Democracy Divided

Solomon’s Dilemma 

Often when making a decision, it may become advisable and even necessary to visually project that if a particular scenario plays out to its logical conclusion, what are the ramifications and unintended consequences created. Next, without any consideration for the standard of evidence required to prove or disprove an assertion, it must be presented to be evaluated.

If such favorable evidence exists for consideration, why would it not be presented regarding voter fraud and election indiscretions as claimed? Denials of a result without counter-evidence are just outlandish claims or machinations of not accepting defeat.

It is a delusion that you were not defeated or could not have been defeated, especially when performing your personal best, although you were out-performed. 

Assuming any of these bellyaches which were repeatedly denounced and rebuked by authorities mostly considered favorable to you had any merit or sliver of truth, they indeed would have been upheld or revealed by now.

A preferred scenario to invalidate or rectify an election dispute instead of presenting evidence was to overthrow the Capitol violently and forcibly install Trump. First, however, it must be further explored for feasibility.

Assuming Ex-President Trump were to be installed as some form of ultimate authority by the violent dissent and frenzy of his followers after overtaking the Capitol and its politicians. What would that authority or title be? Would there be future elections?

To prevent Democrats from ever being able to ruin the country, would it then be a one-party Republican union? How would the majority and larger number of voters who rejected Trump be conceded?

A one-party political system is a monarch or dictatorship, especially if installed as a violent toppling of the existing government. These actions would exempt democracy from being practiced. Historically speaking, not many dictators have been democratically voted out after dissatisfaction arises among those who forcibly installed them.

I would assume then that there would probably be no need for the Senate, a House of Representatives, or Supreme Court since the boss would be running things. A new governmental structure would have to be established, solidifying his hold over the government and people, usually involving military obedience and gun control. He could and would not risk what happened for him to occur against him, including freedom.

It would seemingly invite military action against segments of the public deemed to be insurrectionists to your insurrection. Government, Military, and Law Enforcement would have to purge their ranks of sympathizers partial to democracy and the ballot box.

Many who fled these regimes worldwide would now be subjected to it in America, some by their own violent hands. So at least there will be something to compare it to when wondering what’s the impact on Freedom and Democracy.

The societal echelon would reflect the prevailing correction of the racial pecking order restoring America to immoral greatness again. Some religious Freedoms and groups would most certainly not be tolerated at all, hopefully amongst them, not yours, of course.

Returning to a time of core values might be a time that did not include acceptance of you. Remember when those core values did not trust a catholic to be President when JFK ran? At what point might your Republican fervor and ideology divert from the mainstream to exclude yourself?

Further assuming other implications such as the economic impact and the resulting global disruptions caused by a government overthrow is first and foremost the certainty that an unstable republic could no longer be the default currency of the world.

This action alone would overnight send markets crashing, devalue U.S. currency, annihilate retirements, wipe out pension funds, trigger government defaults, and collapse the economy. Perhaps it would even allow the likes of China to gain world dominance, and things would undoubtedly be different around here then.

The uncertainty it would create in the global economy for civil war to emerge in America is the most ingenious method to influence a conceptual change in politics and devaluation of money, not to mention political strength. Without hard asset value or fiat currency, the alternative is implementing a digital-only currency with no value except for perceived with controlled access.

Crushing financial and economic devaluations of banks, securities, debt, credit sources, mortgages, transportation, businesses, and insurance industries surely would suffer substantial losses.

On the other hand, the Covid 19 virus damage to the economy would pale compared to civil war notwithstanding dealing with Covid simultaneously. We would be sitting ducks while being too busy fighting amongst ourselves.

Medicaid and Medicare would most likely be disrupted severely, and methods of payment and delivery of medication and medical services. With the transportation of food and goods decimated, online delivery of products extinct, and civil unrest-related safety hazards magnified, the chaos would all need to be calculated.

If you thought Covid had you afraid to go outside and closed things down, think again. What company or currency would be sustainable if the government lost its spending and buying power and compromises to the operating systems that facilitate them.

The labor force would be made totally unstable and fractured. Additionally, Federal aid to states and cities uncertain, ceasing of federally funded or subsidized programs, societal disorders and criminal desperation spiked, despair for personal survival widespread, and the total dysfunction of the judicial, criminal, and penal systems across the nation simultaneously destroyed.

The power grid, water systems, and sewage and waste systems would cease to function or be sporadic.
Consider your subgroup treatment under democracy and then reimagine it without.

Sexual preference, sexual identities, interracial unions, racial protections, or religious freedoms, for example, which is not the consensus among the typical insurrectionist tolerances, would likely be trampled as your right not to be infringed upon.

Wherever your conduct diverts from these minority voter’s preferences as not aligning with their historic racist, sexist, or caste system indulgences or beliefs, what protections from persecution would exist for your subgroup? If you need a hint or assurances reflect on history, you would certainly be relegated back to the dungeon of society.

Once subjected to the imposed conservative values heavily influenced by so-called Christian values and enforced by radical violence and racist suppression follows the forced conversion and acceptance of a heritage steeped in the dormant biases of the past.

This practice has been preferred, and escape has proven to be quite elusive. The escalation and justification are moral and patriotic values under the cloak of religion manifested in racism, exploitation, sexism, and inequality as it always has been. Only blatantly and without remorse again under the new regime MAGA style.

Now those advantages can be relied upon by you with those nostalgic yearnings no longer frozen in the past. So great is this prevailing denial and deception; some are delusionally and utterly convinced the election was rigged against the restoration of division instead of its repudiation.
The variance within the ranks of those who would collectively argue election fraud fractionally disagree to the extent and manner it could be proven except as established by force.

This sense of acceptability on display now makes it comfortable again to proudly proclaim what was only allowed to be shamefully whispered. Backed by patriotic proclamations and First Amendment rights threatens any opposition that attempts to change this stagnant illusion of time and detachment from progression.

With your quality of life now no longer threatened by the advancement of other people but secured by the systematic advantages and suppression of other’s fair opportunity. Home of the brave’s valor bolstered by Second Amendment rights instead of the quality of your ability.

Most nationalities have been discriminated against at some point in their history, especially their origins in America, to now claim inclusion and exemption by white membership. That said, immigration standards would have to absolutely be adjusted to reflect the caliber of people worthy of populating the new republic.

What to do with the unworthy who are here, enslave them again? The moral insurrectionist would definitely have their immigration limits and standards. It most certainly would not be reflected by those who stormed the Capitol, whom then-President Trump complained how raggedy they were dressed for an overthrow while disguised as bums. Could this be a time when he was right, no?

No longer being a democracy, it then follows that Democracy could not possibly be encouraged or supported anywhere worldwide, having a collateral effect on other countries’ sovereignty. Moreover, the global political reverberations caused even beyond those mentioned could not be calculated by any measure.

There must be a comparative assessment of the purpose, benefit, and damages probable in this pursuit of the forceful irrational implementation of a minority of voter’s candidate. The succession of states is even more problematic, but I guess he could be the President of Texas or Florida.

If there is evidence as to why the overwhelming majority of voters’ democratic and constitutional rights should be discarded to install a minority of voters’ preferences, let it be presented.

If the bombastic claims have not been presented as proof by now, it may be time to shit or get off the pot if you are not going to use it. But, if it is to be told, then tell it and back it up with proof just as you would request of those who you would doubt.

It is way past time to put up or shut up. The shattering of the country has begun to show its fragility when force is the first discourse for the disappointment of legal voter choices of elected officials instead of providing the proof.

Four years in power and favorable supporters inclined to protect and promote Trumpism by concerted efforts to stack the deck to cajole and coerce the election outcome also failed. Still, there are no claims that withstood judicial repudiation.

Beyond the rhetoric, there must be a recognition that sometimes your team doesn’t win, and the officiating was just despite your wishful outcome. There are always reasons why someone won, and someone lost aside from someone has to look at themself first.

Consider it could have had something to do with dissatisfaction with Trump’s lies, judgment, or performance. But, with clear conscious and honest reflection, the impact of the mishandling of the Covid-19 virus, the racial discord, harsh policies of implementation of immigration, indifference to truthfulness and accountability, international political scorn, and the attack on voter confidence which led to a historical engagement of voters has to be factored into the loss.

The current condition of Lenin-styled scorched Earth tactics from a vindictive now-former President should expose all that needs to be known.

Brought into focus and reason, this version of society brought about by a treasonous insurrection aftermath would be deeply unfavorable to most. The majority forced adherence would, I assume, not be contrary to the spirit of the insurrection of Democracy and that brand of governmental control.

Many politicians have come and gone. But, no matter how popular or unpopular they were, the democratic republic has stood as a representation of the people’s will. Democracy is about collectively agreed-upon rules of conduct even when your choice is not preferred. It is not the galvanizing of force but instead consensus of votes.

The reality is a self-inflicted destructive feeding frenzy where extensive devastation and destruction prevail, or an eager opportunistic regime moves in to conquer in the chaos. This is not about one man but about how he created an atmosphere to cultivate and encourage an undercurrent of sentiment that frankly needs to be addressed and rejected.

By the same token, some would say that he merely exposed that which had been denied but insidiously present and vigorously demonstrated being used now against the very seat of Democracy. Either way, we all can agree from our own perspective that WE have a problem that needs a resolution, no longer being able to deny the corrosive implications and its destructive existence.

The agreement has always been our societal collective majority voting preference, not our minority voting preferences. Even when that preference was oppressive and evil, it was still the preference exercised until progress overtook ignorance.

Force had been was used to uphold injustice, the collective majority to change it. Now it comes down to the good of the many by consensus and healing, choosing survival or those rupturing Democracy by sedition for a debilitating future.

The simplest perspective to apply is the wisdom of King Solomon, reputed to be the wisest man ever to live. When confronted with the two women’s dilemma, each asserts themselves to be the child’s birth mother. Wisely, the King instructed that the child be split in two, with one half given to each woman, surely killing the child.

The King knew that the birth mother with genuine love would sacrifice their preference for the child’s survival. The child is Freedom by way of Democracy. The question is if God-fearing patriotic insurgents would rather suffer the ramifications of overthrowing the government, ensuring the death of Democracy? Is your Patriotism conditionally unconditional?

To preserve their lie while providing no proof of former President Trump winning, they are proven not to possess a genuine love for Democracy. No one has put any meat on the table proving he won, even while some Republican voters flocked away from him. So, by default, supporters have demonstrated their ultimate claim, loyalty to a lying sycophant.

To split the child is to kill the child; Democracy and Freedom murdered and cannibalized after withstanding many foreign threats only to succumb to domestic upheaval without merit. There are indeed those in favor of splitting the child. Some will not loudly and explicitly denounce these domestic terrorist actions and sentiments threatening the country’s split.

The temporary faint of outrage identifies their motives and cowardice to displease Trump, although he has no qualms about talking all under their clothes. They succumb to his bully tactics and their own power grab instead of their pledge of office and obligation to the wellbeing of the republic they should serve without fear of Trump’s scorn.

Their obstruction of anything by default that the new administration proposes and constant reliance on Trump for approval in government affairs is borderline treason by Republicans. Those Democrats sitting around waiting for bipartisan conciliation are borderline remiss by de facto when considering the Republicans had no such reservations when they were in power.

United, there is strength but also survival. Survival for the country’s existence cannot endure what it has been allowed to become, nor can it survive just as a baby split in two cannot survive. Democracy and the virtue of fairness must be allowed to expand to all segments of society to survive.

There is a lot at stake for partisan disappointment in one election to ruin the country when there is always the people’s majority vote for the next time. For a former President to advocate for dividing the country, we should know that he has no concern for Democracy and would rather see it split if not under his power.

King Solomon would definitely see through this ploy and not divide the child or give it to the callous heart of a deceitful liar bent on vengeance.
The choice is simple mutual compromise or civil self-destruction by sheer cannibalism. AS always our fates remain intertwined.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz

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