Aborted Understanding

               Thurston’s Thoughts

Supreme Miscarriage

Aborted Understanding

The Supreme Court was established by the Judiciary Act of 1789 by Congress as a federal court system. It was intended to represent the will of the entirety according to the permanence of the Constitution superseding any legislative temporary will of a portion of the people. It emphasized all of the people’s greater good over some of the people’s will. Its purpose is to interpret and define the law constitutionally, not to create it. Thus, from the very beginning it has failed its primary purpose of judicial review rejecting impartiality as evidenced by sanctioning slavery and women’s suffrage.

The Supreme Court has catered to religion, social irregularities, and ideological biases under the glitches of judicial interpretations and political separation while ignoring over half the population. The departure from objectivity applied to constitutionality compromises the integrity and lofty esteem purported and afforded the court. Furthermore, lifetime appointments provide the comfortability of unaccountability amidst a veneer of impartiality. They are not the referee but the replay center to fairly adjudicate determinations.

Separation of church and state is implicit in the First Amendment to prevent restrictions of freedom of religion and expression. The vicarious reverberations of the high court’s decisions often conceals their motivations while revealing their partisan intent. Although inspired and directed by the British, European classism, and Christian Doctrines of Discovery, America was founded on conquest and not religion. A common misnomer is that America is or was founded as a Christian nation. It was NOT and is NOT.

Many of the Founding Fathers such as George Washington and a key framer Thomas Payne had very differing views of religion both personally and professionally. Most were unitarians at best, if not stone cold atheist. Thus, the freedom and separation of religion from government intervention or its intervention in government. Politics later begot religion with the Protestant influx of money and influence bringing in the sheep. Religion and morality are a social construct used to compromise the scope of legal clarifications narrowing or widening its interpretations to a designated outcome giving the assumption of impartiality.

This assumption of impartiality is not by the merits of the decisions rendered but the expectations of neutrality and detachment from them by the high court. America’s traditional patriarchal hierarchy devours any application not reflective of this peephole authoritative perspective. The Supreme Court is the final arbitrator to validate these disproportional propositions. Women suffrage was a struggle for women’s codified autonomy beyond just the right to vote. It was a declaration of exercising an identity separate from a man’s authorization. A woman’s identity was breeding and caretaking under the guardianship and permission of men.

Many commonalities of the past are unconscionable to women of the present. Sanctioned beatings, no legal standing, and many more subjugations overcame only to find themselves locked in a groundhog day of patriarchal authority surrounding the abortion issue again. Could abortion be an expression of their religious freedom or personal reckoning of their religious or circumstantial expression? Similarly, is the death penalty our reckoning with our salvation? Accordingly, sanctity of life seemingly must have an age or rage limit. Whichever, the judgement would seem to be more religious than a legislative or judicial prerogative lacking consistency of conviction toward life. 

I am pro-life but pro-choice understanding that it is not within my quarry to dictate decisions regarding another’s rights or body, female or male, according to my projected ethics or conditioned predilections. It certainly is not a deliberation I feel any authority to dictate as a man imposing my morality on a woman. If a woman is the vessel for the portal of birth, bearing the preponderance of the burden after conception then these decisions should be left among them to decide.

I equate this to the most fundamental of constitutional rights. Freedom of expression, speech, and religious guidance are rights, not privileges. What a woman uses her body to facilitate is her personal choice. A driver’s license is a privilege and can be rescinded, suspended, or denied. A constitutional right is subject to neither and is inalienable. In addition, how can an anti-vaxxer refusing dictations of what they must subject their body to manage to be anti-pro-choice about another’s body? According to the government with vaxxes life was at stake, but for detractors so was freedom. Freedom won.

The dissonance is not what is being done but to who and what it is being done to, women and their body. So, that which exist is relegated by that which has yet to exist. Moreover, weigh the vax against forced full-term pregnancy, child birth, and child rearing obligations and tell me which one is more personal, restrictive, or intrusive. If the sanctity of your body is your right how can anyone else’s not be theirs. An unborn child is part of a woman’s body until it becomes an independent body of its own.

Since the unborn child cannot make the decision, the logic is it must be made to protect them. Then should you be vaccinated to protect others against your will discarding your rights concerning your body? Even if vaccinated, you still made the choice of what to do with your body. Your body should be your choice and not selective enforcement of this right and certainly not suppression of it. Aren’t we still in essence talking about bodies that are capable of making decisions instead of decisions made about a body.

Why are there so many children in social and government sanctioned and ran entities? What about the lack of adoptions given how many anti-abortion elements there are who could easily practice what they preach? Where is the assistance and relief by those who are comfortable with their situation unconcerned about the decisions force upon someone else? If you exercise your nonexistent right to infringe and impose your will, then where is your responsibility beyond that imposition? A more concerted effort must be made to sustain those who have been born.

There are even now insinuations of the government registering pregnancies to insure and monitor birth in a handmaiden tale of a human production line. Some even advocate criminal punishment for legal abortions. Given declining birth rates and increasing estrogen in men some form of persuasion, incentive, or voluntary sanctity of life perspective would prevail. The struggle to be brought forth as life is a successful journey every living person has conquered. I am not advocating abortion or child neglect just questioning the discord between mandates, others’ imposed religion or moralities, and the unintended consequences of having no choice.

It is not a state issue, it is a women’s issue. Roe v. Wade was a national issue and the Supreme Court’s mandate is to adjudicate national issues for conformity and constitutionality. Religion or politics should not interfere with an entity which should remain impervious to their influence or pressure. Otherwise, it is a corruption of their purpose to cower behind a disarray of state loopholes to evade their obligations. The Founding Father’s created the court in 1789 for just such an occasion. 

The law of the land should be made by the court of the land. It is their jurisdiction but imposing religious morals is not. Make the call since you blew the whistle. This supreme miscarriage of jurisdiction and jurisprudence is an aborted understanding of the high court’s existence. Otherwise, why does it exist? A choice must be made and a compromise found. The sanctity of life must be protected but so must freedom. We must find a better way to emphasize life while allowing freedom or find another Constitution. Otherwise, this one has undergone a late-term abortion.

The Butterfly Effect

                                    Thurston’s Thoughts

Identity Crisis

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect is a snowball effect of an action which causes or impacts another occurrence seemingly unrelated. Events, ideologies, and behaviors are revolving seminal premonitions interwoven in the deterministic fabric of future possible outcomes. The results or outcome produced eventually differ from others from even the slightest deviation. Therefore, a minor conditionality of influence significantly affects a domino spectrum of instability or randomness preventing a methodical predictability. Chaos Theory can be considered both a cause and effect of the Butterfly Effect. It is a box inside a box which also contains the box which contains it. 

Classifications are much the same having a deterministic insinuation or connotation significantly affecting perceptions, opportunities, and considerations. Classifications are a linear understanding manifested in an applied perception or interpretation based on the subject’s and interpreter’s categorization. Localized or expansive ramifications are provisional to unrelated considerations created from conditions removed from the application but still influencing the applicator.

For example, two children experience the same occurrence but process it differently. The variation is in the individual lens experiencing it and the resulting impact. However, later in life that experience may produce vastly different dispositions. So, children who grow up in the same household and environment can develop diametrically opposed perspectives from many of the same stimuli but experienced differently creating different characteristics in each. The reason is often the separation of other experiences and influences aside from the commonly shared one respective to their individuality.

Another example is CRT influencing DEI with CRT emerging from GRT (Global Race Theory). This three arm pendulum swings creating a Butterfly Effect regarding social dynamics such as left, right, woke, minority, African American, white, or person of color designations. The definitions are fluid and essentially has no stable delineations which are not subjectively or divisively redefined altering their original meanings. This leads to the reassessment of classifications which have been used to separate, subjugate, or alienate specific groups as meaninglessly undefined by random stipulations.

The definition of social classifications become so diluted one should question the need for them even if it can be argued that they had any relevance in the past. Race, sexual orientation, religion, morality, cancel culture, and many more have no probative definition. What they do have is a subjective convenience of labeling where not only the goal post constantly are moved but the endzone as well. By the constant stretching and contraction of terms and concepts what is actually accomplished is the widening of their definition and thus their irrelevance. 

It also invalidates the criteria used to predict or, more precisely, construct a replication considering the intangibles and collaborative or oppositional circumstances culminating in an outcome or formation. Consider the greatest quarterback, slugger, or baller and the small variation which propelled them above others in the same category or skillset. At what point did it become evident prior to it becoming obvious? What about the fortuitous impact of unpredictable circumstances such as injury from existing vulnerabilities or chance occurrences, or even the impact of rules or teammates?

Many variables contribute to an outcome whose contributions were unforeseen, coincidental, or perhaps fateful. The full circle of materialization is a cumulative randomness. A distance runner whose bedwetting led to his champion pedigree by running home after school to retrieve his sheets from the windows avoiding embarrassment. Essentially, avoiding embarrassment was the unpredictive catalyst. Consequently, we are not defined by our classification, category, or subjugation but instead a Butterfly Effect where the biggest determinate is as unpredictable as the pendulum of life swinging in no certain pattern.

At best, what we do, what we are labeled, or our insufferable endurances are not who we are. They only contribute to what we become. so don’t get it twisted. The formation or reformation of our identity is a Chaos Theory of possibilities randomly determined but arising from the initial conditions formulating our foundation susceptible to random influences or chance occurrences. The declassification of many policies, practices, and designations of social taxonomies only established to serve subjugation and narcissistic hierarchies of control, divisiveness, and separation must be recognized and dispelled.

The identity crisis of social relegation is a pattern to produce a predictable outcome by a standardized method. Accepting other’s limitations as our designation confines the possibilities of our Butterfly Effect to an isolated principle of predictable stagnation. The possibilities are endless, random, and undefined, but, if not careful, so is the identity crisis. For incentive, rags to riches don’t care who receives it. Hopefully, this article will have a Butterfly Effect of clarification as a chance encounter catapulting you to a destiny of self-actualization.


Christianity Weaponized

 Without Question but with Doubt?

In the movie “The Book of Eli,” starring Denzel Washington, his character was the blind guardian of the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible and its teachings were in danger of extinction and were obsessively sought after by the evil antagonist, Carnegie. Carnegie believed that the book’s power rested in its ability to control the hearts and minds of the people.

Ultimately, he believed that the possessor would have tremendous power over the people. The belief of the people in the word of this book, the book’s implied integrity, and the assumed authenticity of the book could be exploited to control them, deceive them, and make them obedient by their dedicated worship.

When the people believed, their belief would be susceptible to engineer justifications and accept otherwise unreasonable assumptions or conditions by a mysterious mandate from an invisible deity who required obedience and would be unquestionable.

The devoted religious stipulations would concede complete submission and worship. It would be reinforced by parents, family, culture, community, and sometimes country as a foregone supposition. It is an indoctrination that integrates with one’s identity and requires the compliance of one’s actions.

I have been conflicted by this topic for quite some time and have tried to avoid it, but it keeps coming back, compelling me to ask the questions I have pondered to further reconcile my indoctrination with my acquired knowledge. Therein lies the dilemma, follow my upbringing of what I was conditioned to believe. Or follow my discoveries that challenge the validity of that acceptance.

Can two things be true that are diametrically in conflict on many levels, and any attempt to merge them still leaves distance and inconsistencies that only raise more questions? What I was introduced to believe from a child was not my choice and maybe not even my people’s choice for them to accept and teach, but it was all they knew.

Having studied and researched religion and history, I can’t help but venture into uncomfortable territory searching for the truth. I seek the truth by definitively deciphering religion without any emotional influence or feeling any betrayal of my ancestral conditioning.

Deductive reasoning leaves me even more baffled. What I was taught was out of love. The best belief and “knowledge” available to them at the time. A belief down to their DNA instilling obedience to and worship of the Lord. It is no doubt that perpetuated beliefs in the devil, prayer, and God has kept people in submission, acquiescing to enduring hardships as a test of faith.

This being the will of the Lord, even if it is in direct opposition to his very “attributed” words and teachings. The concept keeps you in constant subservient despair for a reward to come after death, although no one has verified or bore witness to this “glory” called the afterlife of judgment and salvation. I guess that is why they call it belief in faith.

In theory, you would remain in limbo in some dimension until judgment day, which by our general knowledge includes every human being ever born or at least since the time of Jesus. That would be an astronomical number of people awaiting judgment day at the same time. Imagine the logistics of processing all those souls simultaneously and keeping the records accurate, but that is the power of God or your qualifying explanation which I shall not dare question.

In the movie, Eli was blind, yet he navigated the world and defended himself without any obvious limitation, seemingly having sight and being guided by the vision of faith. That single-purpose vision enabled him to “blindly” commit to the deliverance of the book.

Although the book was physically taken from him, it was intricately fused in his mind and psyche through constant exposure and relentless repetition. His existence, adherence to the Bible’s words, and deliverance of that word to the masses consumed him until his death, even having caused his death. So strong was his belief in the word and his determination to deliver the word that he willingly died for it, accepting that complete sacrifice may be required.

That is a possibility when you are a true believer, knowing that no suffering is too great or too long to satisfy the unquestioned wisdom of God or to submit to the evil of Man by turning the other cheek. Even the Lord needed warriors such as Joshua, but we, the meek, shall inherit the world through our suffering.

Logically and physically, turning the other cheek would conceivably end with you having two swollen and sore cheeks while waiting for them to tire of slapping you, but this is what is required by God, for the love of God, and love of your brothers or sisters. So dare not rise up against someone who is harming you but let the Lord handle it. But what about their accountability for the love of you and their obedience to God?

Would not God deal with the one in violation instead of demanding the obedient suffer under his “protection”? The old testament eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth is to be forsaken for the new testament of turn the other cheek and walk the extra mile. When God tires of nonsense, his wrath is felt to smite you, but you suck it up when you tire. That is the disadvantage of not being the Lord our God. Remember vengeance, be it the Lord’s.

Since the beginning of humanity, or as I prefer humanity, that body of life that demonstrates kindness, mercy, and compassion that is uniquely displayed only by humans, there has been questionable behavior towards others and often decreed by religion in the name of God. Murder, genocide, biblical curses, sufferings, and slavery are prevalent in “Christian” teachings and tolerances while committed for the glory of God?

Not only is it throughout history, but it is also in the book. It continues to be practiced and justified by those in strict obedience and adherence to the Bible and their “Christian” faith of self-declared believers and overseers. If that sounds horrible, perhaps this is even worse as the two-edged sword efficiently cuts sharply in both directions, those who are directed by it and those who have it directed against them. Just as practicing “Christianity” allows them to do it, practicing the same “Christianity” demands that you accept it.

It is recommended that you pray on it regarding any injustice and toss it up to the Lord for review and consideration. You can even assemble your warriors, prayer warriors, that is, and submit a complaint to heavenly HR for review, and a divine sign will be notifying you regarding your submission.

Prayer may take time as the system has not been updated in thousands of years and is believed to have quite a backlog. Prayer can be defined as a solemn request for help or expression of gratitude requiring trust and belief in a controlling power greater than yourself to gain favor or to acknowledge favor received but always from a position below best expressed humbly from your knees. A humble servant remains in no position to demand or even timely expect, only to request obediently.

The Lord is never late but right on time and may not be there when you want him but will be there when you need him. If it weren’t for it being the Lord, these terms of engagement would most likely have to be renegotiated to reflect the price you pay for the services rendered.

We all know that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making you think he didn’t exist but what if the greatest trick the Christians pulled was making you believe he did exist? This is not to be blasphemous but to explore alternative concepts that may strengthen our belief and resolve in “Christianity.” I assume we can all stand to have our thoughts be more fully discussed, accepted, and understood without fear that they will be shaken or changed.

If we are true to our beliefs, then our beliefs will not be diminished but increased, and I have no intent or purpose of changing your beliefs lacking the power or will to do so but just request your assistance in clarifying mine. The truth can always stand examination to verify that it is the truth, so fear not, but as I said, it was uncomfortable for me, so I acknowledge that it may be uncomfortable for you as well. Indeed we can move forward to explore not our belief or our right to believe in what we choose but my point about it.

Our beliefs in life cannot be too fragile to forbid discussion even if that discussion is challenging or an opposing viewpoint. My viewpoint is not opposing, but our conviction should not be proven to be fleeting or too weak to process additional knowledge or opinions. This is not about opinion and definitely not about mine but a conversation devoid of emotions and sacrilegious safeguards that discourages historical insight.

This leaves religious interpretations for our own discretions. Our religious interpretations are our business alone but let us explore some things that we all know and some things that we may not all know to more fully understand the context of my point. Just as our “Christianity “cannot be contested, so is it with my point because it is not my declaration of opinion but the expression of historical fact.

Notwithstanding, the time before the written word and the foundation of Christianity. Nor the veracity or content of its teachings or existence of its principal players. Even the events and accounts therein because it is immaterial to my point. It is immaterial to my point, but my point may bring about our further examination of those very concerns. Etymology is the study of the origins and true meaning of words which are the building blocks of language.

Time brings about evolution in the usage and meaning of certain words creating and distorting understanding of these words over time. Before the written word, the reliability of word of mouth was subjected to he say she say accuracy and the limitations of descriptions by the available vocabulary. What an ancient might have described as a fire-belching creature we may very well call a UFO today or aircraft.

There is no direct knowledge, a consensus of acceptance, or rational accounts of much of the Bible, including the Garden of Eden, Jesus’s life, the many books not included in the Bible, and God himself. Do we genuinely know aside from belief alone and acceptance of that which “has been written” and told?

The accepted depiction of Jesus is blasphemous in its presentation and altered over time to reflect the characteristics of the population of the people it influenced, even the existence of a variety of depictions of Jesus’s appearance among other non-white nationalities.

Furthermore, centuries had passed without a portrayal of Jesus revealing his actual physical characteristics because it was forbidden. Finally, a composite portrait was commissioned and introduced called the Head of Christ by Warner Sallman in 1940, which is widely accepted and a portrait of Jesus. So complete is this heresy that just asks any child the color of Jesus, and they will tell you white.

This portrait was an extension of Eugenics to convey Christ with a halo, and angelic Caucasian features as an imaged to be worshipped and an implication that God is white, and whites are Jesus like to be elevated above all races. Thus, the two-edged sword of superiority and inferiority psychologically and culturally established an engineered justification of systemic racism and a race-based hierarchy in society.

It is a contorted interpretation. The Bible does not remotely give this depiction, nor does the geological population of historical accuracy, yet this is still the standard that is accepted as open propaganda. It raises the question of what else might there be to the psychological and cultural collusions unknowingly and widely tolerated or accepted. Glad you asked.

The emphasis on avoiding confusion starts at points that are not open to interpretation or word of mouth but are documented in a time frame that is reliable now and well established in language still in use today. The documentation has put forth its own concentrated rationale and objective to influence and implement philosophies and principles so comprehensively that they still impact society, cultures, and institutions today. Their promotion is so pervasive that it might leave you questioning if your beliefs are chosen or embedded as a matter of survival and manipulation.



The insinuations and meanings are not like visions where the totality of sight consists of the voids being filled in by assumptions. These declarations of law and practice left no uncertainty of how they were to be viewed and applied. This creates a context for some to overvalue themselves in a very complimentary and flattering delusional image while forcing others to cling to oppressive obedience.

It is misery laden with the nightmarish despair of beliefs still waiting for permission while conforming to a context that devalues our humanity by our own actions and acceptance despite any words of protest. Accordingly, praying for the burden to be removed instead of psychologically disrobing ourselves from the burden consuming us by unconditional acceptance and pure design.

Let the distortions begin steeped into laws based upon biases, mutilated revisionist history of absolution and false achievement, forced faith, and unjustifiable hope disguised as belief. Keep in mind that we do not have time to go back farther or expand beyond what is sufficient for this contemporary discussion.

There are critical distinctions in the development of Christianity that popularized it and its manipulations, which were weaponized for oppressive purposes. Translations that shaped or obscured some essence of the Bible favor interpretations consistent with particular objectives of various rulers and nations that furthered the objective of devotion without question.

Constantine The Great Nicea Council, Theodosius Decree, King James I Bible, and The Black Code are a few examples of who was more influential on Roman Flavian Christianity than the actual teachings. Consequently, the instructions were more tailored to an agenda than to the core of biblical teachings. It was then forced upon those who would resist these Titus manipulations by either incorporating some of their beliefs or flat out murdering them. Conversion to Christianity was often a life-saving measure, your own life. Historically Christianity is a religion of conquering from a personal level to a national level.

Historically Christianity has been used to persecute the Jews and create distance from Christianity’s association to Judaism and establish itself as the preeminent religion. Constantine permitted Christianity to be recognized as a legitimate religion changing its believers from being persecuted to protected in Roman society.

Theodosius later made Christianity the only religion of the Roman Empire but incorporated other beliefs to solidify believers where Constantine had solidified what was believed in the Nicea Council. Jews who attempted to prevent conversion were sometimes burned alive. Forced baptisms and conversions were commonplace. Burning and destroying knowledge of anything contrary to this time or belief when something else was believed or worshiped occurred.

Christianity was used to justify and establish the racial superiority of white Europeans over all others. It was further expanded to the new world to institute colonialism and slavery as a moral duty to subdue, exploit, and exterminate dark-skinned people on religious grounds.

King James I furthered his narcissism under royal absolution and slave trade activities by his association with the Bible. Christian faith and belief have long been used to oppress targeted populations while simultaneously justifying cruel treatment by religious doctrine and often accompanying legislation.

Black Codes rooted in colonialism, patriotism, and Christianity after the civil war were explicitly created and imposed in support of slavery, validating the despicable treatment of blacks under the cloak of Christian beliefs. The civil war was supposedly in part to abolish slavery, but afterward, this code was pervasive to maintain the discount of white supremacy.

It was the predecessor to Jim Crow and maintained a pseudo system of slavery and indentured servitude. Today’s vigilante-armed militias are an extension of black code enforcement. They are often your most ardent believers of Christianity and the most passionate demonstrators of racism while genuinely denying being racist under their Christian faith. They are often the same going hand in hand, being a proud Christian and a staunch racist. Not stated to offend anyone, but if the shoe fits, if not, it is not your shoe.

Revisionist history cannot conceal how the indoctrination of Christianity, distinct from Christian principles, has and is still being used to promote and justify oppression and injustices by some oblivious of their tarnished indoctrination’s origin and purpose. Dred Scott, by law, made it your Christian duty to return slaves and oppose their freedom giving birth to modern-day law enforcement injustices. Thus, the population control was two-fold: what should be done and what cannot be done under Christian principles.

Being raised under Christian principles had very different meanings based on race and class. It was not about religion but the manipulation and weaponizing of our beliefs. These beliefs have been so contorted and perverted that the only choice we have is blind faith or humanity that will not allow us to practice this brand of Christianity.

The salvation of our souls was not the goal. The goal was and has been the complete indoctrination of our minds to defy humanity and logic by intrinsically embedding programming to be beyond reproach, change, reasoning, or questioning. It becomes fundamental to our existence and identity, which otherwise would require us to fully denounce ourselves, which sounds a lot like white privilege denial.

The presumptions of Christianity as practiced today might leave future and more advanced civilizations that may come after this one has destroyed itself to look back on the primitive and pagan worshipping rituals asserted to be following the belief that was wholly practiced outside the doctrines of that belief.

Failing to grasp a truth beyond our ill-fated conditioned upbringing and refusing to understand that believing does not make it true, just as disbelieving does not make it false. Maybe the rituals of Christianity began in the Garden of Eden with the tree of knowledge. It was forbidden to have specific knowledge from the tree, which could have been the subconscious mind as the source of that knowledge.

The subconscious mind is the only thing that can be so fundamentally controlled to produce the total belief and obedience required of the conscious mind. To believe without confirmation through repetition and constant reinforcement. The confirmation of Christianity is the worship and devotion to it and that God is real and his wisdom absolute but often baffling.

So, in the end, it is the unquestioned belief that brings salvation and eternal reward. The refusal to stray from that belief and the rejection of any other religion is how this belief evolved. Otherwise conditioned differently, we would believe wholeheartedly in a different religion. There are many beliefs, and everybody can’t be right. Someone has to be wrong, but God’s word altered to the whim of man or powers in vogue is worshiping those entities and not God. Maybe that is why faith is required without validation. This not to slam Christianity, just manipulating it disguised as glory to God, remembering to keep the faith.

Perhaps what is should not have been, what should have been wasn’t, and what could have been will never be was a quote I heard as a young man that sums up a lot. The judgment day for the sins of mankind, both individually and collectively, cannot be pleasing to God despite repenting on our deathbed. Atrocities committed God’s name, the adherence to his law mangled, and the complicity of those who knuckled under for their own prosperity and convenience contributed to the perversion of his glory.

Dare not associate God with nonsense executed in his name and the misleading of those genuinely seeking his knowledge and comfort. Christianity teaches suffering while those who impose it prosper. Being a child of God, imagine your father who vows to protect you, then let unconscionable acts be committed against you.

What wisdom or benefit would that be? By inquiring and seeking knowledge without restriction but to exhaustion enables us to expose deceptions and illuminate truth. So conflicted by what we are and what we should be or should have become more apparent with research and inspection and not by simply accepting that is just how we were conditioned. It is acceptance in the knowledge that is required.

Many wars are predicated on ideology and religious differences. One side adamantly declares their right to practice theirs while denying the other the same freedom to practice the one of their choosing. Death forced baptisms and repressive conversions should not be the tools of religion. Hitler’s Aryan race propaganda came from America’s Jim Crow, which was based on religious teachings and eugenics.

He was only practicing what America practiced, but the hypocritical home of the free and land of the brave must have felt Americans are the only ones who could commit such atrocities and righteous indignation claiming racial superiority. Therefore, America was somehow compelled to galvanize to stop Hitler while even using blacks in the process. Still, it was not compelled to discontinue the heinous acts and horrendous treatment of blacks in America or racial superiority declarations.

Religious justification for slavery has survived for over four hundred years in a nation that has been Christian during that same period. It was right to stand against the holocaust of the Jewish people and not tolerate their condition. It would have been nice if America had thrown Black folks a bone with some meat on it, letting us wet our beak with the American dream enjoyed by whites, or a heaping helping of some of that privileged brand of Christianity.

There can be no doubt or denial that religion and Christianity, in particular, have been deformed and weaponized for a more sinister purpose more aligned with capturing souls than saving souls. Faith and hope require that you pursue a sign delivering only subjective explanations, but seeking subjective explanations reveals some objectively revealing signs.

The right question brings about the correct answer just as the correct answer discloses the appropriate question. Only then can faith be fortified, not by refusing to ask or refusing to answer the questions or denying the answers. On the contrary, being forbidden from this tree of knowledge sows confusion, reaping contempt or, more shockingly, maybe the truth.

Let me ask you a question. If forced acceptance of something for the benefit of one segment of the population to which others must be coerced into accepting and adhering to, what is its validity to not stand alone on its merits and prevail?

Today’s so-called conservative Christian values are often used to cloak status quo exercises of exclusion and self-aggrandizing judgments of moral superiority based on faith often closely aligned with discriminatory beliefs. In a country that supposedly values freedom above all other virtues, why is another’s freedom the first thing to be trespassed on for your convenience and conformity?

Morality by your determination and standards is required to sustain your authority and dominance to dictate how others should act in a range agreeable to your beliefs without regard for their choice within a socially acceptable range but not compliant to your chosen standard.

The principles of morality are contrary to your arrogance to oppose someone else’s right to choose outside your confinements, leading to you imposing a greater injustice upon them than the lack of morality that you would accuse them of displaying. With that said, shouldn’t the example you set is the one to follow, not the one to reject. Which do you project by your actions, morality or immorality in compliance with the principles of each virtue?

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz




Diluted Justice and Pure Morality

Judgement Day- Home Team always Win 

Justice and Morality are as old as civilization and communal survival aiding in the coexistence of different norms. They often are confused with each other because both are sometimes present at the same time. They are really just both agreed-upon social norms that provide society’s guidelines and govern the restrictions of its members.

Justice aspires to punish wrongful acts and distribute fairness ethically. However, morality is more concerned with good or bad and right or wrong in principle. The question then becomes who sets the standard and how binding it is for all to follow or submit to as an arbitrarily accepted social standard.

They are really close in definition but not in practice, application, or agreement. Under some circumstances, it remains the same and, in others, has an entirely other interpretation based on who is observing or practicing it. It can be virtuous over here while prudish over there.

The variations of each are endless and fluid, but some are consistent within a range or scope of understanding and, at times, baffling. A duality of the same condition by definition diluted is weakened in strength or lessened purity while pure is unadulterated or without dilution or contamination.

Let’s get to the point without any emotional blinders or folks head jumping time over concepts that their mind or experiences refuse to give allowance for to understand that their adherence to the home team undermines the strength and clarity of their assertions and positions.

It is more of a reflection of where your feet are and the conditioned or adopted perspective that results from a liberal or conservative application of your reality to impose your truth upon others. Liberals generally live and let live while conservatives hold tight to adherence and dissemination of their perspectives upon others. It is many times a cognitive dissonance ignoring the discord between philosophy and application.

In actuality, neither can be an absolute truth. Still, justice and morality can be a more inclusive comprehensive display of the virtue and veracity of your perspective that separates yours from opposing ones but strangely enough align them on common ground.

If we are outraged by attacks on the police, then we should be equally outrage by attacks on civilians by the police. If we are outraged by the police killing black and brown, we have to be outraged by black and brown killing each other. The blade cuts both ways with integrity as the dividing denominator.

When your politician or political party has been in lockstep with racist or divisive rhetoric for many, and you have fully or partially embraced that, then you dilute your hypocritical view that someone else is supporting division by their words or actions.

You cannot be silent when it is the home team and criticize the opposition for the same or similar things. You see, this is where the justice becomes diluted and the Morality less than pure. When you set the table and prepare the meal, you lose credibility to complain and deny your transgressions while bemoaning others.

The caterpillar’s knowledge is defined by the confines of its cocoon, unable to see beyond its perspective or limitations. The butterfly is transformed by expanding and shedding its limited existence to a sphere of expanded consciousness and possibilities.

The human perspective and experience are much the same in a micro or macrocosm of reality as you expand outward from your cocoon of a singular view towards a transformative multi-sensory one. It reflects the contemporary evolution of thought and perspective that is the adaptation of survival in a larger cocoon or radius of understanding.

There is a distinct difference between compromise and being compromised, between concession and surrender. If a majority sets justice and Morality as a social norm, then it would stand to reason the same dynamic should be used to change it in the adaption of a different standard.

Look at domestic violence and its acceptability that traumatized generations of women and children, once a social norm and even encouraged. Its acceptability has run its course, and while it is still a reality, it is condemned for the despicable act of self-hatred projected outwardly victimizing vulnerable targets masquerading your cowardly inadequacies and lack of self-control as dominance.

The same is valid with these moral judgments and racial prejudices on who do not deserve the same considerations as you because, in all your righteousness, their culture is not yours. Most people’s fortune or misfortune is simply a matter of to whom and where they were born.

It was not their choice of who, when, where, what culture, advantages, or disadvantages they were born into. It was not your choice what education, principles, or demons your parents struggled with or suffered from. There are times when it is not even yours regarding yourself, but even if born in the lowlands, you can scale the peak.

It is a mix and match, but there are plenty that we claim credit for that was the pure luck of the draw, a sort of social genetics. Be careful of judgments and values we place on others because of despair for our challenges or lack of gratitude for our blessings.

The pandemic should have taught us all something about how our circumstances can change overnight through no fault of our own to find ourselves in a food line, business or career obliterated, or the shoes tight and the purse-string light. Comparisons are always dangerous and usually an exercise in subjective status in a derogatory manner.

It gets real really fast when we become them, and these are the shoes we now walk in, or we ride in the struggle buggy for the first time. So it is all the same application to a different situation. So when we judge by a certain measure, we must make sure we do not fall short of being judged by the same measure. So when your words condemn others, make sure your actions don’t condemn yourself.

It would only stand to reason that to protest for social justice, against systemic racism, and denounce racial inequality are absolute legit demands. Still, we must also flip the coin and hold ourselves to a level of accountability that does not dilute the integrity of our demands or promote the impurity of other’s morality.

We must handle our end of the table, which we have control over. We control our spoon while we must cajole others into managing theirs. That within our power, we must grab holt of and correct while continuing to demand our humanity from others but let’s also require and demonstrate that ourselves.

They are two different things but closely related, and I believe interdependent upon each other. I trust that the better we treat ourselves and each other, the more our internal communal dynamics will improve with or without external help.

The dreaded talk that black and brown parents have with our children needs to expand beyond the usual topics to include their behavior and ours. We can only hope that white families have a dreaded talk with their children beyond the sphere of their cocoon.

The same criteria applied to Chauvin and many other cases of excessive use of force by police must be applied to the senseless excessive use of force by us against us in our communities which is equally terrifying and on a larger scale.

We cannot allow ourselves to be numb to the conditions in our midst that are claiming so many of our people, especially our young people. It reminds me of the saying that even if you have old tattered clothes, they should still be clean clothes.

If this is where we start and is all we got, then we have to make the best of it, and it will bear crop in the harvest season with cultivation, patience, and time. The struggle is real out there but also within here. If we suffer the most, then we need to find solutions for our generational provisions and safety.

We need change, theirs and ours. By whoever it applies, each taking their transgressions out of the equation or conversation of social dysfunction. Let’s give them something else to talk about, whoever they are. Peace, prosperity, and wisdom to the people that justice and morality will become less subjective to emotions and perspectives but aligned with unwavering integrity, progress, and resolve.

With that said, let me ask a question if the prevailing racial strife and circumstance had different parties inserted, then would it change the perception, or would the same hold true.

For example, insert black, gang bangers, or opps instead of the police within the situations mentioned playing out in the inner cities across too much of this country. Would that not be just as unacceptable and disgraceful, maybe even more so because it would be us doing it to us. Injustice or murder should not change according to who and where it is done.

The expectations have to be condemnation even when committed by us if the anticipation is for accountability for actions. It should not be judged by who is doing it but by what is being done. Then it would stand to reason that our outrage has to be focused on the act and the perpetrator, or at some point, our validity and impact diminishes of demanding better.

It is the parable of the goose and the gander; it should be the same with different players and with the same standard applied. Consider how many black lives would be saved if the two scenarios met in the middle and were lessened, but we control our communities.

Protest is cool against the system but let’s play our position on the opposite end to display love, patience, and change. The change demanded from others; we must demand from ourselves and reframe from that which alibis police use of force and irregularities. 

It will not eliminate their behavior, but it will lessen our contribution to it, making it evident and irrefutable to any misconduct. Some changes we seek without must be the change we are willing to create within. Giving no concession to inequality by keeping our knees straight, our backs unbent, our character intact, and our perseverance soaring in pursuit of our humanity and pure justice from a diluted morality.

We are not victims or survivors; we are warriors in pursuit of our humanity armed with intellect and integrity that does not require anyone’s permission. The resolution resides in time and commitment now so that the following generations can shed the disparaging and condescending cloaks of racial biases and economic gloom.

A strong ten-year commitment followed by another ten-year cultivation period will make tremendous permanent strides like the mighty oak, which grows into its strength over time. The seeds are the children raised to know no other way, feel no other way, or accept no other way because you can only feel inferiority if it resides in you.

Racism’s historical ramifications must be exposed, adjudicated, and conquered, but being a resilient people, it is not preventive of our ascension and perseverance. It can only be if we allow it to be; it is the victim mindset of despair and submission every time we ask for permission.

Therefore, just as we band together to protest against these evils, let us collaborate to establish our humanity adhering to our own social norms, which embrace each other.

If freedom is free, then we are free to frame our destiny. Enforcing justice and morality in our communities, creating social norms more in line with our integrity, desires, and prosperity can be done by us to better police ourselves.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz