The Black Trilogy-Crimes Against Humanity Part 2

 Naming Names

These culprits can be recognized by name, face, deed, nationality, or government as history speaks loudly regarding their identification. Everything has an origin or beginning, just as there cannot be a lie unless there is a liar to tell it. The lie starts with the telling of it, not its conception; the conception reveals the unspoken intent. It is always the act, which is damaging, but the thought gives breath and motivation to the deceitful act. The deceit and causes of racism can generally be attributed to religion, deception, greed, and insecurity manifested in slavery, discrimination, and fear.

These crimes against humanity were introduced into America by Britain as a model of an aristocratic utopia for white Anglo-Saxon protestants of etiquette. Primarily envisioned by Britain and King James, the same sponsor of the King James Version of the holy bible, aided by European countries and monarchs to enrich themselves. Greed and wealth-building were the overwhelming factors. Murder, kidnap, and brutality were the methods. Exploitation, remorse, or humanity was not even an afterthought.

These conditions and aspirations set forth a calamity that is still prevalent four- hundred plus years later. The names and intent associated cannot be separated from history or the resulting atrocities, interwoven with religion in general and Christianity in particular. Christianity was used as the moral justification and mitigating reason for self-pardoning their animalistic sensibilities for committing such diabolical acts of butchery. Just as their deceit, greed, and disgrace knew no limits, nor did their depravity.

Googling any King James bible verses about slavery and ponder how the bible has been systematically used to justify slavery sanctioned as the word of God. Scriptures were interpreted and manipulated specifically to promote white superiority for whites to be worshiped as God-like to designate servants and heathens beneath them.

Whiteness alone was construed as the apex of the human species ordained to exploit and dismiss the black race primarily as servants beneath animals. The deception is that Noah cursed Canaan, who was black, to be a servant because Canaan’s father; Ham, who was also black, saw Noah’s drunken nakedness, had knowledge of Noah’s wife, or sexually violated Noah as Noah slept.

Logically speaking, if the cursed Canaan was black, then his father Ham was also black, and so were Ham’s brothers being the pure seed of Noah which would have made Noah black. Therefore, the theoretical analysis of the story implies Ham being of pure seed of Noah, was Black.

Ham’s brothers, also being the pure seed of Noah, were more likely made white to elevate their status. This justified Ham’s lineage through Canaan as black slaves condemned to servitude. The racial disparity and distinctions between pure seeds do not accommodate separate races among Noah’s pure sons but instead bolsters the deceptive entitlements for slavery.

Conversely, if Ham were black, why did his color differ from Noah’s lineage of the same seed supposedly white? Would they also have to be black, too, or Ham’s white color conveniently manipulated to justify black servitude. Noah displayed no such power until the day he curses the generations of Ham because Noah got liquored up and was seen naked. It leaves a lot for the knowledgeable faithful to gullibly assume, especially if Ham’s grave sin changed Ham’s skin color. If Ham had been white, Canaan’s skin tone would have changed because he had already been born.

It is highly speculative since God curses and Jesus does not exclude from his blessings and salvation. Presumably, even Canaan’s descendants should have received deliverance by Jesus after Noah’s curse. Are we to believe that Noah was elevated to God-like status to curse generations and after the fact his curse above Jesus’ salvation and teachings? Were slave masters then explicitly elevated to Christ-like status to be worshipped and obeyed as if they were God or just below Christ? Was this blasphemy run amok to further justify slavery yet adhere to Christian principles that allowed such savage atrocities?

Jesus is attributed as preaching to love thy neighbor as thyself. Still, evidently, the enslavement and oppression of other humans are not included in that concept among some so-called Christians even to this day. Maybe that was why it was essential to spread Christianity throughout the world to “lost sheep” to effectively enslave their minds so thoroughly that even now, the efforts and contamination persist beyond logical reasoning. The lie has become the doctrine, and the doctrine has been embraced without the scrutiny of analytical rationale.

It seems the further fulfillment of King James’ desire to elevate himself above Jesus has been sinisterly realized by sleight of hand interpretation to create unwitting followers of King James’ doctrine, not God’s. First, King James sought immortality by having his version worshipped as the guidance to be practiced as religious law circumventing God and Jesus. Later a secondary utilization was most certainly creating a pure-blooded utopia for British colonization by exploiting an obedient black slave labor force controlled by religion to cultivate the land, manufacturing crops, and harvesting the resources in America.

The psychological sorcery of an omnipresent invisible deity that demands absolute obedience and enduring suffering from us had to be superimposed over their motive for their justification and our submission. No wonder Christianity was essential to slavery at every turn to psychologically oppress Blacks and arrogantly embolden white supremacists with their obligatory conjured-up validation. Even the Catholic Church sanctioned, acquiesced, and participated in slavery to aid in their wealth accumulation. Only in 1965 did they declare it a dishonor to God and took a firm and sincere posture against slavery, denouncing it.

History’s monumental deceit is that taxation without representation started the American Revolution. Still, unfavorable business terms were the reason when the British wanted a more significant cut of what they had bankrolled. The slave labor Britain sold at cost had no future cost accrued other than room and board. In addition, they commonly committed wanton abuses of the worst kind acquiring this slave labor which was more or less disposable and pure profit.

The American Revolution was fought over profits from slavery, not for taxation but the contract default arising from obligations regarding slavery, an armed renegotiation of sorts. Thus, it was essential for a higher return on investments on the seed money and resources provided. Commodity trading is a fair analogy for their business transactions, as we will later learn.
History reveals at some point, twelve total sitting U.S. Presidents have owned slaves, which is twenty-six percent of the total presidents throughout history.

Four of the first five. Sixty-six percent of the first eighteen Presidents spanning over approximately 70 years until 1859 owned slaves. Also, sixty-six percent or eight of the first twelve Presidents owned slaves while in office, despairingly including no less than the two biggest offenders that beacon of Democracy first President George Washington (317) and third President Thomas Jefferson (600+). That is an accurate reflection of the beginnings of the United States government and its perspective on slavery. Zachery Taylor was the last sitting President to own slaves while in the White House.

Slave ownership concluded with President Grant before him holding office. Yet, racial prejudices, abuses, and indifferences have undeniably continued with documented instances, utterances, and interpretations that more recently have included Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.

The guarded thoughts and motivations revealed privately in the select company can only be imagined, but the detrimental public ramifications to blacks through legislative and monetary policy is a reality. Unfortunately, it has always been the American way, with discriminatory tolerances in the oval office and within every level of government and law enforcement.

The history of the Supreme Court reflects Black representation and consideration poorly within America’s history. For example, there have been seventeen Chief Justices and one hundred and four Associate Justices since 1789, and that is a total of one hundred and twenty-one Justices, but only two have been Black Justices. Most notably, the beloved and renowned civil rights icon, The Honorable Thurgood Marshall, in 1967 was the first black Justice, so that is only two in roughly a two hundred- and thirty-one-year span. In addition, Supreme Court decisions have historically been against black interest, sanctioned disparities, and have upheld racist practices.

George Wallace in 1963 challenged the federal government as Governor of Alabama, protesting the desegregation of education. As a result, student busing in the ’60s and ’70s became necessary and was met with staunch resistance against an opportunity for equal education for the black population.

The Iran Contra scandal was President Reagan and Oliver North’s ruse to illegally fund the overthrow of Manuel Noriega by racially and demographically designating cocaine infiltration into the Black community. That ignited the crack cocaine epidemic and eradicating decades of Black gains while initiating the criminality of Black crack cocaine addiction. When one form of racism or discrimination subsides or is no longer acceptable, then another more covert and more effective method replaces it along with the ensuing justification.

Some forms of racism were transformed while others continued simmering beneath the collective consciousness in hopes of rising again once agitated to the surface. It was most recently disguised as a political movement of conservative values echoing Confederate ideology and stolen electoral representation of all things. The Confederacy dogma has persisted despite their defeat and treason against the United States.

The civil war ended with the defeat and collapse of the Confederacy in 1865, only to linger as a southern legacy. Their appalling heritage was openly honored without much condemnation, representing a lingering tolerance and insult to Blacks directly and indirectly to the United States. Their flag was even taken along for an overthrow of the Capitol to symbolize a foreign government takeover bogusly masquerading as patriotism.

Where else can a loser be allowed to fly their banner and display monuments? The Confederate flag is a direct dissent against the Union’s victory and an embrace of a racist past symbolizing racism more than any other symbol in America. Unlike other wars, the Confederate flag represents only slavery, the only southern dispute of the war for economic reasons.

The bigotry is deeply rooted and accepted that it has penetrated the military and government in name, action, and celebration. It took a full one hundred years for the 1965 Voting Rights Act to ensure and protect Black participation in politics and government, while that defeated flag has not seen one day of prohibition.

The Union’s protest of slavery was primarily due to the unfair economic practices and advantages created by slave labor that disproportionately enriched the southern states, although the Union also eagerly participated indirectly and profited from southern slavery. Remember that Grant was probably the most renowned general against the Confederacy and had slaves during the war but before his White House tenure as President.

After President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which he was assassinated for because of opposition, Andrew Johnson became President. He refused to honor Gen. Sherman Field Order 15, pledging reparations in the form of forty acres and a mule for freed slaves in 1865. Former slaves fought to ensure the Union’s victory, but the contribution was not compensated as promised and defaulted on assuring continued discrimination and generational poverty.

However, the 1862 Homestead Act gave free land for settlement, but free land was given to immigrants as had been the practice as a starter kit for slaveowners, free slaves included. Native Americans received reparations, as well as Japanese for being held in internment camps. Even countries that have been at war with the United States have received reparations, but not Blacks. There is no more a compelling reason or justification for blacks to receive compensation instead of the continued discrimination, systematic denial of humanity, and outright murder thru excessive use of force against Black men, women, and children.

After the Civil War, the Union most certainly equally promoted Jim Crow and the confederacy south, with America once again united by their racism. Confederate ideology marches on with racism at the helm. It masquerades as southern pride and conservative values. The Confederate intent and persistence of racism have remained strong and, just as recently as 2020, has been explicitly displayed to expose the enormous and robust support for its prominence with proud proclamations of its pervasive ignorance. 

Britain, France, Portugal, Dutch, Spain, and America were some of the more prominent countries that participated and benefited greatly from slavery without any meaningful acknowledgment or compensation to blacks worldwide. The Royal Family has accumulated substantial wealth and tradition from the slave trade via their royal bloodline and the British empire. Maintaining the Royal family façade at its core is an ode to racism and superiority claims. 

Lord of London, Bank of London Barclays with trillions in assets, JP Morgan Chase, New York Life, Dupont, AIG, Aetna, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America, Brooks Brothers, Domino Sugar, New York Stock Exchange, Oxford, Dartmouth, Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Rutgers, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Tiffany Co, Wachovia, Norfolk Southern, New York Life, Rothchild, Providence Bank, CSX, and many other companies, entities, or lineages from then still stand today enriched by their slave trade involvement.

It is likely and safe to assume that most entities with a long history were benefactors of slavery. The Stock Market and Wall Street were heavily involved in the slave trade. Wall Street and the NYSE were established for the express purpose of slave trading, operating lawfully by decree since December 14th of 1711 as the official slave vending site in New York, sparking the building and expansion of the city. Most port cities were heavily dependent on slavery, even in the north. 

The United States has indemnified itself from the International Tribunal’s jurisdiction and the International Criminal Court regarding its past of crimes against humanity related to Blacks, slavery, and atrocities committed on American soil against Black captives. Therefore, any atrocities committed on American soil by law are beyond international jurisdiction and condemnation escaping liability. The United Nation General Assembly condemned Apartheid in Africa, but the atrocities against Blacks in America has been largely ignored, insincere, and certain changes generally ineffectual.

 If taxation without representation was the reason for America’s revolt, can we not consider murder, forced slave labor without compensation, and systemic racism as a legitimate provocation for black protest? The unforeseen ramifications of the proliferation of slavery, political suppression, and racial discrimination throughout America have had the unintentional consequence of creating the seminal resistance that has prevailed from Blacks enraged by its atrocities to demand accountability for those atrocities.

Whites have not endured, anywhere near, comparatively the degree of suffering in which they have dispensed but are quick to bemoan and cry ouch when their privilege is diminished, or an election is not of their preference. Racism is a form of mental illness, and discrimination is a form of cheating. Psychological journals officially classify racism as a mental disorder arising from insecurity and low self-esteem.

Notwithstanding the need to cheat, cheating can be defined as a deliberate fraudulent subversion of fairness and morality by altering probabilities to gain success. The realization then has to become an admission that their humanity is tremendously self-devalued, without an unfair advantage, bringing into question their level of perseverance and achievement without fraudulent concessions. Your advantage is keeping others at an exploited disadvantage.

White America never foresaw a day when the imbalance of their influence would diminish to the point where they would have to address their advantages and abuses under the scrutinizing consciousness of history and fairness. The crimes levied against Black humanity have been obvious, and the perpetrating groups of benefactors have been identified. Still, yet no liability has been meaningfully accepted or imposed for damages caused. Legally retribution is customary for damages suffered. Words are not as sufficient as actions, and empty promises have been much more enduring than genuine commitment. 

This conservative ideology wants to force acceptance of their deeds and beliefs upon everyone as in the past and dismiss opposing views while declaring a clear conscience free from damages or redress. The past would insinuate a present discontinuation. The conservative values façade long used to camouflage the absolute certainty of the atrocities committed and the participating parties leaves no doubt other than what will be the remedy.

The forcing of their racist principles and propensities upon others starkly contrasts to even God granting humanity freedom of choice of belief. This should now leave no choice but to force some redemptive principles upon yourself towards an equitable resolution by ideology, government, business, and institutional structure. 


The fear of a level playing field looms larger than the fear of repudiation of racism or historical condemnation for the carnages of your atrocities. The distress of reckoning with your historical malfeasance, which was so completely and appallingly applied, is deeply rooted in your reluctance for retribution and your forfeiture of advantage. It is challenging to visualize amends when contemplating that maybe with equality, your advantage will evaporate or paranoia of the future when the demographics change. The fear is, “it ain’t no fun unless you are holding the gun.” 

You fear a syndrome like the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon where you dread a non-white-dominated America may become just like you but towards you. When you firmly held the stick, you beat the “hell” out of minorities, specifically Black people. Still, now you imagine yourself slowly losing your grip begging for leniency and dismissing grievances if the oppressed should ever hold the stick. It is anxiety produced over the consequences, repercussions, and accountability for your nightmare of exploitation, cruelty, and oppression of the Black race.

Consumed fully by the draining burden and deception needed to maintain by any means necessary the portrayal of sham supremacy that never existed, that was manufactured, and is increasingly ineffective. The fear even extends to a refusal to acknowledge the nightmarish realization that you could have ever espoused such evil that it nauseates your very consciousness igniting your furious denials despite your history’s revulsive accuracy. Denial of the truth does not diminish the facts, and perhaps you are what your record says you are, or at least history says so.

Fearing looking into the mirror and reconciling your past with your current refusal to acknowledge the advantages you received and the damages it has caused only aggravates the problem and delays the solution. The time has come to settle the four-hundred-year-old accrued debt and recognize that the benefits of the advantages unjustly created for yourself must be justly shared and available to all. The change must be a diametrical shift from the absolved systemic discrimination, deliberate persecution, and calculated economic disadvantages committed against Blacks to specifically include Black’s recommendations for the remedy and promotion of prosperity for the damages of our prolonged racial exploitation.

 If you do something outstanding, you want recognition and a parade, so if your deed is not so great, then why would that not be allowed to be acknowledged and exposed as well. Imagine if a competing team electronically stole signals, took PEDs (performance enhancement drugs), blatantly had the rules or officiation rigged to their advantage, or any number of other methods used to cheat.

They effectively influenced victory to glorify themselves to your team’s detriment. Would those gains be discredited, resented, deemed illegitimate, and in need of adjustment to ensure a level playing field and truth? That is what everyone should be equally allotted, a level playing field where a standard measurement is applied equally for self-actualizing opportunities and accomplishments without exemption.

 You cannot be fearful when your actions have caused your fear; it is called cause and effect or intentional provocation. If you were not bellyaching when you committed the act, do not bellyache when exposed, and the sanctions become due. You enjoyed the meal, now pay the bill. Reparations must be recognized as a deserved remedy for combat services rendered, the harm done, injustices practiced, and thefts committed.

Blacks have experienced them all without fair and equal compensation. It is morally reprehensible that these crimes against Black humanity continue to persist, are minimized, and dismissed. The time has come to soothe the outcry from the rampages and ravishes that sully all that America claims to stand for and promote worldwide but does not practice on American soil, claiming immunity, ignorance, or statute of limitations. Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations or immunity.

 To categorize an action, then examine the action devoid of name or race. If it is disgraceful and inexcusable, label it as such and assign the culprit to be held accountable and prescribe a remedy to be enforced. Finally, it is time to put a name on it, name names, and add up the deeds. Grades, credit rating, criminal record, career stats and rankings, designations, and accomplishments a few widely accepted measurements of you being what your history says you have been. They represent accepted systems of acknowledgment and accountability, as do reparations.

If you had not committed your action, then there would not have been a reaction created. To make your fear more palatable than your atrocities, in this case, fear should not be a state of anxiety but an acronym and a pledge to black people of Freedom, Equality, Atonement, and Reparations. Then redress for damages by the offending parties should be made forthcoming without complaint or compromise.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz



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