Global Gyrations

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Global Gyrations

The Time has Come

The sad commentary is a collective nightmare is turning into a mutual reality, but the actuality is an international nightmare leading to a global catastrophe. The adherence to pathological ideologies pervasively intruding on not only global communities but within national borders spells doom, gloom, and boom for a globe currently in persistently escalating conflict.

Not to point a finger but to state conditions and positions because the blame game is a game of perspectives and an itinerary of contorted assessments. The mass delusion and hysteria has engulfed every nation directly or by proxy. The conditions have been a dormant percolation which has erupted no longer solely subjected to pervasive ignorance but spewing ignorance’s consequences. 

The last several years has produced a series of pathogenic, geo-political, ecological, economic, and societal eruptions producing a tectonic shift in the global population’s acquiescence. Still, a more menacing cataclysmic event is looming with the warning signs ignored while apathetic hardships mount amidst a global landslide.

Ideologies of subjugation, domination, and relegation has proven to serve such an elitist echelon that populations are nauseated from the inhumane abuses and megalomaniac authoritative cravings. These abuses of the human spirit by denial of political and economic self-determination, resource theft, and historical exploitations has reverberations loudly echoed from many more locations. Those who know so well wish they didn’t while those who don’t know only catastrophically think they do.

A return to the good olde “inglorious“ days is a recurring nightmare for many. Fatefully, far too many never escaped them because many will do whatever to keep the abuses sacred. It is assured by those who benefit most from the iniquities of these nostalgic exploitations. This time “warp” or period of distortion has perverted the notion of civilization and humanity including freedom. The charity of suffering is the giving of your sacrifices towards their benefit.

So, if charity starts at home, so should individual evaluation and reformation. The principles of humanity are challenge as humanity has never been before including antiquity. The reason is because its hierarchy of exploitation or who enjoys it never being in dispute but now more far-reaching. This is true of both domestic and foreign exploitation as a total or pseudo autocratic anomaly of ideology, domination, and greed as the seeds that sprouts the weed.

This sovereignty of destruction is a designated and documented atrocity of submission to authoritative leverage by cultural and religious indoctrination. Not only speaking loudly and carrying a big theology but also using it indiscriminately. Not sparing the rod did not spoiled the child because using it ensures unrequited control and authority. The ideological regime of exploitation is a masochistic manipulation of coerced fidelity fearing autonomy would not choose it. So, they force, cajole, or propagate it upon the masses.

Faulty ideologies has caused more suffering than forty rainy days of saturation has ever inflicted simply by adhering to corrosive principles of antiquated deceptions and manipulations. When the foundations of belief or systems of dogma are historically persistent, systematically pervasive, and subconsciously entrenched the outcome is predictable obedience. Obedience does not require agreement, only submission. The masses routinely submit despite silent discord or diametric reservations for the diplomatic sake of avoiding punishment or promoting a misguided tranquility.

The tranquility of submission injects the tranquilizer of apathy. History may not have known any better. However, we most certainly do as time has revealed its erosive morality rebuked by its many past immoralities. History lays bare the fatal flaws of its travels by the dysfunction and collapse of the reciprocity of compassionate judgement received against those rendered. Because the disorder of bad business has blatantly corrupted, blinded, and intentionally mangled moral objectivity out the gate, foolishly we suffer.

The truth of history refusing to age gracefully is refusing to adjust to the times around it or the challenges facing it despite the complications created by its past. Therefore, history is a prophet of doom, clairvoyant in its predictions based on past empires which knew no end to its ambitions of conquest and abuse. Even if threatened from abroad they crumbled from within. The slow deterioration started when the recognition and adjustments lagged behind the forecast of gloom.

The ideological armor’s breastplate pierced by the spear of sanity has been mortally wounded while embracing the comforts of psychological programming and religious conditioning. Why are the many controlled by the few? It is not a physical control but a psychologically dissected lobotomization of logic allowing disinhibitions of cruelty, social relegation, and unconscionable exploitation. Convinced of some arbitrary justification as a prism causing a horrific rainbow of atrocities.

The separation by geography, nationality, race, gender, and many more irrational social constructs and classifications cannot transcend or negate a very simple and comprehensive law of nature. Only the self-proclaimed most intelligent and analytical species on the planet would succumb to such stupidity. The fundamental design of humans back to knuckle draggers has remained the same. One head, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, and so forth. So the difference is much like the flavor of Kool-Aid or flavored ideology.

All social disparities can be resolved by the same source which started it, humans, if we only act humanely. The hoarding of a prestigious existence is another construct of insecurity. The absolute domination of others within the species is a degenerate devolution unbefitting the apex of existence unless still governed by animalistic ferocities. So we amass weapons and misery, dispense death and destruction, administer judgement and execution, while proclaiming self-piety and validation.

All of these futilities currently and historically moves the autocratic chairs of power played by the same cycle of destruction and rebuilding diverting resources away from the elevation of the very demographics professed to be protected. But, protected from what and who? Not from the global gyrations of accelerated annihilation and obliteration of reason. Humanity has survived in large part because the destruction has been contained among our species and structures.

The endangerment of ecological systems, weather systems, space orbit, air, animals, and dam near everything we touch including each other must be an inherent characteristic to our species resulting from our intelligence. Does it seem like the smartest thing to do? The time has come for the masses to demand what our leaders refuse to graduate to and gravitate towards. The purgatory of life is largely human made, masses assisted, and globally felt.

The inter-connectivity of humanity is not a zoo invisibly caged at the whim of governments, conflicts, and authoritarian control even in Democracies. The time has come and should not be allowed to past where the people don’t globally insist that conflict, exploitation, and destruction is not the existence we prefer. The current projections as history has shown is larger and more devastating gloom, doom, and boom. 

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz


Old World Order

                                                                  Thurston’s Thoughts

The Untouchables

Old World Order

The Global Imperialistic Monarchy and Dictatorial Ideology of Old is a moral and tyrannical absolutism that does not allow for the possibility of error, dissent, or critical analysis. The primary axis of our existence rotates on these principles, beliefs, and indoctrinations. Serious contemplation reveals a consolidated fundamental integration of indoctrinations incorporating the fragmentation of a vast sea of miscellaneous disjointed beliefs.

They all go along to get along because they have the same consolidated purpose, control by voluntary subjugation. Ice cream in any flavor is still ice cream seducing according to your palate or appetite. All things arriving at the same destination by any road or method including magic carpet ride concludes at the same end point or intent. But so does ignorance, cowardice, and capitulation. Many times we don’t want to know the answer and many more times we fail to seek it. Mostly we simply accept the answer we have been told.

The Bible states “God forgives ignorance because we cannot believe what we do not know”. How can we be accountable for what we do not know? But, should we be accountable for what we don’t want to know? Conversely, I submit what about what we wholeheartedly believe which we do not know or, more pointedly, what we know but reject because of what we have been told to obediently believe? Can this be obedience to ignorance or ignorance to obedience?

The polarity of truth must provide for a sliver of possibility however remote. Like the man said where there is doubt there is no doubt. Therefore, knowledge must be sought by the inquisitively clever for the knowledgeable to obtain it. Be ever mindful that knowledge above all has always been forbidden. Knowledge is the destination rewarding those whose journey braves the perseverance, perils, condemnations, and exiles to not only know it but to speak it.

Plato’s Cave in a metaphysical context of ideology represents the constraints of our mind limited by the conditioning of our perception rejecting the realization of an expansion beyond a conditioned boundary. Just as “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, because they have rejected it”. We are also controlled by our “sinful ignorance” to accept the comfort of being told and led as opposed to discovery by examination.

The Polly wants a cracker parroting of spiritual and intellectual illiteracy without hesitancy adds water and stirs the corrupted intentions of absolutism by submission. Such is the shepherds of deception herding the sheep of zombified groupies in need of forgiveness for they know not to what they are faithful. This global cult of ignorance worship a BDSM paradigm of punishment desensitization for deviant behavior from prescribed protocols.

In other words, beaten into submission by the conformity of social constructs which defy logic, humanity, and nature. It is a reason the driver’s seat and steering wheel are not faced towards the rear. We have already seen where we have been but must be vigilant about where we are headed as a species. The rearview mirror is a fraction of the size of the windshield according to the significance of each’s vision. Prisoners of the ideological past cannot be pioneers of the future.

The mushroom of time is an expansion of contractions where exact patterns can never be repeated, maybe by occurrence but not by time and space. Same appearance and application, different space in time, but a mutually adjusted calculation for the differences created by time’s ramifications and the Butterfly Effect’s compounded revelations. This accounts for the fluctuations needed to fabricate conclusions by faith, belief, programming, or coercion.

A cow may be free to roam the pastures giving the appearance of freedom but the reality of confinement branded by the ideology of its owner. The global constructs of society expanded to the connectivity of humanity is unevenly yoked to sustain conflict and separation by the smoke and mirrors of conquest instilling mass hallucinations of subjective morality based on purpose, cajolery, or power.

Our branded minds succumb to religion, politics, class, gender, race, greed, manipulation, and geography roaming the pastures of subjugation grazing on the circumstances and predispositions we are fed. The politics of economics is by government or perhaps the government’s politics is economics, either way each requires complicity and ignorance. For example, people evaluate their leaders by their economies and the economic wellbeing of the people.

It is a savior’s mentality or victimization liberator attributed to a deliverer with us oblivious to other factors galvanized by a previous crescendo of inevitabilities. The seesaw’s motion is only balanced in passing towards its extremities of up and down. The natural inclination of time is change, of cause is effect, and of expectation is disappointment. Rain falls as a necessity and so does societies and economies as a result of the atrophy of prosperity.

During times of fiscal depression does money evaporate into losses or to the coffers of a formulated enrichment back to the origins of their disbursement. The roulette of economics are played at the casino of governments regulated by the Central Banks of forbidden anonymity. Everyone who is someone has a Central Bank regulating their economy, a private corporation that never loses.

We never blame our antiquated systems, unfounded veracities, or mercenary propensities but instead rely on our lethargic understandings targeting the easiest and most accessible lightening rods of our discontent. We must have someone to blame when there is no mirror to show the reflection of the one at fault whether individual, nation, policy, or what have you. The perjury of commonsense renders a mistrial of validation detached from the sworn testimony of history.

We are modern day stone-age flintstones following a bedrock of deception torn right out of history. Word of mouth is most often deceit of ears and apathy of discernment captivating the mind by attrition of reasoning. You can only stand on business when you are standing on knowledge. If you believe and propagate, mustn’t you verify? Tell the truth and shame the Devil but tell a lie pleases who, God?

The atrocities of mass hysteria and concentrated psychological abandonment of inhibitions and humanity often ignited by anger shields the ambiguity of ulterior motives placing the masses on the Demon time of concession. The absorbed forfeiture of perspective and arbitration of facts ricochets most accountability on the prey away from the predator. This Nostradamus of devious breath exhales the prognostications of oppression, exploitation, and inhumanity.

The dead beat authoritarian  alimony of morality or adolescent obligated provisions from subjugation’s accountability is beamed up by Scotty and transported to the bosom of Abraham claiming the moral peak of justification. The chastity belt of self-righteousness prevents the intercourse of compassion and culpability. The weeping willow thrashes in the storm but rejoices in its resiliency assured this too will pass.

So the youth must balance obedience to the past with their obligation to their future. Old heads live in the past, the youth live in the future, but we meet in the present. The future is theirs as the past has been ours. Discard the old skins of antiquated ideologies to receive the expansion of new wines of possibilities forsaking vengeance, nearsightedness, and the genocide of valor.

The monarchial illuminati of social hierarchy and dehumanization strut of arrogance must give way to an escalation in conscientious reflection or condemnation of method relieving the constipation of civilization. Trading places soils the undergarments agitating the self-loathing incontinence of oppression when mutated inwardly but promoted outwardly. The rock and roll of struggle with the bull’s horns of deceit sounds the disharmony of belief, actions, and justifications.

We revere technological advancement while neglecting human development perpetuating sociologies, ideologies, and indoctrinations as relics of dubious distinction and probabilities. The untouchables of the Old World Order rolling loaded dice leaves baby still needing a new pair of shoes with us staring at snake eyes losing our humanity. The youth must lead a Future World Order abdicating the inheritance of ignorance, exploitation, and oppression.

America’s Tombstone

 America’s terminal in critical condition.

The grave disorder afflicting what was formerly known as the union has a terminal prognosis. The unthinkable is upon us, threatening to engulf and suffocate us with our arrogance, inequalities, and stubbornness constricted by clinging to the misgivings of history. Unfortunately, history often painfully repeats itself.

Have we not learned anything from history and the collapse of world powers before America. History is poetic in stating that the greatest threat to the republic would be from within its borders and domestic, not foreign. America may be too mighty for any other country to defeat but not mighty enough to resist a self-destructive implosion.

The nightmare of the house divided has become real, and this division is set on an irrevocable path of self-destruction if allowed to continue. The question is, at what price is the destruction of another worth your demise. The answer then becomes how much will you injure yourself to inflict injury upon another where neither survives if survival is the objective. 

Just as a house divided will not stand, a structure built on a faulty foundation is eventually doomed to collapse upon its weight, unable to support its faulty construction weakened by time. The realistic commentary is a perfect union is not attainable, but a more perfect union is possible. Let us not pretend that America is not without its blemishes, a utopia of perfection. It has much room for improvement despite its greatness and the freedoms afforded by it.

However, it will, without doubt, require the truth. So first, there must be an admission and recognition that there is a problem to be solved, identifying the problem accordingly with brutal honesty.  The majority of dissatisfaction on many topics reflects deep discontent on fundamental issues. This discontent needs resolving to instill a therapeutic response while rejecting the nostalgic imbalances of the past. Adherence to inflammatory practices and principles can only lead to the extinction of them and their practitioners.

Change, while often uncomfortable for some, is necessary for the evolution of life and progress. Consequently, unjust imbalances can not go on indefinitely. These masquerades and deceptions must end at some point exposed as bogus. Thus, the damage is no longer tolerable whether being either naively conditioned to believe or maliciously following errant agendas of deception. Either way, the reality is never pleasant when the outcome proves destructive.

Likewise, the creation of these diversions enables covert schemes to be executed while distracted and concealed by the bickering fractions.  The astute manipulation of the public’s sensitivities to produce a predictable outcome based on emotional ignorance accomplishes this agitation. Everyone must stay mad at someone at all times. 

Politicizing the intent and purpose of the Constitution and government authority underscores many vile exploitations of power. The collective will and good of the people was the original democratic design. But, unfortunately, it has been blatantly mangled in a power grab that threatens to bring civil war and financial collapse, enriching some while eroding other’s freedoms.

How can we destroy ourselves? Let me count the ways. Overall, we have civil discourse, protest, rioting, a Capitol siege, and the accompanying damages and cost. We have a denial of economic and human rights. A pandemic that was downplayed by 45 to avoid panic but not to prevent the spread. Both have occurred, panic and spread along with monumental loss of life and resources.

We have the disastrous stock market manipulation by a cocktail of quantitative easing, propping up of the bond and equity market corpse, and pending evictions and foreclosures of residential and commercial properties. The erosion of pension funds and retirements is happening again. Also looming is the eventual banking system recurring collapse, as evident by the repo market activity indicating insolvency again due to reckless operations and greed. 

The effects of many supply chain disruptions and shortages are emerging. In addition, inflation fears and labor force dissatisfaction are rampant.  Then there are the increasingly overwhelmed medical system and societal bickering concerning vaccines, income and gender inequality, gender and sexual preference intolerances, abortion rights disputes again, and racial disparities. 

Include immigration policies, denial of historical racial ramifications, the Confederacy resurgence, resistance to new law enforcement initiatives, and reluctant criminal justice system reform. Continuing with the bias political redistricting, voter suppression, unsubstantiated elections fraud claims, and you name it.

America has suffered more damage than any terrorist group could have ever deliberately inflicted simply by allowing the political deceptions guided by greed to run its unfettered course. The intoxication of power at any cost has undermined Democracy and Capitalism. Yet, at the same time, the public is intentionally distracted over trivial differences inattentive of the hardships imposed upon them.

It is a risky gamble for control of the political system, which affects all Americans. Red or blue, Republicans or Democrats, it is a gang turf war with the public as collateral damage. Separately these events create a volatile discord of dire circumstances. But, combined, what is the prognosis of America’s survival, if not terminal? 

Even more outrageous is the destructive ideology fueling a combination of the budget deadline and debt ceiling scabbles implicating hints of a national shutdown and default for political gain. But, can we risk the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and America’s status as the world’s default currency triggering a global financial collapse and ushering in digital currency controlled and monitored by the government?

To ensure that the wealthy pay a fair share for taxes, they must monitor our transactions for over six hundred dollars. Likewise, banks must report activity on our lowly accounts as if the wealthy cannot be otherwise identified by their bank accounts. Every time they crack down on someone else, the general public must bear the squeeze.

Fear and compliance are the tools of deceptions used to limit the public’s freedoms, and we are always eager to oblige. It reaks of predictable behavior manipulated and triggered by fear of terrorists, the Covid, tax cheats, race, religion, sexuality, and maybe our shadow next. Are we to believe information harvesting, artificial intelligence, digital or electronic banking, electronic surveillance, or thirst for power and greed is not a threat?

Furthermore, we have witnessed the attempted coercion of the 2020 Election to maintain power, an uprising against the seat of Democracy at the Capitol, and now fiscal roulette for political gain and power. The cannibalism of our Democracy has been intensifying while disguised by discord.

The second amendment right to bear arms gives citizens the right to oppose an authoritarian federal government. But, by definition, wouldn’t that be one overthrowing Democracy? An armed militia intimidating politicians, dissenters, and unarmed protesters by political gangsterism would qualify. A violent coup whose forceful imposition of views and governance upon their fellow citizens or denial of other’s rights, which they proudly claim without reservation, seemingly would also qualify.

Resorting to force against the practice of Democracy and the freedom to exercise civil liberties, no doubt, descends into opposition to Freedom? Ultimately, the force used against the Democratic structure is the same violent instrument used by the power mongers against the people. Attempting to implement a military authoritative state or dictatorship brought about by a coup, suppression of the people’s vote, and government takeover effectively eliminates Democracy. 

Dictators or monarchs are what this country was created to escape from, a king and his dynastic lineage by creating a separation of power and the democratic vote. At the core of Democracy is voting and for the duly elected to reflect the best interest of the majority, not party affiliations, much less individual interest.

Any effort, foreign or domestic, to hijack the democratic process is an assault on the very principles of Democracy. The country cannot exist as presently constituted without Democracy. You can not take over the Capitol, discard an election, and still have Democracy. Any attempt to circumvent the prescribed electoral process is a hostile takeover with fatal repercussions. 

Unfortunately, the mutiny against the Democratic majority and its sovereignty’s principles continues as the minority seeks to prevail and promote their agenda. Ironic how minority status is unbearable but should be fine for others but is not honoring the majority vote paramount to Democracy. Did you expect any less when you were not the minority?

Acceptance of this reality has always been the rule notwithstanding dissent but reflected or upheld in the next voting cycle as the majority’s will, disdaining mutiny against the foundational principles of our voting rights. Otherwise, the whole system and Democracy collapses. Divisiveness enforced by might and contentious rhetoric has proven inadvisable and unsustainable in this country. Instead, it leads to repetitive civil unrest and opposition, be it race, abortion, war, or what have you.

Integration of law enforcement and military by race and ideology would splinter efforts of a violent coup. Predictably, law enforcement and the military would have to first turn on their respective ranks, eliminating those not in agreement. These two groups are critical to enforcing radical distortion of the judicial process and free speech in any authoritative society. The true principles of Democracy rely on cooperation, not force. Force is no longer a viable option for all occasions.

America is at a tipping point. Remembering history may help prevent it from repeating itself, as seen in the rise of Nazi-Germany and its race-based utopia of superiority. It is tragically ironic that Hitler got his ideology from Jim Crow in addition to eugenics. The symbolism of white power is the Nazi flag and swastika, which should have been roundly denounced when soundly defeated. In America, the racist ideology at its core was the symptom manifested by greed, the illness.

All the above alluded to precarious events are at their roots based on racism, casteism (shudra), and power manipulations for wealth fueled by greed. As a result, America is on the brink of moral and fiscal bankruptcy, deprived of political and ideological solutions or compromise for mutual survival.

Even if the balance of power switches, nothing is resolved. It is just reversed without resolution, still about winning and accumulation by any means necessary. The objectivity of fairness and compassion are sacrificed as collateral for personal ambitions. 



To further complicate matters, this perfect storm of destruction brewed and calculated from the inception of this republic and exacerbated over time necessitates exploitations being expanded beyond the traditional groups to sustain itself. But, this expansion is camouflaged by race, immigration, and socialist accusations to deflect from the actual cause, greed.

Any titan of leadership understands that when proclaiming the buck stops with them, responsibility must begin with them. Deflecting any bitter occurrences is not a shared debacle when charged with leading. So, where has leadership led us, if not to the brink of destruction by divisiveness and selfish ambitions? But, change is still staunchly resisted continuing to perpetuate societal detriments.

It is a collective failure of leadership if only by constructive possession of the governance of Democracy. Heavy is the head of leadership and guidance, accepting both credit and blame. To claim otherwise is a self-indictment, a discredit to your position, and a disservice to the country. While the blame game is a favorite game of politicians, the general public is left to take responsibility for its contribution while also suffering from theirs.

As a result, we are allowed to struggle at the bottom suffering from the virtues of the very Capitalism that we fund. Consider the distractions of the last two years that have the public preoccupied while grand larceny is afoot. Democracy was born out of Capitalism in concept and practice. But, unfortunately, both have been perverted to elite set-asides and bailouts contrary to the principles of Capitalism.

How resilient can America be, and how tolerant will a disposable public remain before significant course corrections are too little too late. The power grab excludes the elite and politicians from suffering while willing to risk triggering a global financial crisis with the brunt of domestic suffering skipping them.

I suspect essential workers are expendable when exposed to heightened risk and hazardous conditions for similar compensation. Does your compensation reflect your value? During this Covid crisis, being bestowed the title of essential worker makes you an interchangeable clog that has suddenly become scarce and valuable.

It resembles indentured servitude but with a more palatable twist, making it a lot easier to accept. Duty or coercion are the tools of persuasion used to disguise and accomplish blind submission. It is capitalistic exploitation at its finest. This hybrid capitalism where supply, demand, and efficiency do not apply to all in the valuation of essential services or labor.

From an economic and governmental standpoint, providing protections with governmental subsidies for big companies, political cronies, and banking favorites should violate capitalism. However, these same protections are bemoaned and conditional when provided to the general public and labeled as socialism.

Rebellion against taxation without representation started this country. But, will little or no tax on big business or the wealthy end it? It is the weiner for the ham swindle to relinquish something of greater value for a lesser value or benefit. Could the founding fathers envision the ablest paying no taxes while the least able collectively pays the most taxes? The economic shell game will be played with diminishing returns; the more conditioned, mind-controlled, and hopeless you become.

It is not a condemnation of riches but an accurate assessment and indictment of some unjust methods of achieving it. Funny how the rules loosen and the opportunities expand with the more money or favor you possess. To suggest that all pay their fair share is unfair and outrageous, if not for sure downright extreme leftist and un-American, right? But, on the other hand, resisting exploitation is unpatriotic too.

A dog-eat-dog cannibalistic quest for prosperity at the bottom and a doctrine of exclusion or exploitation at the top preserve our economic imbalances. It is not by accident; it is by designed calculation and deception.

Capitalism needs a tune-up to run smoothly for all instead of just smoothly for the advantaged. Money is not the root of all evil, but greed and power can be argued as the roots of most of America’s problems. In this pursuit, the disregard for passing the sugar sours the essential workers’ expectations, ambitions, and opportunities.

America’s greatest resource is the people, but sustaining and preserving their well-being has become a casualty of this power grab restricting liberty and prosperity for the lower classes. A caste system is swelling with the increasing disappearance of the middle class. It creates a blight on the standard of living, which economic and political vampires are systematically draining.

What was planted has grown. The seeds of deceptions and inequality planted long ago have blossomed into a system in need of an overhaul if it is to survive. Democracy, The Constitution, and fiscal solvency will not survive the status quo as the pillars upon which a crumbling society will no longer support.

It is time to compromise and make alterations for the country’s survival as the challenges escalate without reprisal. Remember, when people take to the streets in overwhelming numbers to protest, that is usually the last warning that the level of dissatisfaction with the governing body or system has become no longer tolerable. History is undefeated in that regard.

However, the aftermath of not heeding the warning is undisputed as nations and civilizations must inevitably change or perish. They have always changed, or they have always perished. We can be certain that radical change always precedes avoidance of collapse or results from a disastrous outcome. We are at the crossroads of history where we choose a collective survival or fracturing destruction. But, we can no longer be unresponsive to the glaring warning signs.

America’s historical precondition of affliction did not just start in the last five years. It began with blatant exploitation and indifferences at inception. Now, the lies promoted and the promises unfulfilled to conceal those lies have swelled to the current national dysfunction.

It worked on an unsophisticated callous public, but the currently available information and knowledge have revealed the evil sorcery of these traditional policies and practices. Time has expired for reckoning, and change is the modifying salvation.

The naked truth and change is the final resort of reckoning for survival, or it was a good run. It was better for some than others, but the final obituary will read that we could not rest in national peace, so we perished in national discord. The jalopy has finally broken down, leaving us in need of new wheels.

There cannot be a return to America’s way tailored for white males and the economic elite strife with injustice and greed. Because of gains of women’s rights, changes in domestic violence laws, women employment opportunities and accomplishments, commonality of young people; same-sex, biracial, and inter-racial relationships, LBGTQ recognition, sensitivity to racial discrimination, a global economy, and similar evolutions, those days will not be returning.

Many now display a significant change in the sentiment and rejection of bigotry being only an interchangeable pronoun away from a persecuted or ostracized group. I would think more people are aligned with equal justice than ever before by more people being subjected to injustices and economic hardships. 

Furthermore, the economic expenditure and residual fallout from the civil unrest since late May 2020 and the Covid virus has amassed such an enormous total.  Likewise, scrutinizing motives for disregarding the massive impact from Chavin’s knee to 45’s Covid denial, will contextualize their explosive impact on the ensuing mayhem, which was avoidable.

Additionally, resistance to both has had dire consequences and astronomical expenses. A different decision here or there would have netted vastly different results and conditions. Better decisions should have been made with their handling.  We should have learned by now that opposition to evolution is to invite revolution. Change is constant and can not be restrained, at best only delayed.

But some change is beyond delay or denial. Such is nature’s fury. Foolishly, the defiance of nature has caused an escalation in the severity and seemingly frequency of catastrophic weather conditions and fire. Therefore, it would have been more prudent to address and mitigate the problems in hindsight than to ignore them. We should have learned by now that resistance to evolution is to invite revolution by circumstances, humanity, or nature. Change is constant and can not be restrained, even if delayed.

Unfortunately, the meter is still wastefully running. Many wasted resources and ill-fated decisions should have been contemplated far more beneficially. We must now relinquish a time gone by and logically improvise to address the prevailing circumstances. It is impossible to resuscitate the past by pretending it is the present. But, on the other hand, there are many benefits in seeking solutions and few in denying the problems.

The resulting distortion of Democracy, Capitalism, and the Truth is much too high a price to pay to avoid dealing with the symptoms, illness, and remedy for America’s afflictions. The only alternative diagnosis is that sustained disregard welcomes the certain toppling of Democracy and Capitalism.

By antiquated ideology, shakey fiscal policy, and a rampant virus America is on the brink. We are presently confronted with severe self-inflicted challenges. It is a bloated conceit to behave above the laws of nature and our common interest as citizens. Both will prove to be the wounds from the bosom of America too detrimental to survive.

My how times have changed having remained the same. The absurdity of events now has political zealots and separatists polarized, demanding land of their own to preserve their sense of nostalgia or rejection of inevitable changes. 

Still, father time waits for no one, and change does not ask permission. Is America not so beloved and grand that its destruction is preferable to resolutions to instill equality and address its inequalities no matter the culprit? If so, surely, you couldn’t tell by appearances. America’s terminal in critical condition.

It appears now that it is only a matter of time before we know what America’s tombstone will read. Here stood a great nation severed by arrogance and ignorance. Reluctant to change, unwilling to survive, and condemned to fall.

P.S. If it provides any comfort, America is not alone as country’s and governments around the globe seek to prevent significant changes beneficial to the people they supposedly represent. The mass suppression of economic, religious, and human freedoms demands satisfaction as swells of discontent stretch across the globe. The names, places, and circumstances are different, but the desire is universal, change.


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz