Old World Order

                                                                  Thurston’s Thoughts

The Untouchables

Old World Order

The Global Imperialistic Monarchy and Dictatorial Ideology of Old is a moral and tyrannical absolutism that does not allow for the possibility of error, dissent, or critical analysis. The primary axis of our existence rotates on these principles, beliefs, and indoctrinations. Serious contemplation reveals a consolidated fundamental integration of indoctrinations incorporating the fragmentation of a vast sea of miscellaneous disjointed beliefs.

They all go along to get along because they have the same consolidated purpose, control by voluntary subjugation. Ice cream in any flavor is still ice cream seducing according to your palate or appetite. All things arriving at the same destination by any road or method including magic carpet ride concludes at the same end point or intent. But so does ignorance, cowardice, and capitulation. Many times we don’t want to know the answer and many more times we fail to seek it. Mostly we simply accept the answer we have been told.

The Bible states “God forgives ignorance because we cannot believe what we do not know”. How can we be accountable for what we do not know? But, should we be accountable for what we don’t want to know? Conversely, I submit what about what we wholeheartedly believe which we do not know or, more pointedly, what we know but reject because of what we have been told to obediently believe? Can this be obedience to ignorance or ignorance to obedience?

The polarity of truth must provide for a sliver of possibility however remote. Like the man said where there is doubt there is no doubt. Therefore, knowledge must be sought by the inquisitively clever for the knowledgeable to obtain it. Be ever mindful that knowledge above all has always been forbidden. Knowledge is the destination rewarding those whose journey braves the perseverance, perils, condemnations, and exiles to not only know it but to speak it.

Plato’s Cave in a metaphysical context of ideology represents the constraints of our mind limited by the conditioning of our perception rejecting the realization of an expansion beyond a conditioned boundary. Just as “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, because they have rejected it”. We are also controlled by our “sinful ignorance” to accept the comfort of being told and led as opposed to discovery by examination.

The Polly wants a cracker parroting of spiritual and intellectual illiteracy without hesitancy adds water and stirs the corrupted intentions of absolutism by submission. Such is the shepherds of deception herding the sheep of zombified groupies in need of forgiveness for they know not to what they are faithful. This global cult of ignorance worship a BDSM paradigm of punishment desensitization for deviant behavior from prescribed protocols.

In other words, beaten into submission by the conformity of social constructs which defy logic, humanity, and nature. It is a reason the driver’s seat and steering wheel are not faced towards the rear. We have already seen where we have been but must be vigilant about where we are headed as a species. The rearview mirror is a fraction of the size of the windshield according to the significance of each’s vision. Prisoners of the ideological past cannot be pioneers of the future.

The mushroom of time is an expansion of contractions where exact patterns can never be repeated, maybe by occurrence but not by time and space. Same appearance and application, different space in time, but a mutually adjusted calculation for the differences created by time’s ramifications and the Butterfly Effect’s compounded revelations. This accounts for the fluctuations needed to fabricate conclusions by faith, belief, programming, or coercion.

A cow may be free to roam the pastures giving the appearance of freedom but the reality of confinement branded by the ideology of its owner. The global constructs of society expanded to the connectivity of humanity is unevenly yoked to sustain conflict and separation by the smoke and mirrors of conquest instilling mass hallucinations of subjective morality based on purpose, cajolery, or power.

Our branded minds succumb to religion, politics, class, gender, race, greed, manipulation, and geography roaming the pastures of subjugation grazing on the circumstances and predispositions we are fed. The politics of economics is by government or perhaps the government’s politics is economics, either way each requires complicity and ignorance. For example, people evaluate their leaders by their economies and the economic wellbeing of the people.

It is a savior’s mentality or victimization liberator attributed to a deliverer with us oblivious to other factors galvanized by a previous crescendo of inevitabilities. The seesaw’s motion is only balanced in passing towards its extremities of up and down. The natural inclination of time is change, of cause is effect, and of expectation is disappointment. Rain falls as a necessity and so does societies and economies as a result of the atrophy of prosperity.

During times of fiscal depression does money evaporate into losses or to the coffers of a formulated enrichment back to the origins of their disbursement. The roulette of economics are played at the casino of governments regulated by the Central Banks of forbidden anonymity. Everyone who is someone has a Central Bank regulating their economy, a private corporation that never loses.

We never blame our antiquated systems, unfounded veracities, or mercenary propensities but instead rely on our lethargic understandings targeting the easiest and most accessible lightening rods of our discontent. We must have someone to blame when there is no mirror to show the reflection of the one at fault whether individual, nation, policy, or what have you. The perjury of commonsense renders a mistrial of validation detached from the sworn testimony of history.

We are modern day stone-age flintstones following a bedrock of deception torn right out of history. Word of mouth is most often deceit of ears and apathy of discernment captivating the mind by attrition of reasoning. You can only stand on business when you are standing on knowledge. If you believe and propagate, mustn’t you verify? Tell the truth and shame the Devil but tell a lie pleases who, God?

The atrocities of mass hysteria and concentrated psychological abandonment of inhibitions and humanity often ignited by anger shields the ambiguity of ulterior motives placing the masses on the Demon time of concession. The absorbed forfeiture of perspective and arbitration of facts ricochets most accountability on the prey away from the predator. This Nostradamus of devious breath exhales the prognostications of oppression, exploitation, and inhumanity.

The dead beat authoritarian  alimony of morality or adolescent obligated provisions from subjugation’s accountability is beamed up by Scotty and transported to the bosom of Abraham claiming the moral peak of justification. The chastity belt of self-righteousness prevents the intercourse of compassion and culpability. The weeping willow thrashes in the storm but rejoices in its resiliency assured this too will pass.

So the youth must balance obedience to the past with their obligation to their future. Old heads live in the past, the youth live in the future, but we meet in the present. The future is theirs as the past has been ours. Discard the old skins of antiquated ideologies to receive the expansion of new wines of possibilities forsaking vengeance, nearsightedness, and the genocide of valor.

The monarchial illuminati of social hierarchy and dehumanization strut of arrogance must give way to an escalation in conscientious reflection or condemnation of method relieving the constipation of civilization. Trading places soils the undergarments agitating the self-loathing incontinence of oppression when mutated inwardly but promoted outwardly. The rock and roll of struggle with the bull’s horns of deceit sounds the disharmony of belief, actions, and justifications.

We revere technological advancement while neglecting human development perpetuating sociologies, ideologies, and indoctrinations as relics of dubious distinction and probabilities. The untouchables of the Old World Order rolling loaded dice leaves baby still needing a new pair of shoes with us staring at snake eyes losing our humanity. The youth must lead a Future World Order abdicating the inheritance of ignorance, exploitation, and oppression.

Apostles of Deceit

              Thurston’s Thoughts

Behold the Pale Horse 

Apostles of Deceit

Theology is generally considered to be information regarding God and religion. Theology is accredited as a divine doctrine from a transcendental God-being directing the stipulations of our behavior for earthly blessings and a heavenly reward in the afterlife. The human aspect of following these instructions and implementing them is where the discrepancy of honoring them ruptures. So only by our words do we have an abundance of believers while our deeds reveal no scarcity of deceivers. Therefore, is it a problem of doctrine or deceit? Theological guidance or depraved behavior are demonstrated by the cloak of our actions.

The vast majority of people have a religious compass of belief governing their behavior. However, the veneer of religious affiliation often mask the consciousness it takes to feel like decent folk despite commissions to the contrary. At what point does a believer’s actions expose them as a situational believer incapable of restraint when tested? The profusion of religious righteousness escalates the arrogance of entitlement based on assimilation and proximity of common belief, circumstances, or objectives. The resulting tug of war absorbs those betrothed to capitulation by a hierarchy of condemnation whose humanity is judged summarily as less valuable by religious belief or culture.

Although the cattle brand of religious ideology is responsible for many wonderful things it also has instigated some of the most heinous acts ever committed. Conquest has always been the destructive gene of humanity, but ideological conquest is a mirage whose invasion is of a thought or belief. Thoughts cannot be exterminated by invasion, only the people holding them can. Thoughts must be persuaded just as beliefs are convinced. Conciliatory actions are the persuasion which convinces opinions fostering a truce of ideological hostilities. Accordingly, complementary actions must be sought instead of rhetoric of divisiveness prolonging conflicts whose resolution will not be by force or vengeance.

While force can be met with force, it must also be met with reason. Whereas vengeance belongs to the offended, similar to punishment and force it must not be measured by rage but by violation. The punishment must correspond to the offense for the reaction to be considered appropriate. Frustration, nationalism, or geo-politically influenced actions rarely exterminate ideologies, religious beliefs, or resentment. Still, the drawing of first blood incites blinders of justification validating retaliation, but not unrelenting vengeance exceeding the callousness of the provocation that initiated the retaliation.

Nevertheless, to abandon the core beliefs of one’s assertions betrayed by one’s actions invalidates either the core belief or the action. It is our ideological identity that binds us beyond geographical boundaries accept when geographically challenged. Then aggression, vengeance, or conquest overwhelms our humanity, beliefs, and convictions suspending the means justified to ruthlessly secure the ends. From biblical, ancestral, to historical conflicts an eye for an eye is a uniform equivalent as the reasonable consequences and complications for acts of transgression.

This medieval inhumanity takes up the pale horse weapons of the sword, famine, pestilence by violence, and animalistic thirst of human sacrifices to appease a justification of belief, outrage, or seizure by force, suffocation, or exploitation. So we are indeed constantly living in the last days of the apocalypse due to a penchant for power, control, and violence. Our masquerades of beliefs, morality, and echelons of humanity disrupts every ecosystem on earth and now even threatens beyond our stratosphere. So behold the pale horse of believers medieval weapons in hand accompanied by a twisted Ideological famine employing a philosophy of genocidal conquest and vengeance bolstered by the righteousness of subjectivity.

The Pale Horse of the apocalypse rode by death and followed by hades devouring humanity corrupts the north star guided by ideologies imbedded psychologically and sociologically. Religious and cultural differences are often the witches brew stirring atrocities shrouded by subjective validation. Therefore, contradictory actions makes beliefs questionable but deeds clear. The harmonic principles of stimulating war, starvation, or inhumanity while highbrow posturing reveals the sinister intent of the outcome and the wayward deeds to achieve it.

A sentiment galvanized and mass produced triggers a manipulated hysteria disengaging the method from the objective often leading to unconscionable subjugations of humanity. Those aligned with the perpetrators of such inhumanity also bear the burden and sins for their complicity in their commission. According to Leviticus 5:1 silence toward evil is accountable for those who remain silent. So the sin is equally attributed to the action and the silence that witness it. We are often motivated by our cultural affiliations, economics, or xenophobia to minimize our actions along with those who we hold allegiance.

Given the historical context of tenets of beliefs, especially the reigning doctrines, surely an ethical acknowledgement should extend to reciprocate the same humanity we expect for ourselves. The nucleus of an understanding is a concession to a settlement. Submitted by untenable circumstances, suppression, or decimation beyond contention orchestrating terms of survival leaves no room for options or concessions. However, it does amplifies the ideology sought to be exterminated beyond the margins inviting pervasive condemnation and contempt. 

The benefit of victory at the expense of the soul has been the traditional apocalyptic exchange pulverizing the mind and spirit to exercise dominance and intent. The P.R. campaign of history continues to unravel escalating conflicts instead of reevaluating the procession to clash and assigning name to deed. So, for the sake of brevity pardon me for my indirect appropriation. In terms of ideology and not identity, every belief system has its origin, journey, and circulation unique unto itself. Each distinctive expression represents the bylaws, if you will, representative of that belief or ideology.

Many of the reigning doctrines navigate the globe beyond language, culture, class, or geography making its ideological replication a thought amplified in theory and practice. As such, it is as fluid as it is pervasive beyond extermination. The aforementioned belief systems have survived many attempts to purge them for this reason, the robust rituals of religious and sociological integration. This ancestral uniformity of automated perceptions harkens of their ancient necessity and limitations but these ideological antiques of elapsed ignorance must be abandoned for future trajectory.

The resolution for the future is not in centuries and millennium old grievances, fallacies, or denials of their occurrence or repercussions. Integrity and candor identifies the solutions estimated by the adaptation to achieve its purpose. As many beliefs and celebrations or observances converge upon us this holy season, contemplate what yours are by doctrine similar to others. The semantics of each basis yields parallel principles of behavior regarding peace, love, and exemplary character. So, seemingly there is no discord by doctrine on preferred code of conduct or bylaw behavioral comparisons despite worship.

However, the renunciation and aspersions emerge from the contradictory conduct overriding the lofty directives and portrayals diametrically opposing the assertions of belief, intent, and character or prestige biblical, historical, or otherwise. The voyeuristic trance of the past is a fetish of regressed infantile development entombed by the expired limitations of knowledge and belief remaining confined to its expression and stagnation. In other words, having outgrown the play box and frivolous fascinations eager for exploration and expansion but restrained by nurture and circumstances. It is the essence and nature of survival, of life to seek development.

So, primitive perspectives adhering to a history repelling transformation consents to the tunnel vision of past discord. Self-preservation will always gravitate towards survival but so will errant beliefs and ideologies morphing their definition and intent to ensnare a host or parasitic devotion. These are those known by their words but exposed by their deeds. These are the trojan horses concealing the pale horse of destruction double crossing believers by hijacking the sincerity of a belief to hide among them. By their blasphemous contradictions of inhumanity, deceit, and destruction they corrupt the sanctity of the belief.

The plight of further generations entrusted to rectify the colosseum remnants of our stagnation, inhumanity, and ignorance will be to discontinue a legacy reduced to a rigid past rejecting a radiant future. Many worn out concepts, practices, and justifications prevent the invigorating possibilities of our transcendental progressions. The yellow brick road is a journey onward toward the conviction of our actions, words, and belief to be obvious in the unity of our conduct and humanity. The blueprint is known but the execution is still by guillotine instead of accomplishment.  

The deed identifies the doer and dogma or doctrine. Our sin is not of sight but of silence cajoling the apostles of deceit to discredit us by association to their betrayal of our belief and humanity. Consensus is not always popular and many times is silent until outrage is popular. So, who is being deceived, us, them, belief, or actions? Whichever, should not be determined by the sin of our silence or the silencing of our sin but the universal tenets of our shared beliefs. 

Rippling Effect


  Thurston’s Thoughts

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Oh My!

Rippling Effect

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is defined as policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals. DEI encompasses people of different ages, races, ethnicities, abilities, disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations. Its rejection is a concept reducing human characteristics to a monolithic selection ignoring the multiplicity comprising all social and human spectrums. DEI is a concept in practice which reflect a universal reality of existence, a unification of complimentary elements configuring the whole.

Think in terms of cells, organs, DNA, thoughts, knowledge, weather, and so forth which function as a singular element contributing to an aggregate system in circuits of dependency, interaction, and stimulation. Even these elements are formed by a combination of smaller elements. So theoretically speaking, all existence is an expanded elemental representation participating in the combination of smaller definitive factors or parts interwoven into the composition. Therefore, DEI is a logical and rational function of existence creating a rippling effect of diverse presentations and configurations in a sequence of domino effects.

As a mathematical principle, the sum of the components cannot exceed its total. Considering DEI as the sum total of humanity, omitting any portion would diminish the totality and any collaborative value. An equation consist of a conclusion and the criteria used to calculate that conclusion. The reversal of an equation is usually the way to verify the equation by logic and objectivity. However, when both are conversely applied they produce fundamentally flawed conclusions of subjectivity. Commonly misunderstood applications of DEI is often reduced to race and racism narrowing its meaning and purpose from the endeavor of addressing discrimination.

So, the formulative equivalence and objective is a recipe of DEI diminishing discrimination producing impartiality of opportunity by access. To pursue or support exclusion exposes the equation to a defective process. It violates the humanistic and societal paradigms of life similar to some periodic table of elements like hydrogen being disregarded as a key contribution fundamental to structure, form, or composition. The broken circuit of reasoning and emotional subjectivity can then only be justified to destabilize or deconstruct efforts to eliminate discrimination. Discarding segments of society prevents social stability except by coercion and exploitation promoting greater divisiveness by omission.

Suppression and history applies the how of exclusion to the aligned objective of discrimination surrendering a cautionary tale. A profound fragility dependent on discrimination by any repressive means necessary to maintain power, control, and a socio-economic advantage creates a vacuum. The parameters of access or representation must be restricted accordingly lessening contributions while increasing the incentive and resentment ripe for dissidence of greater proportions to remove the barriers to autonomy. It essentially isolates the ideology of exclusion to a peninsula of antagonism imprisoning its practitioners.

So, DEI is an antidotal self-fulfilling prophecy of progression increasing contributions while lessening confrontation. Any policies of exclusion and exploitation of today creates the conflicts and crusaders of tomorrow. Again, by definition everyone belongs to multiple categories of DEI calling into question its dominant preoccupation with race while not opposed to other segments of DEI. Truth be told there are NOT MANY business entities, universities, or banking empires who DO NOT have many racial blemishes which directly benefited their injustice. For most DEI is an annuity escrow account for previous contributions of venture capital whose payment has been withheld especially regarding race. 

This racial application is the reason DEI is generally considered division by racial marginalization, bias policy, and prejudicial practice historically proven but contemporarily denied. But DEI would become obsolete by lack of its necessity and use much like antiquated hand signals to indicate vehicle turning direction. Consequently, from a historical perch of observation DEI is a detection system to correct discrimination and not a mechanism creating it. A surplus of delusion, cajolery, and deception to conceal the imbedded hierarchy of discrimination and social injustice is inherent as primary ingredients in the subsidy of anti-DEI rhetoric and systemic practices.

As far as anti-white discrimination based on the Fifth Amendment of equal protection under the law, where were and are these defenders when its violations were and are against Blacks. DEI is a remedy to the “unequal protection” under the law systemically practiced not only by exclusion but also racism, suppression, and  exploitation. This poses the question of when did “unequal protection” under the law for Blacks stop? DEI actually assures a meritocracy by addressing the arbitrary blinders of discrimination. Since overt racial discrimination was practiced, should not the remedy target the violation.

If exclusion by racism created the disadvantage then inclusion through racial access would logically relieve it. Seemingly, each according to their disadvantage by historical exclusion whether racial or not. But why is race always the deal breaker? Surely it is ridiculous to pay a person who has not worked the wages of those who did. So, DEI is not discriminative to those who haven’t suffered under discrimination to receive or prevent the “wages” of those who did. It is compensatory behavior and not punitive but corrective policy.

It is reciprocity for the restitution of advantages garnered by discrimination. The concept is universally accepted and practiced except when race is the point of contention. By definition and appearance this is the racial discrimination which currently justifies the need for DEI by the continued racial exclusion from social restitution. It is society’s debt which only requires sharing access to the rewards and opportunities plundered by discrimination. A meager accommodation to address the imbalances of equal protection under the Fifth Amendment whose marginalization created the disparities addressed by DEI.

It does not diminish opportunity, instead it expands access and the resulting contributions. Only a narcissistic psychopathic mentality would deem a socially level playing field as an inequality to them after benefitting from their inequality to others. Thus, the perceived social equality threat remains the elementary objection, not DEI. So, to the periodic table of fear and ignorance we can add diversity, equity, and inclusion. Oh my!

P.S. Things in the rearview mirror may be closer than they appear, but so is discrimination.


Democratic Apartheid

Affirmative Action

Democratic Apartheid

Apartheid is generally defined as a policy or system of segregation or discrimination of a supposedly “minority” or “inferior” group based on race. Apartheid more deeply explored is actually the principles and ideologies architected for exploitation and abuses securing power, control, and narcissistic stature. Still, what are the doctrines of apartheid when the barriers are just as impenetrable as they are sustained by other ideologies camouflaging the intent by the method or justification? The ends often are justification for the means and the elasticity of morality allowing humanitarian abuses.

Although the brutally violent assaults on ethnicity are now usually the last resort, the subtle initiates of its replacements achieve the same results. It is not only a period in African history ending in 1994 but an act throughout American history expressed as an affirmative action of policy, society, and practice reflecting the subjugated delineation of a people to be dominated without violation of the perpetrator’s consciousness, religion, or morality. It requires a declassification of others humanity below the pedestal of a self-aggrandizing self-image of superiority or larceny of opportunity and resources.

This counterfeit social status is a construct of a narrative so propagandized to replicate the delusion as an entitlement associated with a biased concession by oppressive division. It prognosticates the separation of opportunity or rights enjoyed above those rendered. This very act of identity isolation is an allocation of humanity subsidizing the restrictions and tolerance metered out to maintain dominance by exclusion. The racially rationalized advantage of apartheid to the benefactors is now a discrimination against them when it is no longer the modus operandi of societal norms.

So, in essence any measures taken to offset the ill-gotten advantage is unfair to their continued abuses. Consequently, theoretically speaking by this logic any exclusion of a group based on expanded access or a “set aside” for another group is unfair despite the historical context or remedies sought thereof. Therefore, would not military service be such a “set aside” of unfairness to those who did not serve? There are many such “set asides’ such as job seniority, union membership, family legacy, senior citizens, adulthood, and virtually every societal absolution fits the exclusionary definition.

The only difference is not the act of recognition but the criteria of selection based upon a determinate such as the word “race” which makes it unfair. In the context of “race” it is not selective but corrective. If one child eats all the cake from the other child, would it not be fair to the child who has consumed more than their fair share to be curtailed from excluding the other’s consumption as a measure of DEI? The concept of DEI has its faults but not as many as the history or policies it seeks to remedy. Actions to perpetuate  social, economic, and political underclasses appeases a serenity of privilege but agitates the capitulation to injustice.

Injustice by coercion eventually is unsustainable and does not invite tranquility of society but instead sustainable resentment to subjugation. Ethnicity, gender, economics, and opportunity are measures of segregation restricting fairness but in all distorted fairness is promoted as having no disadvantage beyond the advantages not received. There are those hindered by the oppressions which others cavalierly dismiss as non-existent or discontinued. However, the advantage survives the gap created from its presence. The ideological virus of segregationist policies and practices infects the ascension of humanity by stifling contributions as an affirmative action to promoting confirmation of its unfair privilege.

The accusation goes from woke to radical left to Christian conservative values instead of subjective strongarming of ideologies beneficial to a biased agenda. So, affirmative is a conformation. Action is an activity taken. Democratic is a consensus. Apartheid is an abomination of humanity’s sovereignty. Combined they are a confirmation of activities agreed upon to execute an abomination against the sovereignty of a segment of humanity. When the moral check is due from the feast of oppression, the bloated diner cannot skip out on the bill or complain about its payment for a meal they consumed and thoroughly enjoyed.

It is not unreasonable and certainly expected that the provider is entitled to be compensated for the services they provided. There is no dispensation of self-determined nonpayment to avoid settlement or criminal culpability. By the way, it is also customary and expected that a tip accompany the payment. Absent reparations surely affirmative action, DEI, or other corrective measures to discrimination are a smaller domestic cost or social escrow than the billions sent abroad for foreign wars. What about an affirmative action towards funding the domestic war on the historical racial exploitations of America’s democratic apartheid of biblical proportions?


Exonerated Injustice

Vindicated Outrage

Exonerated Injustice

Justice is a term which most have a concept of its definition and perception of its application but few can describe the unspecified fluidity of the circumstances submitted for a determination of if justice was served. The concept is elusive but the perception is evident as the circumstantial understanding has neither form nor presentation committing to a firm unwavering objectivity. So all can surmise but none can declare its description but only its applied characterizations. Arguably the primary element is integrity unbiasedly applied lending legitimacy to the determination appearing as a degree of fairness.

So justice is not fairness, justice is a result of fairness applied properly. Justice is the byproduct of the process produced by a fair conclusion. Therefore, justice is always on trial applied to the circumstances which must be judged or decided. The consensus of penalty or restitution regulates the level of satisfaction if justice has been served. Any deviation or assault on the anticipated recourse of compensatory or punitive consequences scrutinizes the estimation of justice rendered.

If deficient, injustice has been acquitted and pardoned by the double jeopardy of seldom is a second chance afforded a first impression. Justice is indeed blind when forfeitures of its integrity is allowed to circumvent reasoning of the factual analysis. The puppets of exploitation and duplicity fraudulently exercise their manipulations under the guise of authority protected by the veil of justice thus receiving a vicarious immunity of presumptive objectivity. The rules of impartiality is a crime fighter that should fight it equally wherever it finds it and whoever is committing it.

The degrees of potential damage or impact should prioritize the urgency of its concentration or discourse. The absconding of policy and practice makes justice a fugitive especially in a system built on a bill of inalienable principles definitive of its identity. The flag of justice must never wallow in the mud of impropriety to be respected above the tarnishing reproach of being compromised. A pattern of legal exemptions, selective indifference, or neglected allegations KO’s justice before it can enter the ring to throw a fair one. This is the political fight fixing we all have ringside seats to witness where the event is staged with the outcome rigged before the contest has started.

The unfolding experience is an  episode with the illusion of a current development but is actually a delayed exhibition of a prior determination yet to happen reconciling the event to the predetermination. For example, hypothetically speaking if a prosecutor in a very high profile case is accused of personal misconduct via a romantic liaison posing a conflict of interest. The illicit relationship would have no bearing on the defendants actions which occurred years before which are not in question or denial.

Furthermore, the sneaky link would not seem to be of material intent for prosecuting but instead on a parallel course of personal convenience or indiscretion. Nevertheless, in the high stakes world of law and politics it is undeniably an unforced turnover, an error of judgement giving them something to talk about. Still, stipulating to the concerns generated from this debacle of distractions and distortion is a panoramic application of justice if justice is the purpose.

No judicial or government body saw fit to pursue accountability although many have the authority but not the fearlessness to topple the allegation but vehemently pursue the prosecutor who did. It appears to be obstructionist tactics to protect the fixed agenda which initiated the inquest. That is not the height of the hypocrisy which should vindicate outrage but the extenuating allegations of breaches of justice or public trust and conflicts of interest based on the same principles but to a magnified degree regarding damage or impact.

A certain presidential crime family allegations fall into this same category. Fine, if a determination has been made that a credible or significant allegation exist an investigation of fact finding inquiry is logical. Protection should not be afforded these claims while in pursuit of the American public’s interest, unless the public’s interest is not the objective. Conflict of interest, unfairness, and public interest are the reasons put forward. But what about other obvious collateral concerns of monumental ramifications.

Political gerrymandering of voting districts which have been ruled unconstitutional have repeatedly defied court orders to rectify them. It is blatant election interference which if it had no impact why would it be unconstitutionally committed. It is a way to circumvent voting rights aside from the various blatant party politics subverting opposing votes to sequester policy and power. For example, the confiscation of protocol, policy, and practice when specifically directed results in a Supreme Court ideology controlling society for twenty to thirty years.

The repeal of abortion, affirmative action, and voting rights are a direct result of the same actions complained about except for who the perpetrator may be. Who is committing it seems to be the deciding element instead of if it is being committed. Financial affiliations with foreign governments is perhaps the most glaring omission and selective exclusion of appearances of impropriety representing a bowling ball under the rug concealment. A purported non-administration member of a political family has foreign dealings resulting in a congressional hearing.

Fine, except for these accusations of foreign profiteering are peanuts compared to the multi-billion dollar infidelity of a different actual member of the White House nucleus directly flirting with many conflicts including of interest in an area associated with his then official scope of duties. Not to mention a quid pro quo suspicion of a weapons deal brokered or return to office retainer. If returned to the same position would that also be move along folks there is nothing here to see. No dalliance of forbidden fiscal flirtations or policy nepotism to see here despite the billions personally secured in the balance.

Furthermore, for the future of politics and democracy to merge at such a critical time, how could Supreme Court Justices despite professional courtesy not be scrutinized when their actions do not recluse them from suspect affiliations and activities. If felons cannot cohort with other felons is it a sound practice for high court judges to maintain dubious associations and rogue gratuities? While on the subject, does not a Supreme Justice’s spouse in the same household with open and active participation in a chapter of American shame not draw concern?

Of course if not by marriage or their actions then by excited utterances of those involved in the Capital assault declarations stating that they had an inside person on the court if they could get it before them. There appears to be sufficient probable cause evidence to support this claim. However, if this does not incriminate this judge, it perhaps does another judge which would conceivably rabbit hole the extent of these assertions of a fix. Point is why wouldn’t these other incidents of conflict, malfeasance, or criminality at least meet the threshold of inquiry as the prosecutor’s romantic conflict case given their national and international ramifications.

Injustice is a strong recruitment for further injustice to careen off accountability like a roller derby bully catapulting past the legalities established to protect against just such actions. None of the mentions in this article are clandestine operations of the most subtle nature insidiously infiltrating our society, politics, and government. Instead, they are blatant exonerations of injustice discharging the continuity of accountability in exchange for unethical or borderline seditious power grabs by hook or crook.

Where justice is absent vindicated outrage should be present. Like momma them use to say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. This is especially true for equal application of the law properly and indiscriminately applied to be the byproduct of the process producing a fair conclusion by an equal application. They say justice is blind but I am more inclined to believe justice must be blind and stupid not to see this or think we don’t see the thumb of injustice on its scales.

P.S. This is the same ideological argument regarding systemic racism, unbiased fairness equally applied.


Playing your game baby

Tilted Playing Field

In the course of consensual indulgences for mutual benefit, sometimes the balance between expectations and consideration requires a renegotiation by duress if not otherwise forthcoming. For example, suppose you provide a service, and there is an insufficient acknowledgment of the value of that service. In that case, your contribution is dismissed as incidental or unnecessary to the successes or is interchangeable. The “commodity” is the foundation of a product or service.

However, devoid of the benefit of unobstructed advancement on merit, it resonates as capricious gratitude being allowed to partake in the process, not the benefit. This dampens ambition by despair due to lack of opportunity. By evaluating contributions, ambition rises above participation, breaching the levee of limitations for more meaningful recognition and reward for contributing to others’ achievements.

Imagine the “commodity” is human labor and specialized talents or skills honed and proven to be the foundation of the product or service provided, which otherwise could not be offered with the same quality. So the “commodity” and the capital are codependent, with the capital possessing the majority of the power, decision making, and designations. With the missing ingredient being capital or seed money to sustain the liquidity of the operation’s existence, talent is dependent. It is a consensual understanding for a mutual benefit until the arrangement has progressed beyond the original terms or either becomes no longer necessary.

The original terms being firmly at the discretion of the capital providers refusing to mitigate the conditions leaves two options. Express dissatisfaction while bemoaning for change and patiently waiting for redress or removing yourself and your contribution from the scenario. Patiently bemoaning at least provides participation while disassociation invites replacement.

To better understand the options, if the “commodity” is disrupted and irreplaceable, the capital would be more amenable to the changes to preserve their interest and investment. But, on the other hand, if disassociation of talent is tendered, a viable option would have to be available. Perhaps made available by your ingenuity having everything except the capital, but what if you had a succession plan, the resolve, and the capital. Then what?

The enterprising spirit undertaken to create the situation you decided to separate from is the calculated risk needed. It is the same spirit that can propel your ambitions forward. Why can’t you do for yourself what you were doing for someone else? Uncertainty? Of what? Like Heavy D and the Boys rapped, “We got our own thang.” Get up and do your thang.

You can witness a movement, be part of a movement, start a movement, or be the movement. The movement is to increase the residual benefits of actions already undertaken by doing them somewhere else or leveraging the prospect of doing so elsewhere. So, quit pump faking when you can take your shot. Deliver unto yourself what you request in vain and wait indefinitely to be provided. The inducement has been profoundly provoked and repeatedly aggravated. To remain is a choice.

This applies to any situation you may find yourself confronted with, but I have something specific in mind. Everything is irrational when first proposed if the possibility is foreign or uncomfortable, but not to the fearless visionary and cold calculator. Sports are a melding of many facets of life and bonding. It also generates billions of dollars on the collegiate and pro levels, not to mention merchandise and gambling implications.

According to the US Department of Education, there are 107 HBCU’s operating in the United States. Those with D1 athletic programs in football and basketball can upset collegiate athletics by a swing in the “commodity” they attract. For example, the flamboyant visionary mind of Coach Prime with the brazen audacity to think we can compete with the big boys first by recruitment and then by performance has proven the premise.

With the advent of NIL’s and the transfer portals, the landscape of HBCUs resources, valuations, and academic outreach can multiply with two changes. The ability to accommodate the expansion and attract the “commodity.” The “commodity” or student-athletes have an opportunity to affect social justice simply by where they choose to play sports.

If enough talent commits, national recognition and championships will follow the talent. What Black talent provides to most of the largest universities in the country, some with racist and slavery participating histories, they can provide to the institutions created as a refuge combating Black people exclusion from education.   

Furthermore, an accurate portrayal of history would undoubtedly be encouraged and transparency less problematic, not to mention the cultural affirmation. The insidious and exploitive undertones enjoyed by non-HBCUs can be converted to create a legacy of athletics, academics, and resources. Essentially, an irrepressible movement. Black Lives Matter should mean that Black Talent Matters and where that talent is displayed. NIL especially makes this lucrative for individual athletes and HBCUs. 

The resources, sponsorships, amenities, media coverage, merchandise, fame, and more will be flooded upon the athletes of current pioneers like Coach Prime, Rampaging Eddie George, and others who establish this transformative opportunity. The legendary Coach Eddie Robinson comes to mind, among others, as a keeper of the aspiration until the circumstance were ripe as they are now. Time has taken its place and this space and time are unprecedented. However, if some would not support or respect the freedom of choice now prevalent in collegiate sports, we could fill that void by creating solutions to satisfy our needs. 

The rallying cry would certainly be answered by former pros, HOF players, volunteers, business leaders, businesses, academics, and celebrities to pridefully coach and mentor HBCU talent. The response and support can revitalize the surrounding businesses, community, and campuses with the talent concentrated. Entertainment and concerts could be incorporated to generate additional revenue sharing and venue fees. Fundraisers similar to Farm Aid, Telethons, and We are the World can be organized to benefit HBCUs directly. Consider if a musician made a smash fire song and donated the proceeds to HBCUs or if many artists did the same. What about a tour?

There is no limit to the possibilities of concerts, Versus type events such as sponsored by Tim and Beatz, or live streaming prospects. The fashion and culture statement popularizing HBCU gear would leave no doubt about what culture we promote. Make HBCU apparel as popular as Timberland boots or other designer items so coveted and supported by Blacks. The elevation of aspirations requires that we make the fashion instead of just wearing it, becoming producers instead of just consumers. The impact would be directed towards achieving the goal we so willingly protest for but are unwilling to support using our economic muscle. 

The resulting entrepreneurial initiative and investment would ensure a vibrant microcosm of prosperity similar to Black Wallstreet, providing allowances for student subsidies, facility improvements, and overall Black condition. I propose making Juneteenth a fundraising event for HBCUs, giving the date meaning and producing practical gains instead of the current masquerade.

Celebrating Juneteenth by stimulating the economy for all and purchasing t-shirts adds zero meaning or purpose to this hollow holiday. Why not gather resources instead of spending them? Why not embrace a resolution to harvest measurable progress towards real Black freedom? The masses of ordinary people possess the power when moving in unison as a concentrated initiative. 

Supporting HBCUs would expand academic growth, producing more representation in politics, medicine, business, and investments. If the programs are not offered, create them. If they exist, improve them to rival the best offered anywhere. Internships would supplement the educational value with practical guidance and experience.

Talent is the innovation and equalizer when appropriately focused. Self-awareness is knowing where the self ends and being aware of circumstances beyond yourself having an impact on a grand scale. It is not about you but the future of us. Talent and how it is utilized tilts the playing field like nothing else. Look at Nike. The representation of talent is what they really sell. 

Talent can create ownership and distribution percentages shared across the HBCU spectrum to schools other than the D1 participants to dominate the other divisions or benefit from the D1 capital successes. So why is inclusion in someone else’s prosperity more important at the exclusion of your own because they have finally accepted your talent or revenue for their benefit?

To build the social justice sought, protesting in the streets has its limitations. Protest in the pockets, balance sheets, fiscal projections, and boardrooms provides quantitative incentives and deterrents. In addition, HBCUs would be open to whoever chose to enroll there, fully embracing all contributions as valuable to its success.

Those who benefited can tithe a percentage of their prosperity. The investment generating returns, loosely structured, similar to a student loan or donation, would secure the opportunity for those who follow. The Fab Five shook college basketball to its core. Phi Slama Jama 82 to 84 and Georgetown Hoyas from 84 to 91 frightened the NCAA basketball world.

Consider Larry Bird went to Indiana State and singlehandedly put them on the map and himself on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Nothing before or since, just the power of one player. The point is they will find you. Imagine the possibilities at an HBCU with the top talents of today consolidated. We can make Black History and establish legacies at this pivotal moment of change. Think like a boss and become the movement that shapes the future with generational reverberations. 

Likewise, pro football is especially vulnerable. Are you ready for some NFL football, the conversation that is? Let’s talk about creating an Equity Football League, a league where fairness is the standard, not the comparison. Fairness is a standard, while equality is a comparison.

A standard is easier to assess and apply being static, while a comparison is fluid by nature and subject to the changing criteria of evaluation. Impartiality should be oblivious to considerations deprived of fairness and exclude incidental irrelevancies. The Brian Flores lawsuit has pulled back the curtain on what many persons associated with the NFL already knew to be true, ownership bias exists.


To further extend the conversation to the pros, there seems to be an ongoing devaluation of Black’s contribution beyond the “commodity” phase proven by lack of head coaching, management, and ownership representation. The new league ownership could be constituted as a Corp, LLC, Social Club Membership, a service contract and exotic Reit, or hybrid player/public owned with revenue sharing.

Maybe owned and distributed through blockchain or subscription. Games can be played at HBCU stadiums with HBCU bands as paid entertainment or other celebrity entertainment. The players acquired from the college pipeline and free agent NFL players. Coaching and management from the excluded ranks of the NFL and college. 

It is nearly impossible to envision Black ownership in the NFL, likewise a fair percentage of Black management and head coaches where nary an eyebrow is raised either way. However, we don’t have another fifty or sixty years to wait. The Black quarterback has largely silenced the conversation of qualification and opportunity, but ownership still eludes Blacks.

It was once taboo to even imagine a Black quarterback, but now it is common. The Black NFL players and coaches directly contribute to the head coach’s success, only not to be rewarded for their contribution to that success with head coaching opportunities. Compensated but not represented in terms of a fair opportunity at the pinnacle. The compensation is not proportionate with the revenue generated because ownership is forbidden.

Suppose a Black owner was initiated in the NFL. Perhaps the top talent’s gravitation would prefer them as a destination even at a discount but assured by the talent accumulated to dominate the Superbowl and create a dynasty. Not only would it disrupt the league, owner’s valuations, and the gambling industry, it would force the NFL adaptation to remain competitive.

Being refused ownership, the alternative would be to start your own league, draining them of the talent pool they take for granted. With the entertainment value depleted, the revenue would soon follow with waning interest. Then, at the absolute best, a prosperous alternative league would emerge or a merger expanding the NFL to include the Black ownership and players.

With seventy percent of the NFL players of color, what would the NFL value be to compete with a league that gained a sizable percentage of that talent? The NFL would have to pay extreme premiums to retain the talent, further enriching the athletes depleting their monopoly, needing the “commodity” to survive financially, and increasing the number of professional players to fill the void. The goal is to create fairness, ownership participation, and redistribution of wealth, not segregation. 

There is precedent for Blacks creating their own equity and entities to rival any others using leverage and intelligence. Reginald F. Lewis was as respected as any American businessman of the highest degree.  His ownership and entrepreneurial initiative were demonstrated and achieved during a more tumultuous and discriminatory time than now becoming one of the richest Black men in modern America during the 1980s. He was the first Black American to build a billion-dollar company, TLC Beatrice International Holdings Inc. 

Furthermore, there are sports examples where alternative Black enterprises and individuals leveraged talent, intelligence, and dignity to retort exclusion. The Negro League produced teams comparable and superior to MLB and an influx of talent, including Jackie Robinson. The Harlem Globetrotters is another example, including the likes of Wilt Chamberlain. The Living Legend Jim Brown rebuked ownership in his prime to dispel any misconception they controlled his dignity.

We can assemble those with the capital to circumvent the NFL ownership structure by collective endeavor and creative financing. The diversity of this effort would ensure its success. Suppose Black billionaires such as Robert Johnson of BET fame, Robert F. Smith of the investment world, media giants Byron Allen and Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter and Beyonce, Rihanna, and Tyler Perry invested capital and knowledge.

Furthermore, if Magic Johnson, Daymond John, Serena Williams, and an endless rollcall of billionaires and millionaires not conflicted by race contributed capital. All recognizing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity bringing a degree of accomplishment, venture capital, public money, and expertise to the table. They represent a diversity of industries able to mobilize their influence and forte in addition to capital. 

Be advised that the burden is not theirs but ours. Black leadership does not relieve us of our responsibility as a grassroots movement complementing them. We cannot rely on others, despite their color, to deliver us without our exertion as a base of engaged solidarity. There is strength in numbers, especially when resolute in objective. This is our duty to be unyielding and unified.

No contribution is too small. The sixties protest was successful for one reason, solidarity of spirit and purpose. We must be willing to risk confrontation of interest to achieve an objective. Fairness is a form of respect and likewise is assured by earning it or taking it. Anything given stands to be taken away by the giver. Thus, the creation of formidable industries demands respect and discourages opposition.    

Any creation of industries as outlets for talent and opportunities fairly distributed rejecting status quo biases provides economic empowerment and social redress. The fourteen plus percent of the Black population is significant enough to send a shiver through the economic landscape.

Utilizing our 1.6 trillion purchasing power no longer scattered promotes social justice and fairness using the language of money. Merchandising, supply chains, cable, and television rights through Black venders would diversify the benefit to Black prosperity and education. So, enter the fray with dollars in hand and resolve on display.

Once done, the challenge to their product, revenue stream, tax base, and lease obligations would humble their restrictions allowing fairness by necessity with their capital no longer needed. But unfortunately, the ongoing impulse to endure unfavorable conditions negates the possibilities of new horizons for those who are visionary and bold.

If they are so fond of a tilted playing field, then accommodate them with a tilted field but in our favor this time. I am sure there will be no hard feelings in a free market society of the fittest. The winds of change are blowing strongly. We should not resist but set our sails with the wind.

Their arrogant taunt and empty promises are if you don’t like it, what can you do about it but complain? That is where they made a colossal miscalculation if our courage to create an alternative league surpasses the frustration of exclusion from their club’s hierarchy. A King rose out of an unlikely challenge when David slew the giant Goliath. The mighty can be brought to heel with a well-placed blow.

The NFL has a very shortsighted vision of their business model or an overwhelming concession to prejudice and exclusion, dismissing the value of fairness to the “commodity.” There are many Goliaths to be slain. Track and field is another area of concentration that HBCUs could benefit from significantly. The rise of or rather suppression of women’s sports by lack of funding is also a social and economic opportunity for women to capitalize while also elevating their craft. 

The spirit of education, ownership, and self-determination manifested the HBCU to counter the exclusion from educational pursuits with no choices before that weren’t rampant with discrimination. By our ancestor’s power and tenacity, HBCUs were founded in the mid-1800s, with the first being Cheyney University of Pennsylvania in 1837.

Knowing the Black struggle, sufferings, and sacrifices to produce the higher learning institutions of the HBCU makes them our original Alma Mater. Therefore, HBCUs are our Alma Mater by vision, if not by attendance. 

We have always been welcome at our own thang, our HBCUs when no other would accept us. Remember that when it is time to pledge your services. Talent consolidation leads to comprehensive self-determination by revenue generation. Given the Black athletic talent and revenue generated, why do HBCUs struggle for sustainability or resources if not forsaken by the very people it was created to empower. The shameful allegiance to and exploitation by these other institutions of Black talent robs HBCUs.

If you want to protest something, protest that, by choosing who cultivated your future before you knew you had one. That is a practical step toward social justice, education, and economic viability using supply, demand, and exclusivity. It is not racial. It is business. It is not segregation. It is self-determination. It is our new business model for redistributing the wealth earned from our labor and talent. Same for the entertainment and music industries.

If the business model resembles what has been historically used against us, I can assure you that it is coincidental and sanctioned by comparison. Otherwise, they should not practice it. So consider it playing their game, their rules, but to our benefit this time. In addition, a tax-deductible donation would direct resources to HBCUs from taxes you would pay otherwise to the IRS.

There is no need to beg for fairness when you can provide yourself justice. Give your product or service the value you have provided theirs, and it will attract resources and customers, especially if marketed correctly, providing residual value to the patrons in addition to yourself. They pay to see the “commodity,” not the owners.

If you build it, they will come but more importantly, make sure you come because we already have our own thang and the talent to stock it. We are not commodities to be traded on the open market or paraded at a combine for white owners to choose from, like a slave auction to enrich themselves by our labor. Support our thang.

Start at the roots, HBCU. Let’s support Black ownership, wealth creation, and HBCUs with Black talent and resources. Talent is our leverage and venture capital to use wisely. Remember, there is no need to beg. But, there is a need to do. Now, what team are you playing for, the beggars or the doers?

Thurston K. Atlas 

Creating A Buzz  


America’s Most UnWanted

Unwanted Dead or Alive

Attention. Attention, we interrupt your programming to bring you this breaking news bulletin to alert you to America’s Most unwanted being spotted in your area. They should be considered dangerous and not to be entertained, engaged, or challenged. An all-points bulletin has been issued with this warning, so be on the lookout for them or their gang.

They have eluded our checkpoints, APBs, and capture. We ask for the public’s help to bring them under control and end their rampage throughout society. Unfortunately, they have become more emboldened and arrogant in the audacity of their attacks and penchant for crossing boundaries to elude detection. Our efforts have been to detect, identify, verify, and prevent their wanton disregard for social order.

As we increase our efforts to bring this gang under control and critical information continues to pour in, we will keep you abreast of any additional developments. There have been widely reported sightings and leads pouring in. Still, without the public’s diligence and performance of their civic duty, we may labor in our pursuits. But, again, I repeat, do not be lulled into or swindled by their unassuming demeanor and deception.

There have been reports of sympathizers who have aided and abetted this gang by harboring and nuturing them. It seems they are undoubtedly unaware of the risks and danger they assume by hiding them or their danger to the public. This gang is volatile and may ruthlessly turn on you without much provocation or warning.

Many documented instances have occurred where the aftermath of their wrath has devastated those who have harbored them. Be especially diligent regarding impressionable children as they are notably susceptible and preferred victims of this gang, as are developing young adults.

At this time, we want to share with you as much information as we can without jeopardizing our efforts to suppress this gang or endanger the public unnecessarily. We are working to identify the members further but are reasonably certain of their roles and areas of expertise.

Their two oldest members running this gang, referred to as Public Enemy one and two. They are believed to have started the gang and provide its direction. However, various gang members have been known to operate independently or in conjunction with other members. One element that makes this gang increasingly dangerous is they are all very proficient in their own right, but when combined or operating as a whole, they are very formidable.

The entire gang rarely works together simultaneously as their motives may differ. However, there are reliable reports that members may be present but not participate in the actions of the others. They all flee the area together despite their participation. Their descriptions and characteristics provide distinctly identifiable profiles.

Public Enemy number one is without denial the mastermind and orchestrator. Number one controlling the gang’s activities is an active participant at all times. The gang benefits from this member’s charismatic and alluring persuasion.

This member displays the ability to infiltrate the heart and minds of unsuspecting civilians and is ruthlessly determined to deceive and connive others into assisting. Logic, reasoning, outright deception, and persuasion are the specialties of this member.

Public Enemy number two may be the downfall of this outfit for the flashy and braggadocious manner brashly displayed. Not the most dangerous member, but the confidence projected along with the skill set possessed makes this member the driving force of the gang and to be revered.

The image of the gang is shaped by this member and generates an assuredness of unlimited power and invincibility. This member is always present, and the influence is active and compliments Public Enemy number one quite well. Number two has also been known to take charge directing the gang’s activities.

The next members are fraternal, not identical twins, although they bear a strong resemblance. They often act as one unit with many similarities in their behavior. They are by far the most dangerous of the gang. Like Public Enemy number two, they are revered but also feared for their insatiable anger and hostile anti-social disposition.

They are more controllable if kept separated but must be constantly monitored by the other gang members, wary of when they may explode. Unprovoked, they may become extremely callous and violent. It is a delight that they savor when getting their hands dirty or doing the heavy lifting for the gang. But, unshockingly, it seems to unleash their psychopathic appetite for violence.

Once uncorked, they are tough to bring under control until they satisfy their thirst and exhaust their rage. Their only value to the gang is to do the unspeakable without remorse. They are simply muscle without much thought or self-control, often displaying psychotic behavior.

This fifth member is the twins’ cousin and can also become unhinged by the slightest provocation with actions that range from petty to outrageous. It must run in the family being first cousins. Their behavior differs slightly, with this member having a more sociopathic lean, including impulsive behaviors and responses that are not justified by the circumstances.

This member is tolerated only because of the value of the twins but not trusted or well-liked because of constant complaining and petty tendencies. The displays of neediness, proclamations of possessiveness, and conspiracies of betrayal detract from any value to the gang.

The sixth member is known to contribute as much as is sometimes taken away, displaying a demeanor with aspirations much larger than capabilities. This member has lofty ambitions of one day running the outfit despite glaring limitations.

Additionally, number six is unreasonable and though clever, claims to know more than the other gang members. Though very determined and principled but always resisting suggestions and instructions. Being irreplaceable as encouragement and a go-getter when on point, this member is the checks and balances of the gang.

The following two are related, although uncertain how. These two have only one objective, which is what is in it for them.  Not surprisingly, they are the least trustworthy of the bunch and most likely to flip when confronted, possessing little fortitude and even less loyalty. They have a tight bond and high ambitions.

Their tools of the trade are an eye for big-time scores and corruption of others’ vulnerabilities. They are first-class high-stakes grifters. Every outfit of ill repute can find value in their talents.

The last to round out the crew is the getaway driver providing a hideout to meet when something goes wrong or if separated. But, wait, what’s that? Our top-notch inspector spotted them and tracked them to their hideout with no time to call more backup. Therefore, they must act immediately, not knowing if and when a chance like this will present itself again.

They have the place surrounded, and apprehension is imminent. However, They must move quickly and use the element of surprise on a gang that often disappears as ghosts that transcend time, space, and body. Hence, the go-ahead has been given to execute the raid with extreme caution. We are awaiting word of the all-clear.

We are proud and relieved to let you know that the raid was an overwhelming success. All members have been apprehended and identification now known. The identifications are as follows; the leader Public Enemy number one is the Conscious Mind, a notorious enabler and deceiver. Public Enemy number two is the Ego, known to initiate bloated perceptions of self.

The twins are Hatred and Evil wanted for many unspeakable crimes of brutality. Member five is the cousin Jealousy, aka Envy, wanted for pettiness due to easily hurt feelings or bemoaning other’s good fortune, a real hater.

Member six is Pride, who led to the gangs’ downfall and a real know it all. The following two found hiding together, Greed and Lust, were no doubt hoping to hide the goods and escape discovery. Lastly, the getaway driver, Denial aka Ignore, was found to use the same pattern of getaway when returning to the gang’s hideout, the heart and minds of compromised individuals.

We and the public would like to recognize and thank the one responsible for figuring out this group of punks, tracking them down, and bringing them to accountability. Furthermore, we are indebted to the only one possessing the cunning to corral this gang, which is the one and only Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious mind is the most powerful computer known to man and not even remotely understood for its full range of capabilities. The subconscious mind is the unregulated truth, where change occurs and is a servant guiding our actions and beliefs. It controls not only our bodily functions but our perspectives and resulting accomplishments.

Unleashing the subconscious mind’s power controls our conscious mind and well-being. But, we must recognize and allow it to “apprehend” the deceptions of the conscious mind and the ego where these henchmen get their direction and permission.

Allow your subconscious mind to control your conscious mind and ego to overcome any insecurities and self-limiting behaviors. It is the direct path to correcting your flaws and controlling your emotions. Please further research the subconscious mind to understand its function and unlimited power.

Your conscious mind is designed to justify your thoughts and actions, no matter how unreasonable according to your self-justifications and weaknesses, making it easier to succumb to insecurities, fears, and delusions. This is the core of hatred and jealousy. In addition, it creates dangerous comparisons of self inadequacies. Thus, it develops either an inferiority or a superiority complex in contrast to the comparison. It can therefore generate evil validations.

The ego is a creation of the conscious mind and leads to excesses. It generates actions that crave confirmation and validation outside of yourself. It forces you to develop needy low self-esteem and self-doubt or a narcissistic exaggerated alter ego. Pride and denial often deceives what we know to be true. The result is a masquerade that fluctuates based on flattery and constant external validation. 

Interrupting your programming is a reference to the psychology of your conditioned perspective. It refers to the undetected forces that distract your focus, scattering your concentration exaggerating the symptoms while disguising the cause leading to the cure. 

The cure resides in the subconscious mind to directly address the compulsion instead of the manifestations presented by the conscious mind. Consequently, the command resides in the subconscious mind, while its resistance will be mounted in the conscious mind by default.

The conscious mind is the hardware. The ego and the enemies mentioned above are acquired perspectives, the apps. The subconscious mind is the software and coding or operating system. The operating system dictates the functions of the hardware providing the hardware has compatible and accommodating  capacity.

Extraordinary power exists in everyone to command the subconscious mind’s services and benefits. Those who can access this power on demand discover an amazing ability to develop willpower, discipline, and peacefulness creating their success.

Consider how anger, desperation, dealing with pain, or dire circumstances produce some of your best efforts because they take the thought or conscious mind out of the equation. It removes the limitations that can only thrive and persist in the conscious mind allowing the subconscious mind to excel.

The subconscious mind serves at your discretion like a machine to do what it is told, making the key to its effectiveness removing the coding limitations. The ascension process is reprogramming it with empowering affirmations, positive instructions, and removing self-limiting negative programming. This extradinaily effective apprehension unit stops public enemies before they can rummage or obstruct your potential. Your mind can be an elite weapon.




Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz



Hairy Situation


Queens, Hair, and Identity. Is it just Hair?

It is said that a woman’s hair is her crown and glory by way of a crown being worn on the head, but what if, metaphorically speaking, a woman’s crown is not her hair but instead her perspective.

Crowns symbolize wealth, dignity, power, and the distinction of sovereignty proclaimed in the physical realm, but they are also concepts of adornment in appearance. It can also signify a belief and portrayal that is spiritual in an unyielding conviction of dignified recognition without reservation.

The peak of the head is where the crown chakra is located and characterizes the transcendence of uncertainty and limitations. The distinction between perspective and appearance is not to be regarded as a harmless occurrence of insignificance beyond influence but a constant state of being. Instead, an act of self-proclaimed royalty and a display of queenly declaration. 

Found in the crown chakra is clarity, wisdom, self-love, enlightenment, self-acceptance, and elevation from this perceived physical realm. It is where vanity and the ego dissolve, and balance emerges from being in harmony with one’s self-identity and uniqueness. Nature manifested in its uniqueness.

It is where the subconscious mind and the perspective of your identity reside as the crown itself. This state of mind is a one-dimensional self-determination, sustained by your distinct existence where all is true, that is internally believed and faithfully embraced while genuinely expressed.

It is created within a one-dimensional space of self-acceptance and revealed outwardly in a two-dimensional realm of self-expression but received in the three-dimensional reality of life transformed by the eternal beauty of confidence and certainty of self-identity.

Hair exists as an inanimate aesthetic having life but no feeling. It is superficially assigned cosmetic value through cultural conditioning, diminishing its natural splendor and uniqueness.

Cosmetic hair’s value is narcissistic in nature, pretentious in practice, and insecurity of appearance by sincere self-evaluation. It gets its value from your feelings towards it and evokes feelings of inadequacy when applying projected expectations of other’s standards of beauty. It craves validation by association and imitation.

Cosmetic hair then becomes not the standard of beauty but your actual conformity to the perceived beauty you have allowed to mask and define your self-image. It distorts a direct correlation between your self-image and the external masquerade you project as reality.

The greater the exaggeration, the more it reflects your insecurity and delusion yearning to fit into some contrived role. Psychologically this is a symbolic expression and representation of unresolved insecurities at best and coveted cultural appropriation at worst by embracing that which you are not and rejecting that which you can only be.

The authenticity of your identity is the highest representation of your natural self and character. Hair is used as an external cosmetic but cannot truly empower and transform you to be what you internally already are or could be.

This self-deception essentially is a crutch revealing a need to claim the self-loving salvation of your crown identity. An assessment of your self-esteem, identity, and confidence that is dependent on hair color, texture, or length camouflaged as fashion indicates that an awakening of self-worth has yet to be fully embraced.

A woman’s actual attractiveness, capabilities, and substance are not in her hair but the radiance of her intellect, personality, and uniqueness. Quantity or quality of hair is not an indication or essence of a woman’s value.

That value is obtained by personal development, embracing and expressing yourself as your crown. Often uncertainties are self-imposed by comparison and by seeking perfection that devalues what you already possess, a value that is unique to you.

Pursuing personal development to be self-aware and self-accepting without external props leaves you always properly adorned. It frees you from the delusion of obtaining external validation and perfection.

That which is external only creates an illusion and represents a dependency that weakens you internally, for it shall wither under time and vanity. This creates a delusion that manifests itself as an unstable self-confidence and an artificial acceptance of self-doubt, which feeds your insecurities and disrupts your harmony.

The deception of this imposter persona creates a lavish fantasy whose performance must be compulsively maintained. A mental and emotional addiction then defines your self-worth and restricts your ability to function without feeling social anxiety.

The solution is to not submit to a foolish misconception, believing that is what allows you to be who you are. You can empower yourself to be because you chose to be sovereign by your permission and validation.

Empowering perspectives allows you not to crave, conform to, or identify with psychologically defeating denials of your identity, cultural or otherwise. It also may delay the maturation of your strength in your identity without it.

For example, wearing artificial blond hair down to your waist does not promote images of cultural role models conducive to empowering those who are young and unduly impressionable. Cultural appropriation of anything black causes outrage but is not considered theft when the opposite occurs, especially certain depictions of hair.

Just as black females need to see themselves and their images represented in dolls and professional positions of power and entrepreneurship, they need to see their image positively and naturally in their mirrors and other black women.

The proliferation of unnatural hairstyles encourages them to embrace something other than themselves. By comparison and example, they cannot embrace their features, blackness, uniqueness, and crown with the subliminal messaging being sent that strong, independent, regal, and woke black women display and believe that their beauty is other than their natural selves.

Abandoning their natural beauty to imitate another’s cultural idea of beauty has a psychologically damaging effect on themselves and the young females who are starting to form images and acceptance of their own identity.

Black beauty covers a broad spectrum that can accommodate your stylings without the exaggerated extreme portrayal of unnatural stylings as costumes and artificial headdresses.

Collateral considerations that are impacted are the forced labor and exploitation of women in the countries that produce the hair. Their level of compensation from a four-billion-dollar industry that black women overwhelmingly support is close to slave labor.

Black women being one of the primary users of the hair and needed accessories that generate massive revenue with minimal retail or wholesale opportunities returned to them amounts to the voluntary financial exploitation of black women by themselves.

No participation in the wealth accumulation of this industry questions the continued voluntary exploitation through the patronage of the black woman’s insecurities and cultural appropriation. The only money to be made is in service of the industry at the bottom of the economic chain. Crumbs should no longer be acceptable as a return on investment.

Perhaps it is time to support something that empowers the black woman’s identity, natural beauty, ownership, and responsibility as an example of a role model of self-love and acceptance. With this being a four-billion-dollar industry, any money steered to another industry that benefits and more closely aligns itself with the black woman’s natural beauty, interest, opportunity, and respect should be explored.

This is also compelling and influences the black male to support, acknowledge, demonstrate, and acclimate themselves to not appreciate the black female’s natural beauty and value.

Setting the example and standard for black beauty will avoid conditioning the black male to subliminally embrace a façade and unintentional portrayal of beauty. That standard that is not representative and appreciative of the black woman’s beauty should not be promoted by the black woman or man. Just in case a reminder is needed.

The black male also must participate in the elevation of the black women’s self-image and remove obstacles to the black woman’s crown state of mind. Providing support, input, gratitude, and encouragement is needed and well deserved considering what she has gone through, is going through, and will go through to heal and renew her spirit. Just in case some reassurances are wanted, and our contribution is needed.

Her glory lays not in hair but the dignity of her crown projection. A symbol of the renewal of mother earth, where all that exists is created, nurtured, and grown.

Remember, for all she does; hair does not make the woman; self-determination that reveals the acceptance of her cultural identity as royalty ensures that her best is more than enough and beautiful in its uniqueness.

In this time of black girl magic and the black woman’s celebration, beauty, and empowerment, it is in contrast to the imposed image of a European appearance and standard of beauty being shredded. Then, why does the black woman insist on these beauty standards appropriated and promoted by others?

The King of Soul, James Brown, said “Say it Loud I’m Black, and I’m Proud,” and the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, spoke about “Feel like a Natural Woman,” but it is better said only if you mean it and walk it like you talk it.

Promote and be a representation of your unique, organic beauty. That is a beautiful example for black women to empower black girls to accept their own likeness as beautiful. After all, it might be MORE than just fake hair projecting a harmless cosmetic delusion of impractical images of black beauty.

Arm yourself in a manner you can not be disarmed with the confidence of your acceptance of yourself. Then you will be dressed your best.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz

Elephant restrained by a peg

 Unparalleled Strength.

The elephant is majestic and revered across many lands, cultures, and over time. The elephant is the largest land mammal globally, with species that grow up to 13,000 pounds in weight. It symbolizes wisdom, loyalty, reliability, power, and good luck with an incredible memory and observable traits and behavior that contradicts its colossal size and raw strength.

The elephant knows no bounds in the wild, but it is taught limitations that ensure its control and ignorance of self in captivity. It is controlled by the only means capable, itself, by being subjected to psychological conditioning to ensure its own psychological bondage. That is why a small cord or twine can tether a fully grown 13,000-pound elephant to a small peg knocked only inches into the ground.

It is imprisoned not by physical force but by confinement of its mind. It is manipulated into complicity by limiting the processes of the mind that would enable it to recognize and use its great strength against the bondage of a feeble restraint. It is conditioned to remain restricted and accept a power other than itself, believing it is hopelessly outside its grasp to attempt resistance.

The initiation is started much like kindergarten, where this must be embedded before a level of confident resistance can be exhibited; it must be extinguished early. The elephant must be trained at an early age to accept tethering calmly. This is done by tying one front leg to a peg and then the opposite diagonal rear leg to a different peg, thereby restraining the “baby beast.

This technique alone cannot restrain a baby elephant, so the deterrent or restraint must be stronger than the elephant’s young strength at that time to reinforce that there is no escape or resistance against the force that binds it against its will. Chains will do just fine for this. It will continuously and repeatedly test the chains imposed upon it until it learns that its size and strength are futile against the constraints that hold it physically.

No matter how hard or how long its effort to resist is, it becomes useless. Once its determination is broken, and the elephant “realizes” this uselessness, it gives up any further or future attempts believing that it is powerless against that which controls it for its entire life. The physical chains then become the psychological chains that bind the beast even into adulthood.

Confinement of the mind once achieved will be self-imposed in most instances, with only minimal reminders needed. The elephant’s determination is then replaced by calm compliance. It becomes no longer necessary for strong restraints that surpass the elephant’s young strength or its two legs to be restrained because now it is adequately conditioned. Sounds familiar?

The limitations of the mind work on all animals (even human animals too) when once conditioned and with the supporting reminders as constant behavioral reinforcement to maintain a reality that is believed by most to really be your actual limitations. It is a clever and sinister trick long used before Pavlov Theory.

Using the opposite of Pavlov, a penalty can be avoided by compliance. The absence of stimulus to elicit a response instead of anticipating a reward. The old go along to get along or else is still in full effect.

Even with elephants, peer pressure is used as a continuous reminder of how to behave, like crabs in a barrel to keep you confined with them. However, older conditioned elephants demonstrate their compliance instilling a level of acceptance that soothes the young elephants into accepting that’s just how it is, no questions about it.

The use of that which is most impressionable to someone is a highly effective tool of implementing behavior and beliefs because it comes from a trusted and relied upon source. So once the “baby beast” becomes fully grown and the chains and diagonal leg restraints are no match for their tremendous strength, they are still chained psychologically to their old circumstances.

The old circumstances were when much younger their resistance was useless had in reality long ago changed, but their mind had not changed, making it indeed their current reality with no longer a good reason why. Their size and strength had long ago multiplied to overcome their constraints, but their desire and mentality remained confined conditioned by a small rope and a faulty belief.

The young elephant knew no different but was taught this with no examples or allowances to suggest otherwise. Captivity of a generational herd mentality naïve of self and the unquestioned acceptance that clings to a vastly different fate from the reality of its true power and destiny. This is the taming of spirit and dousing of determination where no right to do so existed. Justified by the need and ability to do so but to no benefit to the elephant, only its exploitation.

Let’s change the subject name from elephants to people, human beings, not races. The name changes, but the game stays the same if you choose to stare at the truth and not flinch. Maybe you have been made into the very thing you despise the most by being trusting and naïve. Unaware of the reality thrust upon you that is not at all what you believe it to be, much like the elephant.

What peg restrains and controls your mind? Regrettably, you got it the same way the elephant did, unknowingly and without an understanding of your strength or how. As the elephant grew, it still held onto outdated beliefs embedded early on when it could have easily freed itself from captivity. If only it realized that it had the power not only to resist its restraints but to overpower it and choose its fate.

The will is what sustains you when the road gets tough but only when you prevent it from being compromised and allow it to expand untethered by the limitations of others regulating influences. Those who poorly regulate themselves would seek to regulate others by their word but not by their deed, indicating if you are clever, what is good for the goose may not be so good for the gander.

By what right is this recognized as being above your sovereignty, only for the comfort and amusement of another? Consider another’s gain you contribute to without fair compensation? Is it a reflection of your true importance to their elevation and accumulation? This power is not negotiated but given away and, in many cases, squandered or, much worst, not recognized or exercised.

Absent of lies and deceptions, power over oneself is the only authority a person has that does not involve consent and cooperation. If you want to lead, then be an example and possess that which others would be willing to follow that does not demand a subordination of them to your will against their good.

Time brings about a change one way or another, so everything must change and will change constantly, but the idea for change is the catalyst. We see as the captive elephant’s circumstances changed over time, he remained stagnant. As time passes, we should evolve to not invade others’ personal boundaries and human rights to conform to foreign beliefs that are not of their choosing or benefit. Persuasion is the proper tool, not suppression. Mutual benefit, not exploitation.

The techniques used to control the masses are driven down in your mind like a peg tethered by faulty socialization, now using more advanced processes than physical abuse. This may be shocking, but it is just not the “undesirables” of color that are the victims.

Like piranhas, the elite feeding frenzy has turned on their very own as if cannibals to ensure their elite survival. The middle class is eaten along with the lower class regardless of color. Fear, scarcity, and divisiveness are frequently employed to generate the ignorance of crash dummies to camouflage how you, too, have been programmed with lies and social engineering. They then conceal their influence and have you turn on each other in a futile attempt chasing your tails while they prosper.

Like Pavlov’s theory, when the bell rings, you salivate on cue without substance, having been socially conditioned but never realizing the basis for your slobbering. Petty distractions abound, motivations fabricated, and conditioning regulated by design to keep us preoccupied against each other instead of the pegs that bind us.

The elite has always tipped the scales for themselves since antiquity. Advancing the lies and flat-out misrepresentation of facts and history in America about America. It has created a narrative to bolster the image and perception of the accomplishments of a colonial populist Anglo-Saxon protestant society. It has concealed the degenerate deeds and wealth heist greater than the war criminals of ill repute held in the highest contempt.

This cannot persist as an elitist entitled privilege in this day and age where knowledge cannot be hidden so easily. For example, the likes of a homicidal genocidal Christopher Columbus are widely celebrated with a holiday.

Likewise, a scientific fraud and racist such as Charles Darwin is not exposed for his detrimental impact on society, honoring his absurd debunked biases of sexism and eugenics. These are two of many things that tether the masses to traditional nonsense.

This is not to expose matters of racism that are obviously practiced today due to this nonsense but the tethering of minds on both sides of the equation, whether beneficial or detrimental to your existence.

This goes on around the world where an endless number of people and circumstances can be substituted or exposed for the propaganda of nonsense presented to tether, condition, and control their people against the people’s greater good while exploiting this brand of social engineering for their own gain.

The general public or we the people have always been subject to exploitation going back to the beginning of time. Now worldwide, the realization and the awakening of oppressed people everywhere are challenging the status quo. Power only exists when recognized as such, but fear and cajolery can only control the masses for so long.

I almost forgot, the tethered elephant routinely breaks its binds when suddenly aroused by fear or agitation despite its psychological conditioning displaying the power to uproot large trees or remove obstructions.

Fear evoking action and resistance. A child has the strength to rip one piece of paper, but enough paper bound together even a strong man cannot tear apart. The strength of unity is a strength not to be disputed or squandered.

Limitations are, on average, learned and reinforced behaviors systematically imposed for the good of a hierarchy. Mental control is the most effective manner of control when it is voluntary. You think and feel it is your choice or, even worst, that you have no choice. You always have a choice but are you willing to pay the price for that choice. The conditioning kicks in as fear of reprisal instead of the satisfaction of a reward, contrary to Pavlov.

This was engineered in you to feel better about yourself if you can hold someone else down beneath you. So, instead of restricting someone, release yourself from this mindset of tethering whether it is others or yourself. Square yourself away first from the social programming that you believe to be a reality, and that will make at least one less purveyor of ignorance in the world based on these deceptions.

Supersede your constraints and promote honesty, knowledge, and compassion to strive for the vastness of your possibilities while recognizing and enhancing the radius of your understanding. Escaping the psychological bondage, we the people individually and collectively untethered expanding beyond limitations and conflict. That is why there is a need for tethering deceptions and division as a peg to control our minds. The size and strength of the elephant are unparalleled but the mind of a person is without bounds. Free your mind from the voluntary bondage that confines and restricts it as only you can.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz