Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Book Description

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Book Description 

Thurston presents a candid examination of the sociology of racism, modern social systems, primitive rituals, and religious manipulations cloaked in conformities of ignorance. This is a casual forensic inquiry of history, methodologies, ideologies, and consequences of racism, religion, and economics to formulate narratives leading to our modern challenges of divisiveness and conflict. The sanctity of ignorance must be individually and intellectually dissected for suggestive solutions and future perspectives to identify historical traps of distraction, dehumanization, and deceit.

The book’s goal is to stir discovery, self-evaluation, discussion, and the rejection of counter-productive ideologies, behaviors, and conformities designed for subjugation. Among the evaluations are suggestions for solutions understanding the context of time, genetic migration, economic motives, political influence, military conquest, spiritual corruption, and psychological captivity.

 Not surprisingly, these transcend race to maintain exploitation through servitude as essential to a ruling class heavily reliant upon etymological illiteracy. This anthem of evolution is a call to shed the mental shackles of forbidden curiosities and rational impossibilities. Dare to explore your beliefs as the iceberg of deception melts under factual scrutiny. This must have book is an expansive journey into the tip of this deception and ignorance binding us. Free your mind, un-shield your eyes, and hear clearly this resounding message.





Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- “African American”

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Excerpts regarding the term “African  American” 

Page 176

Otherwise, there is a distinction such as African American or minority, not of lesser numbers, but as disadvantaged. Never just American. The Olympics is the only time we are simply American. No other race or nationality are referenced by a land many of them never visited and ties dating back over four hundred years. They at least have a country instead of just a continent of origin. However, many have populated this country to have the interim title removed from their designation, simply being called Americans.

Undoubtedly, the ability to Americanize one’s image for easier assimilation diverts attention from themselves, especially by ostracizing others, particularly Black people. Those who arrived by immigration now bemoan immigrants while concealing apparent hints of their immigrant origins.  White and light complexion immigrants easily assimilate into the white culture or middle class and are excluded from adverse comparisons and discrimination. Once incorporated, they quickly develop no allowances for a diversity of perspectives or cultures not rejected by their new identity and cultural spectacles.

Their culture is surrendered in exchange for a new identity welcoming them to the Americanized white subgroup. Not having their identity stolen but surrendered, they fail to see the damage and trauma caused by never feeling or escaping the prolonged ostracization our people have faced. Regarding the “African American” plight, they don’t know the half of it. The sting of the whip or the noose around the neck of it. They instead become members of the system by white association. The system and the integration become indistinguishable.

People are molded to be inflexible and dismissive, while systems are designed rigidly but fickle. Taking the country back for conservative values is maintaining the violation of church and state for religious values to mandate legislative foundations supplementing sociological biases. These customary biases and identities are preferred as normal behavior well entrenched, while any deviation is abnormal or fearfully anticipated. The imbalance that produces their comfort disregards the aggrieved party’s demand for consideration, essentially minimizing and dismissing claims with indignant outrage.

The way it has been is prone to narcissistic impositions by rejecting the evolution of intolerance and discontent to instead embracing inclusion. The majority inclination has shifted from the majority ideology of controlling minority populations. Yet, the now racist minority ideology resists the changing times seeking to rule the majority. The ignorance of the past attempts to paralyze the present and remains opposed and fearful of future possibilities and expectations. Redefining the constructs of society, self-identity, and equality is deemed a threat.

Marginalized society is no longer happy with whatever scraps procured, instead wanting whatever possibilities and considerations advantaged white’s receives. Wanting equilibrium of opportunity and social treatment impartially available and applied. The contempt and discontent are prevalent and pervasive on many levels regarding a biased irrelevant and suppressive application or standard.

However, a stark difference exists, whether it is gender inequality, pay inequality, religious discrimination, educational gaps, healthcare deficiencies, lifestyle orientation, and many others, not just racial profiling and social injustices. Moreover, many deep traumas have been directed towards all subgroups not representative of the dominant controlling group despite being members of other dominant subgroups such as educated, male, or the double whammy, Black and female. Every subgroup has a learned behavior with defining expectations and benefits and is subjected to judgment from other subgroups’ prejudices.

However, the problem arises when it minimizes or infringes on another subgroup to be defined by the standards beneficial to the dominant subgroup. Thus preferences are common to all humans or specific taxon, but the exercise of dominance and privilege where none exist based upon a manipulated interpretation or advantage violates humanity. Continued practice of this violation is not a deterrent for change, it invites it by unfairness. On the contrary, it dictates perseverance because to concede is to assure the imbalance of identity, perspective, and privilege continues.

Page 389

I have a theory, maybe a wacky theory but follow me. Suppose we travel back far enough to the origin of life in Africa. Wouldn’t that make everyone walking the earth African and all Americans African American? Suppose all bi-racial people claim their presumably socially dominant racial identity instead of the lowest relegation of their racial identity. Wouldn’t that make them white if they so choose?

Sort of the reverse one-drop rule where one drop of white blood would make you white or whatever race contributed to your identity. If Canaan was made Black by Noah to curse his father, Ham, then can’t all Blacks claim to be White being descendants of the pure seed of Ham directly from Noah or Canaan when he was white? What about as a descendant of Adam? Genealogy allows for claims of many variations of race or identity.

Furthermore, if people can choose to be non-binary, a singular person can identify as plural, and anyone can be white then why can’t Blacks claim to be any race, even white or no race, as a matter of self-identity, even for government purposes? Why not if it is based on self-identification or ancient history? So what is African American? Is it a color, a lineage, or a classification that secretly segregates us as a distinction other than American?

Look at any government form; under white, it does not have any distinction outside the collective family of white, none indicating origins or lineage. Maybe, everyone’s identity should be an x on forms to eliminate race as a consideration. Makes me wonder if race or gender is even needed since it is questionable what benefits the distinction brings. Arguably, it is more used for discrimination. This could indicate that some re-evaluating needs to occur when these terms have or should have no bearing on determinations or qualifications. But let’s go to the deep waters.

Case in point, to some the greatest President of all times, 45, who claims the confederate heritage and an all-American persona grandfather and grandmother was born in Kallstadt. But he claims white, not German or European. It goes unquestioned and is acceptable because, quietly, most designations of white fall in the immigrant category of impersonating a legacy of American heritage.

My grandmothers and grandfathers were born in Mississippi and Georgia, but I need to claim African American. Their parents and grandparents were born in America. It is a sly segregationist distinction where Black and brown people are further diluted as people of color. These distinctions are misleading, ambiguous, or flat-out lies. We are relegated to a continent or hemisphere, while other races belong to a country, province, city, or culture.

Whites can be of any nationality to claim white. All dark complexion people are not directly from Africa, although all humanity is from Africa, so how far back are we going? If that make all Americans African American by ancestry, whereas a naturalized African would be what? African Americans too, regardless of color. If born in Africa and naturalized in America, that seems to make you African American more than Black. But what that would make you is knowing your natural heritage, which we cannot claim. Still, their struggle is not removed from ours, our reference point is simply different.

Therefore African American signifies unknown origins and lost heritage. How many claim America as their homeland and heritage to take back America? But their roots don’t go back as far as ours in America? They will claim the country but not the atrocities. That would make America ours before it was theirs by way of their immigrant legacy. We have been the N-word, coons, coloreds, negroes, blacks, people of color, and African Americans in the ever-shifting saga of our assigned identity. I claim Black with pride just as others claim their distinction, even confederate, but they refuse to claim squatter.

Black is a legacy American whose ancestors were subjected to slavery, reminding me of my obligation to not defile their sacrifices and tribulations. The analogy is often inconsistent when attempting to retrofit an identity or association. By that metric, is there such thing as Confederate American or Immigrant American according to their heritage and ancestry? Most whites are of immigrant origins compared to descendants of slaves, but they also arrived on a boat, most after us. African American is furthering an insidious distinction that undermines the concept of equality. Minority applies to everyone from Black people to gender, disability, religion, and soon-to-be white in approximately thirty years.

Race is a delusion of numbers and classifications by disproportionate criteria. The technical distinctions defy logic while casually applied. By designation, the census and office of OMB consider African Americans to be anyone whose ancestors’ origins are traced back to the lower regions of Africa, below the northern portion or sub-Saharan. I would imagine even indirectly from another land. So realistically, African American is a polite way to say slave descendant. Everyone else on the globe can be considered white, even if from Africa.

By definition, it is firmly consistent a dark complexion person or so-called Black from the northern part of Africa is white by geography. So with the geographical origins set by that criteria, how does anyone else become classified as African American if not by color? The spectrum of color variations in all lands further extracts light complexion appeal as the overwhelming and overriding criteria simulating whiteness but not by geography. So by geographical designation as evidence, it reveals in general not where they hijacked us from but a dark skin aversion.

By the same curiosity, what slave trade or immigration globally have others undergone in four hundred and fifty years? Does it reflect their geographical origins for direct comparison to ours during the same period? That changes many things in the world, but many it doesn’t change. Globally connect the systems, ideological cultivations, and echoing beliefs throughout that time for an accurate portrait of comparison. From origin to evolution, follow the continuity of repetition over time. The repetition of time cast its shadow as truth without breath possessing only time with more assumed than spoken.

Page 399

This brings it back full circle to the descendant from slavery labeling disguised as African American. Maybe they need to know to exclude us rather than ensure we are included. White includes every light complexion nationality without further distinction whereby they are incorporated by deceptive but established means regardless of time or history in America. Skin tone grants automatic membership and privileges from day one. This is also true for other darker complexion nationalities so long as they are not Black.

Page 401

It would then seem culture not colorism is at play. It also confirms white is more of a social status of inclusion not a race. With African American meaning the descendant of slaves and white meaning everyone else, including descendants of slave owners, it also denotes us not being accepted as belonging on or from this land. White exclaim they need to take their country back, but it was inhabited when they arrived, but no mention of returning it and definitely not vacating it. But, we are welcome to return by boat to Africa when we have been here before almost everyone saying we don’t belong.

Relocated by slavery, our designation is the closest estimation of commonality, Africa, even if over four hundred years ago or more. But, African American also denotes being of unknown origins or lineage from a miscellaneous bin of humanity. It gets confusing because white is miscellaneously composed and defined only by what has not been included, Black people, ignoring genealogy. African American is an oxymoron. Africans suggest we don’t belong here, and American likewise suggest we don’t belong there. Yet, we are tolerated in America as orphans with no specific nationality or ancestral identity.

Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Preface


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Thurston K. Atlas started a blog entitled “When Playtime is Over” to express his point of view on relevant topics and present an alternative voice. Thurston K. Atlas’s diverse life experiences and challenges provide a basis for his perspective he felt compelled to express. The author hopes that the perspectives and ideologies offered are used for motivation, contemplation, and progression. Thurston K. Atlas’ primary objective is to generate introspective thought, facilitate candid conversation, and arouse free-thinking perspectives.

This book is presented in a series of observations and commentary of perspectives intended to editorialize and illustrate the surface ramifications of underlying racial principles and ideologies. It further explores and challenges some long-accepted fundamental socializations and the consequences of adhering to these thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. The goal is conveying a deeper understanding. Part A is the conventional or historical perspective, while Part B is a companion article offering a more specific interpretation applying causation and intent, hopefully leading to awareness and solutions.

The articles in Part A illustrate factual experiences, while Part B stirs the sediment of its implementation and impact. The psychological and sociological dynamics causing and promoting racial discrimination also produce many other biases affecting various socially marginalized subgroups targeted by discriminatory treatment. These dynamics transcend racism and geography, but many of the solutions are similar since many of the root causes are comparable.

The primary goal is for you to include these ideas and considerations in your family and subgroup discussions, making the exchange a philosophical family affair. Finally, part C is a series of questions intended to encourage conversation to preemptively address issues clarifying possible actions, responses, and perspectives applied to real-world situations. Whatever your perspective, it should be factually and logically defensible but certainly withstand debate.

The discussion within the Black family is crucial as a rite of passage, survival, and recognition to avoid the distractions and traps that deplete our aspirations and progression. We must place the narrative in our hands, emancipated from the residue of slavery and focused on future prosperity. It is only a generation away if the proper approaches are applied. Applying enhanced knowledge, altered perception, and practical actions for those sufficiently determined and disciplined are the treasures that will summon fortune, astutely changing the Black condition.

The advantages of aggressive pursuit are undeniable, while the complacency of the past is inadequate. The absence of change prolongs assured damages, while the sluggishness of progress stalls optimism and is insufficient to execute solutions. We are all familiar with the old methods the same old results. Time to change the channel to visually, emotionally, and intellectually recalibrate our psychology, sociology, and methodology.

Hopefully, we will reconsider what we validate and from what we seek validation. We must visualize our objectives directing our actions toward achieving them. So, welcome to when playtime is over, where our goal is to stimulate thought and conversation, not to convert your perspective. Any persuasion is solely at your discretion and deliberation. So, let the discussions and transformations begin.

Amazon Excerpts




Darling Nicky

                                Thurston’s Thoughts

Bless your Itty Bitty little Heart

Darling Nicky

If only you knew but how can you not know? How can you say the things you say? If you truly believe it, you are dangerously naïve or dangerously ignorant. That is the euphemistic part. If not, you are pathologically delusional or euphemistically put pathologically “mistaken”. That is the atrocious part. This is the core reason why this country is so divided. It is because there are those, including yourself, who refuse to acknowledge not only what we all know to be true but cannot be denied. To state otherwise is un-American and blasphemous of the Founding Fathers who many owned slaves. Their public representations and demonstrations clearly and eloquently stated their intentions or at least the 3/5ths of them.

Moreover, they privately for the most part demonstrated it to a greater degree. There can be no ambiguity about their position on what we now term as racism which they termed as normal. They termed it as God’s work and will. They termed it as an economic and entrepreneurial initiative. Hell, they “branded” it as the American Way and legalized it by judicial decree. So, we can forgive your parents lack of acumen about American history being recent immigrants and not yet naturalized at the time of your birth or conception. We might even be able to forgive you do to your “birther” or “little brown girl” status except for your worldly travels and lofty achievements.

I bet you even have “colored friends” who will vouch for you as their vaudeville testament of your transparently pretentious political character. I am sure your parents taught you not to bring shame to their door step by your actions away from “home”, so PLEASE don’t discredit them by dragging them Saddam Hussein style in front of you as human shields. I am also sure you have done much to make them proud as naturalized American citizens, but this is not among them. Is it? I hope not.

My not so darling Nicky, you would undoubtedly be nicked up pretty bad by the staunchest racist, South Carolina KKK, and Founding Father slave owners. Even they don’t deny what is in your heart and mind which you cannot bring yourself to not only admit but stipulate to as existing then or now. America has a “Dark History” but maybe not a “Bright Future” if you and your elk continue to think it is pre-1865 longing for the good ole days. In the good ole days they had different ways of “making you feel welcome” and accustomed to the “ideas” of America.

However, if there is a positive side to your ‘little brown girl minority person of color” experience it is that you won’t have to prove it by a “tree party” for all to attend. If you thought this **** would get you elected, it could certainly be the reason you may not. It is too cowardly, too racist, and too ignorant. That in and of itself is unifying everyone and is not in dispute of your moral unfitness. If for no other reason than you lag far behind in that poll too, plus that position is already taken. It is treasonous to your upbringing to claim to be a victim of racism  while you “equally” claim it not to exist.

My not so darling Nicky here is two history lessons for you. The first is the Founding Father’s public and private papers contradicting or extending beyond the “knowledge” of your ignorance. The second is sometimes it is best to admit I ****ed up or just shut the **** up before you alert everyone who do not know by now that you are unfit to govern yourself, let alone a legion of racist. Apparently, you are at least qualified to pander the very thing you poorly claim to be against which is hate and divisiveness. It may be packaged a little better but still smells like “shut your mouth”, so I won’t say it. But somehow, hopefully,  you get the smell, I mean point.

As an overwhelming case and point, you are exactly what happens when you ban books and forbid historical knowledge especially because you are young enough where it wasn’t forbidden to read by threat of lynching. As big momma them euphemistically use to say when you were developmentally undeveloped “bless your little heart” or in your case bless your itty bitty little heart and mind or where they should be. Maybe you should get that checked out. However, it may just be too late!

Thurston K atlas

Creating a Buzz


The Dreamer’s Dream

Delayed Delivery

The Dreamer’s Dream

Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech spoke of hope at daybreak after a long night of captivity. He spoke of the crippling continuation of segregation and discrimination even 100 years later. He spoke of us as an island isolated from prosperity by public policy and racist sentiment. He spoke of cashing a check issued on a promissory note. His civil rights speech questioned the inalienable rights, liberty, and pursuit of happiness promised to all but yet not delivered to us. He spoke of the urgency of the times, police brutality, ghetto conditions only varying in the size of the ghetto, voting rights denied, and the indifference to injustice provoking an interdependent fate of destruction.

However, he did not speak of becoming docile and we should not let the interpretation of his words convert us into doormats for those who say his words were those of passivity. He was emphatic about there can be no rest or contentment until we are recognized and treated equally as first class citizens.  He did indeed speak of a color blind society but have we achieved it yet? If not, many interpretations and assertions regarding his speech are still delinquent in their realization. As such, the racial utopia of his dream is a society we are working towards but still have a considerable ways to go.

The unrelenting echoes of his voice ring loud and true as if he is giving that speech today. Many of the conditions he spoke of still exist as challenges of today. Sure, apologist, revisionist, and the treasonous historically ignorant point to gains amounting to meatless bones of patronization comparative to other segments of society. He also warned us of contentment fatiguing us to complacency. It is also true that our complacency has now led to our conditions just as much as the forces against us have. Patience is a virtue only when it is not used as a crutch propping up alibis of inaction and deficits of fortitude.

Where is our bus boycott or march on power mentality insisting our demands are met? We whimper in celebrations of causes which allude us disguised as a tribute to the man himself. They are separate. Celebrate the man but the fight for the cause, his cause which has always been our cause is still waging far from over and constantly under siege. Any factual revelation of discrimination is labeled anti-American, anti-white, divisive, and well, racist. It absolutely is exactly that if judged by the metric of Jim Crow and those who would hold themselves to a delusional entitlement of superiority.

But that was the point of his speech. He was, and I am also very clear to state it is not a reference to all white people or people of any “color” who do not hold racist sentiments. Much like in home room when they call names at roll call. If it is not your name, you don’t answer because they are not talking to you. Same for acts of racism not committed by you. Counter claims of racism because we assert our humanity may just have to be the price of doing business and should not deter us from our appointed duty. This counter claim of racism from pointing out the elephant in society amounts to playing the dozens and you can’t play with me in a way I don’t play.

Label it as you may but it does not change the nature of the historical accuracies by the whining “white victimization” petition when social change or accountability hounds your privileged fragility of a fractured identity. The reimbursement of our claims are met with entitlements of moral bankruptcy or written off as an uncollectable debt of justice. But, why? A large part is the psychology of assimilation where we must shun any association or resemblance to those of us still stereotypically marginalized based on our indoctrination of them as memories of inferiority. Our Judas approach to denounce them to appease others and pacify ourselves maintains our separation and our collective ostracization.

It is an adoption of an ideology mimicking an identity conditioned upon us similar to the squabble between house and field personnel. An immigrational surrender of our identity to gain acceptance. Dr. King spoke of governors, some now are freshly minted immigrants I might add, as vicious racist whose lips are dripping with, well their hypocrisy of racism or the eradication of it. Frankly speaking, presidential candidates can be included as well until their ethnicity is challenge as not “white” and then they cry racism which they say does not exist.

However, I would bet white is what they self-identify as on an application when it suits them. This code switching is a form of discriminatory privilege many fail to admit but routinely use such as the term minority or person of color. These minor practices do not obscure the awareness and denial of much more significant normalities and fluctuating definitions of unnecessary labels. They protest the restrictions of racism and subjugated labels only when directly applied to them. Why would it exist for them but not for us when we have a documented archive of its existence for us? They can ban books but history, memories, and truth is a much different story. 

So, August 28, 1963, was the date of Dr. King’s historic speech and more than 60 years later the runway is still not clear for equality to land. Advocates of freedom are not voting for something. We are voting against our forever intertwined destruction. Our collective survival. This is especially true for Blacks, the enemy of those who opposes our interest is a friend not to us but to our interest. Assimilation surrenders an identity which many believe was taken from us centuries ago, but as Dr. King said this is a beginning and not an end.

Our salvation will be our dignity, content of character, and fortitude persevering as our sword to tremble the sentiments of injustice from the ideological delusion of Stone Mountain in Georgia to whatever rock of ideology racist hide behind or under. We have tried a soul force of faith more appropriate for that time. It has proven that the beggars tool benefits only time. So, don’t discredit Dr. King’s dream turning it into a nightmare by our empty talk and celebration. Celebrate his life and legacy sure, but don’t succumb to the relaxation of a partial achievement. Dr. King warned us of this with his words and life 

Nevertheless, his legacy is best celebrated by the actions of people who embody his calls to arms by being about it instead of talking about it. Standing on the ideological business about it. To not be deceived about his dream we must learn about the Dreamer and his speech from his words beyond the sensationalism of a few of the more famous verses. It will inspire you to a greater appreciation for his significance as a sociopolitical force so dangerous he had to be silenced. READ the speech to consume the magnitude of its message so it can never be silenced. Please, don’t sleep on the Dreamer’s message. Humanity has no color only where racism has no place. Hopefully one day we’ll have a Happy MLK Jr Day which is not a dream but a reality!

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Prison of One

              Thurston’s Thoughts

Solitary Confinement

Prison of One

Wanted to relay a perspective about bad experiences, mistakes, and failures. Life’s challenges and disappointments will hit a fork in the road and a decision of which road to take must be made. A prisoner in a cell was asked “what you in for and how much time you done’? The prisoner replied, “guilty of memories which I refuse to shake and it has been so long I stopped counting”. The first prisoner replied, “me too, memories, but I’m just passing through”. The prisoner facing hard time then asked, “how did you get out so soon”? He replied “it is not a life sentence just an indefinite one. You can leave whenever you like.”

Many times we keep ourselves prisoners to our thoughts, memories, and circumstances beyond the pain of hopes delayed, uselessness, or a lesson learned. Our cell is a construct of our mind built with fear, anger, and regrets of what was lost or never realized. Rest assured it will be compounded by the loss of what cannot be gained while locked in a psychological and emotional cell of our incarceration. Ask yourself, what is stopping your freedom, if not you? It is a solitary confinement heavily guarded by our ego, shame, and other’s opinions. But, that’s on us player. Whatever has imprisoned us either is no longer an option or could care less that we are not or never were.

In many ways we are self-healing by our thoughts and emotions. The difference is our thoughts and emotions can be prevented from healing by our choices, influences, and insecure shadows in our mind. Family, it is nothing more than memories and hormonal reactions that we control if we choose. So, things didn’t work out today may be because it was making us available for a better outcome tomorrow. I have learned the wisdom of not fluctuating according to events or emotions. But, instead accept it and look beyond the occurrence to practice the patience of anticipating the reward beyond my wisdom or vision. Life is strange that way, perseverance will expand our limit when we feel we have reached it or to further distance us from it.

Very few things in life we are unable to hop back from. It is just an adversary waiting to be conquered, out maneuvered, or disregarded. For example, ever want someone back and encounter them only to see they are not the memory of what you were missing. That seeing them gives closure to the foolishness of missing them. Now you are relieved and lucky you dodged that bullet.

But what if as a result of it you stepped your game up and now the shine is much brighter than it was before due to their absence. But all you can do is thank them for the inspiration that molded you through the adversity they left you in. Realize it is not pain or failure it is fuel, turbo fuel. So, the solitary confinement can be short and beneficially used more as a temporary detention for improvement or indefinite hard time in a prison of one confined by memories. Which road have you taken, memories or freedom from their limitations? The choice is entirely yours.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Abstract Logic

                                   Thurston’s Thoughts

Divergent Tangents of Validation

Abstract Logic

I have a tendency to think in abstract terms to understand human behavior and beliefs. It could be a misapplication but it seems to work for me. Let me explain but first I must set the foundation. Abstract meaning outside the box of common conceptual application or evaluation. Divergent meaning Increasing infinitely in the same direction but on different angles of separation never crossing. Tangent meaning touching at only one point. Axis as a straight trajectory dividing a plane of thought. These are my methods which may differ slightly from the technical terms but I did mention the abstract part. Just trying to explain my process for your understanding.

To obtain a meeting of the minds the terms and starting point must be defined and the process, discussion, or understanding proceed from there. Otherwise, our undefined baseline prevents our logical progression. That is the core concept in general of what is stated above before we slice up the particulars to reach a mutual basis from the analytics of accepted information. This concept can be applied to many beliefs and life circumstances. So not to further bore you with my corny proclivities, I will offer two common examples for you to use as an exercise in my analytics.

The first is religion. Three major religions are the Abrahamic religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. They intersect at Abraham as the axis or point of belief. Prior to that point they each have a seminal reverse divergence regarding God’s name although the same time frame of creation. Not to exhaust my point but they should not intersect at Abraham if their time frame are the same but beliefs are different. They should be a linear separation or parallel that never cross.

Still, if they start at different points but intersect at a common point yet expand at different angles of belief afterwards they should not intersect again. However they do repeatedly. But otherwise, their tangent regarding many things especially Jesus, the Trinity, and methods of worship do not. Even their divinations and denominations expand on more diverse planes of belief to repeat the pattern for even more angles of separation from themselves.    

The second is Democracy and the Constitution. All American social and political elements converged at these two from revolutionary policies and practices. This is where they intersect as one nation under the same groove which should have created a linear unification. But even as revisionist history must reveal, this tangent of supposed commonality and equality resulted in a greater separation exchanging one tyranny for another.

The current social and political chaos is a direct result of the angle of departure from the tenants of the original principles promoted but never practiced for all. Any attempt to reconcile the trajectory to an axis point centuries laden in divergence is an angle of improbability if adhering to the same tangent. In other words, too far apart to be close together again. The longer they go the farther apart they become. 

Any slight or even tiny angle of deviation becomes wider over time, space, and velocity from its original point of origin indefinitely widening the inconsistencies and discrepancies. It has to create different paths toward separate destinations similar to firing a weapon that is not aligned which doesn’t matter at close range but completely misses the target as the distance increase or the projectile travels farther away.

Any violation of itself is an invalidation from itself. So by geometric principles a single line is self-contained. Two parallel lines infinitely never cross. An angle is a separation from a single point. Consequently, my single point is that if it crosses when it shouldn’t it ain’t straight. So what’s the angle?

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Emotional Embezzlement

  Thurston’s Thoughts

More Than a Feeling

Emotional Embezzlement

The term emotional embezzlement indicates feelings have been stolen. However, think of it in terms of emotional speculation which has been betrayed, swindled, or unwisely invested. Any restitution can only be punishment for unrealized future returns while ignoring the memories of past gains. The memories are forever ours but does the projected void devalue our emotional investment or benefit? Is this misappropriation a betrayal of stipulated or projected expectations because the decision to divest was not ours? The instance after the hurt has no ability to change the past, only question our perception of it.

In the vacuum of time, once violated it is forever lost to that capsule of time. The best that can thereafter be restored occupies a different time, space, or emotional state even if in the same period which is an expansion of separation. This larceny is judged by the degree and manner of execution whether the smash and grab or smooth criminal method was employed. Still, the actual loss remains the same, an emotional deficiency. We like to pretend otherwise especially as the perpetrators of the larceny because it somehow makes us feel better in a narcissistic sort of way.

Yet still, who among us has not felt the bitter sting of emotional larceny or hasn’t committed it? The victimization is always defined by the reluctance to accept the realization. Physically nothing is damaged but the psychological devastation can be unbearable to a physically sickening degree. This makes it a fraudulent act against our psychological wellbeing thereby being a damage of thought, feelings, or perspective. Others may trigger it but we surrender it. So we chase someone down the street to resist or recover our victimization eliciting the outrage of everyone who has ever felt the same bitter sting.

Everyone condemns the emotional double cross while we overlook the duality of the triple cross whereby we tricked ourselves or were even tricking them. The emotional triple cross started long before the cake of emotional immaturity or denial hit the floor or the guilty verdict is read. Regardless, a comprehensive emotional audit is mandatory to conduct a systems analysis and ego evaluation of our contribution.

Not because of them but despite ourselves. What about disappointment is so devastating that even revenge will not satisfy the brokenness of a Humpty Dumpty fragility to not express or accept the truth either spoken or demonstrated. The negation of any good or beneficial interaction is replaced by a spectrum hurt which indignation to revenge will not sooth. Inability to accept the truth makes it easier for the truth to be withheld or ignored.

Be careful not to cheat our expectations in the process of protecting someone else’s. That is the issue to be resolved, the balancing of subjective expectations. So is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Is it better to wallow in oblivious bliss than the fairytale spell to have been broken? Therefore, reality is a cold shower only if you prefer to not shower in reality.

Could it be there are times when what someone does may be a result of what we are doing or refuse to do? Actions may speak loudly even if the words don’t or intended resignations are yet to be rendered.What if what we receive is what we are not doing which negates our complaint of what they are doing? It this a significant influence whereby one would be more accommodating if one were more accommodated.

So, if circumstances don’t allow for the truth why would they allow for a lie? If the lie is unbecoming the truth must be welcomed whether telling it or receiving it. So tell it and receive it. The inability of either is not an emotional embezzlement. It is an emotional bankruptcy of an insolvent understanding where the villain or superhero may be hard to distinguish. Lying is a bad choice but so is refusing the truth whether to yourself or someone else. Invest wisely because it is all speculation.

 Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Club No Way

  Thurston’s Thoughts

More Important Issue

Club No Way

By now within a matter of days how could anyone escape the tidal wave of comedy and tragedy engulfing the minds and conversations of over 28 million certified views and counting. A social media bandwagon has sprouted from it. One comic detonated on a social media channel about individuals within an industry from his perch of observation, contempt, and principle. Solacious to say the least as far as the multitude of voyeuristic appetites tickled. Not to judge as true, false, or indifferent but to ponder the phenomenon of what curiosity was activated and how to harness that spark of engagement.

Whether he is viewed as fearless or reckless, the reach and breath cannot be denied or minimized. It is astonishing or as they say viral. My curiosity is not what was accomplished or the mass impact surviving the initial shockwave. Was it just entertainment or a mad comedic scientist who has mastered his craft and was in his bag casting his spell? Genius teeters on madness or is it so close it is hard to tell the difference. Maybe there is no difference except for the outcome. However, if he wanted to give them something to talk about, he most certainly did.

There may be some from the pulpit of profit who rejoice that he came along just in time to deflect from their deflection of the more substantive matters which for the life of Jesus we dare not give the same contemplations. It is no longer strange or sad what garners our attention or energy. Are our circumstances so dire or us so feeble to be consumed by constantly consuming ourselves? I understand his gripe with them but what is ours? I even understand the holy hypocrisy of those we elevate who betray that elevation but when will we learn? They are only human with their own faults and challenges as self-confessed.

So, are we betrayed by them or by our expectations placed outside ourselves? What I would not like to understand is when the smoke clears, who are we attacking so thoroughly and viciously when we don’t have a horse in the race or their violation is only of our expectations. Is it karmic or cosmic injustice or just bad timing? Perhaps it is unpoetic diversions along the path to prophetic realizations of self-deceptions. In other words, self-hypnosis in a waywardly untherapeutic escape of condemnation vicariously surmising what we would do in situations we would unlikely find ourselves.

More pointedly if we did find ourselves, perhaps as a solution we should put ourselves in positions to affect change from these positions. They say those who know don’t say and those who say don’t know. I also submit only those who know can say while those who don’t can only speculate or postulate. Oh how we do enjoy a good talking up under somebody’s clothes or pulling skeletons out of their closet.

It’s cool if it leads to good, if not, not. Not to play the race card, but count the targeted casualties. It was personal to him and he spoke his truth. If it was business to them and their soul or conscious, what was it to us? Me, I have a different concern, more pressing. If only we could galvanize 28 million people’s focus over a couple of days regarding challenges that inversely affect the millions and not the few such as poverty, homelessness, or violence. Maybe we could call it Club No Way.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

One BRICS at a Time

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Dangerous Exchange

One BRICS at a Time

With all this talk about building a wall across the southern border there is a massive wall being built one BRICS at a time. This wall has invisible barriers with observable ramifications. America and its allies of ideology who have long enjoyed prime seats at the helm of the power are experiencing an uncustomary re-seating arrangement. Downgraded from 1st class pass coach and into the cargo area as baggage. The baggage of history is not the problem. The arrogant baggage of political grey poupon has been spread too thin for too long. The palette of geo-political and economic alliances have sandwiched together signaling a menu change.

While America disintegrates from internal political and social conflict, the global community has found a cooperative and conciliatory formula to isolate, depreciate, and decimate America by fiscal devastation. America’s anemic foresight has fattened and hastened BRICS’ influence among the once considered doormats of colonialism and oppression. Globally, BRICS is increasingly comprised of victims and non-participants in colonialism. One need not guess what careless whispers and long memories unite them.

America’s glory days of four touchdowns in peewee league was a long time ago and so was its world dominance. Neither is what America is realistically capable of currently doing. If America cannot unite its population how can it dominate the worlds? The ideology of domination has ran its course whether domestic or foreign and who so ever does not adjust will be consumed by it. Political, racial, and economic supremacy is now the toothpaste out of the tube. With democracy at risk, the destabilization of capitalism via the U.S. dollar default currency status poses a real “terrorist” threat to our national standard of living.

The western hemisphere is being made offers they cannot refuse while America dictates terms we no longer have the clout to enforce. Can America expect loyalty from nations it has rebuked? If BRICS give the same level of credibility to the Monroe Doctrine which eastern Europe has given to NATO in violating treaties, it would be a problem. If BRICS solved America’s immigration problem and in turn required military bases at America’s door, how could America protest or resist? The thirst quenched entices more than the one refused.

Likewise, tentative allies of the Divided States of America will not survive without conceding to the pressures of self-preservation and geo-political treason when faced with similar options. There is not much time or many options at this juncture. As the beast of BRICS swells, so does its capabilities to impact imports and exports vital to American society. It increasingly in effect will become an economic embargo sanctioned by a conglomeration of target to vast and scattered to defend against. Who will come to America’s aid, Canada, Britain, France, Israel, or Ukraine? Several of these countries are dependent on America and others too small to hold the fort.

The answer maybe to build some bridges instead of a wall. A wall is already being built around America. Conversely, maybe it is actually being torn down around us. Half full or half empty, same difference. Just in case, it might not be a bad idea to learn a second or third language or acclimate to a demoted international seating arrangement. Is it better to have part of something or all of nothing? If we don’t make up our mind, it will be made up for us one BRICS at a time.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz