

Thurston presents a candid examination of the sociology of racism, modern social systems, primitive rituals, and religious manipulations cloaked in conformities of ignorance. This is a casual forensic inquiry of history, methodologies, ideologies, and consequences of racism, religion, and economics to formulate narratives leading to our modern challenges of divisiveness and conflict. The sanctity of ignorance must be individually and intellectually dissected for suggestive solutions and future perspectives to identify historical traps of distraction, dehumanization, and deceit.

The book’s goal is to stir discovery, self-evaluation, discussion, and the rejection of counter-productive ideologies, behaviors, and conformities designed for subjugation. Among the evaluations are suggestions for solutions understanding the context of time, genetic migration, economic motives, political influence, military conquest, spiritual corruption, and psychological captivity.

 Not surprisingly, these transcend race to maintain exploitation through servitude as essential to a ruling class heavily reliant upon etymological illiteracy. This anthem of evolution is a call to shed the mental shackles of forbidden curiosities and rational impossibilities. Dare to explore your beliefs as the iceberg of deception melts under factual scrutiny. This must have book is an expansive journey into the tip of this deception and ignorance binding us. Free your mind, un-shield your eyes, and hear clearly this resounding message.





Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- “African American”

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Excerpts regarding the term “African  American” 

Page 176

Otherwise, there is a distinction such as African American or minority, not of lesser numbers, but as disadvantaged. Never just American. The Olympics is the only time we are simply American. No other race or nationality are referenced by a land many of them never visited and ties dating back over four hundred years. They at least have a country instead of just a continent of origin. However, many have populated this country to have the interim title removed from their designation, simply being called Americans.

Undoubtedly, the ability to Americanize one’s image for easier assimilation diverts attention from themselves, especially by ostracizing others, particularly Black people. Those who arrived by immigration now bemoan immigrants while concealing apparent hints of their immigrant origins.  White and light complexion immigrants easily assimilate into the white culture or middle class and are excluded from adverse comparisons and discrimination. Once incorporated, they quickly develop no allowances for a diversity of perspectives or cultures not rejected by their new identity and cultural spectacles.

Their culture is surrendered in exchange for a new identity welcoming them to the Americanized white subgroup. Not having their identity stolen but surrendered, they fail to see the damage and trauma caused by never feeling or escaping the prolonged ostracization our people have faced. Regarding the “African American” plight, they don’t know the half of it. The sting of the whip or the noose around the neck of it. They instead become members of the system by white association. The system and the integration become indistinguishable.

People are molded to be inflexible and dismissive, while systems are designed rigidly but fickle. Taking the country back for conservative values is maintaining the violation of church and state for religious values to mandate legislative foundations supplementing sociological biases. These customary biases and identities are preferred as normal behavior well entrenched, while any deviation is abnormal or fearfully anticipated. The imbalance that produces their comfort disregards the aggrieved party’s demand for consideration, essentially minimizing and dismissing claims with indignant outrage.

The way it has been is prone to narcissistic impositions by rejecting the evolution of intolerance and discontent to instead embracing inclusion. The majority inclination has shifted from the majority ideology of controlling minority populations. Yet, the now racist minority ideology resists the changing times seeking to rule the majority. The ignorance of the past attempts to paralyze the present and remains opposed and fearful of future possibilities and expectations. Redefining the constructs of society, self-identity, and equality is deemed a threat.

Marginalized society is no longer happy with whatever scraps procured, instead wanting whatever possibilities and considerations advantaged white’s receives. Wanting equilibrium of opportunity and social treatment impartially available and applied. The contempt and discontent are prevalent and pervasive on many levels regarding a biased irrelevant and suppressive application or standard.

However, a stark difference exists, whether it is gender inequality, pay inequality, religious discrimination, educational gaps, healthcare deficiencies, lifestyle orientation, and many others, not just racial profiling and social injustices. Moreover, many deep traumas have been directed towards all subgroups not representative of the dominant controlling group despite being members of other dominant subgroups such as educated, male, or the double whammy, Black and female. Every subgroup has a learned behavior with defining expectations and benefits and is subjected to judgment from other subgroups’ prejudices.

However, the problem arises when it minimizes or infringes on another subgroup to be defined by the standards beneficial to the dominant subgroup. Thus preferences are common to all humans or specific taxon, but the exercise of dominance and privilege where none exist based upon a manipulated interpretation or advantage violates humanity. Continued practice of this violation is not a deterrent for change, it invites it by unfairness. On the contrary, it dictates perseverance because to concede is to assure the imbalance of identity, perspective, and privilege continues.

Page 389

I have a theory, maybe a wacky theory but follow me. Suppose we travel back far enough to the origin of life in Africa. Wouldn’t that make everyone walking the earth African and all Americans African American? Suppose all bi-racial people claim their presumably socially dominant racial identity instead of the lowest relegation of their racial identity. Wouldn’t that make them white if they so choose?

Sort of the reverse one-drop rule where one drop of white blood would make you white or whatever race contributed to your identity. If Canaan was made Black by Noah to curse his father, Ham, then can’t all Blacks claim to be White being descendants of the pure seed of Ham directly from Noah or Canaan when he was white? What about as a descendant of Adam? Genealogy allows for claims of many variations of race or identity.

Furthermore, if people can choose to be non-binary, a singular person can identify as plural, and anyone can be white then why can’t Blacks claim to be any race, even white or no race, as a matter of self-identity, even for government purposes? Why not if it is based on self-identification or ancient history? So what is African American? Is it a color, a lineage, or a classification that secretly segregates us as a distinction other than American?

Look at any government form; under white, it does not have any distinction outside the collective family of white, none indicating origins or lineage. Maybe, everyone’s identity should be an x on forms to eliminate race as a consideration. Makes me wonder if race or gender is even needed since it is questionable what benefits the distinction brings. Arguably, it is more used for discrimination. This could indicate that some re-evaluating needs to occur when these terms have or should have no bearing on determinations or qualifications. But let’s go to the deep waters.

Case in point, to some the greatest President of all times, 45, who claims the confederate heritage and an all-American persona grandfather and grandmother was born in Kallstadt. But he claims white, not German or European. It goes unquestioned and is acceptable because, quietly, most designations of white fall in the immigrant category of impersonating a legacy of American heritage.

My grandmothers and grandfathers were born in Mississippi and Georgia, but I need to claim African American. Their parents and grandparents were born in America. It is a sly segregationist distinction where Black and brown people are further diluted as people of color. These distinctions are misleading, ambiguous, or flat-out lies. We are relegated to a continent or hemisphere, while other races belong to a country, province, city, or culture.

Whites can be of any nationality to claim white. All dark complexion people are not directly from Africa, although all humanity is from Africa, so how far back are we going? If that make all Americans African American by ancestry, whereas a naturalized African would be what? African Americans too, regardless of color. If born in Africa and naturalized in America, that seems to make you African American more than Black. But what that would make you is knowing your natural heritage, which we cannot claim. Still, their struggle is not removed from ours, our reference point is simply different.

Therefore African American signifies unknown origins and lost heritage. How many claim America as their homeland and heritage to take back America? But their roots don’t go back as far as ours in America? They will claim the country but not the atrocities. That would make America ours before it was theirs by way of their immigrant legacy. We have been the N-word, coons, coloreds, negroes, blacks, people of color, and African Americans in the ever-shifting saga of our assigned identity. I claim Black with pride just as others claim their distinction, even confederate, but they refuse to claim squatter.

Black is a legacy American whose ancestors were subjected to slavery, reminding me of my obligation to not defile their sacrifices and tribulations. The analogy is often inconsistent when attempting to retrofit an identity or association. By that metric, is there such thing as Confederate American or Immigrant American according to their heritage and ancestry? Most whites are of immigrant origins compared to descendants of slaves, but they also arrived on a boat, most after us. African American is furthering an insidious distinction that undermines the concept of equality. Minority applies to everyone from Black people to gender, disability, religion, and soon-to-be white in approximately thirty years.

Race is a delusion of numbers and classifications by disproportionate criteria. The technical distinctions defy logic while casually applied. By designation, the census and office of OMB consider African Americans to be anyone whose ancestors’ origins are traced back to the lower regions of Africa, below the northern portion or sub-Saharan. I would imagine even indirectly from another land. So realistically, African American is a polite way to say slave descendant. Everyone else on the globe can be considered white, even if from Africa.

By definition, it is firmly consistent a dark complexion person or so-called Black from the northern part of Africa is white by geography. So with the geographical origins set by that criteria, how does anyone else become classified as African American if not by color? The spectrum of color variations in all lands further extracts light complexion appeal as the overwhelming and overriding criteria simulating whiteness but not by geography. So by geographical designation as evidence, it reveals in general not where they hijacked us from but a dark skin aversion.

By the same curiosity, what slave trade or immigration globally have others undergone in four hundred and fifty years? Does it reflect their geographical origins for direct comparison to ours during the same period? That changes many things in the world, but many it doesn’t change. Globally connect the systems, ideological cultivations, and echoing beliefs throughout that time for an accurate portrait of comparison. From origin to evolution, follow the continuity of repetition over time. The repetition of time cast its shadow as truth without breath possessing only time with more assumed than spoken.

Page 399

This brings it back full circle to the descendant from slavery labeling disguised as African American. Maybe they need to know to exclude us rather than ensure we are included. White includes every light complexion nationality without further distinction whereby they are incorporated by deceptive but established means regardless of time or history in America. Skin tone grants automatic membership and privileges from day one. This is also true for other darker complexion nationalities so long as they are not Black.

Page 401

It would then seem culture not colorism is at play. It also confirms white is more of a social status of inclusion not a race. With African American meaning the descendant of slaves and white meaning everyone else, including descendants of slave owners, it also denotes us not being accepted as belonging on or from this land. White exclaim they need to take their country back, but it was inhabited when they arrived, but no mention of returning it and definitely not vacating it. But, we are welcome to return by boat to Africa when we have been here before almost everyone saying we don’t belong.

Relocated by slavery, our designation is the closest estimation of commonality, Africa, even if over four hundred years ago or more. But, African American also denotes being of unknown origins or lineage from a miscellaneous bin of humanity. It gets confusing because white is miscellaneously composed and defined only by what has not been included, Black people, ignoring genealogy. African American is an oxymoron. Africans suggest we don’t belong here, and American likewise suggest we don’t belong there. Yet, we are tolerated in America as orphans with no specific nationality or ancestral identity.

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation

Sub Heading 4

Generate custom solutions with the possibility to create synergy. Amplify outside the box thinking yet be on brand.

Link 4

Sub Heading 5

Demonstrating sprints in order to innovate. Build innovation to innovate. Drive outside the box thinking and try to think outside the box.

Link 5

Sub Heading 6

Leverage cloud computing but funnel users. Repurposing stakeholder management yet think outside the box. Grow core competencies with a goal to re-target key demographics.

Link 6

Sub Heading 7

Generate custom solutions with the possibility to create synergy. Amplify outside the box thinking yet be on brand.

Link 7

Sub Heading 8

Demonstrating sprints in order to innovate. Build innovation to innovate. Drive outside the box thinking and try to think outside the box.

Link 8

Sub Heading 9

Leverage cloud computing but funnel users. Repurposing stakeholder management yet think outside the box. Grow core competencies with a goal to re-target key demographics.

Link 9

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Economic Captivity

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation is provisional freedom under imposed conditions of autocratic approval. The context of current African events, post-transatlantic slave history, and historical geopolitical atrocities of ideologies long ago presumed abolished still flourishes. Attempts to hide its presence and purpose only expose the ideology’s modus operandi aligned with its prime objective.

So, any glare of scrutiny reveals the deformity of imposed arrangements that accomplish the same result but by far more insidiously disguised methods. The circumference of a circle is the radius of all it encompasses. An ideology’s radius is not full circle because, as various methods may have run their course, the philosophy rotates around its axis tethered to its origin.

Therefore, the ideology has only completed a cycle along its radius. The contemporary cosmetic makeover of exploitation and oppression are inheritances of racism. The liberation from imperialism, colonialism, and captivity is once again substituted with delusions of inclusion, blatant exploitation, and indiscriminate subjugation.

The names and locations remain the same while the method and degree of severity are metered to the level of tolerance, vulnerability, or coercively incentivized leverage. The political and economic arm-twisting extortion is an autonomy and resource shakedown of rippling proportions and stagnation.

Many may suspect this is a reference to their location and circumstances. However true that may be, this is a reference to where, for many of us, the larceny all began in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, there is no need to regurgitate centuries of slavery’s atrocities. History is often viewed as the past and negligently absent of the radius of current events.

So, let’s focus on global diplomacy, specifically between 1884 and 1960, dictating the current events. This modern enslavement ideology incognito manifesto is either captivity by economic dependency or suffocation by debilitating sanctions. It is not a ghost or a vile resurrection but, despite denials, a sinister sequel for all to see.

The historical colonialist ideology and ominous expression are evident in the many intrusions currently occurring in Africa. These violations are globally and intentionally omitted and reduced by political propaganda, instigated instability, and guided distractions.

Still, nonetheless, briefly suspending the subjectivity of our reality to assess recent rumblings in Africa objectively reveals the supremacy ideology’s naked encroachment. It is a political, economic, and sociological macrocosm of the historical microcosmic racist replication in practice.

These are global incursions from decisions made not so long ago significantly contributing to global and regional conflicts and abuses of today. These incursions are not ancient history or geriatric grievances but modern-day dilemmas and devastation vindicated by antiquated reasonings. The despicable resumes, characters, and motivations of these social architects and their intent are generally unquestioned but not always known.

The current supposedly diplomatic process reflects the lack of diplomacy in its original purpose. This diplomacy of extortion and extraction has endured time and alteration. The current arrangement generates and sustains insatiable foreign interest, stifling African countries and the whole continent. Obviously, fairness is not considered good diplomacy.

Africa’s stipend from the benefits and development of their resources and wealth accumulation are geo-politically regulated as a domino effect of chattel slavery in practice and ideology adjusted for modern times. So, moving swiftly through history, the foundational premise for current consideration is the present geopolitical disorder in Africa.

The current cycle of historical revelations in Africa is inherited from atrocities committed primarily in the 1900s and well within the range of two generations. The precursor was established in about 1883, including Otto Von Bismarck of Prussia and Germany, “the butcher of the Congo” King Leopold II of Belgium, and The Berlin Conference.

They are the ignition for both world wars, the formation of NATO and the UN, Apartheid, and the current model of economic mugging of the Sub-Saharan African continent. It is characterized by developmental strangulation, pilfering fiscal policies, and embezzlement of political sovereignty. This mugging causes and regulates the stagnation of African progress, infrastructure, and self-determination.

This imperialist coalition and mentality of racist geopolitical directives are internationally and openly tolerated. So, by the strict definitions and mechanisms of superiority psychosis, crimes against humanity, and economic asphyxiation, we can properly establish the lingering geopolitical impact creating the present economic and sociological conditions in Africa and beyond.

Conditions of instability and intentional manipulation orchestrate the question to fit the answer. Instability is the smokescreen offering few options. But does the instability cause the need, or is it created to justify it? Ask yourself, whose objectives are realized? The imbalance reveals the answer as an exploitive business and social blueprint.

These flagrant violations are blatantly displayed strutting across the global stage. These fundamental global observations of current world events mirror many of history’s rogue ideologies. The principles of liberation are only remotely reflected in contemporary political and fiscal dealings with countries in Africa. Examine the practice and principle for the method and mandate.

A brief overview of the policies causing the destabilization of the Sahel region can only be by predisposed social and fiscal design. The coincidental subsidies siphoned reveal a shameful narrative of malicious oppression and subversion. This sabotage cultivates a fertile cycle of social hardship, resource depletion, and wealth heist.

What is the accumulated wealth depletion? Under the promises and cloak of democracy, international assistance, regional development, and security support, the price is no longer worth it. Often, the ulterior motives of exploitation are concealed by smiling faces, glad hands, and righteous postures. The economic three-card monte game slithers as a vicious predator amidst a vulnerable reliance of little resort.

Subsequently, history repeats itself as expectations have again proven to be a fleeting friend and dependency a fatal flaw. The geopolitical coalitions formulated then are still definitively shaping the global landscape. So, let’s explore recent history and present implications to analyze the objectives, methods, and consequences critically.

The vast and tangled web of this foundational diagram is the Berlin Conference or Congo Conference in 1884. It established territorial boundaries, regulated the orderly post-colonialization of Africa, and expulsion of fiscal and political autonomy. This is, by all accounts, allegedly post-chattel slavery.

Otto Von Bismarck, who was the seminal inspiration for Adolf Hitler, assembled the conference. Hitler aspired to return Germany to the greatness it possessed under Bismarck and in rebuke to the crippling Treaty of Versailles. Bismarck believed in blood and iron diplomacy as coercive persuasion for German unification and expansion by conquest, as later did Hitler.

Hitler’s racist inclinations and hatred were significantly honed by the twisted Aryan sentiments of Sir William Jones, Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, and Johann Gottlieb Fichte under Bismarck’s shadow. A direct ideological lineage can be connected from them to Germany’s role in both world wars. Bismarck’s temperature was conquered by all means, similar to the Doctrine of Discovery and several Papal Bull decrees of the Church.

The following century plus of global racism and predatory arrangements were influenced accordingly, especially in the southern hemisphere. European imperialism and Aryan proclivities and immoralities of global parasitic psychosis were disguised and deployed once again. History obscures the significance of Bismarck’s ravage on Africa by bolstering his value to Germany and Europe fostered by a cooperative effort to divvy up and occupy Africa.

The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) hosted by Bismarck at the request of Portugal was mostly to referee trade routes and territorial rights of European intruders pursuing imperialistic conquest in Africa. Next, enter Leopold II, who was appointed ruler of this region, ushering in a revitalized level of brutality and exploitation, including genocide, mutilation, and abduction to compel slave labor.

Leopold killed over ten million Africans as well as the dismemberment of children. Remember, this is not over four hundred years ago but a little over one hundred years ago in the early 1900’s. Ironically, a change in geopolitical appetite ended Leopold’s reign of terror in Africa.

The next period in Europe witnessed a scavenging instability the conference sought to rectify. During the 1910s, the feeding frenzy of ambition and consolidation led to WWI (1914-1918). The conclusion of WWI resulted in Germany being liable and gutted by penalty and debt.

This debilitating condition created the perfect political storm for the rise of the Third Reich, ultimately leading to WWII (1939-1945) and the 1938 Time Magazine Man of the Year’s campaign of anarchy. Diplomatically, the combustive period of the 1910s to 1960 experienced global unrest and unabated conquest.

The incidents of sanctioned consolidation blossomed with the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the Monroe Doctrine (1923), the United Nations (1945), Apartheid (1948), NATO (1949), and many more alliances to consolidate global dominance and control by asserting their dogmatic ideology. It is regulated by power, greed, and imperialistic arrogance. 

The lingering ideologies span the preceding beliefs and prevailing interpretations, postulations, and fabrications of Jones, de Gobineau, and Fichte’s entitlements of imperialistic excuses and misconceptions. Consequently, a post-WWII reality exposing the freedom and democracy protecting hooligans reveals the continuation of the same ideology supplanted by a revised explanation.

The global application is directed primarily at former colonies of colonialism, territories of conquest, and long-suffering lands of predatory exploitation despite their so-called liberation. Even after independence, the global colonizers continued to maintain authority and undue influence, similar to Jim Crow.

The ideology is the enslaver, while the act is the blunt instrument of submission such as force, debt, under-development, geopolitics, and many others to subvert liberation. Liberation is mainly granted to a degree of fading adherence or Africa’s inability to wiggle out from under manufactured obstructions and challenges. Liberation has proven elusive and transactional, although dated for reference.

Mali (1960 France), Niger (1960 France), South Africa (1994 Nationalist Party, 1961 Britain), Libya (1951 Britain) Chad (1961 France), Burkina Faso (1960 France), Ghana (1957 Britain), Guinea (1958 France, 1973 Portugal), Senegal (1960 France), Nigeria (1960 Britain), Namibia (1990 South African Apartheid), and Botswana (1966 Britain).

Unfortunately, there are many more countries in Africa and globally whose presumed liberation is reasonably recent or ignored. Furthermore, this formula is applied unilaterally against those not protected by the coalition of power and privilege.

The trajectory of favor produces drastically different narratives. Therefore, some countries’ liberation and sovereignty are embraced while others are summarily dismissed according to the whims of power. But often and coincidentally, by a spectrum of melanin and lineage.

Without the blessings of power, liberation is granted but conditionally recognized. Therefore, the spin cycle of covert oppression is overtly perpetuated, and violations are disregarded not according to statute but to status. Still, many of Africa’s “liberations” between the fifties and the nineties reveal many such arbitrary emancipations.

That is only twenty-nine to seventy-two years ago. Although relatively modern, it’s been plenty of time for liberation to take hold. So, a current analysis substantiates that the de facto bondages, abuses, and exploitations are deliberately continued. Many African countries are currently members of ECOWAS under French patronage.

This voluntary arrangement is enforced by multi-national troops and NATO as international police serving as the foreign interest protecting muscle. The crux of the problem betrays a voluntary arrangement because why is military force threatened if a sovereign liberated nation wants to withdraw?

Are disrupting food, restricting airspace, isolating by embargo, and imposing electricity sanctions a diplomatic response? A humanitarian response? A Geneva Convention response? Likewise, where is the international outrage? Why does French interest supersede Niger’s best interest in Niger?

Apparently, the swindling of African resources is far more welcomed in France than the African. Why do America and others unflinchingly support France in this mugging of Africa? But, heaven forbid a foreign government would interfere with American or French sovereignty. 

Yet, by comparison, European countries and others are conversely supported with billions in aid and weapons. Their sovereignty and liberty are almost unilaterally supported. So, the global defenders of justice, democracy, and liberation must deem these African countries’ autonomy or arrangements differently from Europeans.

The aid, unconditional support, enabling of abuses, selective enforcement of rights, and wavering fairness overwhelmingly indicate a distinct pattern. Many African nations’ plights are interchangeable, while France’s pattern and reputation is as a devoted offender by plunder, oppression, and history.

The specifics are unconscionable but obviously not inconceivable. France is grandfathered into power as a courtesy of their history and geopolitical maneuverings more than their current military prowess. They are a permanent member of the UN Security Council for this reason. 

They are core obstructionist to sanctions unfavorable to their aligned axis of abuses. As a result, France enjoys certain immunities as a curtsey to a global political façade strung out dependent on resources extracted from Africa. Africa literally keeps the lights on in France and contributes significantly to France’s wealth and prestige.

Therefore, France’s stature is mostly a bloated facade of nostalgic political romanticism and self-aggrandizing hypocrisy. As a pseudo-former slave trader craving Africa’s resources more than the chattel of old in an evolving world where African natural resources are so vital to many, France is unscrupulous.

So-called diplomacy and manipulated desperation are the briefcases for being triple-crossed into coerced seductions and reluctant solicitations as the preferred negotiating manner. But, the lurking method is brute force if disruption threatens foreign ulterior motives.

In particular, France, as a former colonizer, becomes the ECOWAS country’s current overseer, straw-bossing these African estate’s prosperity. The problem has become the improbable solution, except the improbable solution has always been the problem. The international hooligans and their transgressions must be judged by today’s standards when their incriminations are now being committed.

These are by fact, history, and current occurrences executed under autocratic rules and an exploitive ideology dressed a little better and more refined. A staunch unity of humanity, race, religion, decency, and consciousness must reject these exploitations and abuses conducted in any name, nationalism, anger, religion, or ignorance.

What is done to the least of us in the name of most of us takes no courage, just an advantage of power and a depraved mentality. But, dare we expand ourselves from our peepholes and illuminate the undeniable shackles of oppression still panoramically hobbling Africa and others? It is an insult to everyone’s humanity and integrity except for those whose self-identifying sadistic palette requires atrocities.

In which case, Bon Appetit, because atrocities abound. By our resolute and vehement condemnation, all must denounce any appetite for subjugation under any banner claiming any level of fairness, justice, integrity, or humanity. Should not inhumanity be inhumanity despite who commits it? 

Many African Nation’s recent declarations of sovereignty are, in reality, liberation from an ideology whose captivity, abuses, and destruction has spanned hundreds of years. So, despite mainstream national and international media disinterest in African geopolitics and exploitation, we must summon the courage to look, listen, investigate, and analyze the facts.

We must express outrage and categorically condemn these breaches of fundamental sovereignty and humanity. They are destined to invite more direct and collateral damage than actual benefit if not stopped. Consider it far less courage than the courage needed to struggle for economic survival, defend political sovereignty, or declare humanity under multi-national threat.

By what legitimate means does the divine right of life absent oppression not extend to all? Genocide by sanctions, pseudo-diplomacy, or briefcase is no different than by brutality except the method but not the consequence or culpability.

So, like many others, the African must continue to summon the nobility of spirit and identity, which is the foundation of courage. The courage to not self-sabotage, submit to adversity, or enticing hallucinations of empty promises of progress. To take courage in hand and chest to stand resolute in unity and not to repeat the actions of tribalism and feuding that led to our ancestral division and enslavement.

Africa must protect Africa as primarily a solidarity of common purpose, not a separation by differences. Standing unified with your neighbors, although you may have internal disputes to be settled amongst yourself. Africans must not rise up against Africans, period, especially for France. 

The legendary Nigerian must stand with its legacy of pride intact, remembering that last time, it didn’t stop until it was everyone. ECOWAS is what you do if you choose to, but AFRICAN is WHO you are. Be extremely careful of the tool of enslavement using you against you while the puppet master pulls the strings. European commanders used Africans to commit atrocities against other Africans for the misguided benefit of the conquerors.

History only repeats itself where it was not learned the previous time. Now ECOWAS is poised to sanction and threaten an attack on other Africans for the insult of France? After all, has France not committed an insult against Africa? Whose insult is greater, liberation or exploitation?

America recently has experienced a series of labor disputes and strikes to force negotiations for better labor conditions. Is this not also a labor dispute to demand negotiations according to profit and contributions? Why would war, military force, or starvation be the counteroffer to a legitimate labor concern?

If a laborer cannot withdraw their time, exertions, or resources for inadequate compensation, are they liberated? Undoubtedly, the democratic world can applaud and support such an inalienable right and rebellion against tyranny inspired by America’s revolution from British oppression centuries ago.

Seemingly, the African/French arrangement is past its cycle, and the rubber must finally hit the road. It is time for African liberation to display the essence and substance of principle and prosperity with the same terms, conditions, and respect as everyone else. Our actions must negotiate our appraisal and our compromise, not obstruct our autonomy.

Unity of purpose is awakened in Alkebulan to end it where it began. France and the bandits that incite Africa’s oppression and instability must encounter Africa’s unified self-reliance and resistance. Presented as a boulder to broker the best probabilities by collective bargaining of resources. The usual cycle of redistribution by war disguised as a fathom threat, political necessity, or humanitarian purpose of last resort must be avoided.

War reallocates wealth, wealth encourages deprivation, deprivation breeds poverty, poverty attracts subjugation, and subjugation erects justification, which triggers mutual resentment. This cycle causes a reset to protect fiscal, political, and ideological advantages, leading to conflict and resistance opposing change to maintain control and promote stagnation.

These spin cycles of socio-economic agendas transcend national accountability and bootstrapping it to the top. Their imposition generates pretexts by historical controls of coalitions and manipulations. The problem can’t become the answer, while the answer becomes the question, allowing liability and obligation to switch polarities.

The bait and switch follows a prescribed pattern of deceit. When the hidden sponsor of chaos is the savior from that chaos, it insulates the sponsor to prolong the chaos. The deception is a savior’s hologram easily manipulated.

Notwithstanding the previous “liberations,” the ECOWAS is the Economic Community of West African States with fifteen members. It is an economic trade council fostering self-sufficiency through member cooperation, which some members also threaten war and destruction on other members seeking autonomy from France.

The ECOWAS states official languages are French, English, and Portuguese. It is ironic how language reveals past conquests and lingering influences or, more precisely, ideological exposures. African economic stability and development rest on eliminating these influences fiscally and ideologically. 

The African must collectively regulate legacy resources such as gold as other nations do oil, as a true coalition of interests intertwined for African development and prosperity. Any great reward at a future time requires current sacrifice. However, curving time to future prosperity must be geared towards a future time of anticipation and innovation. 

Uranium, Lithium, Cobalt, and other resources are essential for the projected future. But they are also the currency and social exchange for immediate self-sufficiency and development. Unity aligned with strategic coalitions to accelerate facilitating development can be leveraged simply by AFRICA’S protection of its resources.

That is now what the marauders seek. The key is figuring out how to keep from being slapped down in the reinvestment of African capital concentrated comprehensively to produce the industry and infrastructure by tactical economic and political calculation.

The invigoration of African progress is society motivation, investment stimulation, and prosperity accumulation. The difference is these African contributions cost less sacrifice than the arrangement with France, which benefits very few Africans. Besides, any African reinvestment venture swells the African pot for African harvest.

France’s current portfolio, resume, and policy regarding the ECOWAS nations in the year 2023 demonstrate strains of colonialist treachery. What does France provide for what it receives? The gold, uranium, and other resources alone are not enough. France also requires the use of French currency, the French central bank, a military presence, their language, culture, educational indoctrination, and defacing of self-identity.

To strip people of their identity is to assign one to them. Economically suppressing a people by deprivation, scarcity, or regulation of necessities solidifies the population’s dependency. The nation’s dependency is achieved by debt and underdevelopment concealed as hope. Therefore, the misconception of assistance is the trap of dependency multiplied by fifteen countries and an entire region.

There has been some progress and benefit, but the arrangement now has been rejected. The routine plight of the ECOWAS nations striving to grasp the prize always held just out of reach along with the fruits of their wealth generation is over. Some ECOWAS nations are among the poorest nations in the world. This poverty exists despite the richness of natural resources, which repeatedly and disproportionately do not benefit them.

By the way, the United States has a military base in Niger and an unconditional full diplomatic support for France. With France, the United States, and others present in Niger for years now, why has terrorist not been neutralized? If terrorists are causing the instability, would increasing the stability depend on decreasing the terrorists? So, the continuing instability justifies the foreign presence.

Likewise, by extenuation, are the terrorists serving a purpose? Without them, another reason for occupation must be contrived. Nevertheless, the web still spirals. The cloak of global domination and power has proven to be too irresistible and problematic a garment to shed. So it continues. Consequently, the chaos of conquest continues unabated but not undetectable.

Evidently, other major global players of dysfunctional concealments, such as the IMF, World Bank, United Nations, and NATO, provide cover, proving justice must truly be blind. Accomplices are the World Courts of Human Rights, economic councils, international courts, and many others by selective outrage, hollow authority, or cowardly apathy. 

Apparently, by observation, their mission statements are selectively applied, willfully ignored, or, worst, illicitly complicit. Authority absolved cannot overlook, facilitate, concede, or commit the very violations they were created to adjudicate, oppose, penalize, or eliminate, even if they don’t enforce them.

They are not part of the solution but protectors of the problem, which now includes them. These co-collaborators weld fiscal, governmental, judicial, or humanitarian malfeasance to administer buddy passes, winks, and nods of acquiescence. These co-collaborators ignore violations or facilitate abuses as guardians shielding the violators and their interests.

IMF’s purpose is monetary stabilization of currencies, growth, and prosperity. Still, it fosters debt and allows policies contrary to its purpose. The World Bank fights poverty through development and capital investment but is plagued by favoritism and curious transactions.

The UN has disappointed miserably in its purpose of international peace and security by forsaking human rights and humanitarian compassion while seemingly oblivious to economic, ethnic, and sovereign violations. International law and fairness are decimated by the collusion of powerful security council nations and some others’ partiality preventing unilateral accountability, sanctions, or actions of remedy by a singular vote of obstruction.

Too often, NATO is the antithesis of crisis management by fostering instability, crisis, and exploitation. Their force is the puppet master’s shield and sword protecting fraudulent interests based on illegitimate geopolitical agendas. Many other international organizations are paper tigers with hollow authority or little fortitude, but must their voice or outrage also be hollow?

The answer is apparently very hollow and discretionary, depending on who the offender or victim may be. This moral corruption discredits and sabotages the integrity of the process and intent by selective enforcement and colonial alliances of imperialistic mentalities. France, Britain, and the United States have stirred the pot of oppression for centuries. 

Not to isolate them from other foreign marauders like Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Belgium by misdeeds but only by current power to orchestrate massive instability, predatory obstructions, and authoritarian directives. ECOWAS nations yield fifty percent of their gold to France’s central bank for the privilege of being exploited by the mandatory use of the French Franc.

Now imagine all these international organizations being unaware of France’s bevy of violations. What can be the only logical answer? Even the clear-cut declarations of the Geneva Convention violations are ignored without a whimper of international outrage. I wonder if the loophole is only if war is declared or not.

To further the discrepancy, a different response and reasoning is applied for the same circumstances committed by a different group. For example, Niger’s coup was against its leader. Still, France swole up offended by a liberated country they have no legitimate proxy over. Yet, rebuking France’s colonialist residue is considered an assault on France.

War is inhumane, but exploitation and inhumanity are a declaration of or an invitation to war, which eventually results in conflict and resistance as the only options. However, a staunch back with courage intact can be the only answer if it is the only solution. The imperialistic exploitation of supremacy ideologies of the early twentieth century cycles out as its grip of global ignorance wanes.

So, consider the impact on France’s fiscal stability, the Olympic Games in France in 2024, the denouncing of colonialist proclivities of greed and exploitation, or the default futility of a piranha-like feeding frenzy of aggression defending the indefensible. France must decide since they left Africa no other choice, but now France’s choices are limited to African decisions.

This is an economic and moral dilemma for France and their dependency on exploiting resources and a fifty percent gold tariff on the ECOWAS. It is time to renegotiate the terms, diplomatically, of course. Ultimately, French etiquette must prevail unconditionally, yielding to African political sovereignty, fiscal resuscitation, and wealth retention.

Otherwise, the emerging projection is a global conflict and regional instability to maintain a century-old imperialistic Bismarck ideology of a world structure and perspective that no longer can exist or should exist. The time has certainly come to weigh the consequences. Time is not in a bottle of old but urgently upon us. Now, the answer to this has become the question.

In whose name can France be defended? Not even Bismarck’s name. Please make no mistake about it, Africa’s incarcerated liberation continues the racist colonialist ideology rooted not only in history but right before our eyes. It is crystal clear for those who would only take a glancing look.

 Are these the kind of policies or actions, regardless of the ethnicity of the victim, we can condone to protect the economic exploitation of a sizable portion of a continent and humanity? This geopolitical slavery is not from long ago or unknown, so all that remains is liberation in practice and observance. 

Liberation is not transactional as a reflection of fiscal, political, or cultural surrender but a declaration of humanity. History will bear witness to us as it has stood against those before us. We must recognize the unilateral sovereignty and humanity of others to ensure ours. The passion is in the persuasion and not the perspective.

It undoubtedly should not be punishment for daring to better African nations with African resources. Everyone else not oppressed is allowed, and now so will Africa, not by permission but by declaration. Today, a clash of history, ethnicity, religion, or ideology must not devolve into a default response of destruction or display of power but cooperation and compromise of persuasion.

The world is trembling from the addiction to inhumanity and exploitation that must address the compulsions of ignorant ideologies promoting inhumane directives. Otherwise, resentment, rebuke, and rebellion are inevitable. Any apprentice of power must know, eventually, that the dignity of rebellion swells the courage to rise up, transcending fear and control.

The courage to resist instead of cowering in the safety of servitude and exploitation is intrinsic when pushed to the brink. We should all be afraid of what or who we will become if we are indifferent to the plight of others either by our hand, on our behalf, or in our view. But equally important, who are they made to become by us? Life and dignity of life must be mutually maintained.

The world is quick and definitive to stand with others. Perhaps it is time for the radius of concern to encompass the African. If not, don’t cry about who does or when ties are severed. That cycle is over. A new cycle has begun. Now, who dares stand with Africa and Justice against atrocities of geopolitical extortion? I do, do you?




Crimes Against Humanity The Extended Reality

Hard but True, Raw but Real

Let’s get down to business removed from the political correctness and pretense of social graces to speak openly without regard for contrived moral consciousness, forced remorse, or unwilling accountability.

Instead, let‘s put everything on the table out in the open to analyze everything regarding present and future projections regarding racism and discrimination.

Strictly speaking, it is a culmination of psychological conditioning, economic exploitation, and opposed interest which stubbornly continues similar to an addiction to delusion. The delusional obsession is to an entitlement of preferential accommodations and self-image of superior character selfishly pursued at the expense of all others not in your identifying group.

Blacks seemed suitable and were easily identified by their dark skin tone for exclusion. Your subgroup sustaining a subculture of suppression while claiming to be above all groups of animals and humans at the self-proclaimed pinnacle of the biological chain.

Thereby elevating your subgroup above all others by standing hoisted high upon your artificially privileged advantage, looming above all creation. It is like the great Oz, who was not the all-powerful portrayed but a sniveling insecure little round man hiding behind a curtain of vulnerability pretending to be invincible. This created great fear and respect as long as the curtain remained closed.

Pulling the curtain back reveals the fear and inadequacies that lead to the need for and continuation of this façade. Without this belief and confronted by reality, the acceptance of no such advantage before God or man means the masquerade is up. This creates the stubborn need to refuse to relinquish that idea because it is the core of your being, your identity.

It is shocking to your core and psychologically devastating to deny the foundation of your beliefs despite overwhelming evidence that it is not valid. Further, to admit your atrocities committed to cheating your way to the top is inconceivable to the psyche, so the ramifications are minimized.

That only leaves one alternative: denying its benefits and doing everything to keep it going; otherwise, the image is shattered, and so are you. It then becomes a desperation of survival where racism and discrimination must continue. To remove them would be symbolically likened to removing your air, but literally, your attitude of superiority is closely followed by its advantages.

Furthermore, the diminishing of your future demographic advantage brought about by fewer babies born per family while you are ambitiously pursuing wealth and careers. Finally, considering inter-racial relationships of all kinds, sexual alternatives without procreation, and the death of staunch racist ideological individuals over time lends itself to a bleak racist demographic projection.

The continuation of this projection is not favorable to the white male dominancy of society. The white male historically had no consideration for anyone, including the white female, with one exception: inclusion when and to the degree that you were needed to sustain their position.

Now their reckless actions have had unintended results that have undermined the very purpose they sought to preserve. Now it is a crisis of survival thirty to fifty years down the road from now. Change has long been set in motion, and change is coming. Adaptation to change has always been the key to survival, and survival reliant upon cooperation within the species.

I am not under the illusion that racism is about to end anytime soon but will allow for the whimsical notion that the ideological DNA of some individuals bent on racism or their survival dependent on racism may abandon it.

The glacier shift of the racist collective to be persuaded of the benefit for themselves in changing their unjust perspectives, the closer integration of racial identifiers and similarities, the demise of bigots, and discouragement by the punitive connotations attached are the mitigating factors for change.

There is no easy way to say it and no need to sugar coat it in the context of history if judged by the last hundred years and the next hundred years. A little over a hundred years ago, in 1906, it was acceptable to daily put a black pigmy named Ota Benga in a cage with monkeys in the Bronx Zoo on display to visually convince the public of the animalistic nature and close proximity of blacks to animals.

This undoubtedly contributed to his eventual suicide but definitely even more lasting was the effect it must have had on whites who witnessed it. The New York Times wrote in support of this barbarity as basic eugenics on displaying the missing link for perpetuating myths and stereotypes to be taken as fact.

There can be no misconception that there have always been decent and compassionate whites who have denounced slavery, racism, and discrimination. Over time their numbers have increased to the present multi-race coalition in solidarity with blacks about the horrendous treatment endured with the necessity to end it and install equality.

It is an advantage and privilege that they do not want or need at the immoral expense of other human beings. The key to committing these atrocities is to devalue, reduce, and dehumanize your victims to a deserving or irrelevant position unworthy of empathy or compassion. But the question then becomes who appointed you to make such a determination.

You see, that is where religion and other forms of reinforcement and repetition are applied to believe and validate anything to defend and promote their belief, no matter how sanctimonious and preposterous the justification may be.

The elements of this twisted reality are a classic example of schizophrenic behavior, where their self-perceived contradiction to and diversion from reality morphs into a nightmarish fragmentation permitting unthinkable behavior and lack of willful remorse, making it easy to repeat.

The extreme aggression, savage demeanor, and arrogant defense of the atrocities committed under the guise of conservative Christian values go without saying that they would appear to be contrary to any actions a Christian not suffering from extreme mental illness would ever commit. 

Compound that by its pervasive nature, and it reveals a group brainwashing seemingly under demonic psychological indoctrination resulting in mental slavery to racism powerless to resist its destructive programming. 

A programmed compulsion of righteous evil and disregard for actions expecting no consequences. The portrayal of blacks as savage, dangerous, sexual predators, stupid, animalistic, and the list goes on and on serves to conceal the depravity of the accuser when their actions are compared against the accused.

The racial slur “coon” has its origins in hunting and killing human beings for fun. How could the indiscriminate murder, enslavement, beatings, and rape of blacks not be more indicative of the savage provoking tendencies of whites claiming to be civilized? Now, who has demonstrated the absolute savage and animalistic predator actions of a barbaric inclination if not whites?

The transference of these ghastly behaviors, which are identifiably one-sided against blacks, serves as the propaganda-driven denial of the racist incubation reflected by whites without concealment. Just educate yourself on the extent and practices to better understand both sides’ journey and current condition.

Rejection of the facts may be the only way to align yourself with the insanity and brutal reality blacks have faced at the hand of whites in this country. The dehumanizing realization of white atrocities is understandably frightening to whites wondering how people can be treated so viciously and still stand for the flag, defend the country, and endure the bullshit.

Patriotism is the current code for allegiance to inequality and misplaced blame on others for actions and disappointments resulting from your own miscalculations. Exclusively claim to be the only guardians of patriotism has resulted in an erosion of its principles by the mangling of its meaning, application, and demonstration.

Forced adherence to your manipulation of superiority into patriotism on anyone who does not look like you has had the effect of creating resistance to something which was never a point of contention. It has always been inequality.

The current fervor of voting rights is more aligned with voter suppression than voter fraud because the day has passed when you could regulate an outcome of the election, as evidenced by the election of former President Obama.

The will of the people’s vote cannot be calibrated to assure victory for you, so it must be suppressed against you. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 would not have been enacted if it were not needed in response to racism and voter suppression. Whites agreed that this was the case, and countermeasures had to be explicitly implemented to ensure that the target of these oppressions, blacks, had judicial protections for voting.

So, it would stand to fact and reason that neither the Civil War nor the Emancipation Proclamation abolished the slavery mentality. The ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865 abolished slavery, but it then transitioned into Jim Crow and blatant systemic prejudices.

One hundred years after the Civil War ended, the need for legislation was a recognition that racism, voter suppression, and discrimination were still the Jim Crow law of the land. It would then be counterintuitive that discrimination and oppression had continued beyond the Civil War, but sadly, very true it had.

Affirmative action and similar actions would not be if these ongoing oppressions ended when some claim. But, unfortunately, many have continued despite these alleged remedies. It is an affront to decency to have the unmitigated gall to whimper about reverse discrimination and unfairness of opportunity allocations and access based solely on race designed to alleviate the disadvantages systematically imposed upon others by you.

To deny fairness to others by declaring your plight of unfairness and inequality is to either proclaim yourself stupid, irrational, or a racist. I would like to think the best of you and, given the benefit of the doubt, assume that you are simply irrational.

The overt discrimination and exclusion practiced have been solely based upon race, but to bemoan your suffering by the inclusion of others while crying about opportunities you had readily denied others exceeds an elevated threshold of irrationality.

To be held liable is not discriminatory or discretionary but should be expected. Cancel culture cannot be used for absolution to ignore your culpability granting blanket immunity oblivious to your actions.

It is deemed unfair by a cry of cancel culture regarding white’s accountability for their transgression when facing societal condemnation or discontinuation of patronage. Drawing the line and adopting unpleasant consequences by withdrawing voluntary support is not an obligation owed to the offender but a right of the offended.

White males lack the credibility to complain. They have always been on the till with improper privilege subsidized on the public draw. Their hand in the cookie jar and thumb on the scale of justice. They value freedom, prosperity, and fairness exclusively for themselves and are quick to complain when their expectation of preferential treatment is not met.

It is ridiculous to insist that such monumental injustices be swept under the rug while even the slightest rebuke of your privilege is exaggerated to an intolerable injustice. Stop it. They don’t make rugs or exaggerations that huge. This strategy to alienate yourselves from blame by denying your privilege by claiming victimization again contradicts the historical facts of your actions.

The mentality and benefits are so great that some would masquerade themselves as part of the Confederate heritage. One is born in Canada of Cuban descent and named Rafael as Texas Ted to Americanize his image for easier assimilation into the good ole boy’s club.

Could you imagine the difference in perception between Rafael Cruz and Ted? Another would claim his Confederate membership even though his lineage is German. The drumpf clan, whose real fortune is that his grandfather was exiled from his native land for draft dodging returning to America where he had fled.

Neither of these persons’ American lineage extends beyond their grandparents at best. Nonetheless, they have claims of their Confederate heroes and heritage. But white skin, anglicized name changes, and cultural adaptation allowed them to assimilate and minimize if not avoid racial discrimination.

This is the lure of white privilege while distancing themselves from their true heritage and diverting attention from themselves by ostracizing others and denouncing immigrants when their families are not too far removed from the immigration tree.

What better to illustrate a reversed crab-in-the-barrel mentality? Instead of franticly keeping them in, they keep them out, designating more assurance of privilege for themselves. A sort of all-in-the-family of preferential treatment requiring adaptation of Confederacy biases.

White skin alone is the prominent inclusion factor, with prejudice is a bonus. MAGA is an adaptation of the make Germany great again philosophy used by Hitler in his rise to power and espousal of white privilege in a maniacal pursuit.

Tell a big enough lie enough times very loudly over prolonged periods that the people will not only believe it but accept it as the truth was Hitler’s mantra. These same tactics are familiar tactics of American Republican politics and ideology today, raising the question that if the nostalgic return to a MAGA time was possible, then what time would that be.

Would it be a time for lynching, coon hunting, forced labor, or any other litany of atrocities since there was never a time when they did not exist in America? What elements of slavery and discrimination would be preferable?

Are these the conservative Christian values we are to return to, as demonstrated by history? Lesser forms of expressing these values are still present. Unfortunately, the Republican party has been maligned with acceptance and promotion of these aspirations by association with MAGA principles.

If not a return to slavery, the continual furtherance of white privilege by the dehumanization and discrimination of blacks specifically and minorities in general, now to even include the poor. Let’s call it what it is, and you should say what you mean.

No further proof that America is off the rails realistically beyond redemption than half the elected officials refuse to denounce an insurrection or exclaim that it is wrong to murder a black man by choking him out in broad daylight placing your knee on his neck.

There is plenty more, but what more do we need. Refusal to condemn and reject these actions actually condones them. The reason why they are acceptable is that it furthers your agenda. If a dog had been choked out, Republicans would have been outraged because it does not further their agenda, and their estimation of the dog is above the dehumanization felt for blacks.

Do you for one second think they care about unarmed blacks being killed and sprayed with bullets as long as it is understood that, for example, whites storming the Capitol are not to be treated like the n-word. Only one shot fired, but a black can be fired up multiple times in the back. No precautionary show of force or mass arrest, but some would still ask what disparity?

Not condoning or requesting a violent response but simply highlighting the disparity that seemingly can only be based on race. What happened to the stance of when the looting starts, the shooting starts?

On Capitol Hill, where an overwhelmingly almost exclusive mob of whites attempted to overthrow the government in the ultimate act of looting, there was less enforcement than if a Nike store was being looted. Furthermore, the outcry is deafening from those being held accountable.

Can you imagine their shock and indignation at being called to answer for the very attempt to overthrow the government? What is this country coming to when whites are being arrested for being patriots to the Confederacy? Amazingly, Blacks are even expecting equality and redress?

The discrepancies of response and expectation change when blacks are involved with the law unequally applied or by anyone even expecting it to be applied equally. How can one unarmed black be more of a fear-provoking threat and intolerance than a whole mob of insurrectionists?

The justification for Capitol Hill law enforcement restraint was praised, while questionable articulation for using deadly force against unarmed blacks is not condemned. Not advocating for less respect for white lives but equal respect for black lives.

There has to be a comprehensive understanding, standard, and application of the law that does not give carte blanche for law enforcement misconduct and abuse of citizens.

Qualified immunity must have clear objective parameters where protections are no longer enjoyed and resources expended for disqualifying conduct. Law and order, crime and punishment, as well as wrongdoing and judgment, must fall unabated on the actions committed and the person who committed them, not the exemption of their guilt by race or profession.



The guilty deed is tethered to the guilty’s name if integrity is to be maintained; otherwise, it occasionally and eventually will lead to some feeling they are left with no choice but to resist detriment. When left with no choice, the choice is then made clear. While police are necessary, their actions cannot be above the law simply because they are essential and less likely to impact a white person adversely.

By the same indication, police interactions are negatively exaggerated; citizens are emotionally inflamed and apprehensively predisposed. This reflects the reverberations from injustices and perceptions that influence citizen’s cooperation and politeness.

The point is that a recalibration needs to occur on both sides, but the abuses of authority are not immune to the adjustments required to improve interactions. On the contrary, the submission to injustices brings about a greater dissatisfaction and a resistance that escalates into a more hazardous condition for all concerned. On the other hand, mutual respect deescalates conflict and promotes cooperation.

What encourages resistance, divisiveness, and danger is injustice, racism, and despair. The cause and effect are apparent, and the dismay at the resulting outrage is disingenuous, and of course, based on if it is happening to you. A plea for solidarity healing society only becomes an objective when you are not making the concessions or the balance of power has shifted away.

Only, if you stand to lose or lost something, it would have been better and more convincing had that been your mantra when you had the leadership influence. Now the tables have turned, the plea for bipartisanship is uttered, and the priority of moving forward together healing a fractured country at a fragile time is encouraged at our disadvantage.

Renovations are always best when you are already working on improvements requiring one cleanup. Suggesting that grievances are delayed for the good of the whole would somehow benefit us is contrary when your concern was and has been to benefit only yourself.

So many times in the past, this conciliatory posture has only resulted in a delay, not improvement proving to be a sadistic prank time and time again. So, suppose this is truly a time of healing and bipartisan cooperation. In that case, the Republican leadership should try to cast at least one bipartisan vote as a sign of their sincerity.

Extending the olive branch for once instead of demanding concessions to conform against conventional wisdom and our best interest. Having exhausted all your deceitful persuasions, your advantage by inequality has run its course leaving you fearful of the void. There is plenty of work to be done and time is squandered not resolving the issues that can and will no longer be silently suffered.

The accumulated depletion of will and resources will not accomplish your objective since your preference is not the only consideration to be considered. Compromise and cooperation can not be adverse abstract principles. They are the way forward. You can not persist in taking pride in obstruction and destruction to exert a futile exercise of power.

History is undefeated and has proven that resistance to change and stubborn ill-fated indecision has led to obsolete power and doomed existence. The arrogance of America will not let it recognize that there have been many demises of world power among nations based on the civil disorder and refusals to make changes.

The societal collapse is often preceded by extreme economic instability and fluctuations, infrastructure and labor deterioration, hunger and chaos, and then governmental collapse. Balance and equilibrium are universal laws, and imbalance by its nature is unstable and prone to collapse. Due to the imbalances of racism and oppression, societies worldwide are now wobbling.

Now the question is which will come first, the change or the collapse? I do not believe it will be changed because of its opposition and the universal foundation of deceit it has taken to last this long. It is collapsing under its own weight of deception and denial. Think about a celestial gravitational collapse that occurs due to the contraction of its own weight or pulls inward, succumbing to disorder.

Why is America exempt from collapsing from contraction resisting the harmony and order of the universe or God’s will? No need to look to the sky since history and anthropology can confirm the earthly demise of civilizations that once had great power. The turmoil of the year 2020 was a premonition that cannot be survived repeatedly, especially with the tailwinds still being felt.

Progress and transformation to form a more perfect union not defined or restricted by the past is the way forward. Those who long for the past are afraid of the future. Uncertain of their prospects and secure with the status quo without regard for advancement but clinging to stagnation to prolong their significance.

By nature, the young become old, and the old gives way to the new. This country was built on racism and the surpluses from black labor. Vast wealth and resources have been accumulated and shielded from blacks without question. Can there be any further denial of that? Should there be a recognition of that in words and redress? Damages can not be undone or life restored, but mending can be pursued.

Since I have stated my pessimism or realism about significant change not being forthcoming, let me just express what could or should happen. The first restorative action which will have the most significant impact is to cease and desist the nonsense, to just knock it off. Despite all the lives lost and mangled, the economic inflictions have had far more reaching implications than the murders.

Personally, more apologies, ineffective methods, or promises are not needed. The deaths caused and atrocities committed cannot be rescinded, but the wealth benefits denied can be recuperated like when stolen artifacts are returned. The government, businesses, and institutions should pursue more than conversational remedies since they received real monetary benefits. Money would be a suitable substitute for words.

Financial is not the only form of payment, and the government should not be the only payer but make no mistake, slavery was about the benjamins, so the benjamins need to be paid.

Services are the most likely form of payment that only require tendering the services, terms, or business you already provide, such as free higher educational opportunities. Generations of descendants of slave owners have benefited greatly from what they established to pay it forward for their ancestors.

The primary distribution would be opportunity, development, and investments but mainly just stop the bullshit for us to receive a fair shake. Since no white person today has owned a single slave, it seems only reasonable. But, they most certainly are recipients of racist privilege, enjoyed the restrictions levied, or been enriched by the bias practices so entrenched in American society.

So it is not unfair that someone else would get a fair shot after your road has been paved by discrimination. Forty acres and a mule was the unfulfilled promise, and eliminating discrimination still a dilemma, but economic viability and sustainable resources are the reparations now required.

The Civil War basically set the parameters for economic profit-sharing the way the American Revolution did, only domestically this time. As a result, the north received a more equitable distribution of the profits and a more sensible voluntary method of extracting the surplus of exploitative profits from black labor based on black’s lack of options and suppressed conditions. The south received the ability to continue operating as usual with the adaptation of the new extraction method, supposedly voluntary labor with slightly lower profit margins.

They both received plausible deniability. The dehumanizing treatment was pretty much the same, and freed blacks still worked on the plantation scratching out a living at the master’s behest only now the new and improved way of debauchery was called Jim Crow.

The Industrial Revolution beginning in 1860, greatly influenced the end of legal slavery and the most likely cause of its abolition because it transitioned from sole dependence on human labor to machine labor.

It created new models of efficiency and manufacturing, making the old slave model obsolete, but it did not eliminate the need for a permanent underclass to manage the machines. Instead, it lessened the method of physical labor required and increased the productivity for greater profits more evenly distributed among the north and south.

Thus, the master-slave relationship became the boss-to-worker relationship model still practiced today as the basis of the economy with many of the same philosophical principles regarding labor.

The master to slave mentality and dichotomy persists today for whites to become indignant at the very suggestion that discrimination exists or the audacity to expect relief. There is a diametrically opposed residual effect of this mentality that has dissipated over time but still exists.

A polar opposite of a shared personality disorder, racist whites psychopathic character traits devoid of compassion or remorse and black’s submissive need for permission and conciliation. The refusal of whites and the request of black regarding reparation displays both mentalities. If they are delusional, then we are imaginary, or is that the other way around? It is hard to tell.

Centuries of bigoted behavior still leaves us in the position of requesting what an overwhelming number of whites refuse to give or recognize. However, the context of slavery and the psychological realities created a subculture of survival for blacks which in essence has manifested into our saving grace and sustaining resiliency. The missing piece has been cohesion securing an identifiable targeted objective with a solitary concentration.

Targeted penetration into isolated and sustainable components using relentless incremental campaigns of focus building scope and momentum. So, if reparations are forthcoming, then beautiful, but until then, we must forge ahead from a position of fortitude, focus, and resolve to realize that a shift in the paradigm of our perspective is the most efficient and assured way of securing equality.

Previously suffering from an extreme deficiency, we now have sufficient agency to pay ourselves first. Meaning no permission is needed from others for assurances of equality, but that as always, we must renew our efforts from where we are now with what we have to build alliances and coalitions for prosperity and equality starting with us.

We have enough, we have plenty, but the division of our resources and purpose cannot be counterproductive or diverted. Discipline is needed. Certainly not separatism, we have paid too much but inclusion on our terms to equally wet our beak.

Repeated requests always transform into pleading, which is always distasteful under any circumstances and rarely effective since it grants the power to refuse or grant the request. Far from being downtrodden or self-pitying, we should be encouraged at how far we have come, what we have had to overcome, and what final frontiers of racism we are near to conquering.

You never had the right to dominion over us, so now we do not need to seek your permission for our salvation. Reparations are for your salvation. Again, the most valuable gesture would be to knock it off, but either way, we have made tremendous gains to close the gap, notwithstanding the tremendous gap that remains.

Rest assured your children will not face the retribution of your actions but will have to adjust to the extinction of your privilege. Your survival as a race will not be endangered as you claim to fear, but your most significant fear of the elimination of your advantage will be realized. The privilege or displeasure of white America will no longer be the paramount concern on which society operates.

Your substantial resistance should be more productively directed toward rectifying the problem, not denial and concealment to continue your comfort. The hypocrisy of denouncing bullying, being too strong for bullying does not extend beyond being too weak for racism, perhaps the greatest form of bullying. Your racist fragile psyche and mind are dependent on the intimidation of racism. The poisoning of a feeble mind believing that white skin somehow makes you divine.

Deprived of privilege, your means of survival will not be like the constant struggle for survival from the lowest socio-economic status of society like ours has been. It will not be sabotaged by the systemic injustices you have consistently heaped upon us.

The crux of many issues in the black community has been influenced by slavery and Jim Crow, which will not be anything you will have to contend with as contributing influences of dysfunction in your communities only as a haunting nightmare of your actions.

Black is not only a race but has been a condition, a condition that has had an extreme toll. Levies for atrocities and crimes against black humanity were committed over centuries. An overdue tariff is owed in this realm but may be collected in another with your soul.

Deflection or denial of these conditions cannot be independent of issues confronting the black community since close examination will likely reveal a correlation to slavery, discrimination, or the psychological trauma caused by them.

Not to mention the generational poverty caused and endorsed. Therefore, the repeated insistence on deflecting onto other problems in the black community does not absolve you of your infractions or justify our exclusion from equal treatment under the law or equivalent opportunities.

A three-dimensional understanding of a four-dimensional problem leaves you one dimension short of a resolution. The Confederate heritage and the American legacy are synonymous with each other from the inception of this country and the founding father’s vision.

If the founding fathers were as wise and incredible as they are portrayed, then why was slavery allowed to be woven into the fabric of America’s DNA? It was intentional, and maybe why some whites think they need to take the country back for white exclusivity following its purpose.

The founding father’s guidance and influence is still the overriding authority today of adherence suggesting their vision has transcended nearly four-hundred and fifty years of governance but not the detrimental effects of slavery.

The constant square peg in a round hole predicament of stretching the interpretation of their intent on matters they could not have envisioned essentially expresses the intent of the current interpreter.

The emphasis is then on the current interpreter to subjectively convey their own understanding and guessing the original intent or interpretation. Clarity of interpretation then is the paramount objective or selective choice of a subjective interpreter but still conjecture.

The confusion and misconceptions of understandings and allowances of iniquities have traversed, deviated, and wandered over time with the subjective translations of intent and purpose. Still, the one constant has been economic exploitation by the manner of racism.

In their infinite wisdom, the founding fathers should have calculated the compounded effects and centrifugal implications of racism. So, therefore, they never envisioned one day having to address the restitutions accrued and the adjudication required to resolve reparations. Accordingly, it was recognized that restitution was owed but reneged upon with the forty acres and a mule promise.

They should have had the foresight to envision that it would become one of the perils of the country surviving just as the American Revolution had. Refusing remedies to offenses unjustly enforced creating a domestic threat from dissatisfaction.

Attempting to maintain their advantage suppressing anyone or anything that supported a change, even the government. The last time it was called the Civil War, and this time it is called Trumpism, MAGA, Patriotism, and Republican complicity.

If my words, tone, and honesty are harsh, then the reality has been more harsh and bitter to experience for us over a prolonged period of centuries. Feeble attempts to misrepresent, reduce, or quantify our damages expose the unwillingness to understand, preventing a resolution.

You must first understand then accept the problem thru the spectrum of the casualties caused before you can rectify them. Racist ideology and white’s resistance to being held accountable leaves me unconvinced that significant change or national reparations are on the horizon, but collapse is impending.

The combination of racism and economics fueling the downfall as symptoms of the illness. The disease is self-righteous arrogance not capable of change exposing a self-destructive premise.

If repeated reminders of discrimination and disregard for resolution are any indication that racist compulsion leaves bigots powerless to resist and hopelessly cursed destined to be like the scorpion’s sting, being in their nature to sting even if it destroys them as well.

There can be no genuine remorse without redress and consequences to express and satisfy the wounded, but the truth is that there can be no healing without remedy. While some are hoping and wishing, I am well beyond the age of believing Santa Claus is real or if real reparations or healing will be achieved any time soon.

P.S. Be sure to wear your seat belt. We are expecting some stubborn turbulence ahead.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz



The Black Trilogy-Crimes Against Humanity Part 3


The solution is plain and simple in concept, although admittingly complex and comprehensive in its application and solemn and unwavering in commitment. The commitment requires meaningful change, including grievances and infringements where substantial damages and exploitation have been identified.

These can be self-identifying and voluntary admissions or exposed and involuntarily sanctions. The remedies should reflect the capacity and benefits of their participation.

War crime tribunals pursue individuals many decades past their crimes having been identified. Once their transgressions are exposed, their identity becomes known, their location secured, and their participation verifies their pursuit is relentless.

No matter how small or how much time has passed, whether they are remorseful or not, they are subject to the penalty of law for their actions. Countries, businesses, and institutions have the same moral and ethical societal obligations to refrain from crimes against humanity or become subject to redress and accountability. 

Under God’s law and moral righteousness, if not by man’s written law, this should be rectified since we have always known the what, the who, the excuses, the locality, and the refusal to be held accountable.

Man’s law and history’s alterations have always sought to indemnify these iniquities, manipulate reality, and contort societal structures protecting the guilty or claiming their immunity. Unadulterated chronicles of history have constantly spewed forth the guilty whose deeds were so openly practiced that a resolution would seem uncontested. Unbiased enforcement of the law does not require the guilty to consent or be remorseful, only to have committed the act.

The resolution should include the national and international companies and entities exclusively funding initiatives for Blacks and their communities because others have been funded at the exclusion of Blacks, so they have already essentially received theirs.

These profiteers of slavery should be compelled to mea culpa and commit to corrective measures. Their vile narrative as citizens of the world amended to reflect that the sins and fruits of those sins be acknowledged by redeeming actions to offset the destructive effects of their exploitation of Black people.

Let history then be the future measure to judge the actions and manner that these atrocities were corrected and a commitment to redress demonstrated. Avoidance of racist elements and the resulting harmful repercussions have been ignored, allowing the accumulation of and exacerbating a resolution.

Since access to wealth and equal opportunity were denied, fairness demands that it is now what must be provided. Let us not be naïve about what will or should be done, but the sincere objective understood in its undertaking. The details and implementation of the means to accomplish this are complex, but the need for a determined commitment is clear.  

Imagine if the United States of America is a house. The citizens are the house’s occupants. The leadership is the parents in a cooperative and committed relationship dedicated to keeping the family dynamic strong while working to overcome difficult times. Staying together for the occupant’s benefit realizing the value of the individual parts and any selfish interest will fracture the good of the whole house.

A house divided cannot stand as conditions worsen and the foundation begins to crack. One party cannot seek to minimize the problem because it is most slanted toward their benefit and convenience without consideration for the consequences, sufferings, or contributions that have contributed significantly to the success of the household.

If the other party being marginalized daring to cry out that they have a problem, then WE should have a problem, and a conciliatory resolution needs to prevail.

In America’s house, regarding the context of recriminations for racial discrimination, the establishment of a Declaration of Resolution must be incorporated into the societal structures to begin to rectify slavery and Jim Crow.

Only then can renovations begin to repair America’s inescapable history as proud purveyors of crimes against Black humanity on a national and global scale. The guilty parties were interchangeable, the occurrences countless, and the despicable actions beneficially incorporated; so, must it be with the impact of the resolution.

Any Declaration of Resolution must comprehensively consider the following points: principle-based and not relegated to a person, occurrence, or movement but an unwavering commitment. It must be implemented in a context devoid of grandiose individual acclaim but sculptured in collective indebtedness, not to be accusatory but factual, where everything must be on the table for examination.

Finally, anoint and elevate the necessity above all else, creating a force and not a target. The insanity of using failed divisible methods must yield to an effective consolidated sustainability resistant to sabotage and subjugation tactics.

To skim the surface of grievances that historically touches all levels of government and society, I have taken the liberty to offer these considerations with what has been my humble observation. It can be amended or supplemented to whatever the agreed-upon or negotiated redress is in the form of authentic actualized measures that resonate as vociferously as the indignations, exploitations, and atrocities have.

Government and legislative processes

Government and legislative processes compelling meaningful policy changes and enforcement. Focused statutory enactments and legislative imperatives to ensure proper implementation, established legal precedence and procedures inclusive of authentic fairness, actual unbiased application of representation, and accessibility in equal diligence to reflect Black inclusion, protection, prosperity, and participation across the governmental spectrum.

Educational content and teaching

Educational content and teaching need to be corrected regarding historical inaccuracies and perspectives to remove the racial superiority indoctrinations. Any exaggerated accomplishments, eugenics referenced and brainwashing propaganda, or religious misrepresentations thoroughly rebuked. The sinister intent of material concealments distorting the Confederate heritage, racist validations, and delusional impressions of condescension exposed.

Black history and African heritage should be portrayed in their truth, accuracy, and glory. Education should reflect the unadulterated truth comprehensively conveyed without propaganda purposes. It has to inform and depict an accurate illustration of knowledge and history. Access to this knowledge should be available and disseminated at any location inaccuracies have been dispensed.

Dispelling deceptions where an inquisitive mind exists to pursue it without undue influence but with an open mind to accept, reject, correct, or improve it through individual exploration. My personal approach to knowledge is to know it without the need to accept it or believe in it but only to know and understand it.

But debatably, one of the biggest detriments to blacks has been our lack of inclusion in various financial, economic, investment, insurance, annuities, and retirement fund management structures. Access to capital, general monetary instruments, and wealth-building opportunities and principles used for our advantage previously used to our disadvantage.

This lack of knowledge, emphasis, and exposure has historically prevented our compounded accumulation of wealth by a determined bias of fiscal design. When finally allowed to read, they could not let us count accumulating wealth. 

Law enforcement and criminal court

Law enforcement and the criminal court are beyond repair as it is currently constituted, but that is not to say it is not needed. What is required is an operational modernization, an ideological upgrade, with many procedural techniques, policies, and tactics revamped to not so readily lead to force that is deadly or otherwise.

A display of empathy for the situations and circumstances that those they encounter come from or are relegated to as a predisposition of their employment. The police should also understand and familiarize themselves with the people they police through prior community exposure and interaction as part of academy training.

Transparency and accountability need to be based on admitting improprieties, abuses, and damages when they occur and are apparent. The justifications and constraints used for actions, intent, fairness, and respect for the public should be the parameters that law enforcement must abide by.

Not blanket qualified immunity for misconduct or violations. Any consumer warranty or protection is voided after a disqualifying action or breach, so should it also be with qualified immunity. This standard should not be circumvented, subjective, arbitrary, or ambiguous.

Adjustments and changes to the expectations of policing and the reasonable execution of the law are required. Police immunity from their actions has come and gone. Appropriate conduct is demanded, and transparent recognition of misconduct is presumed where accountability is the paramount responsibility of police duties concerning the public. It must also be with themselves to maintain respectability and integrity of enforcement.

Blacks caught up in the criminal justice system are there for many reasons, definitely for some of our ill-advised decisions for one reason. But, these causes can often be based on limited choices and options that are frequently the result of economic desperation reflecting discrimination and lack of viable options.

This is sometimes a reflection of bias and the financial status and hopelessness created by purposeful default. Thus, making it seldom by choice but more by condition. Nevertheless, it is the best choice out of several bad choices that seem like a good idea at the time.   

When the only seemingly readily accessible choice is a bad choice when chosen by us but a similar bad choice or absent an option unavailable to us when selected by someone else, the judgment cannot be different. Not to justify poor decisions but to simply better understand their possible origins in thought and deed.

Who is arrested and for what crimes depends disproportionately on how and where law enforcement resources are directed. Lack of opportunity and despair often dictates the propensity for committing crimes. At the basis of many crimes, regardless of race, are economic ramifications and the lack of opportunities to avoid them.

It is part of cultural conditioning and reinforcement considering the accessibility of alternatives. Still, just as we expect others to be liable for their decisions, we must be responsible for ours. Therefore, the impartiality of the equal application of the law must also be applied.

Sentencing for crimes and assured due process of law should be statistically no harsher or restrictive where the race can be a discernable factor. The demographic percentages of arrest and incarceration for blacks sounds very few alarms but yields plenty of devious justifications and dubious convictions. The bail bond system aids in the process as a caste system more reflective of economic status than crime.

The bail bond system is a subtle system of prolonged incarceration and guilty plea-provoking motivations devoid of consideration of actual guilt. However, it often produces plea bargain inspirations for a guilty verdict. Lack of bail has been known to soften the resolve regardless of guilt.

Cash bail needs to be abolished as the antiquated racist system it has been and as currently constituted its application, because it is a straight-up inclination to penalize someone based on economics instead of the crime committed.

Bond money after the fact has no impact on the commission of your crime, your guilt, your return to court, propensity to commit another crime, or your willingness to intimidate a witness. How much money you have does not determine these things, but other considerations should including victim impact, criminal past, and ability to deter further illegal actions.

The law has proven to be only as good as someone’s willingness to respect and abide by it, not money for bond. The bond is intended as a surety note meaning a financial instrument of assurance, not guilt or a return to court because it does not assure either of the other two.

Property ownership and housing

Property ownership and housing conditions, geographic housing choices, and neighborhood investment and development often leave Black people in a stagnant spiral of declining or horizontal growth, which reiterates generational poverty and despair. Thus, never venturing outside the familiar confines physically or economically of the circumstance we have come to know.

 Sure, there will be those who escape this purposeful fate, but a vast number cannot stray too far away from its grip. Property ownership and property valuations have long been a primary method of wealth accumulation and the effective denial of such by discrimination.

Housing is also manipulated for redlining, gentrification, and gerrymandering affecting government services, bias-influenced redevelopment, and suppressive political or electoral representation. Property tax, abatements, and other government allotments impact everything from the standard of education and schools to the services received.

Lack of enforcement of housing codes, higher insurance rates, usuary interest rates, and many other fees and hidden barriers further absorb resources to impair black wealth. The social, financial, and political withholdings further the imbalance of resources that can be used for our own prosperity instead of those secretly siphoning from us.  

Banking and lending practices

Banking and lending practices further discrimination encouraging loan and credit denial. Predatory lending practices and the lack of fundamental capital investment creates property ownership barriers.

Obstacles to entrepreneurship, transference of wealth impediments, lack of wealth-generating opportunities, and restrictive scalability in equity positions limit avenues to participation that have not been customarily extended to the Black experience or available fiscal options.

Given the number of banks, insurance companies, and other organizations, including Wall Street, who profited from human trafficking in the slave trade, there should be no shortage of remunerations and expertise to alleviate and change these prevailing harmful financial elements of the Black experience.

Being very familiar with balance sheets, accrued liabilities, accounts payable, venture capital contingencies, maturity dates, and the like, there should be no hesitancy to the existence of the obligation even if reluctant to the terms.  




The nutritional value of food is the foundation of good health, especially in young children and older adults. Therefore, the affordability and availability of that food are the two primary factors in choosing what to eat or feed our family. Of course, convenience is also a significant consideration, but convenience can be overcome by discipline and the availability of better options.

Cultural preferences shaped by generations of lack of available, affordable choices led to a lack of options, concern, or awareness of what we are essentially consuming and the effect on our digestive system and organs, igniting a ticking time bomb. The quality, freshness, and mislabeling, along with the chemicals and ingredients, furthers any damages the wrong foods create.

The healthcare implications, illnesses, and associated diseases which heavily stricken the black community can substantially be attributed to our dietary choices. Our nutritional choices are directly associated with our economic condition and proximity to better choices.

Fast foods, low-quality foods, and sugary drinks are our main dietary health risks, and usually, the cheaper the food, the unhealthier it is to consume. Food deserts and lack of fresh vegetables and grains are nutritional considerations that affect our health as much as income inequality.

It is the combination and culmination of several things. Food co-ops and farmer markets are things blacks must undertake and support, denouncing the unhealthy choices synonymous with illness. Once supplied, it is incumbent upon us to make a concerted cultural shift to embrace a healthier diet.

Nutritional education correlates to health and wellness. Consider this, would you let your child sit and eat 12 teaspoons of sugar, not to mention the calories equivalent to a bottle of Pepsi? What about a 12-ounce Coke that has 10 teaspoons? Sugar is one of the prime addictive and destructive offenders hidden in drinks.

It is not only the food choices but the drink choices as well. Nutritional education is a must to offset the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries’ dependence on black suffering, much like the criminal justice system’s reliance on the black arrest.

Black farmers are not prioritized on the same level as other farmers on the food chain supply side, and capital for equipment and innovation is harder to secure or more challenging to get approved for. This is a method to coerce them into unfavorable financial conditions and land forfeitures.

The discrimination against the black farmer makes farming expenses unsustainable for them and their products less profitable while subsidizing the white farmer’s success. Elimination of food deserts and affordable quality food must be made available to the Black community.

Healthcare and medical conditions

Healthcare and medical conditions usually correlate with the quality of care, the timeliness of care, the coverage of care, the cost of care, and the continuation of care. These have all proven to be problematic for blacks, in particular impacting our quality of life.

The only way to secure these objectives for those unemployed or underemployed is to take a vow of poverty and remain under the threshold to qualify for assistance. To maintain healthcare, you then must remain unproductive.

Discrimination in the medical field has created disparities in routine preventive services, seniors’ medications, and senior care. Proper nutrition, mortality rates, childbirth, and prenatal care reveals a racially disproportionate exposure.

Mental health and substance abuse addictions are struggles criminalized, adding to our concealment and cautious skepticism of treatment. These are some of the primary afflictions gone underserved for generations. Furthermore, lack of affordability, medical access, and apathy to medical symptoms combines to account for escalating medical conditions that plague our community to date.

Lack of engagement from the medical community resulting in callousness and neglect has been insidiously infused, contributing to the Black communities’ mistrust. These patterns and practices have created mistrust, discouragement, misinformation, disregard, and lack of engagement. Comparatively, quality options, proximity to medical facilities, and integrity of medical personnel would foster less cynicism regarding discrimination.

Reparations and methods of payment

Reparations and methods of payment by the profiteers should include but not be limited to money, products, services, internships, trust funds, endowments, foundations, equity, credit, ownership, grants, management, and employment opportunity. Hence these remedies should be clearly defined and verifiable. Not readily susceptible to misappropriation, corruption, manipulation, overvaluation, or discontinuation.

It should be prioritized for at least three generations of duration with sustained and confirmed diligence. It should also be enforced by law and penalty if breached. Whatever the business or specialty of the purveyor should be the very least consideration that they can offer since we are sure that they at least possess that service, so cash is not the only option.

The government is not totally responsible for reparations since this as a nation of people and businesses that fully or partially participated in or benefited directly or indirectly in the atrocities by commission, complicity, or silence. They should also pitch in for the solution since they were party to the problem and benefits. The cry for reparations would have ended many years ago before the issue became so convoluted if racism had discontinued.

 Damn denouncing an act that has continued despite hundreds of years of broken promises and systematic abuses and discriminations. So, the biggest most valuable reparation is the discontinuation of the oppression of black prosperity since by now, it should be apparent that the days of breaking our spirit are forever over. Despite the tyranny and murder rained down on us, we have proven to be resilient.

Slavery, superiority, and discrimination originally were a matter of economics. Please make no mistake about it. Now, it is a matter of mental illness driven by delusional groupthink by everyone knowing it was nonsense, including you. However, still needed are others to believe it to preserve your privilege.

The terror of your white privilege no longer comforting you has led to this irrational masquerade claiming an unfairness to you and pseudo bravado afraid of a world without a rigged advantage to bolster your fallacy. It was justified by manipulated and deceitful nonsense, and you have enriched yourself enormously with the many benefits of this fallacy.

Many arguments are made against reparations, but the one that can not be made is that you did not commit the atrocities. That you didn’t do it. That it was not done. So next time an unarmed black man is murdered by law enforcement, or they decide to rest for 8:46 seconds on his neck murdering him, condemn the shit, and consider that as a down payment on reparations that only cost you your voice and having a soul. 


The lack of acknowledgment for the contributions of our service across this country causes patriotism to be used to imply whites were the only ones who defended or contributed to America’s preeminence.

Our contributions to invention, law, business, education, sports, science, entertainment, social and humanitarian efforts, literature, heritage, and politics need to be appropriately accredited to us without the whitewash of thievery or misappropriation.

Recovery, forgiveness, and grace all begin with admission and confession. There can be no prospects of redemption with persistent denial, excuses, and minimalizations.

Warring countries have been rebuilt, populations compensated, and even the treasonous rebellious Confederacy south rebuilt and welcomed back into the union. Yet, on the other hand, the leadership of the Republican party coddled an insurrection with overt racial overtones on the Capitol, threatening democracy.

None of these transgressions have been a part of the Black experience or nor have black people received this substantial generosity of consideration.

European immigrants were recruited and given land, resources, and encouragement to own slaves to assimilate with white America to help to maintain a disproportionate ratio of whites to blacks. Thus, white skin tone rather than origination took precedence over dark skin. 

Today to assimilate having white skin, you can call yourself Ted instead of Raphael or abandon your German heritage and grandfather’s name of drumpf, claiming the confederate heritage as your own despite your immigrant roots. Immigrants of a white skin tone from anywhere or of white European descent can stand at a distance and be considered white and sometimes even closer if they do not speak.

But no matter how distant within eyesight, a Black person can stand and not be considered anything other than Black on sight. You see, the dark skin tone is the sole determinant. All of this is still true today for European descendants who can brag about how they came to this country and got assimilated to being white and benefited from masquerading as such. 

Immigration of any darker complexion people is considered undesirable, while white immigrants are favorable to maintain and restock the white majority. Fortunately, that majority is waning along with their privileged white utopia.

Therefore, whites’ advantage and privilege enjoyed for so long now require that they pass the sugar. The taste of honey has long been hoarded and requires an equitable allocation of concessions and redress to be conceded. 

The implementation of equality and the resulting rise in the Black quality of life will vicariously benefit all races and all elements of society, including the Black one this time.

These gestures have been made before for immigrants, other countries, and other races. So, it is not unreasonable that the Black race that has suffered the most should now enjoy the same consideration and expectation. No longer subjected to malicious intent simply because of a darker hue of complexion.

Those who would cry far left-wing ideology, socialism, and socio-economic welfare, I would submit reparations is the most far right-winged proposal imagined. Demonstrated by your willingness to bail out the one percent, Wall Street, big banks, and big business for the overall good of the country and health of the economy as being too big to fail. 

Never know when you will need us again, and America you will. So it would seem wise and prudent that Blacks and equality are also TOO BIG TO FAIL too! The same actions are needed even if it is referenced by a different label or perspective, not called reparations. So you see, we are united in our prerequisite for this action if not in our method how. Consider it services rendered or a down payment deposit.

God bless America and the wisdom for America to change for its own salvation, preservation, and prosperity equally. Let us pray in honor of the Christian cloak of deceit that you have hidden under for so long, the nation’s tolerance for inequality, and the conditioning of the black race to beg for deliverance where it is expected to forgive you for you surely deny what you have done.

So, let us pray.

Forgive them, father, for they have sinned, but they have not repented or atoned for their sins. Instead, they have practiced and concealed these abominations cloaked in your name to not only discredit you but to discredit themselves.

Justifying their brutality and moral deprivation in your holy name by committing the most atrocious of sins against a segment of your people. Centuries corrupting all that should be held sacred according to your word.

They do not seek your judgment, for surely you are not pleased, and condemnation can only follow. Salvation has been leveraged for gold, silver, sugar, and cotton with no regard for humanity.

Even less respect for your holiness or the one you sent who surely cannot pay for these sins. Without repentance, they have been rebuked. So practiced by Britain and America in every corner of the globe since before the United States’ inception.

They have worshipped this idolatrous slavery obsession and the false prophets above you and the very humanity that they still refuse to recognize also as your creation.

They have borne false witness and even murdered in your name. The above-stated crimes against humanity for earthly riches have blinded them to your glory and caused them to pervert your word masquerading as a true believer forsaking your honor without remorse of their deeds.

They have neither been meek, merciful, pure of heart, or peacemakers. They have forsaken justice, are devoid of integrity, have offered exploitation to the downtrodden, and have broken every covenant of yours in spirit and action.

They cannot offer their tarnished soul for redemption but for eternal condemnation for freely choosing and committing these atrocities. By your word, you condemn them and with their actions and words, they condemn themselves!

The soil is drenched with blood, horror, and abomination from these purgatory fixations, steadfast commissions, and continued denial. We can only pray they repent acknowledging their transgressions and denouncing the evil they imposed through the oppression of our Black ancestry.

For their horrendous crimes against humanity and religion, I fear saying three Hail Mary’s and two Our Fathers is not sufficient for these trespasses. Confession, repentance, and reparations for damages would be a sign to humanity and God of their sincerity for salvation by not only word but by deed.

And, of course, to no longer practice or tolerate these repulsive transgressions ever again towards anyone as they have no justification. It might just be the difference between salvation, survival, or being judged harshly stricken by your wrath.

It might be said to practice what God’s word teaches, not the hypocrisy of scribes nor Pharisees worshipping the coin, politics, or a defeated President! Time to submit to a reckoning and atonement, for Christ’s sake and America’s, we can only pray.

P.S. This is not an indictment of religion, just how it has been and continues to be used to accomplish and justify evil intentions by self-proclaimed conservative, patriotic evangelical God-fearing racists.

This in no suggests a blanket accusation against all white past or present in America regarding slave trade involvement or racism. However, it does illustrate the factual account of who, when, and what it applies. I think we can all agree if the shoe fits, it can only be your shoe Cinderella.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz


The Black Trilogy-Crimes Against Humanity Part 2

 Naming Names

These culprits can be recognized by name, face, deed, nationality, or government as history speaks loudly regarding their identification. Everything has an origin or beginning, just as there cannot be a lie unless there is a liar to tell it. The lie starts with the telling of it, not its conception; the conception reveals the unspoken intent. It is always the act, which is damaging, but the thought gives breath and motivation to the deceitful act. The deceit and causes of racism can generally be attributed to religion, deception, greed, and insecurity manifested in slavery, discrimination, and fear.

These crimes against humanity were introduced into America by Britain as a model of an aristocratic utopia for white Anglo-Saxon protestants of etiquette. Primarily envisioned by Britain and King James, the same sponsor of the King James Version of the holy bible, aided by European countries and monarchs to enrich themselves. Greed and wealth-building were the overwhelming factors. Murder, kidnap, and brutality were the methods. Exploitation, remorse, or humanity was not even an afterthought.

These conditions and aspirations set forth a calamity that is still prevalent four- hundred plus years later. The names and intent associated cannot be separated from history or the resulting atrocities, interwoven with religion in general and Christianity in particular. Christianity was used as the moral justification and mitigating reason for self-pardoning their animalistic sensibilities for committing such diabolical acts of butchery. Just as their deceit, greed, and disgrace knew no limits, nor did their depravity.

Googling any King James bible verses about slavery and ponder how the bible has been systematically used to justify slavery sanctioned as the word of God. Scriptures were interpreted and manipulated specifically to promote white superiority for whites to be worshiped as God-like to designate servants and heathens beneath them.

Whiteness alone was construed as the apex of the human species ordained to exploit and dismiss the black race primarily as servants beneath animals. The deception is that Noah cursed Canaan, who was black, to be a servant because Canaan’s father; Ham, who was also black, saw Noah’s drunken nakedness, had knowledge of Noah’s wife, or sexually violated Noah as Noah slept.

Logically speaking, if the cursed Canaan was black, then his father Ham was also black, and so were Ham’s brothers being the pure seed of Noah which would have made Noah black. Therefore, the theoretical analysis of the story implies Ham being of pure seed of Noah, was Black.

Ham’s brothers, also being the pure seed of Noah, were more likely made white to elevate their status. This justified Ham’s lineage through Canaan as black slaves condemned to servitude. The racial disparity and distinctions between pure seeds do not accommodate separate races among Noah’s pure sons but instead bolsters the deceptive entitlements for slavery.

Conversely, if Ham were black, why did his color differ from Noah’s lineage of the same seed supposedly white? Would they also have to be black, too, or Ham’s white color conveniently manipulated to justify black servitude. Noah displayed no such power until the day he curses the generations of Ham because Noah got liquored up and was seen naked. It leaves a lot for the knowledgeable faithful to gullibly assume, especially if Ham’s grave sin changed Ham’s skin color. If Ham had been white, Canaan’s skin tone would have changed because he had already been born.

It is highly speculative since God curses and Jesus does not exclude from his blessings and salvation. Presumably, even Canaan’s descendants should have received deliverance by Jesus after Noah’s curse. Are we to believe that Noah was elevated to God-like status to curse generations and after the fact his curse above Jesus’ salvation and teachings? Were slave masters then explicitly elevated to Christ-like status to be worshipped and obeyed as if they were God or just below Christ? Was this blasphemy run amok to further justify slavery yet adhere to Christian principles that allowed such savage atrocities?

Jesus is attributed as preaching to love thy neighbor as thyself. Still, evidently, the enslavement and oppression of other humans are not included in that concept among some so-called Christians even to this day. Maybe that was why it was essential to spread Christianity throughout the world to “lost sheep” to effectively enslave their minds so thoroughly that even now, the efforts and contamination persist beyond logical reasoning. The lie has become the doctrine, and the doctrine has been embraced without the scrutiny of analytical rationale.

It seems the further fulfillment of King James’ desire to elevate himself above Jesus has been sinisterly realized by sleight of hand interpretation to create unwitting followers of King James’ doctrine, not God’s. First, King James sought immortality by having his version worshipped as the guidance to be practiced as religious law circumventing God and Jesus. Later a secondary utilization was most certainly creating a pure-blooded utopia for British colonization by exploiting an obedient black slave labor force controlled by religion to cultivate the land, manufacturing crops, and harvesting the resources in America.

The psychological sorcery of an omnipresent invisible deity that demands absolute obedience and enduring suffering from us had to be superimposed over their motive for their justification and our submission. No wonder Christianity was essential to slavery at every turn to psychologically oppress Blacks and arrogantly embolden white supremacists with their obligatory conjured-up validation. Even the Catholic Church sanctioned, acquiesced, and participated in slavery to aid in their wealth accumulation. Only in 1965 did they declare it a dishonor to God and took a firm and sincere posture against slavery, denouncing it.

History’s monumental deceit is that taxation without representation started the American Revolution. Still, unfavorable business terms were the reason when the British wanted a more significant cut of what they had bankrolled. The slave labor Britain sold at cost had no future cost accrued other than room and board. In addition, they commonly committed wanton abuses of the worst kind acquiring this slave labor which was more or less disposable and pure profit.

The American Revolution was fought over profits from slavery, not for taxation but the contract default arising from obligations regarding slavery, an armed renegotiation of sorts. Thus, it was essential for a higher return on investments on the seed money and resources provided. Commodity trading is a fair analogy for their business transactions, as we will later learn.
History reveals at some point, twelve total sitting U.S. Presidents have owned slaves, which is twenty-six percent of the total presidents throughout history.

Four of the first five. Sixty-six percent of the first eighteen Presidents spanning over approximately 70 years until 1859 owned slaves. Also, sixty-six percent or eight of the first twelve Presidents owned slaves while in office, despairingly including no less than the two biggest offenders that beacon of Democracy first President George Washington (317) and third President Thomas Jefferson (600+). That is an accurate reflection of the beginnings of the United States government and its perspective on slavery. Zachery Taylor was the last sitting President to own slaves while in the White House.

Slave ownership concluded with President Grant before him holding office. Yet, racial prejudices, abuses, and indifferences have undeniably continued with documented instances, utterances, and interpretations that more recently have included Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.

The guarded thoughts and motivations revealed privately in the select company can only be imagined, but the detrimental public ramifications to blacks through legislative and monetary policy is a reality. Unfortunately, it has always been the American way, with discriminatory tolerances in the oval office and within every level of government and law enforcement.

The history of the Supreme Court reflects Black representation and consideration poorly within America’s history. For example, there have been seventeen Chief Justices and one hundred and four Associate Justices since 1789, and that is a total of one hundred and twenty-one Justices, but only two have been Black Justices. Most notably, the beloved and renowned civil rights icon, The Honorable Thurgood Marshall, in 1967 was the first black Justice, so that is only two in roughly a two hundred- and thirty-one-year span. In addition, Supreme Court decisions have historically been against black interest, sanctioned disparities, and have upheld racist practices.

George Wallace in 1963 challenged the federal government as Governor of Alabama, protesting the desegregation of education. As a result, student busing in the ’60s and ’70s became necessary and was met with staunch resistance against an opportunity for equal education for the black population.

The Iran Contra scandal was President Reagan and Oliver North’s ruse to illegally fund the overthrow of Manuel Noriega by racially and demographically designating cocaine infiltration into the Black community. That ignited the crack cocaine epidemic and eradicating decades of Black gains while initiating the criminality of Black crack cocaine addiction. When one form of racism or discrimination subsides or is no longer acceptable, then another more covert and more effective method replaces it along with the ensuing justification.

Some forms of racism were transformed while others continued simmering beneath the collective consciousness in hopes of rising again once agitated to the surface. It was most recently disguised as a political movement of conservative values echoing Confederate ideology and stolen electoral representation of all things. The Confederacy dogma has persisted despite their defeat and treason against the United States.

The civil war ended with the defeat and collapse of the Confederacy in 1865, only to linger as a southern legacy. Their appalling heritage was openly honored without much condemnation, representing a lingering tolerance and insult to Blacks directly and indirectly to the United States. Their flag was even taken along for an overthrow of the Capitol to symbolize a foreign government takeover bogusly masquerading as patriotism.

Where else can a loser be allowed to fly their banner and display monuments? The Confederate flag is a direct dissent against the Union’s victory and an embrace of a racist past symbolizing racism more than any other symbol in America. Unlike other wars, the Confederate flag represents only slavery, the only southern dispute of the war for economic reasons.

The bigotry is deeply rooted and accepted that it has penetrated the military and government in name, action, and celebration. It took a full one hundred years for the 1965 Voting Rights Act to ensure and protect Black participation in politics and government, while that defeated flag has not seen one day of prohibition.

The Union’s protest of slavery was primarily due to the unfair economic practices and advantages created by slave labor that disproportionately enriched the southern states, although the Union also eagerly participated indirectly and profited from southern slavery. Remember that Grant was probably the most renowned general against the Confederacy and had slaves during the war but before his White House tenure as President.

After President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which he was assassinated for because of opposition, Andrew Johnson became President. He refused to honor Gen. Sherman Field Order 15, pledging reparations in the form of forty acres and a mule for freed slaves in 1865. Former slaves fought to ensure the Union’s victory, but the contribution was not compensated as promised and defaulted on assuring continued discrimination and generational poverty.

However, the 1862 Homestead Act gave free land for settlement, but free land was given to immigrants as had been the practice as a starter kit for slaveowners, free slaves included. Native Americans received reparations, as well as Japanese for being held in internment camps. Even countries that have been at war with the United States have received reparations, but not Blacks. There is no more a compelling reason or justification for blacks to receive compensation instead of the continued discrimination, systematic denial of humanity, and outright murder thru excessive use of force against Black men, women, and children.

After the Civil War, the Union most certainly equally promoted Jim Crow and the confederacy south, with America once again united by their racism. Confederate ideology marches on with racism at the helm. It masquerades as southern pride and conservative values. The Confederate intent and persistence of racism have remained strong and, just as recently as 2020, has been explicitly displayed to expose the enormous and robust support for its prominence with proud proclamations of its pervasive ignorance. 

Britain, France, Portugal, Dutch, Spain, and America were some of the more prominent countries that participated and benefited greatly from slavery without any meaningful acknowledgment or compensation to blacks worldwide. The Royal Family has accumulated substantial wealth and tradition from the slave trade via their royal bloodline and the British empire. Maintaining the Royal family façade at its core is an ode to racism and superiority claims. 

Lord of London, Bank of London Barclays with trillions in assets, JP Morgan Chase, New York Life, Dupont, AIG, Aetna, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America, Brooks Brothers, Domino Sugar, New York Stock Exchange, Oxford, Dartmouth, Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Rutgers, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Tiffany Co, Wachovia, Norfolk Southern, New York Life, Rothchild, Providence Bank, CSX, and many other companies, entities, or lineages from then still stand today enriched by their slave trade involvement.

It is likely and safe to assume that most entities with a long history were benefactors of slavery. The Stock Market and Wall Street were heavily involved in the slave trade. Wall Street and the NYSE were established for the express purpose of slave trading, operating lawfully by decree since December 14th of 1711 as the official slave vending site in New York, sparking the building and expansion of the city. Most port cities were heavily dependent on slavery, even in the north. 

The United States has indemnified itself from the International Tribunal’s jurisdiction and the International Criminal Court regarding its past of crimes against humanity related to Blacks, slavery, and atrocities committed on American soil against Black captives. Therefore, any atrocities committed on American soil by law are beyond international jurisdiction and condemnation escaping liability. The United Nation General Assembly condemned Apartheid in Africa, but the atrocities against Blacks in America has been largely ignored, insincere, and certain changes generally ineffectual.

 If taxation without representation was the reason for America’s revolt, can we not consider murder, forced slave labor without compensation, and systemic racism as a legitimate provocation for black protest? The unforeseen ramifications of the proliferation of slavery, political suppression, and racial discrimination throughout America have had the unintentional consequence of creating the seminal resistance that has prevailed from Blacks enraged by its atrocities to demand accountability for those atrocities.

Whites have not endured, anywhere near, comparatively the degree of suffering in which they have dispensed but are quick to bemoan and cry ouch when their privilege is diminished, or an election is not of their preference. Racism is a form of mental illness, and discrimination is a form of cheating. Psychological journals officially classify racism as a mental disorder arising from insecurity and low self-esteem.

Notwithstanding the need to cheat, cheating can be defined as a deliberate fraudulent subversion of fairness and morality by altering probabilities to gain success. The realization then has to become an admission that their humanity is tremendously self-devalued, without an unfair advantage, bringing into question their level of perseverance and achievement without fraudulent concessions. Your advantage is keeping others at an exploited disadvantage.

White America never foresaw a day when the imbalance of their influence would diminish to the point where they would have to address their advantages and abuses under the scrutinizing consciousness of history and fairness. The crimes levied against Black humanity have been obvious, and the perpetrating groups of benefactors have been identified. Still, yet no liability has been meaningfully accepted or imposed for damages caused. Legally retribution is customary for damages suffered. Words are not as sufficient as actions, and empty promises have been much more enduring than genuine commitment. 

This conservative ideology wants to force acceptance of their deeds and beliefs upon everyone as in the past and dismiss opposing views while declaring a clear conscience free from damages or redress. The past would insinuate a present discontinuation. The conservative values façade long used to camouflage the absolute certainty of the atrocities committed and the participating parties leaves no doubt other than what will be the remedy.

The forcing of their racist principles and propensities upon others starkly contrasts to even God granting humanity freedom of choice of belief. This should now leave no choice but to force some redemptive principles upon yourself towards an equitable resolution by ideology, government, business, and institutional structure. 


The fear of a level playing field looms larger than the fear of repudiation of racism or historical condemnation for the carnages of your atrocities. The distress of reckoning with your historical malfeasance, which was so completely and appallingly applied, is deeply rooted in your reluctance for retribution and your forfeiture of advantage. It is challenging to visualize amends when contemplating that maybe with equality, your advantage will evaporate or paranoia of the future when the demographics change. The fear is, “it ain’t no fun unless you are holding the gun.” 

You fear a syndrome like the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon where you dread a non-white-dominated America may become just like you but towards you. When you firmly held the stick, you beat the “hell” out of minorities, specifically Black people. Still, now you imagine yourself slowly losing your grip begging for leniency and dismissing grievances if the oppressed should ever hold the stick. It is anxiety produced over the consequences, repercussions, and accountability for your nightmare of exploitation, cruelty, and oppression of the Black race.

Consumed fully by the draining burden and deception needed to maintain by any means necessary the portrayal of sham supremacy that never existed, that was manufactured, and is increasingly ineffective. The fear even extends to a refusal to acknowledge the nightmarish realization that you could have ever espoused such evil that it nauseates your very consciousness igniting your furious denials despite your history’s revulsive accuracy. Denial of the truth does not diminish the facts, and perhaps you are what your record says you are, or at least history says so.

Fearing looking into the mirror and reconciling your past with your current refusal to acknowledge the advantages you received and the damages it has caused only aggravates the problem and delays the solution. The time has come to settle the four-hundred-year-old accrued debt and recognize that the benefits of the advantages unjustly created for yourself must be justly shared and available to all. The change must be a diametrical shift from the absolved systemic discrimination, deliberate persecution, and calculated economic disadvantages committed against Blacks to specifically include Black’s recommendations for the remedy and promotion of prosperity for the damages of our prolonged racial exploitation.

 If you do something outstanding, you want recognition and a parade, so if your deed is not so great, then why would that not be allowed to be acknowledged and exposed as well. Imagine if a competing team electronically stole signals, took PEDs (performance enhancement drugs), blatantly had the rules or officiation rigged to their advantage, or any number of other methods used to cheat.

They effectively influenced victory to glorify themselves to your team’s detriment. Would those gains be discredited, resented, deemed illegitimate, and in need of adjustment to ensure a level playing field and truth? That is what everyone should be equally allotted, a level playing field where a standard measurement is applied equally for self-actualizing opportunities and accomplishments without exemption.

 You cannot be fearful when your actions have caused your fear; it is called cause and effect or intentional provocation. If you were not bellyaching when you committed the act, do not bellyache when exposed, and the sanctions become due. You enjoyed the meal, now pay the bill. Reparations must be recognized as a deserved remedy for combat services rendered, the harm done, injustices practiced, and thefts committed.

Blacks have experienced them all without fair and equal compensation. It is morally reprehensible that these crimes against Black humanity continue to persist, are minimized, and dismissed. The time has come to soothe the outcry from the rampages and ravishes that sully all that America claims to stand for and promote worldwide but does not practice on American soil, claiming immunity, ignorance, or statute of limitations. Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations or immunity.

 To categorize an action, then examine the action devoid of name or race. If it is disgraceful and inexcusable, label it as such and assign the culprit to be held accountable and prescribe a remedy to be enforced. Finally, it is time to put a name on it, name names, and add up the deeds. Grades, credit rating, criminal record, career stats and rankings, designations, and accomplishments a few widely accepted measurements of you being what your history says you have been. They represent accepted systems of acknowledgment and accountability, as do reparations.

If you had not committed your action, then there would not have been a reaction created. To make your fear more palatable than your atrocities, in this case, fear should not be a state of anxiety but an acronym and a pledge to black people of Freedom, Equality, Atonement, and Reparations. Then redress for damages by the offending parties should be made forthcoming without complaint or compromise.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz