Kent State Massacre 2.0

                                                                              Thurston’s Thoughts

May 4, 1970

Kent State Massacre 2.0

If you live long enough or study history deep enough several revelations will become evident. Time does not repeat itself but circumstances most certainly do repeatedly. A politically imperfect storm brews from the perfect ingredients processed under complimentary conditions applied to heated rhetoric, defective ideologies, and authoritative coercions. Geopolitical agendas supersede rational restraint, humanitarian recognitions, and collateral damage from combustive allegiances to questionable aggressions. The schematic of conflict includes the usual suspects of religion, ideological clashes, and conquest of ulterior motives.

The Kent State Massacre combustive casserole involve students protesting participation in two escalating foreign wars, the military draft to support those wars, and a National Guard mobilization on campus to quell protest. Four students were killed and nine wounded as the National Guard opened fire on students. This single tragedy galvanized students, campuses, and the general public nationwide, magnifying the essence and social force that the shootings had sought to suppress.

Repressing protests on American soil with American military force against American citizens to muffle dissidence and civil rights for a foreign agenda actually increased the protest. Domestic rights were massacred in pursuit of spreading democracy, which was the façade du jour promoted, concealing  geopolitical ideologies propagated under patriotism, nationalism, and imperialism. The reheated leftovers of the Doctrine of Discovery and Papal Bulls of cajoling religion, conquest, and  dogma always with a splash of righteousness against a competing ideology, were paramount.

Vietnam and Cambodia left a stain on America with Kent State, Agent Orange suffers, heroin addictions, and less than heroic treatment of returning service personnel. Protest against the military draft and conscientious objections to the war signaled the puppet master’s strings being cut, changing the dynamics of the slaughter mill obedience to unbridled compliance. It ushered in a period of social revolution questioning the cocoon of authority.

Albert Einstein stated that blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Blind obedience festers atrocities justified by objective. A military draft removes choice as the embryo of brainwashing and psychological grooming leading to an assembly line of thought submission. Muhammed Ali was vilified for his resistance to the Vietnam War and draft to later become globally beloved. Doing right may not be recognized until later, but if it had not been done, what would there be to celebrate? The American Revolution is the epitome of such a protestive rebellion.

College campuses are the incubators of thought and often the genesis of leadership changing the status quo to generationally sculpt their interpretation upon future policy, procedures, and politics. Our world reflects this clash of old and new. The old holds the advantage of power and experience while the young possess enthusiasm and blossoming ideas. Many old heads were the youth of yesteryear’s protestors now fiercely protecting a current reality they then fought against. Debate by military force is no remedy to settling differing perspectives.

Those making war-mongering decisions are not the ones fighting and dying over them. The same college students are relied upon for military service but not the declaration of their convictions. Reasonably, an invalidation of a disputed position or method does not invalidate the merits. The dismissal of claims as anti-this or that, victimhood, or expired cannot dissolve the culpability or veracity its built upon.  The reason breathes even as the method is suffocated.

Many of today’s disputes emanate from an ideological religious crusade poorly disguised as politics. Religious beliefs of dubious veracity other than pure faith should not govern war or politics but they do as well as national and geopolitical allegiances. In addition, nationally during the early 70s, an embattled President Nixon was toppled by the criminality of Watergate, seduced by power and jolted by the prospect of losing it. Hence the crime and coverup.

There appear to be two overwhelming factors humanity must confront and they are inbred religion and absolute power. Both are corrupt and corrupted for dubious and distorted purposes. So by vicarious affiliation of consent or concession, the guilt of silence fuels the locomotive of atrocities as efficiently as purposeful intent. Perhaps the government of the people should listen to the dissatisfaction of the People. This time period of the 70s was deemed volatile by the volume of change and challenges. 

The 1973 codified Roe v. Wade recently overturned was enacted by the Pulse of the People. Additionally, BRICS now threatens the default currency status of the U.S. Dollar exploiting the 1971 Nixon removal of the gold standard to stimulate government spending and deficits. Globally nations are returning to the gold standard. Would you rather have a currency backed by gold or a diminishing fiat reputation? Lack of DEI was deemed a liability to productivity and decency shunning the equality of inequality. 

C. Everett Koop railed against cigarettes and its 600 ingredients, igniting 7,000 chemicals, leading to the warning on the packaging. The cigarette was vilified but not its producers  despite the verified health cost. The matador defense is now against menthol. Albeit smoking sherm, drinking ammonia, or eating rat poison is frowned upon except when consumed in cigarettes. From weapons of mass destruction to the current geopolitical dogma, truth and independent thinking should be encouraged to avoid the spin cycle of history repeating itself. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

There comes a time when it is prudent to take the keys from great grandpa not necessarily by age but by perspective. Over a half of our congressional leaders are over the age of sixty-five. Is there any wonder we are stuck in an ideological and geo-political stone age governed by perspectives of the 1940s and 50s? At the risk of being woke, wake up people it is a self-aggrandizing job for many politicians whose personal agenda trumps the public wishes. A governor who votes for a trans bill because of his child or a Speaker of the House who pushes foreign aid because his son is in the military.

Not to belie the decision but the selfishly subjective motive. This is how we are governed and compromised including the shell game of the Electoral College. So why encourage the youth to pursue an education that we don’t want them to use for critical thinking? If you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, why stop new dogs from performing new tricks? College campuses are the seeds planted years ago bearing fruit into the future. The pruning of this tree instills conformity to past social and political establishments.

The youth are shackled by decisions from people who will not be around to experience the damage. By association or capitulation, the slumber of stagnation cannot be allowed to massacre conscientious change as woke. The youth today will be us tomorrow just as we were them then. Institutions of thought should not stifle the expression of thought either by massacre or militia. History proves it only exacerbates the protest and rebellion.

Look around at the campus protests, two foreign wars potentially devouring our youth in escalated combat, talk of re-instituting a military draft for lack of volunteers, law enforcement/military confrontations with college protesters, abortion ban, voting rights circumvention, de-dollarization, social inequality, and a disgraced former President. With history repeating itself, we definitely do not need a Kent Massacre 2.0. Find another way, might does not make right. It makes martyrs and crusader’s. 


Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Table of Contents


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future   Anthem of Evolution 

  Introduction to Thurston’s Thoughts


A-  The Historical View                                               Part B-  Interpretation                      

A- Theory of Critical Race 20                       B- Distorted History  35                       

A- Absolute Certainty  50                              B- Most CeArtainly Did 62                     

A- To Tell the Truth 71                                  B- Pulling the Curtain 93.                    

A- Overdrawn Account 107                         B- The Big Payback 125                         

A- Twisted Reality 147                                  B- Madness to the Method 168         

A- Happy Emancipation  185                      B- Regifting Freedom Again  197      

A- Disturbing Display 220                          B- Hustling Backwards  237                

A- No N-word Allowed 259                         B- Speak no Evil, Do no Harm 270.   

A- Tactical Protest 293                                  B- Power to the Purpose 312.               

 Don’t Say It if We Don’t Mean It  346

 Hard Hat and a Lunch Pail  434

 Mindlessly Tethered  576

 Conclusion 587

 Appendix  601



Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Introduction

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Every so often, there is a seismic shift in circumstances brought about by a demand for change. Those who benefit most from change position themselves to capitalize upon that change. They then endeavor to maintain their advantage to sustain their benefit. But, the same is even more true for those adhering to the existing circumstances anticipating changes unfavorable to their concerns. It is the short-sighted cycle of selfish accumulation and consolidation without considering long-term implications or progress.

In an ironic twist, this hedonistic short-sightedness, selfish exploitation, and immediate gratification usually initiate the resulting demand for change. Figuratively milking the cow dry. The cycle feeds upon itself, continuing to circulate cleverly disguised with different variances of the same dynamic and sequence of results benefiting the usual suspects. Therefore, we must change the operational dynamics to alter the cycle and change the outcome.

The current process is constructed whereby there is no scenario where we, as Black people, collectively win. The odds are partly because our effort to shape the dynamic lacks definition and unity while facing staunch opposition. Speaking to power is vastly different from having authority. Speaking to power is more or less a formal complaint, while authority only exists to the extent it is recognized or exercised.

The objective is well defined in these terms on what shapes the narrative or dynamic. It is having power and speaking with authority. We need our power recognized to configure methods asserting authority to regulate our desired outcome. Primarily, the plight of our race is what is understood must not only be spoken but, to a more significant degree, demonstrated. The demonstration is not in organized protest or rioting but psychology and sociology. Let us systematically break down our constraints with brutal honesty, good, bad, or indifferent.

We must navigate a progressive path to acknowledge our power despite the history of slavery and any arising inferiority insinuations. The historical narrative has predominately focused on the dredges of slavery while ignoring or embezzling Black people’s achievements and contributions before, during, and after slavery. That narrative propagates inferiority to fill the void created by deception furthering the ignorance of white superiority and their insistence on Black subservience.

We should take an analytical approach to detect, identify, isolate, infiltrate, and dismantle our challenges regarding racism. So before any other considerations, it must first be determined what is the objective. Next, what are the strengths and vulnerabilities of the challenge? Then, how can the challenge be divided and overcome? Followed by what portion of the challenge must be prioritized and focused upon for maximum or strategic neutralization? Then finally, what will be installed in its place, and how will it be implemented to further achieve our objective?

The process will then come full circle, returning to the initial intent and evaluating it from its beginning to the acquisition of our objective. The subsequent actions are the steps needed to create any power-wielding authority or influence quantified by practical results. So, the starting point is to build power they cannot ignore. The goal in building it is a strong horizontal foundation. That is the strategic phase, but there is also the practical logistics of having the unity, personnel, and preparedness to accomplish the task.

Any movement starts in silence and thought, building a presence where the efforts cannot be snuffed out in its development or execution. Consequently, preparation creates resistance to collapse,  countering an anticipated condition or a predictable response based on contingency and method of implementation. A lesser power can withstand a more significant power when properly positioned to diminish the options and possibilities of opposition. Any concepts deployed must be applied using psychology and translated into sociological, political, and economic strategies.

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Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Book Description

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Book Description 

Thurston presents a candid examination of the sociology of racism, modern social systems, primitive rituals, and religious manipulations cloaked in conformities of ignorance. This is a casual forensic inquiry of history, methodologies, ideologies, and consequences of racism, religion, and economics to formulate narratives leading to our modern challenges of divisiveness and conflict. The sanctity of ignorance must be individually and intellectually dissected for suggestive solutions and future perspectives to identify historical traps of distraction, dehumanization, and deceit.

The book’s goal is to stir discovery, self-evaluation, discussion, and the rejection of counter-productive ideologies, behaviors, and conformities designed for subjugation. Among the evaluations are suggestions for solutions understanding the context of time, genetic migration, economic motives, political influence, military conquest, spiritual corruption, and psychological captivity.

 Not surprisingly, these transcend race to maintain exploitation through servitude as essential to a ruling class heavily reliant upon etymological illiteracy. This anthem of evolution is a call to shed the mental shackles of forbidden curiosities and rational impossibilities. Dare to explore your beliefs as the iceberg of deception melts under factual scrutiny. This must have book is an expansive journey into the tip of this deception and ignorance binding us. Free your mind, un-shield your eyes, and hear clearly this resounding message.



Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- “African American”

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Excerpts regarding the term “African  American” 

Page 176

Otherwise, there is a distinction such as African American or minority, not of lesser numbers, but as disadvantaged. Never just American. The Olympics is the only time we are simply American. No other race or nationality are referenced by a land many of them never visited and ties dating back over four hundred years. They at least have a country instead of just a continent of origin. However, many have populated this country to have the interim title removed from their designation, simply being called Americans.

Undoubtedly, the ability to Americanize one’s image for easier assimilation diverts attention from themselves, especially by ostracizing others, particularly Black people. Those who arrived by immigration now bemoan immigrants while concealing apparent hints of their immigrant origins.  White and light complexion immigrants easily assimilate into the white culture or middle class and are excluded from adverse comparisons and discrimination. Once incorporated, they quickly develop no allowances for a diversity of perspectives or cultures not rejected by their new identity and cultural spectacles.

Their culture is surrendered in exchange for a new identity welcoming them to the Americanized white subgroup. Not having their identity stolen but surrendered, they fail to see the damage and trauma caused by never feeling or escaping the prolonged ostracization our people have faced. Regarding the “African American” plight, they don’t know the half of it. The sting of the whip or the noose around the neck of it. They instead become members of the system by white association. The system and the integration become indistinguishable.

People are molded to be inflexible and dismissive, while systems are designed rigidly but fickle. Taking the country back for conservative values is maintaining the violation of church and state for religious values to mandate legislative foundations supplementing sociological biases. These customary biases and identities are preferred as normal behavior well entrenched, while any deviation is abnormal or fearfully anticipated. The imbalance that produces their comfort disregards the aggrieved party’s demand for consideration, essentially minimizing and dismissing claims with indignant outrage.

The way it has been is prone to narcissistic impositions by rejecting the evolution of intolerance and discontent to instead embracing inclusion. The majority inclination has shifted from the majority ideology of controlling minority populations. Yet, the now racist minority ideology resists the changing times seeking to rule the majority. The ignorance of the past attempts to paralyze the present and remains opposed and fearful of future possibilities and expectations. Redefining the constructs of society, self-identity, and equality is deemed a threat.

Marginalized society is no longer happy with whatever scraps procured, instead wanting whatever possibilities and considerations advantaged white’s receives. Wanting equilibrium of opportunity and social treatment impartially available and applied. The contempt and discontent are prevalent and pervasive on many levels regarding a biased irrelevant and suppressive application or standard.

However, a stark difference exists, whether it is gender inequality, pay inequality, religious discrimination, educational gaps, healthcare deficiencies, lifestyle orientation, and many others, not just racial profiling and social injustices. Moreover, many deep traumas have been directed towards all subgroups not representative of the dominant controlling group despite being members of other dominant subgroups such as educated, male, or the double whammy, Black and female. Every subgroup has a learned behavior with defining expectations and benefits and is subjected to judgment from other subgroups’ prejudices.

However, the problem arises when it minimizes or infringes on another subgroup to be defined by the standards beneficial to the dominant subgroup. Thus preferences are common to all humans or specific taxon, but the exercise of dominance and privilege where none exist based upon a manipulated interpretation or advantage violates humanity. Continued practice of this violation is not a deterrent for change, it invites it by unfairness. On the contrary, it dictates perseverance because to concede is to assure the imbalance of identity, perspective, and privilege continues.

Page 389

I have a theory, maybe a wacky theory but follow me. Suppose we travel back far enough to the origin of life in Africa. Wouldn’t that make everyone walking the earth African and all Americans African American? Suppose all bi-racial people claim their presumably socially dominant racial identity instead of the lowest relegation of their racial identity. Wouldn’t that make them white if they so choose?

Sort of the reverse one-drop rule where one drop of white blood would make you white or whatever race contributed to your identity. If Canaan was made Black by Noah to curse his father, Ham, then can’t all Blacks claim to be White being descendants of the pure seed of Ham directly from Noah or Canaan when he was white? What about as a descendant of Adam? Genealogy allows for claims of many variations of race or identity.

Furthermore, if people can choose to be non-binary, a singular person can identify as plural, and anyone can be white then why can’t Blacks claim to be any race, even white or no race, as a matter of self-identity, even for government purposes? Why not if it is based on self-identification or ancient history? So what is African American? Is it a color, a lineage, or a classification that secretly segregates us as a distinction other than American?

Look at any government form; under white, it does not have any distinction outside the collective family of white, none indicating origins or lineage. Maybe, everyone’s identity should be an x on forms to eliminate race as a consideration. Makes me wonder if race or gender is even needed since it is questionable what benefits the distinction brings. Arguably, it is more used for discrimination. This could indicate that some re-evaluating needs to occur when these terms have or should have no bearing on determinations or qualifications. But let’s go to the deep waters.

Case in point, to some the greatest President of all times, 45, who claims the confederate heritage and an all-American persona grandfather and grandmother was born in Kallstadt. But he claims white, not German or European. It goes unquestioned and is acceptable because, quietly, most designations of white fall in the immigrant category of impersonating a legacy of American heritage.

My grandmothers and grandfathers were born in Mississippi and Georgia, but I need to claim African American. Their parents and grandparents were born in America. It is a sly segregationist distinction where Black and brown people are further diluted as people of color. These distinctions are misleading, ambiguous, or flat-out lies. We are relegated to a continent or hemisphere, while other races belong to a country, province, city, or culture.

Whites can be of any nationality to claim white. All dark complexion people are not directly from Africa, although all humanity is from Africa, so how far back are we going? If that make all Americans African American by ancestry, whereas a naturalized African would be what? African Americans too, regardless of color. If born in Africa and naturalized in America, that seems to make you African American more than Black. But what that would make you is knowing your natural heritage, which we cannot claim. Still, their struggle is not removed from ours, our reference point is simply different.

Therefore African American signifies unknown origins and lost heritage. How many claim America as their homeland and heritage to take back America? But their roots don’t go back as far as ours in America? They will claim the country but not the atrocities. That would make America ours before it was theirs by way of their immigrant legacy. We have been the N-word, coons, coloreds, negroes, blacks, people of color, and African Americans in the ever-shifting saga of our assigned identity. I claim Black with pride just as others claim their distinction, even confederate, but they refuse to claim squatter.

Black is a legacy American whose ancestors were subjected to slavery, reminding me of my obligation to not defile their sacrifices and tribulations. The analogy is often inconsistent when attempting to retrofit an identity or association. By that metric, is there such thing as Confederate American or Immigrant American according to their heritage and ancestry? Most whites are of immigrant origins compared to descendants of slaves, but they also arrived on a boat, most after us. African American is furthering an insidious distinction that undermines the concept of equality. Minority applies to everyone from Black people to gender, disability, religion, and soon-to-be white in approximately thirty years.

Race is a delusion of numbers and classifications by disproportionate criteria. The technical distinctions defy logic while casually applied. By designation, the census and office of OMB consider African Americans to be anyone whose ancestors’ origins are traced back to the lower regions of Africa, below the northern portion or sub-Saharan. I would imagine even indirectly from another land. So realistically, African American is a polite way to say slave descendant. Everyone else on the globe can be considered white, even if from Africa.

By definition, it is firmly consistent a dark complexion person or so-called Black from the northern part of Africa is white by geography. So with the geographical origins set by that criteria, how does anyone else become classified as African American if not by color? The spectrum of color variations in all lands further extracts light complexion appeal as the overwhelming and overriding criteria simulating whiteness but not by geography. So by geographical designation as evidence, it reveals in general not where they hijacked us from but a dark skin aversion.

By the same curiosity, what slave trade or immigration globally have others undergone in four hundred and fifty years? Does it reflect their geographical origins for direct comparison to ours during the same period? That changes many things in the world, but many it doesn’t change. Globally connect the systems, ideological cultivations, and echoing beliefs throughout that time for an accurate portrait of comparison. From origin to evolution, follow the continuity of repetition over time. The repetition of time cast its shadow as truth without breath possessing only time with more assumed than spoken.

Page 399

This brings it back full circle to the descendant from slavery labeling disguised as African American. Maybe they need to know to exclude us rather than ensure we are included. White includes every light complexion nationality without further distinction whereby they are incorporated by deceptive but established means regardless of time or history in America. Skin tone grants automatic membership and privileges from day one. This is also true for other darker complexion nationalities so long as they are not Black.

Page 401

It would then seem culture not colorism is at play. It also confirms white is more of a social status of inclusion not a race. With African American meaning the descendant of slaves and white meaning everyone else, including descendants of slave owners, it also denotes us not being accepted as belonging on or from this land. White exclaim they need to take their country back, but it was inhabited when they arrived, but no mention of returning it and definitely not vacating it. But, we are welcome to return by boat to Africa when we have been here before almost everyone saying we don’t belong.

Relocated by slavery, our designation is the closest estimation of commonality, Africa, even if over four hundred years ago or more. But, African American also denotes being of unknown origins or lineage from a miscellaneous bin of humanity. It gets confusing because white is miscellaneously composed and defined only by what has not been included, Black people, ignoring genealogy. African American is an oxymoron. Africans suggest we don’t belong here, and American likewise suggest we don’t belong there. Yet, we are tolerated in America as orphans with no specific nationality or ancestral identity.

Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Preface


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Thurston K. Atlas started a blog entitled “When Playtime is Over” to express his point of view on relevant topics and present an alternative voice. Thurston K. Atlas’s diverse life experiences and challenges provide a basis for his perspective he felt compelled to express. The author hopes that the perspectives and ideologies offered are used for motivation, contemplation, and progression. Thurston K. Atlas’ primary objective is to generate introspective thought, facilitate candid conversation, and arouse free-thinking perspectives.

This book is presented in a series of observations and commentary of perspectives intended to editorialize and illustrate the surface ramifications of underlying racial principles and ideologies. It further explores and challenges some long-accepted fundamental socializations and the consequences of adhering to these thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. The goal is conveying a deeper understanding. Part A is the conventional or historical perspective, while Part B is a companion article offering a more specific interpretation applying causation and intent, hopefully leading to awareness and solutions.

The articles in Part A illustrate factual experiences, while Part B stirs the sediment of its implementation and impact. The psychological and sociological dynamics causing and promoting racial discrimination also produce many other biases affecting various socially marginalized subgroups targeted by discriminatory treatment. These dynamics transcend racism and geography, but many of the solutions are similar since many of the root causes are comparable.

The primary goal is for you to include these ideas and considerations in your family and subgroup discussions, making the exchange a philosophical family affair. Finally, part C is a series of questions intended to encourage conversation to preemptively address issues clarifying possible actions, responses, and perspectives applied to real-world situations. Whatever your perspective, it should be factually and logically defensible but certainly withstand debate.

The discussion within the Black family is crucial as a rite of passage, survival, and recognition to avoid the distractions and traps that deplete our aspirations and progression. We must place the narrative in our hands, emancipated from the residue of slavery and focused on future prosperity. It is only a generation away if the proper approaches are applied. Applying enhanced knowledge, altered perception, and practical actions for those sufficiently determined and disciplined are the treasures that will summon fortune, astutely changing the Black condition.

The advantages of aggressive pursuit are undeniable, while the complacency of the past is inadequate. The absence of change prolongs assured damages, while the sluggishness of progress stalls optimism and is insufficient to execute solutions. We are all familiar with the old methods the same old results. Time to change the channel to visually, emotionally, and intellectually recalibrate our psychology, sociology, and methodology.

Hopefully, we will reconsider what we validate and from what we seek validation. We must visualize our objectives directing our actions toward achieving them. So, welcome to when playtime is over, where our goal is to stimulate thought and conversation, not to convert your perspective. Any persuasion is solely at your discretion and deliberation. So, let the discussions and transformations begin.

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The Dreamer’s Dream

Delayed Delivery

The Dreamer’s Dream

Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech spoke of hope at daybreak after a long night of captivity. He spoke of the crippling continuation of segregation and discrimination even 100 years later. He spoke of us as an island isolated from prosperity by public policy and racist sentiment. He spoke of cashing a check issued on a promissory note. His civil rights speech questioned the inalienable rights, liberty, and pursuit of happiness promised to all but yet not delivered to us. He spoke of the urgency of the times, police brutality, ghetto conditions only varying in the size of the ghetto, voting rights denied, and the indifference to injustice provoking an interdependent fate of destruction.

However, he did not speak of becoming docile and we should not let the interpretation of his words convert us into doormats for those who say his words were those of passivity. He was emphatic about there can be no rest or contentment until we are recognized and treated equally as first class citizens.  He did indeed speak of a color blind society but have we achieved it yet? If not, many interpretations and assertions regarding his speech are still delinquent in their realization. As such, the racial utopia of his dream is a society we are working towards but still have a considerable ways to go.

The unrelenting echoes of his voice ring loud and true as if he is giving that speech today. Many of the conditions he spoke of still exist as challenges of today. Sure, apologist, revisionist, and the treasonous historically ignorant point to gains amounting to meatless bones of patronization comparative to other segments of society. He also warned us of contentment fatiguing us to complacency. It is also true that our complacency has now led to our conditions just as much as the forces against us have. Patience is a virtue only when it is not used as a crutch propping up alibis of inaction and deficits of fortitude.

Where is our bus boycott or march on power mentality insisting our demands are met? We whimper in celebrations of causes which allude us disguised as a tribute to the man himself. They are separate. Celebrate the man but the fight for the cause, his cause which has always been our cause is still waging far from over and constantly under siege. Any factual revelation of discrimination is labeled anti-American, anti-white, divisive, and well, racist. It absolutely is exactly that if judged by the metric of Jim Crow and those who would hold themselves to a delusional entitlement of superiority.

But that was the point of his speech. He was, and I am also very clear to state it is not a reference to all white people or people of any “color” who do not hold racist sentiments. Much like in home room when they call names at roll call. If it is not your name, you don’t answer because they are not talking to you. Same for acts of racism not committed by you. Counter claims of racism because we assert our humanity may just have to be the price of doing business and should not deter us from our appointed duty. This counter claim of racism from pointing out the elephant in society amounts to playing the dozens and you can’t play with me in a way I don’t play.

Label it as you may but it does not change the nature of the historical accuracies by the whining “white victimization” petition when social change or accountability hounds your privileged fragility of a fractured identity. The reimbursement of our claims are met with entitlements of moral bankruptcy or written off as an uncollectable debt of justice. But, why? A large part is the psychology of assimilation where we must shun any association or resemblance to those of us still stereotypically marginalized based on our indoctrination of them as memories of inferiority. Our Judas approach to denounce them to appease others and pacify ourselves maintains our separation and our collective ostracization.

It is an adoption of an ideology mimicking an identity conditioned upon us similar to the squabble between house and field personnel. An immigrational surrender of our identity to gain acceptance. Dr. King spoke of governors, some now are freshly minted immigrants I might add, as vicious racist whose lips are dripping with, well their hypocrisy of racism or the eradication of it. Frankly speaking, presidential candidates can be included as well until their ethnicity is challenge as not “white” and then they cry racism which they say does not exist.

However, I would bet white is what they self-identify as on an application when it suits them. This code switching is a form of discriminatory privilege many fail to admit but routinely use such as the term minority or person of color. These minor practices do not obscure the awareness and denial of much more significant normalities and fluctuating definitions of unnecessary labels. They protest the restrictions of racism and subjugated labels only when directly applied to them. Why would it exist for them but not for us when we have a documented archive of its existence for us? They can ban books but history, memories, and truth is a much different story. 

So, August 28, 1963, was the date of Dr. King’s historic speech and more than 60 years later the runway is still not clear for equality to land. Advocates of freedom are not voting for something. We are voting against our forever intertwined destruction. Our collective survival. This is especially true for Blacks, the enemy of those who opposes our interest is a friend not to us but to our interest. Assimilation surrenders an identity which many believe was taken from us centuries ago, but as Dr. King said this is a beginning and not an end.

Our salvation will be our dignity, content of character, and fortitude persevering as our sword to tremble the sentiments of injustice from the ideological delusion of Stone Mountain in Georgia to whatever rock of ideology racist hide behind or under. We have tried a soul force of faith more appropriate for that time. It has proven that the beggars tool benefits only time. So, don’t discredit Dr. King’s dream turning it into a nightmare by our empty talk and celebration. Celebrate his life and legacy sure, but don’t succumb to the relaxation of a partial achievement. Dr. King warned us of this with his words and life 

Nevertheless, his legacy is best celebrated by the actions of people who embody his calls to arms by being about it instead of talking about it. Standing on the ideological business about it. To not be deceived about his dream we must learn about the Dreamer and his speech from his words beyond the sensationalism of a few of the more famous verses. It will inspire you to a greater appreciation for his significance as a sociopolitical force so dangerous he had to be silenced. READ the speech to consume the magnitude of its message so it can never be silenced. Please, don’t sleep on the Dreamer’s message. Humanity has no color only where racism has no place. Hopefully one day we’ll have a Happy MLK Jr Day which is not a dream but a reality!

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Playing your game baby

Tilted Playing Field

In the course of consensual indulgences for mutual benefit, sometimes the balance between expectations and consideration requires a renegotiation by duress if not otherwise forthcoming. For example, suppose you provide a service, and there is an insufficient acknowledgment of the value of that service. In that case, your contribution is dismissed as incidental or unnecessary to the successes or is interchangeable. The “commodity” is the foundation of a product or service.

However, devoid of the benefit of unobstructed advancement on merit, it resonates as capricious gratitude being allowed to partake in the process, not the benefit. This dampens ambition by despair due to lack of opportunity. By evaluating contributions, ambition rises above participation, breaching the levee of limitations for more meaningful recognition and reward for contributing to others’ achievements.

Imagine the “commodity” is human labor and specialized talents or skills honed and proven to be the foundation of the product or service provided, which otherwise could not be offered with the same quality. So the “commodity” and the capital are codependent, with the capital possessing the majority of the power, decision making, and designations. With the missing ingredient being capital or seed money to sustain the liquidity of the operation’s existence, talent is dependent. It is a consensual understanding for a mutual benefit until the arrangement has progressed beyond the original terms or either becomes no longer necessary.

The original terms being firmly at the discretion of the capital providers refusing to mitigate the conditions leaves two options. Express dissatisfaction while bemoaning for change and patiently waiting for redress or removing yourself and your contribution from the scenario. Patiently bemoaning at least provides participation while disassociation invites replacement.

To better understand the options, if the “commodity” is disrupted and irreplaceable, the capital would be more amenable to the changes to preserve their interest and investment. But, on the other hand, if disassociation of talent is tendered, a viable option would have to be available. Perhaps made available by your ingenuity having everything except the capital, but what if you had a succession plan, the resolve, and the capital. Then what?

The enterprising spirit undertaken to create the situation you decided to separate from is the calculated risk needed. It is the same spirit that can propel your ambitions forward. Why can’t you do for yourself what you were doing for someone else? Uncertainty? Of what? Like Heavy D and the Boys rapped, “We got our own thang.” Get up and do your thang.

You can witness a movement, be part of a movement, start a movement, or be the movement. The movement is to increase the residual benefits of actions already undertaken by doing them somewhere else or leveraging the prospect of doing so elsewhere. So, quit pump faking when you can take your shot. Deliver unto yourself what you request in vain and wait indefinitely to be provided. The inducement has been profoundly provoked and repeatedly aggravated. To remain is a choice.

This applies to any situation you may find yourself confronted with, but I have something specific in mind. Everything is irrational when first proposed if the possibility is foreign or uncomfortable, but not to the fearless visionary and cold calculator. Sports are a melding of many facets of life and bonding. It also generates billions of dollars on the collegiate and pro levels, not to mention merchandise and gambling implications.

According to the US Department of Education, there are 107 HBCU’s operating in the United States. Those with D1 athletic programs in football and basketball can upset collegiate athletics by a swing in the “commodity” they attract. For example, the flamboyant visionary mind of Coach Prime with the brazen audacity to think we can compete with the big boys first by recruitment and then by performance has proven the premise.

With the advent of NIL’s and the transfer portals, the landscape of HBCUs resources, valuations, and academic outreach can multiply with two changes. The ability to accommodate the expansion and attract the “commodity.” The “commodity” or student-athletes have an opportunity to affect social justice simply by where they choose to play sports.

If enough talent commits, national recognition and championships will follow the talent. What Black talent provides to most of the largest universities in the country, some with racist and slavery participating histories, they can provide to the institutions created as a refuge combating Black people exclusion from education.   

Furthermore, an accurate portrayal of history would undoubtedly be encouraged and transparency less problematic, not to mention the cultural affirmation. The insidious and exploitive undertones enjoyed by non-HBCUs can be converted to create a legacy of athletics, academics, and resources. Essentially, an irrepressible movement. Black Lives Matter should mean that Black Talent Matters and where that talent is displayed. NIL especially makes this lucrative for individual athletes and HBCUs. 

The resources, sponsorships, amenities, media coverage, merchandise, fame, and more will be flooded upon the athletes of current pioneers like Coach Prime, Rampaging Eddie George, and others who establish this transformative opportunity. The legendary Coach Eddie Robinson comes to mind, among others, as a keeper of the aspiration until the circumstance were ripe as they are now. Time has taken its place and this space and time are unprecedented. However, if some would not support or respect the freedom of choice now prevalent in collegiate sports, we could fill that void by creating solutions to satisfy our needs. 

The rallying cry would certainly be answered by former pros, HOF players, volunteers, business leaders, businesses, academics, and celebrities to pridefully coach and mentor HBCU talent. The response and support can revitalize the surrounding businesses, community, and campuses with the talent concentrated. Entertainment and concerts could be incorporated to generate additional revenue sharing and venue fees. Fundraisers similar to Farm Aid, Telethons, and We are the World can be organized to benefit HBCUs directly. Consider if a musician made a smash fire song and donated the proceeds to HBCUs or if many artists did the same. What about a tour?

There is no limit to the possibilities of concerts, Versus type events such as sponsored by Tim and Beatz, or live streaming prospects. The fashion and culture statement popularizing HBCU gear would leave no doubt about what culture we promote. Make HBCU apparel as popular as Timberland boots or other designer items so coveted and supported by Blacks. The elevation of aspirations requires that we make the fashion instead of just wearing it, becoming producers instead of just consumers. The impact would be directed towards achieving the goal we so willingly protest for but are unwilling to support using our economic muscle. 

The resulting entrepreneurial initiative and investment would ensure a vibrant microcosm of prosperity similar to Black Wallstreet, providing allowances for student subsidies, facility improvements, and overall Black condition. I propose making Juneteenth a fundraising event for HBCUs, giving the date meaning and producing practical gains instead of the current masquerade.

Celebrating Juneteenth by stimulating the economy for all and purchasing t-shirts adds zero meaning or purpose to this hollow holiday. Why not gather resources instead of spending them? Why not embrace a resolution to harvest measurable progress towards real Black freedom? The masses of ordinary people possess the power when moving in unison as a concentrated initiative. 

Supporting HBCUs would expand academic growth, producing more representation in politics, medicine, business, and investments. If the programs are not offered, create them. If they exist, improve them to rival the best offered anywhere. Internships would supplement the educational value with practical guidance and experience.

Talent is the innovation and equalizer when appropriately focused. Self-awareness is knowing where the self ends and being aware of circumstances beyond yourself having an impact on a grand scale. It is not about you but the future of us. Talent and how it is utilized tilts the playing field like nothing else. Look at Nike. The representation of talent is what they really sell. 

Talent can create ownership and distribution percentages shared across the HBCU spectrum to schools other than the D1 participants to dominate the other divisions or benefit from the D1 capital successes. So why is inclusion in someone else’s prosperity more important at the exclusion of your own because they have finally accepted your talent or revenue for their benefit?

To build the social justice sought, protesting in the streets has its limitations. Protest in the pockets, balance sheets, fiscal projections, and boardrooms provides quantitative incentives and deterrents. In addition, HBCUs would be open to whoever chose to enroll there, fully embracing all contributions as valuable to its success.

Those who benefited can tithe a percentage of their prosperity. The investment generating returns, loosely structured, similar to a student loan or donation, would secure the opportunity for those who follow. The Fab Five shook college basketball to its core. Phi Slama Jama 82 to 84 and Georgetown Hoyas from 84 to 91 frightened the NCAA basketball world.

Consider Larry Bird went to Indiana State and singlehandedly put them on the map and himself on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Nothing before or since, just the power of one player. The point is they will find you. Imagine the possibilities at an HBCU with the top talents of today consolidated. We can make Black History and establish legacies at this pivotal moment of change. Think like a boss and become the movement that shapes the future with generational reverberations. 

Likewise, pro football is especially vulnerable. Are you ready for some NFL football, the conversation that is? Let’s talk about creating an Equity Football League, a league where fairness is the standard, not the comparison. Fairness is a standard, while equality is a comparison.

A standard is easier to assess and apply being static, while a comparison is fluid by nature and subject to the changing criteria of evaluation. Impartiality should be oblivious to considerations deprived of fairness and exclude incidental irrelevancies. The Brian Flores lawsuit has pulled back the curtain on what many persons associated with the NFL already knew to be true, ownership bias exists.


To further extend the conversation to the pros, there seems to be an ongoing devaluation of Black’s contribution beyond the “commodity” phase proven by lack of head coaching, management, and ownership representation. The new league ownership could be constituted as a Corp, LLC, Social Club Membership, a service contract and exotic Reit, or hybrid player/public owned with revenue sharing.

Maybe owned and distributed through blockchain or subscription. Games can be played at HBCU stadiums with HBCU bands as paid entertainment or other celebrity entertainment. The players acquired from the college pipeline and free agent NFL players. Coaching and management from the excluded ranks of the NFL and college. 

It is nearly impossible to envision Black ownership in the NFL, likewise a fair percentage of Black management and head coaches where nary an eyebrow is raised either way. However, we don’t have another fifty or sixty years to wait. The Black quarterback has largely silenced the conversation of qualification and opportunity, but ownership still eludes Blacks.

It was once taboo to even imagine a Black quarterback, but now it is common. The Black NFL players and coaches directly contribute to the head coach’s success, only not to be rewarded for their contribution to that success with head coaching opportunities. Compensated but not represented in terms of a fair opportunity at the pinnacle. The compensation is not proportionate with the revenue generated because ownership is forbidden.

Suppose a Black owner was initiated in the NFL. Perhaps the top talent’s gravitation would prefer them as a destination even at a discount but assured by the talent accumulated to dominate the Superbowl and create a dynasty. Not only would it disrupt the league, owner’s valuations, and the gambling industry, it would force the NFL adaptation to remain competitive.

Being refused ownership, the alternative would be to start your own league, draining them of the talent pool they take for granted. With the entertainment value depleted, the revenue would soon follow with waning interest. Then, at the absolute best, a prosperous alternative league would emerge or a merger expanding the NFL to include the Black ownership and players.

With seventy percent of the NFL players of color, what would the NFL value be to compete with a league that gained a sizable percentage of that talent? The NFL would have to pay extreme premiums to retain the talent, further enriching the athletes depleting their monopoly, needing the “commodity” to survive financially, and increasing the number of professional players to fill the void. The goal is to create fairness, ownership participation, and redistribution of wealth, not segregation. 

There is precedent for Blacks creating their own equity and entities to rival any others using leverage and intelligence. Reginald F. Lewis was as respected as any American businessman of the highest degree.  His ownership and entrepreneurial initiative were demonstrated and achieved during a more tumultuous and discriminatory time than now becoming one of the richest Black men in modern America during the 1980s. He was the first Black American to build a billion-dollar company, TLC Beatrice International Holdings Inc. 

Furthermore, there are sports examples where alternative Black enterprises and individuals leveraged talent, intelligence, and dignity to retort exclusion. The Negro League produced teams comparable and superior to MLB and an influx of talent, including Jackie Robinson. The Harlem Globetrotters is another example, including the likes of Wilt Chamberlain. The Living Legend Jim Brown rebuked ownership in his prime to dispel any misconception they controlled his dignity.

We can assemble those with the capital to circumvent the NFL ownership structure by collective endeavor and creative financing. The diversity of this effort would ensure its success. Suppose Black billionaires such as Robert Johnson of BET fame, Robert F. Smith of the investment world, media giants Byron Allen and Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter and Beyonce, Rihanna, and Tyler Perry invested capital and knowledge.

Furthermore, if Magic Johnson, Daymond John, Serena Williams, and an endless rollcall of billionaires and millionaires not conflicted by race contributed capital. All recognizing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity bringing a degree of accomplishment, venture capital, public money, and expertise to the table. They represent a diversity of industries able to mobilize their influence and forte in addition to capital. 

Be advised that the burden is not theirs but ours. Black leadership does not relieve us of our responsibility as a grassroots movement complementing them. We cannot rely on others, despite their color, to deliver us without our exertion as a base of engaged solidarity. There is strength in numbers, especially when resolute in objective. This is our duty to be unyielding and unified.

No contribution is too small. The sixties protest was successful for one reason, solidarity of spirit and purpose. We must be willing to risk confrontation of interest to achieve an objective. Fairness is a form of respect and likewise is assured by earning it or taking it. Anything given stands to be taken away by the giver. Thus, the creation of formidable industries demands respect and discourages opposition.    

Any creation of industries as outlets for talent and opportunities fairly distributed rejecting status quo biases provides economic empowerment and social redress. The fourteen plus percent of the Black population is significant enough to send a shiver through the economic landscape.

Utilizing our 1.6 trillion purchasing power no longer scattered promotes social justice and fairness using the language of money. Merchandising, supply chains, cable, and television rights through Black venders would diversify the benefit to Black prosperity and education. So, enter the fray with dollars in hand and resolve on display.

Once done, the challenge to their product, revenue stream, tax base, and lease obligations would humble their restrictions allowing fairness by necessity with their capital no longer needed. But unfortunately, the ongoing impulse to endure unfavorable conditions negates the possibilities of new horizons for those who are visionary and bold.

If they are so fond of a tilted playing field, then accommodate them with a tilted field but in our favor this time. I am sure there will be no hard feelings in a free market society of the fittest. The winds of change are blowing strongly. We should not resist but set our sails with the wind.

Their arrogant taunt and empty promises are if you don’t like it, what can you do about it but complain? That is where they made a colossal miscalculation if our courage to create an alternative league surpasses the frustration of exclusion from their club’s hierarchy. A King rose out of an unlikely challenge when David slew the giant Goliath. The mighty can be brought to heel with a well-placed blow.

The NFL has a very shortsighted vision of their business model or an overwhelming concession to prejudice and exclusion, dismissing the value of fairness to the “commodity.” There are many Goliaths to be slain. Track and field is another area of concentration that HBCUs could benefit from significantly. The rise of or rather suppression of women’s sports by lack of funding is also a social and economic opportunity for women to capitalize while also elevating their craft. 

The spirit of education, ownership, and self-determination manifested the HBCU to counter the exclusion from educational pursuits with no choices before that weren’t rampant with discrimination. By our ancestor’s power and tenacity, HBCUs were founded in the mid-1800s, with the first being Cheyney University of Pennsylvania in 1837.

Knowing the Black struggle, sufferings, and sacrifices to produce the higher learning institutions of the HBCU makes them our original Alma Mater. Therefore, HBCUs are our Alma Mater by vision, if not by attendance. 

We have always been welcome at our own thang, our HBCUs when no other would accept us. Remember that when it is time to pledge your services. Talent consolidation leads to comprehensive self-determination by revenue generation. Given the Black athletic talent and revenue generated, why do HBCUs struggle for sustainability or resources if not forsaken by the very people it was created to empower. The shameful allegiance to and exploitation by these other institutions of Black talent robs HBCUs.

If you want to protest something, protest that, by choosing who cultivated your future before you knew you had one. That is a practical step toward social justice, education, and economic viability using supply, demand, and exclusivity. It is not racial. It is business. It is not segregation. It is self-determination. It is our new business model for redistributing the wealth earned from our labor and talent. Same for the entertainment and music industries.

If the business model resembles what has been historically used against us, I can assure you that it is coincidental and sanctioned by comparison. Otherwise, they should not practice it. So consider it playing their game, their rules, but to our benefit this time. In addition, a tax-deductible donation would direct resources to HBCUs from taxes you would pay otherwise to the IRS.

There is no need to beg for fairness when you can provide yourself justice. Give your product or service the value you have provided theirs, and it will attract resources and customers, especially if marketed correctly, providing residual value to the patrons in addition to yourself. They pay to see the “commodity,” not the owners.

If you build it, they will come but more importantly, make sure you come because we already have our own thang and the talent to stock it. We are not commodities to be traded on the open market or paraded at a combine for white owners to choose from, like a slave auction to enrich themselves by our labor. Support our thang.

Start at the roots, HBCU. Let’s support Black ownership, wealth creation, and HBCUs with Black talent and resources. Talent is our leverage and venture capital to use wisely. Remember, there is no need to beg. But, there is a need to do. Now, what team are you playing for, the beggars or the doers?

Thurston K. Atlas 

Creating A Buzz  


Hocus Pocus- Election 2020

Lesson Learned,  Strategy Applied

Hocus Pocus is a catchy phrase that is associated with magic tricks. It is a concept that captivates your attention without any detection of its sly execution. But, in practice, it is meaningless talk or activity specifically designed to draw attention away from, deceive, or disguise what is secretly happening in front of you.

It magically enchants or charms you using a series of words and actions directing your thoughts towards a diversion. While at the same time conducting the deception. It has already brought about some sort of magical distortion by undetected sleight of hand or mind when spoken. The hocus pocus is the diversion that exploits perception with the pretense of magic. Thus it is called a trick for this reason because you are indeed tricked by deception.

The 2020 election has been the magic act, while the protest, civil unrest, and political shenanigans have been the hocus pocus diversion exploiting our perception against our objectives. We must realize the right to and the purpose for protest is not questioned or diminished by examining its objective and effectiveness but redefined and improved.

Is the goal of protest in and of itself for emotional release or to achieve a beneficial objective? Removing emotions must be replaced with the resilient decree of logical substantive resolutions. Furthermore, the ensuing political circus has been a well-orchestrated misdirection concealing an even more sinister plan, stroking fear to solidify power fueling re-election. 

My commentary is not a political statement and is devoid of politics or concern for who won the election because this has nothing to do with who won. It is more about the tactics of how the election was almost lost ideologically. Nevertheless, the need for adaptation in the premises and implementation of opposing strategy is brought in context by the support for Trumpism, which cannot be easily dismissed as just racist.

It is therefore prudent to develop counterintelligence from the ideologies that oppose our interests and learn from them. We must identify, know, and understand the instruments of repression used against our progress. 

Foremost, people align themselves with their interests more so than being opposed to someone else’s when they are not mutually exclusive or diametrically opposed intrusions. Thus, social justice can occur without threatening to upend society but promising to improve it if done strategically.

What does threaten to upend society is the fear of senseless violence and random destruction. This path has been traveled repeatedly and has not accomplished social justice but more alienation, ours. But, on the other hand, the contortion of Democracy and suppression of mechanisms of change continue as obstacles to be challenged and transformed.  

Regardless of any other section of society’s condition, we must concern ourselves with our condition. Comparatively, our grievances are legitimate, but we must maximize the actions within our power to affect our change. We must consider what has aided different segments of society to exceed and excel while we remain relatively stagnant. 

Complaining, making excuses, and finger-pointing relies on the offender relenting and granting us some degree of redress at their discretion.  Recognition of limitations beyond an empowering point produces weakness and is demoralizing, leaving us begging. There are more significant dynamics at play within our control and the development of effective ideological initiatives. 

What is within our control is, in fact, our power, and utilizing power needs no permission. Therefore, a structured demographical, tactical, psychological, economic, and political crusade using a calculated, disciplined, and focused application is required to create and expand our ideological initiative. Initially, we must be brutally honest in identifying our condition, counterproductive influences, and course of correction.

We must also assess our human resources, level of resilient commitment, best deployment options, and methods of quantitative accountability. Finally, any strengths and weaknesses of our resolve must be accurately assessed to formulate discipline to a resolution.

Supporting pointless actions must not become engrained or flourish within our objective. Once a blueprint is devised, identifying activities that jeopardize or damage that blueprint must be isolated, neutralized, or discontinued. It is minimizing or eradicating self-inflicted harm eroding our collective objective. The more focused and comprehensive the commitment, the more effective the plan is, expanding the considerations for implementation. 

Those who oppose this objective should not be able to infiltrate, associate, or instigate under the cloak of the collective objective. This infiltration of provocateur’s detrimental behavior is then wrongly associated with our protest and purpose when allowed or tolerated.

The method used to isolate and eliminate this infiltration is accomplished by adjusting our methods and directives of objection. Denouncing these actions as unrelated Operandi of an antagonist intention in opposition to our goals. This is not to endorse cowardly behavior or spinelessly tolerate repercussions but to advocate for logical and tactical outmaneuvering of opposing ideologies.

When in conflict, the allocations of the adversary must not be contributed to or enhanced but lessened or eliminated. As part of our resistance, it is foolish that we would provide the incentive, justification, sustenance, division, or discord to be used against us. If it does, then that policy is fortifying the opposition, feeding their interest against our objective. It simply cannot be allowed to nourish their starving resistance.

When building our formidable resistance, the dimension and composition of the participants is the primary determination, utilizing them as a cohesively focused demographic unit. We must use the right tools for the job, remembering that selected suitability varies according to purpose by capabilities. Some who could not or would not protest in the streets are eager to contribute otherwise. They can also contribute by other values and associations.

With only 14.7 % of the U.S. population identifying as black, we cannot underestimate our need for alliances with other demographics to accomplish our objectives. We need to project shared interests and avoid unnecessary alienation that does not promote our intent. Thus, promoting mutual effort by mutual gain emphasizing their benefit by coalition with a shared principle or common aspiration. There is no need to create opposition where none exists.      

Bullhorns and rhymes have their limitations. Old practices should be scrutinized and avoided if they create too many negative implications with minimal practical benefit. Resources and volunteers must have a mission, be purposefully mobilized, and be preserved from harm by design.

For example, where demographics are strong on local municipal levels, we can dictate our fate in the areas where we reside and work, then expand outward and upward. Considerations and accommodations in our concentrated demographic regions can provide a favorable safe haven or bubble where our circumstances are protected and expanded by legislative means. 

There must be recognition and proactive countermeasures enacted to prevent the games being played. Mauling voting rights is the emerging contention by voter suppression and redistricting to circumvent the antidotal counter to defend against the hocus pocus. 

We cannot proudly remain exclusive from others when we so desperately can use their help. There is strength in numbers, and mathematically these coalitions make it easier twofold by creating support and removing resistance. Furthermore, we need to reasonably identify our strategic advantages and partners, what resources and techniques are required, and methodically strengthen and apply them. 




Tactically, new creative methods of protest that rely less on physical presence, raging emotion, or confrontation are the most compelling, effective way to gain a powerful advantage. It is not hiding; it is stick and move, strike without being struck. Accomplishment is the goal, not posturing or grandstanding.

Additionally, conservative and religious forces need to be favorably engaged in extracting adherence to their stated core beliefs, aligning and consolidating them with our social justice goals. The incentive would be to embrace support for the freedoms they enjoy or claim to represent. 

Make them an offer that their belief cannot refuse or further expose and identify the basis for their hypocrisy, thereby being specified as part of the remedy or a fraud. Psychological actions imaginatively applied using proven, but unconventional applications are also less likely to be proactively neutralized or resisted. There would be no proven recourse for this fresh approach and its nuances.

Educational persuasion repetitiously applied in a targeted manner to a youthful perspective would be enormously influential and effective. Time is a tool for the progress of perspectives using generational change and leverage. Also, economic and political support or their withdrawal are significant motivations for attention to our social change demands.

Support withdrawn should be reminiscent of the sixties bus strike, where withdrawal of consent and economic patronage was transformational declarations of resistance. Withdrawal of support has always been a compelling motivator where our participation is needed, or our money is wanted.

Our consolidated demographic should encourage different economic and political choices to coordinate a more concerted effort and stimulate cooperation. Under these circumstances, more will align themselves with our interests instead of against them using our support.

Our economic platforms can directly inspire and enrich our people by diluting adverse power and influences. We must not beg for what they created from us or need us to sustain. We must prioritize our social justice and cultural needs to reflect our participation redirecting our actions to promote self-actuation instead of dependency.

Numerically, we must lead the way and carry our burden collectively, not overly relying on the rich and famous among us.  It is more of us who are less affluent and prominent than who are famous. The number one priority is our self-evaluation to better ourselves and our condition. We need to be aware of others’ interpretations of the images and actions that we project that harm and obstruct us. We must be accountable and responsible for our conduct and presentation.

How this projection harms us and restricts our progress needs to be considered more than the context of the implications received from this election. Our projections must be examined in a historical context just as they were created in one. What do we stubbornly cling to and justify? Is it just as damaging to ourselves as what anyone else may do to us? 

If others deem our objectives to be anti “law and order,”  should we examine what behavior we exhibited is legitly associated with eliciting this claim by not regulating our behavior, particularly towards each other. Thus, there are two sides to the coin of accountability, theirs and ours.

Have we become conditioned or disillusioned to exist or remain an injured people?  We must now claim our place without reservation or limitation to the equality that others enjoy. For example, does other’s financial interest oppose ours because we do not generally participate in the knowledge and profits of these investments and the resulting prosperity, or are we forbidden?

Is it only to the extent of our exclusion from opportunity, or is it a lack of choosing participation? It starts with our thoughts giving way to our actions, becoming our habits establishing our reality leading to our prosperity. But, first culturally, we must determine what we want to project, be associated with, or profit from generationally.

Realizing we are at liberty to choose or create the communities, education, and economy we want to live in, patronize, and stimulate. Elevating our spending habits, actions, self-education, education of self, discipline, and sacrifices will be required. Any success unique to our advancement can quickly elevate our condition, but only if we control and maintain the supply, demand, and quality.

Whatever division exists outside our interest, we cannot deny the need for more solidarity within to promote our prosperity. Consequently, whatever our outrage should be more reflective in our steadfast commitment to refrain from or institute actions according to our expectations. 

Expectations are similar to planting an apple tree. To bear fruit, it must mature, and it must ripen before harvest. It is an exercise in time, cultivation, and patience. The path can be long, but then so may the yield when expectations are realized.

The intel derived from the election totals for Trumpism, widely considered questionable political regard or disregard for our concerns and condition, is a better barometer of what may lessen opposition or assertions that harm us. 

Just because they are wrong, sometimes we might not be right. Of course, two wrongs do not make a right, but we need to get at least even. All considerations must be on the table for reevaluation. At the very least, we must not harm our interests by our actions toward ourselves or others.

Winning the battle or skirmish but losing the war causes collateral damage that will eventually be restored at our expense. So considering, despite civil unrest, the status quo was only interrupted for a penalty imposed upon our interest, but with limited substantive change achieved.

Instead, evaporating support and selective change have been arbitrarily metered with the diminishing sustainability of outrage and protest.  Rage burns like fuel. It will eventually extinguish itself when exhausted, and it is unsustainable at elevated levels. At the very least, it suggests that it needs supplementing or replacing with something more effective and sustainable.

Hocus pocus, sleight of hand, and our indignation was used to validate their fear, weaponizing voting their fears against our methods used to address social justice initiatives. It is a lesson that rage and fear are opposite sides of the same perspective and must be skillfully and situationally utilized for maximum effectiveness.

This fear-based sleight of hand and the delusions created by social distractions nearly disguised a sinister election plan to highjack Democracy, which was narrowly averted. They were attempting to achieve their comprehensive political control, thereby suffocating our fractional objective. Our objective remains encompassed and restricted within their agenda, making it a fraction within the whole.

The election was advertised as a runaway condemnation of Trumpism but shockingly was closely contested. Our objectives and objections must employ the tactics of chess and not checkers to logically repel the nonsense and diversions which undermine our interest. 

We must heed the lessons learned from this election to adjust our crusade avoiding the hocus pocus but producing some real magic. Working smart will create the magical results needed without succumbing to delusion.

The blueprint for agendas on diverse objectives, conditions, and cultures does not deviate too far from these tactical fluidities of perspective. It is interchangeable parts and transferable skills utilized with purpose.

It requires committing to the cause of self-determining your preferred condition. Remember, roses are beautiful but fragile devoid of nourishment. Plant apple trees, though taking longer to cultivate, provides a nourishing sustainable harvest.


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz



Economics of Racism and Covid-19 Tariff

Social Economics and Contingencies

The economics of fiscal responsibility requires focusing on return on investment of capital expenditures and social resources producing tangible gains. In short, return on the mighty dollar, dollar-dollar bill, the bag.

The cost analysis of racism manufactured (CORM) is similar to the cost of goods sold (COGS) model. We will use it to determine the profit margin and feasibility of the continued cost and production of racism and disregard of the Covid-19 virus.

A spreadsheet analysis will attempt to quantify the tangible cost of the actual and projected theoretical losses to estimate the profitability and sustainability of the country’s expenditures and their impact on America’s income statement. Basically, it is a monetary and social cost analysis and budget projection.

This cost analysis and resulting balance sheet, income statement, and labor projections are prepared for the public shareholders. The shareholders, stakeholders, and the board are the people, the American public. A board proxy vote of approval and confidence will determine the organization’s health under the former CEO’s tenure. The proxy was the 2020 Presidential Election.

Let’s crunch the numbers regarding the CEO since the books are in a mess and need an internal audit. We will also examine the shift in market share and demand, adherence to protocols and regulations.

The board and shareholders have equal and dual ownership rights without distinction, granting one vote per member. Finally, the presentation to the electoral assembly of owners will detail historical, current, and projected operational losses and expenditures.

This organization has had a long racist history dating back centuries. Operating much as the founders managed it with insufficient adjustments over time despite monumental shifts in demand patterns.

Our fiscal recommendation is that the business model is obsolete and creates a competitive disadvantage and toxic culture. In addition, the lack of brand demand is choking the supply chains as tolerance and preferences have changed.

Discontinuing the racist brand in response to the current situation is suggested and essential to the organization’s survival. Research and development reveal that the majority public is shocked that we still produce racism ignoring the plummeting support and adverse social liabilities.

Consequently, in recent decades, the racism product that we have espoused for so long has cost us presumably billions in protest, lawsuits, and loss of productivity. Thus, highlighting the persistent risks which are well known and devastating to the public trust.

Public demand and support for our racist products are at an all-time low, with fewer visible enthusiasts and closet endorsers. Still, quite frankly, it is a relic of the past that we again suggest being discontinued as financially unfeasible. The cost analysis will bear this out.

The beginning inventory of bigots has hit historic lows. For all intent and purposes appears to have self-liquidated through aging with their hateful, ignorant preferences passing with them.

This bigoted inventory used to fly off the shelves in the past, but shifting humanity clearly demands that we will not revive racism and make it a great seller again. It is on its deathbed as a product exposed for its destructive nature and unreasonable cost.

The cost of the raw material to make bigots has risen as the demand for them has dwindled. Additionally, the necessary materials are increasingly scarce, with the projection of ignorant practitioners educated to the fallacy and deception of their superiority. White skin should not guarantee you anything but a good tan.

It does not make you taller, faster, wiser, or anything as a collective group, evident by the market sampling of the white demographic. There is no natural group advantage based on white skin tone alone. Any human advantage is individual and opportunistic, not race-based.

The white advantage, manufactured to discourage competition and promote white privilege, has soured with America’s changing appetite. The resources of ignorant raw material to be brainwashed have substantially dried up or been educated.

With the beginning inventory very low, the acquisition of ignorant raw material ever scarcer, and the ending inventory stagnant is consequently subjecting the organization to continued exposure to litigation and maintenance costs that cannot be justified or sustained.

The gross income for centuries from racism cannot be over-calculated. Over time Blacks, Chinese, Mexican, and other’s labor have been oppressive or free, resulting in extraordinary profit margins for the organization.

The organization also benefited from no profit-sharing expenses to limit profits and the endless exploitation of the labor force without workplace regulations. CORM was consequently in its hay day of gross income and profitability with little overhead for the cost of racism manufactured by following strict adherence to the immoral human racial atrocity method of accounting.

The current racism cost generates no benefit to the organization’s profitability, having sustained heavy damages to revenue by social unrest. The cost is crushing when combining this economic forecast with the loss of nearly seven hundred thousand lives due to Covid-19.

The forecast regarding Covid has been bleak at best. Escalating loss of productivity, medical and hospitalization cost, stimulus packages, and social liabilities continue to accumulate, sparking shareholders’ concern, disgust, and outrage.

The CEO’s failure to position the organization has resulted in devastating consequences with colossal ramifications on the loss of life, future earnings, and organizational resources.

This CEO’s tenure has been quite debilitating. He inexplicably finds it more adequate to promote self-interest and ignore the apparent contingencies forecasted. Instead, he administered a poison pill to leverage his continued tenure while dispensing death, assaulting democracy, and exploding the national dysfunction creating colossal losses.





It definitely proves an ounce of precaution and discretion could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, trillions in stimulus, massive civil unrest, and staggering political liability. Instead, the resulting liabilities, penalties, and overhead have endangered our foundational prosperity for the foreseeable future. The art of this ordeal has left much devastation in this CEO’s wake.

With these losses on the books and counting, his management skills are considered an unnatural national disaster. But, unfortunately, what is obvious to the world is not evident to the organization, its wimpy subsidiary enablers, or self-serving governing bodies.

For some un-Godly reason, some felt it was more important to pacify and protect the decisions and actions of this CEO. Subsequently, it cost the nation untold death, unrest, and future cost in the process.

The erosion of public trust has led to general divisiveness. It continues to escalate out of control while democracy is in shambles. Survival is dependant on restructuring the organization and its operating agreement.

As an elected acquisition, this CEO is extremely costly societally, politically, and economically, driving loss and suffering through the roof. This CEO is not to be outdone in human devastation or fiscal expenditures that trumps all with an ego of delusional success regarding denial of his monumental failures. Disclosure of his failures and concealments is evident by the disruption of many lives and livelihoods.

AT least, this CEO has been remarkable in his multi-tasking ability to endanger democracy, slander elections, stir hate, and offend foreign allies. As a result, he has earned a rebuke from religious figures, bullied and silenced Republican puppets, misused the military, and ignited his base of hatred.

He has further unmasked extreme racist views of those in power and alienated over half the public. Let us not forget while taking timeout to tweet relentlessly. Is there no price too high for this CEO or his dysfunctional enablers?

The future of people and businesses has been decimated by what he has done and failed to do. This CEO’s mismanagement has undermined large segments of the struggling American public. He has welcomed millions more to that struggling reality that could have never imagined they would be in such dire straits.

These losses are permanent, especially in the service and real estate industry, accounting for trillions more in losses. Now it is up to the Shareholders, The Board of Directors, The Owners of this organization, the American people to decide based on the human and fiscal feasibility of retaining this CEO’s vision. Perhaps, this CEO solidified his undeniable designation as the nation’s best worst President ever by far.

Now that it has been time to proxy, he has been let go. It is ridiculous and irresponsible to have retained this CEO, knowing this is not the last time the organization would have paid dearly for his ego therapy.

It is even more ridiculous for him to have thought so. Changing CEOs was our only hope against enduring the cost of his incompetence, both human and fiscal. Shamefully, his rabid racist display has proven to be too toxic to carry on the books.

His vindictive and pathologically destructive pouting and his denial of the no-confidence vote received reflect just how unfit he was all along. Having been let go, he has refused to leave any remnants of functional or remotely salvageable government behind. Since being ousted, his spiteful interference reveals a scorched earth mentality.

The future liability and ramifications have enormously damaged this nation in ways that may not be fully revealed for years to come. The very public this CEO swore to protect entrusting him with our future and prosperity has been betrayed by his incompetence first and now by spite. He has violated his oath of office, now causing intentional damages.

A one-person wrecking ball enabled by many gutless wonders of self-indulgent accomplices on their power-driven agendas fearfully sat by refusing to clothe the emperor except with their indulgence.

Thus, this CEO with a perversely obese ego was allowed to sacrifice the vitality of the whole nation, democracy, elections, nearly 700,000 Covid lives lost, and economic ruin, with very few among his cronies willing to stand opposed to him and in favor of the American people because of a label, being Republican. Let their proxy reflect their deeds as well, for he was not alone in this destruction. Their allegiance is not to the flag, the country, the American people, or the Presidency.

It is to the man in the office, not the office. Their fear commands them despite the posturing of righteous conviction and fortitude. This is a gross dereliction of duty and trust bordering on treason by the betrayal of the people.

Still, many continue to lie and enable. In contrast, others scurry in avoidance, but we see you and know you by sight and name, as well as your disgraceful actions. This theft and betrayal of the public trust have effectively put in motion the trajectory that has forever changed this nation and successive generations.

Millions of American citizens braved the Covid virus to protest these scourges on the soul of America and denigration of the Constitution and Democracy. We can only pray that there is still not more of a price to pay. But, unfortunately, losses are already much too high to justify the economics of racism and the Covid-19 tariff.

I originally thought this was the act of an egotistical mad man. But then, I considered that this self-proclaimed genius may have fooled us all by bringing us together by highlighting systematic vulnerabilities and inequities. Consequently, he successfully united the people against racism, the virus, economic exploitation, and to some degree him.

So shocking is the unthinkable corruption and deception that it can never be allowed to happen again. Wholesale vulnerabilities were exposed, crying out for corrective policies that requires implementation.

But, could it be, the old stun them and leave them stymied grift? Could he have done this deliberately as a whistleblower and agent of change? Was it reverse psychology? Have we witnessed the genius of a petty sycophant which can never be underestimated? Nah, but did we?


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz