Is it a Crime

                           Thurston’s Thoughts

Is it a Crime

Who is Committing It

The statute of limitations for most crimes began not when the crime is committed but when it is discovered. Likewise, parties to a contract must be released from the obligation of the terms or are in breach of its anticipated stipulations. The commonality is an awareness of the violation or a voluntary release from accountability of its breach or default. During Black History Month we can’t help but be drawn to time statues and breaches of agreed upon considerations. Sorting through time many promises have been made and obligations have failed to be met. However, despite essentially a summary judgement, how can our expectations continue to defy their demonstration? 

History examined unflinchingly betrays the rhetoric of convenience used to sugarcoat the facts of the past. American History is such a ball of confusion and misrepresentation of material facts, malicious intent, and deceitful motivations to render it corrupted and almost historically worthless. We all know the company lines, manipulations, and revisionist masquerades because it is presented as educational fact. Spanning the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers, Christian values, Civil War, Confederacy, the North’s abolitionist posture, Emancipation Proclamation, Juneteenth, and Reconstruction they are all propagandist contortions which a forensic examination would prove more fiction than fact.

Since the Civil War, if Field Marshall Order 15 was to be honored as agreed upon, there has been many opportunities including the current multi-billion dollar expenditures to Ukraine, Israel, and immigrants. Congress has had over a century and a half to authorize reparations but only need weeks to subsidize war and instability. As a principle of business, if settlement has not occurred in nearly four score and seven years times two, the check probably is not in the mail. Accordingly, the priority of restitution has been rejected as evidenced by the repeal of affirmative action. It would seem if we are always last in line for the promise of America, why are we not when our pledge of allegiance is needed?

The many accumulative oppressions of racism has produced a cultural psychosis of normalizations ignoring the covert demonstrations of its dysfunction, exclusions, and expectations. By now is should be painfully obvious that we can’t trust that. Through the spectacles of brutal honesty the plague of our people, culture, and conditions are in our power to activate our liberation from the psychological captivity of this socially engineered relegation. These obstacles of stagnation have been centuries old in ideology and systemic execution. The subversion was a regimented categorization restricting education, opportunity, and resource accumulation as the normal social, political, and economic model. 

Although these are receding social conditions, they still sustain the ramifications of its occurrence, intent, and presence. However, for us to remain psychologically impaired is an expression of conditioned victimhood and despair. Begging, patiently waiting, and praying  only invites pity, permission, or charity but seldom results. However, we have been treated that way without the dignity of our persistent resistance. We have splurged on complacencies which have diverted our resolve and divided our solidarity of purpose. Our current social tribulations are of lesser impositions than faced by our ancestors. It is our obligation to navigate a course and the necessary sacrifices to combat the residue of captivity by lessening the ongoing affect from it.

We are not what they say we are , we are what WE demonstrate we are. Our family dynamic, incarceration rate, us-on-us crime, substance dependency, mental health, educational deficits, economic discrepancies, health concerns, and wealth depletions are direct results of targeted agendas and policy implementations. They are designed to define us as a subjugated classification, especially if by our behavior we resemble or succumb to that. We must recognize, practice, and promote therapeutic resolutions. So, a designated holiday or month of pacification does not relieve us of our daily obligation to carry ourselves daily with the dignity of celebratory ambitions and behaviors.

Is it better to confront the implications of current racism than the history of it? The current form is easier to prevent or reduce than the denials of the past which don’t necessarily confront the present. The past gashes the present while the present can heal the future. To keep it ruthlessly real time moves in one direction, forward, and our methods of leverage and persuasion must evolve as the targets, demands, or avenues change in the present to remedy the future. So, just as rank has its privileges, it also has its burdens and priorities have their order. The present and the future are amendable, the past is not.

A commitment to the current goals must endure the paths to achieve them. We must engage with the courage to be carried on our shield if our demands are to be honored by us and undeniable to others. We must demand urgency and expedited delivery of our provisions prioritized as others’ have been. Still, our primary ambition must be our internal recalibration that depends on us individually and collectively acquiring or possessing the tools to personally achieve our objective. The most skillful or proficient display of acumen in any field possesses the competitive edge to not only meet the standard but create the standard or pierce the barrier. 

In addition, zero tolerance for disregard or disparaging portrayals whether ours or others formulating stereotypical subjugations. Can you imagine a Presidential candidate openly to our face hurling insults like scraps to be gathered and gratefully consumed by stating that the Black vote could be garnered by selling a sneaker and being under indictment. So sneakers and criminal indictments are synonymous with us and the most attractive way to gain Black votes while having a symbol of your white benevolence standing closely by grinning like its Juneteenth. That’s what some think of us to our face only to imagine it would surely be more colorfully expressed behind our backs. 

The point is certain behaviors produce certain perceptions and degrading behaviors invites disrespect and disregard. The things that secure respect will also secure the other things we have been historically denied or discounted. A fortified edge leaves no room for disrespect, disregard, or malicious mockery without peril. Social justice is the plight of the diligent warrior to secure ground now to be built upon later. What our children see they become, so what we show them should be what we what to see in them, free of the shackles of subjugation but instead based on the content of their character, presentation, and power.

The seemingly automatic assumptions and funky depictions are displayed or conveyed by a minority which is cast upon the majority both by Blacks and Whites. Some battles are along racial lines, others economic, and still others social but in reality they are all internal and individual to either represent the problem or the solution. So is the real crime what someone does to us or what we allow them to do to us. Only the victim mentality will be drag to the gallows while a warrior’s spirit is met at the gallows unbroken.

Victimhood is nourishment for the weak just as adversity is porridge for the determined. Given the statue of limitations are still running and the breach has not been dissolved, the debt remains unpaid. My question is by who, them to us or us to ourselves? The easy way out is to say both but which one is more likely to be settled. The next question, is it a crime for us to patiently wait instead of charging the summit of our demands? Our future plight depends on the answers despite others’ breaches and promises made or broken to us. The crime of default is theirs’s but the crime of resolution is becoming increasingly ours.


One BRICS at a Time

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Dangerous Exchange

One BRICS at a Time

With all this talk about building a wall across the southern border there is a massive wall being built one BRICS at a time. This wall has invisible barriers with observable ramifications. America and its allies of ideology who have long enjoyed prime seats at the helm of the power are experiencing an uncustomary re-seating arrangement. Downgraded from 1st class pass coach and into the cargo area as baggage. The baggage of history is not the problem. The arrogant baggage of political grey poupon has been spread too thin for too long. The palette of geo-political and economic alliances have sandwiched together signaling a menu change.

While America disintegrates from internal political and social conflict, the global community has found a cooperative and conciliatory formula to isolate, depreciate, and decimate America by fiscal devastation. America’s anemic foresight has fattened and hastened BRICS’ influence among the once considered doormats of colonialism and oppression. Globally, BRICS is increasingly comprised of victims and non-participants in colonialism. One need not guess what careless whispers and long memories unite them.

America’s glory days of four touchdowns in peewee league was a long time ago and so was its world dominance. Neither is what America is realistically capable of currently doing. If America cannot unite its population how can it dominate the worlds? The ideology of domination has ran its course whether domestic or foreign and who so ever does not adjust will be consumed by it. Political, racial, and economic supremacy is now the toothpaste out of the tube. With democracy at risk, the destabilization of capitalism via the U.S. dollar default currency status poses a real “terrorist” threat to our national standard of living.

The western hemisphere is being made offers they cannot refuse while America dictates terms we no longer have the clout to enforce. Can America expect loyalty from nations it has rebuked? If BRICS give the same level of credibility to the Monroe Doctrine which eastern Europe has given to NATO in violating treaties, it would be a problem. If BRICS solved America’s immigration problem and in turn required military bases at America’s door, how could America protest or resist? The thirst quenched entices more than the one refused.

Likewise, tentative allies of the Divided States of America will not survive without conceding to the pressures of self-preservation and geo-political treason when faced with similar options. There is not much time or many options at this juncture. As the beast of BRICS swells, so does its capabilities to impact imports and exports vital to American society. It increasingly in effect will become an economic embargo sanctioned by a conglomeration of target to vast and scattered to defend against. Who will come to America’s aid, Canada, Britain, France, Israel, or Ukraine? Several of these countries are dependent on America and others too small to hold the fort.

The answer maybe to build some bridges instead of a wall. A wall is already being built around America. Conversely, maybe it is actually being torn down around us. Half full or half empty, same difference. Just in case, it might not be a bad idea to learn a second or third language or acclimate to a demoted international seating arrangement. Is it better to have part of something or all of nothing? If we don’t make up our mind, it will be made up for us one BRICS at a time.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz 

America’s Tombstone

 America’s terminal in critical condition.

The grave disorder afflicting what was formerly known as the union has a terminal prognosis. The unthinkable is upon us, threatening to engulf and suffocate us with our arrogance, inequalities, and stubbornness constricted by clinging to the misgivings of history. Unfortunately, history often painfully repeats itself.

Have we not learned anything from history and the collapse of world powers before America. History is poetic in stating that the greatest threat to the republic would be from within its borders and domestic, not foreign. America may be too mighty for any other country to defeat but not mighty enough to resist a self-destructive implosion.

The nightmare of the house divided has become real, and this division is set on an irrevocable path of self-destruction if allowed to continue. The question is, at what price is the destruction of another worth your demise. The answer then becomes how much will you injure yourself to inflict injury upon another where neither survives if survival is the objective. 

Just as a house divided will not stand, a structure built on a faulty foundation is eventually doomed to collapse upon its weight, unable to support its faulty construction weakened by time. The realistic commentary is a perfect union is not attainable, but a more perfect union is possible. Let us not pretend that America is not without its blemishes, a utopia of perfection. It has much room for improvement despite its greatness and the freedoms afforded by it.

However, it will, without doubt, require the truth. So first, there must be an admission and recognition that there is a problem to be solved, identifying the problem accordingly with brutal honesty.  The majority of dissatisfaction on many topics reflects deep discontent on fundamental issues. This discontent needs resolving to instill a therapeutic response while rejecting the nostalgic imbalances of the past. Adherence to inflammatory practices and principles can only lead to the extinction of them and their practitioners.

Change, while often uncomfortable for some, is necessary for the evolution of life and progress. Consequently, unjust imbalances can not go on indefinitely. These masquerades and deceptions must end at some point exposed as bogus. Thus, the damage is no longer tolerable whether being either naively conditioned to believe or maliciously following errant agendas of deception. Either way, the reality is never pleasant when the outcome proves destructive.

Likewise, the creation of these diversions enables covert schemes to be executed while distracted and concealed by the bickering fractions.  The astute manipulation of the public’s sensitivities to produce a predictable outcome based on emotional ignorance accomplishes this agitation. Everyone must stay mad at someone at all times. 

Politicizing the intent and purpose of the Constitution and government authority underscores many vile exploitations of power. The collective will and good of the people was the original democratic design. But, unfortunately, it has been blatantly mangled in a power grab that threatens to bring civil war and financial collapse, enriching some while eroding other’s freedoms.

How can we destroy ourselves? Let me count the ways. Overall, we have civil discourse, protest, rioting, a Capitol siege, and the accompanying damages and cost. We have a denial of economic and human rights. A pandemic that was downplayed by 45 to avoid panic but not to prevent the spread. Both have occurred, panic and spread along with monumental loss of life and resources.

We have the disastrous stock market manipulation by a cocktail of quantitative easing, propping up of the bond and equity market corpse, and pending evictions and foreclosures of residential and commercial properties. The erosion of pension funds and retirements is happening again. Also looming is the eventual banking system recurring collapse, as evident by the repo market activity indicating insolvency again due to reckless operations and greed. 

The effects of many supply chain disruptions and shortages are emerging. In addition, inflation fears and labor force dissatisfaction are rampant.  Then there are the increasingly overwhelmed medical system and societal bickering concerning vaccines, income and gender inequality, gender and sexual preference intolerances, abortion rights disputes again, and racial disparities. 

Include immigration policies, denial of historical racial ramifications, the Confederacy resurgence, resistance to new law enforcement initiatives, and reluctant criminal justice system reform. Continuing with the bias political redistricting, voter suppression, unsubstantiated elections fraud claims, and you name it.

America has suffered more damage than any terrorist group could have ever deliberately inflicted simply by allowing the political deceptions guided by greed to run its unfettered course. The intoxication of power at any cost has undermined Democracy and Capitalism. Yet, at the same time, the public is intentionally distracted over trivial differences inattentive of the hardships imposed upon them.

It is a risky gamble for control of the political system, which affects all Americans. Red or blue, Republicans or Democrats, it is a gang turf war with the public as collateral damage. Separately these events create a volatile discord of dire circumstances. But, combined, what is the prognosis of America’s survival, if not terminal? 

Even more outrageous is the destructive ideology fueling a combination of the budget deadline and debt ceiling scabbles implicating hints of a national shutdown and default for political gain. But, can we risk the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and America’s status as the world’s default currency triggering a global financial collapse and ushering in digital currency controlled and monitored by the government?

To ensure that the wealthy pay a fair share for taxes, they must monitor our transactions for over six hundred dollars. Likewise, banks must report activity on our lowly accounts as if the wealthy cannot be otherwise identified by their bank accounts. Every time they crack down on someone else, the general public must bear the squeeze.

Fear and compliance are the tools of deceptions used to limit the public’s freedoms, and we are always eager to oblige. It reaks of predictable behavior manipulated and triggered by fear of terrorists, the Covid, tax cheats, race, religion, sexuality, and maybe our shadow next. Are we to believe information harvesting, artificial intelligence, digital or electronic banking, electronic surveillance, or thirst for power and greed is not a threat?

Furthermore, we have witnessed the attempted coercion of the 2020 Election to maintain power, an uprising against the seat of Democracy at the Capitol, and now fiscal roulette for political gain and power. The cannibalism of our Democracy has been intensifying while disguised by discord.

The second amendment right to bear arms gives citizens the right to oppose an authoritarian federal government. But, by definition, wouldn’t that be one overthrowing Democracy? An armed militia intimidating politicians, dissenters, and unarmed protesters by political gangsterism would qualify. A violent coup whose forceful imposition of views and governance upon their fellow citizens or denial of other’s rights, which they proudly claim without reservation, seemingly would also qualify.

Resorting to force against the practice of Democracy and the freedom to exercise civil liberties, no doubt, descends into opposition to Freedom? Ultimately, the force used against the Democratic structure is the same violent instrument used by the power mongers against the people. Attempting to implement a military authoritative state or dictatorship brought about by a coup, suppression of the people’s vote, and government takeover effectively eliminates Democracy. 

Dictators or monarchs are what this country was created to escape from, a king and his dynastic lineage by creating a separation of power and the democratic vote. At the core of Democracy is voting and for the duly elected to reflect the best interest of the majority, not party affiliations, much less individual interest.

Any effort, foreign or domestic, to hijack the democratic process is an assault on the very principles of Democracy. The country cannot exist as presently constituted without Democracy. You can not take over the Capitol, discard an election, and still have Democracy. Any attempt to circumvent the prescribed electoral process is a hostile takeover with fatal repercussions. 

Unfortunately, the mutiny against the Democratic majority and its sovereignty’s principles continues as the minority seeks to prevail and promote their agenda. Ironic how minority status is unbearable but should be fine for others but is not honoring the majority vote paramount to Democracy. Did you expect any less when you were not the minority?

Acceptance of this reality has always been the rule notwithstanding dissent but reflected or upheld in the next voting cycle as the majority’s will, disdaining mutiny against the foundational principles of our voting rights. Otherwise, the whole system and Democracy collapses. Divisiveness enforced by might and contentious rhetoric has proven inadvisable and unsustainable in this country. Instead, it leads to repetitive civil unrest and opposition, be it race, abortion, war, or what have you.

Integration of law enforcement and military by race and ideology would splinter efforts of a violent coup. Predictably, law enforcement and the military would have to first turn on their respective ranks, eliminating those not in agreement. These two groups are critical to enforcing radical distortion of the judicial process and free speech in any authoritative society. The true principles of Democracy rely on cooperation, not force. Force is no longer a viable option for all occasions.

America is at a tipping point. Remembering history may help prevent it from repeating itself, as seen in the rise of Nazi-Germany and its race-based utopia of superiority. It is tragically ironic that Hitler got his ideology from Jim Crow in addition to eugenics. The symbolism of white power is the Nazi flag and swastika, which should have been roundly denounced when soundly defeated. In America, the racist ideology at its core was the symptom manifested by greed, the illness.

All the above alluded to precarious events are at their roots based on racism, casteism (shudra), and power manipulations for wealth fueled by greed. As a result, America is on the brink of moral and fiscal bankruptcy, deprived of political and ideological solutions or compromise for mutual survival.

Even if the balance of power switches, nothing is resolved. It is just reversed without resolution, still about winning and accumulation by any means necessary. The objectivity of fairness and compassion are sacrificed as collateral for personal ambitions. 



To further complicate matters, this perfect storm of destruction brewed and calculated from the inception of this republic and exacerbated over time necessitates exploitations being expanded beyond the traditional groups to sustain itself. But, this expansion is camouflaged by race, immigration, and socialist accusations to deflect from the actual cause, greed.

Any titan of leadership understands that when proclaiming the buck stops with them, responsibility must begin with them. Deflecting any bitter occurrences is not a shared debacle when charged with leading. So, where has leadership led us, if not to the brink of destruction by divisiveness and selfish ambitions? But, change is still staunchly resisted continuing to perpetuate societal detriments.

It is a collective failure of leadership if only by constructive possession of the governance of Democracy. Heavy is the head of leadership and guidance, accepting both credit and blame. To claim otherwise is a self-indictment, a discredit to your position, and a disservice to the country. While the blame game is a favorite game of politicians, the general public is left to take responsibility for its contribution while also suffering from theirs.

As a result, we are allowed to struggle at the bottom suffering from the virtues of the very Capitalism that we fund. Consider the distractions of the last two years that have the public preoccupied while grand larceny is afoot. Democracy was born out of Capitalism in concept and practice. But, unfortunately, both have been perverted to elite set-asides and bailouts contrary to the principles of Capitalism.

How resilient can America be, and how tolerant will a disposable public remain before significant course corrections are too little too late. The power grab excludes the elite and politicians from suffering while willing to risk triggering a global financial crisis with the brunt of domestic suffering skipping them.

I suspect essential workers are expendable when exposed to heightened risk and hazardous conditions for similar compensation. Does your compensation reflect your value? During this Covid crisis, being bestowed the title of essential worker makes you an interchangeable clog that has suddenly become scarce and valuable.

It resembles indentured servitude but with a more palatable twist, making it a lot easier to accept. Duty or coercion are the tools of persuasion used to disguise and accomplish blind submission. It is capitalistic exploitation at its finest. This hybrid capitalism where supply, demand, and efficiency do not apply to all in the valuation of essential services or labor.

From an economic and governmental standpoint, providing protections with governmental subsidies for big companies, political cronies, and banking favorites should violate capitalism. However, these same protections are bemoaned and conditional when provided to the general public and labeled as socialism.

Rebellion against taxation without representation started this country. But, will little or no tax on big business or the wealthy end it? It is the weiner for the ham swindle to relinquish something of greater value for a lesser value or benefit. Could the founding fathers envision the ablest paying no taxes while the least able collectively pays the most taxes? The economic shell game will be played with diminishing returns; the more conditioned, mind-controlled, and hopeless you become.

It is not a condemnation of riches but an accurate assessment and indictment of some unjust methods of achieving it. Funny how the rules loosen and the opportunities expand with the more money or favor you possess. To suggest that all pay their fair share is unfair and outrageous, if not for sure downright extreme leftist and un-American, right? But, on the other hand, resisting exploitation is unpatriotic too.

A dog-eat-dog cannibalistic quest for prosperity at the bottom and a doctrine of exclusion or exploitation at the top preserve our economic imbalances. It is not by accident; it is by designed calculation and deception.

Capitalism needs a tune-up to run smoothly for all instead of just smoothly for the advantaged. Money is not the root of all evil, but greed and power can be argued as the roots of most of America’s problems. In this pursuit, the disregard for passing the sugar sours the essential workers’ expectations, ambitions, and opportunities.

America’s greatest resource is the people, but sustaining and preserving their well-being has become a casualty of this power grab restricting liberty and prosperity for the lower classes. A caste system is swelling with the increasing disappearance of the middle class. It creates a blight on the standard of living, which economic and political vampires are systematically draining.

What was planted has grown. The seeds of deceptions and inequality planted long ago have blossomed into a system in need of an overhaul if it is to survive. Democracy, The Constitution, and fiscal solvency will not survive the status quo as the pillars upon which a crumbling society will no longer support.

It is time to compromise and make alterations for the country’s survival as the challenges escalate without reprisal. Remember, when people take to the streets in overwhelming numbers to protest, that is usually the last warning that the level of dissatisfaction with the governing body or system has become no longer tolerable. History is undefeated in that regard.

However, the aftermath of not heeding the warning is undisputed as nations and civilizations must inevitably change or perish. They have always changed, or they have always perished. We can be certain that radical change always precedes avoidance of collapse or results from a disastrous outcome. We are at the crossroads of history where we choose a collective survival or fracturing destruction. But, we can no longer be unresponsive to the glaring warning signs.

America’s historical precondition of affliction did not just start in the last five years. It began with blatant exploitation and indifferences at inception. Now, the lies promoted and the promises unfulfilled to conceal those lies have swelled to the current national dysfunction.

It worked on an unsophisticated callous public, but the currently available information and knowledge have revealed the evil sorcery of these traditional policies and practices. Time has expired for reckoning, and change is the modifying salvation.

The naked truth and change is the final resort of reckoning for survival, or it was a good run. It was better for some than others, but the final obituary will read that we could not rest in national peace, so we perished in national discord. The jalopy has finally broken down, leaving us in need of new wheels.

There cannot be a return to America’s way tailored for white males and the economic elite strife with injustice and greed. Because of gains of women’s rights, changes in domestic violence laws, women employment opportunities and accomplishments, commonality of young people; same-sex, biracial, and inter-racial relationships, LBGTQ recognition, sensitivity to racial discrimination, a global economy, and similar evolutions, those days will not be returning.

Many now display a significant change in the sentiment and rejection of bigotry being only an interchangeable pronoun away from a persecuted or ostracized group. I would think more people are aligned with equal justice than ever before by more people being subjected to injustices and economic hardships. 

Furthermore, the economic expenditure and residual fallout from the civil unrest since late May 2020 and the Covid virus has amassed such an enormous total.  Likewise, scrutinizing motives for disregarding the massive impact from Chavin’s knee to 45’s Covid denial, will contextualize their explosive impact on the ensuing mayhem, which was avoidable.

Additionally, resistance to both has had dire consequences and astronomical expenses. A different decision here or there would have netted vastly different results and conditions. Better decisions should have been made with their handling.  We should have learned by now that opposition to evolution is to invite revolution. Change is constant and can not be restrained, at best only delayed.

But some change is beyond delay or denial. Such is nature’s fury. Foolishly, the defiance of nature has caused an escalation in the severity and seemingly frequency of catastrophic weather conditions and fire. Therefore, it would have been more prudent to address and mitigate the problems in hindsight than to ignore them. We should have learned by now that resistance to evolution is to invite revolution by circumstances, humanity, or nature. Change is constant and can not be restrained, even if delayed.

Unfortunately, the meter is still wastefully running. Many wasted resources and ill-fated decisions should have been contemplated far more beneficially. We must now relinquish a time gone by and logically improvise to address the prevailing circumstances. It is impossible to resuscitate the past by pretending it is the present. But, on the other hand, there are many benefits in seeking solutions and few in denying the problems.

The resulting distortion of Democracy, Capitalism, and the Truth is much too high a price to pay to avoid dealing with the symptoms, illness, and remedy for America’s afflictions. The only alternative diagnosis is that sustained disregard welcomes the certain toppling of Democracy and Capitalism.

By antiquated ideology, shakey fiscal policy, and a rampant virus America is on the brink. We are presently confronted with severe self-inflicted challenges. It is a bloated conceit to behave above the laws of nature and our common interest as citizens. Both will prove to be the wounds from the bosom of America too detrimental to survive.

My how times have changed having remained the same. The absurdity of events now has political zealots and separatists polarized, demanding land of their own to preserve their sense of nostalgia or rejection of inevitable changes. 

Still, father time waits for no one, and change does not ask permission. Is America not so beloved and grand that its destruction is preferable to resolutions to instill equality and address its inequalities no matter the culprit? If so, surely, you couldn’t tell by appearances. America’s terminal in critical condition.

It appears now that it is only a matter of time before we know what America’s tombstone will read. Here stood a great nation severed by arrogance and ignorance. Reluctant to change, unwilling to survive, and condemned to fall.

P.S. If it provides any comfort, America is not alone as country’s and governments around the globe seek to prevent significant changes beneficial to the people they supposedly represent. The mass suppression of economic, religious, and human freedoms demands satisfaction as swells of discontent stretch across the globe. The names, places, and circumstances are different, but the desire is universal, change.


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz



Spread No Further

Legacy of Contamination

I remember as a young fella, quite naturally I am going back a number of years, but I remember a television show named Lost in Space. The main characters were Dr. Zachary Smith and a robot. Dr. Smith was always whining and nervously candy-assing his way through every episode.

When confronted with danger, he would sell you out in a heartbeat. The robot would repeatedly proclaim, this does not compute Will Robinson, and malfunction shutting down when anything was beyond his programming and understanding.

Contamination is understood to mean a state of impurity or poisoning of something that results in spoilage, corruption, infection, or unfitness. It also spreads with a hazardous impact throughout entire countries, continents, or the world. By definition, the following most certainly will qualify as such toxins, when the contamination is ideological, but the intent was purposeful. It magnifies the outrage.

The biggest obstacle to dealing successfully with these contaminates have been far more than the lack of recognition and transparency but the outright lies that continue to be perpetuated and promoted. Instead of the names changing to protect the innocent, the names of the guilty remain the same, while their guilty deeds are made innocently invisible.

In an old gangster movie it was said, if you do not fear for your deed, then why fear for your name. No one should deny them their full credit if we are to be led to believe that these deeds are so admirable. If so deservingly earned, why not attach their name to all they have done. After all, they have been glorified and exalted to be of exemplary emulation as influences on America.

Ronald Reagan, Charles Darwin, King James I (or aka the IV), Great Britain, Christopher Columbus, Capitalism / Colonialism /Patriotism, and Healthcare have surely earned such distinctions in no particular order but with long-lasting implications. And now, yes, added to the infamous ranks is none other than the nefarious Donald Trump himself.

If you wonder whether the current pandemic is man-made, then there is no such question concerning the influence of the pandemics mentioned above. Of that, we can be sure. However, although I imagine all did some good, we could have all been better off without them considering the damage done.

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)– the great communicator and alleged drug dealing undeniable racist of trickle-down elitist economics. His impact and the impact of his directives can still be felt today with a legacy of crack cocaine aided by Oliver North, who later was head of the NRA.

They stood accused by the U.S. Government and history. The Iran Contra scandal was a way to circumvent the workings of the U.S. government funding protocol by not only trafficking drugs but guns and funneling money for a war in a foreign country.

Drug addiction and other forms of inebriation to cloud judgment and diminish will or resistance are weapons used against populations for hundreds of years and cause many years of dysfunctional impediment. Whether building wealth, raising cash, funding objectives,or promoting corruption, drugs have proven quite lucrative and effective.

That the crack epidemic was directed towards the black communities should come as no surprise. It could have been foretold by Reagan’s shared racist views with disgraced Presidential bigot Richard Nixon.

In October of 1971, Ronnie was recorded long before his Presidency by Nixon of the “these cannibals” utterances. He stated,” to see those- those monkeys from the African countries, damn them, they are still learning how to wear shoes.” Reagan was indeed a man of his time as many in government shared this sentiment regarding Blacks in America.

This ideology seems to have played out in his presidency after his California governor stint, where he proclaimed that housing discrimination was a property owner’s right. He was against sanctions of Apartheid in Africa as President. His trickle-down effect politics at its core is F— ’em and feed them cheese while taking care of the elite interest at the top.

There was considerable economic suffering among minorities and low-income Americans under his eight-year tenure, which ended in 1989. In addition, Reagan created a legacy of drug addiction, crime, and incarceration lasting over thirty years after leaving office. His impact was not only felt in the States but other drug-torn countries and toppled governments.

Charles Darwin (1808-1882)– revealed his bigoted evolution by his obviously primitive twisted mind while masquerading as a scientist promoting a premise of natural selection. Furthermore, he believed in racial hierarchy and gender superiority, stating that the woman’s brain was similar to a small child’s brain, well beneath a man’s brain.

The Descent of Man principles were taught as fact, further perpetuating this privileged class and racist view. It exalted the Caucasian male, especially the European Caucasian, claiming that the negro and the Australian or aborigines are closer to the ape and gorilla in all matters. All other members of humanity were also beneath the white male but above the colored.

The New York Times advocated and found no fault with others displaying a pygmy male, Ota Benga, in the Bronx Zoo in a cage with monkeys to prove Darwin’s Theory of evolution. The Bronx Zoo, then owned by William Rockefeller, had no problem displaying it in 1906, claiming he was a cannibalistic link between the African and apes.

Instructed and enforced consciously and subliminally that the white race was superior to all with the white male at the top of the evolutionary chain. Darwin encouraged genocide to fully exterminate and replace savages throughout the world in addition to a duty to and justification for slavery thinly veiled as Social Darwinism. Supported by his equally misguided cousin, Francis Galton, they convinced or justified what continues to plague the world today nearly 140 years after Darwin’s death.

These two gave rise to eugenics (1883) which greatly inspired Adolf Hitler and Nazism (1933) based on the reproduction of a master race. Undesirable elements of humanity, such as the poor, uneducated, immigrants, and minority populations, were to be exterminated. Today they are widely known as not only minorities but “essential workers,” expendable.

Hitler was known to say if you tell a big enough lie enough times, it will become true. Darwin has yet to be fully discredited and exposed. Mimicking this Trump lies so much today with similar results as Hitler and praise of the swastika-like symbol confederate flag.

King James I (1566-1625)– that practitioner of behaviors supposedly forbidden and denounced by the most famous book in the world, which bears his name, the Bible. He has been of particular detriment to society.

He has violated the trust and sincere yearning for the Christian guidance of billions of seekers by being in a position at a time in history to manipulate and change the Bible. It reflects his purpose and ambition of control, vanity, and systematic racism.

The issue of marriage and homosexuality has been vigorously debated and rebuked. Marriage, at times, was just a contract of a partnership between two parties that needed the support of each other to accomplish a task. It had nothing to do with gender or a sexual relationship; it was just business. In comparison, using self-righteous judgments of impositional morality against those who choose to live outside the mainstream traditional acceptance of both, condemnation is inflicted.

King James I in the era of #metoo would have been a prime offender allegedly primarily canoodling with Lord Buckingham of British and Buckingham Palace fame as his longtime same-sex lover through coercion or the Weinstein technique of courtship. His infidelity and sexual appetite were rampant, contrary to the book that bears his name, but vanity was his primary sin and objective.

Lord Buckingham proclaimed himself to be the “slave and dog,” a not very royal title, of King James at his disposal to be turned every which way but loose. The next time someone stands on a stack of King James Version of the Holy Bible condemning homosexuality, infidelity, fornication, and same-sex unions, remember he openly practiced them. The charade continues nearly four hundred years after King James’ demise.

Charles Darwin was of British descent like King James and his self-proclaimed slave and dog Lord Buckingham marking a long and less than royal history of racism in Britain. The London Company, Henry VIII, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, and Charles I was embedded in British racist society. This honored their racism and garnered adulation for the whiteness of their influence, bloodline, and royalty. 

Christianity had struggled before Constantine’s vision before a victorious battle which converted him to Christianity and his Council of Nicaea (325, 381).

If not for Constantine and King James I, you might now worship animal deities, numina, or ancestral worshipping. They were pervasive practices in Rome before embracing Catholicism. Now, sprinkle in some Titus of Flavian lineage and Theodosius I for influential good measure shaping modern Christianity.

The Catholic Church has also committed some unholy deeds and indulgences. They were a prominent presence benefiting directly from participation in the slave trade and spreading their religion to educate heathens. This served more to deter slaves from revolt and resistance while having been robbed of their resources and identity.

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) a murderer and marauder, which perhaps none have done better when it comes to conquest and colonialism. His influence can be felt in America, the Caribbean, Mexico, South America, and Canada as he spread his European brand of death, bondage, disease, and greed.

He had ambitions of conquering Asia and proving to the Spanish Crown that he could strong-arm gold, precious resources, and slaves in sort of a bum rush midnight raid. In the process, he left a path of destruction, genocide, theft, and slavery everywhere he went and influenced those who followed to do the same.


The Taino of Arawak descent was the first to taste his homicidal thirst on the island of Hispaniola, Columbus taking advantage of their cultural lack of aggression and abundance of hospitality. He left them decimated and diseased coincidentally with smallpox and extinction.

Smallpox was gifted to the Native American or Indigenous people of this land long occupied by them. Somehow, that which had already been discovered and indeed occupied was whitewashed. It was credited to Columbus’s exploration as his discovery.

Columbus is no hero worthy of a national holiday. He is a squatter and, most appropriately, a war criminal and a warmonger without opposition, compassion, or a war. He is the father of colonization in the new land bringing slavery and death while providing how it can be done to an inviting population.

His sole purpose was not to prove the world was round or to discover new lands but was motivated by a decree to see who he could jack of their resources and enslave their people, and that is why he is an American hero today.

The pride some so adamantly claim of Columbus’ heritage must be made in full disclosure and support of his genocidal ways. It is a shameful commentary that no one else of that heritage can be deemed more deserving than him.

The father and founder of slavery in the Americas unleashing discrimination lasting over five hundred years later. Colonialism/Capitalism was built on robbery, theft, deception, and oppression, including death. It is no longer practiced exclusively against the poor, immigrant, purposefully ignorant, women, and minorities but the working and middle class.

Yes, the middle class is now infiltrating the lower class when they thought they were safely above it. Pure greed recognizes no boundaries. Laissez-Faire is the foundation of Free Market Capitalism to not interfere with the free market of survival of the fittest unless it affects the rich.

The Marxist theory of socialism and the Fascist principles urging ultra-nationalism and racism are inbred with today’s capitalism. Capitalism, Marxism, and Fascism are conducting an intimately salacious threesome in a democracy where it is unchecked. It is becoming a dictatorship suppressing criticism and truth obliged by silence or vigilantism to protect the money or political ideology that protects the power.

The great American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party were supposedly about taxation without representation, but what about representation without taxation. Some rich do not pay any taxes at all and boast of it. How is that possible or acceptable in a country founded on tax disputes and fairness?

Capitalism is becoming straight-up indentured  servatude and exploitation where assistance to the poor is primarily considered socialism while the bailouts and incentives for the wealthy are justified economic policies.

The healthcare system image is as long as you owe them, they will never be broke, and you will never be well. Healthcare itself is not the problem, but the rules the system is forced to adhere to for its survival. It promotes corruption from within, seeming like a high-stakes poker game where significant resources or DEBT are required to participate. Same for educational and student loans, the game is debt.

Medicine is an instrument used to launder money and redistribute wealth, probably better than the stock market. Consider all the substances which are legal but detrimental to your health. Many create not only sickness but outrageous medical expenses. There can be no other justification other than money. Look no further than the opioid crisis.

Crack was devastating, and it had a child named OxyContin, cousin to the dog food dating back to the Vietnam war exit and before. Opioids and heroin are nothing new, but the last 60 years have spanned these three illicit drugs to continue to be a destructive toll on populations by design.

Then, crack was a crime heavily and unevenly punished, but Oxy and dog food is now a disease by demographic selection. Opioids created wealth through sales and now through treatment.

Marijuana, which has many medicinal purposes, is only now being utilized, but the argument against it being its unknown effects and addictive nature. Other substances are allowed, encouraged, and addictive with industry backing and profits. This does influence their acceptability with well-known health damages if that is the case. This is where the lobbyist and special interest groups come into corrupt the reality of its danger.

Compared to the things that we know the side effects of with no medicinal purposes, the argument is weak. If addiction is a concern, then what about alcohol, cigarettes, or sugar, among many. Control of hemp products, the newspaper industry wars, and good old racism is again the original root opposition of a ban on marijuana.

Donald J Trump (1946 -, 45th President of U.S.) that stern representation of the Confederate legacy, American heritage, and Patriotism. He can boast of himself dodging the draft, an immigrant background by way of his grandfather coming here after being dispelled from his country for dodging the draft, and family roots from the drumpf’s of Kallstadt, formerly of Bulgaria, not the patriotic founding fathers.

Real Patriots of the Republic to make America great again would not participate in any government stimulus, assistance, subsidies, bankruptcy protection, business or corporate bailout as an inspiration and example of their beliefs just like their opposition to the vaccine. Instead, they participate in the overthrow of the government and an election without realizing what happens when you tire of Trump, elections again? Not likely.

However, when the shoes get tight, where are your patriotic principles now. Without excuses, please, since you reject all reason, then please give no excuses. The puppeteer exploits your ignorant complicity to threaten your beloved Constitution and Democracy for his glory.

If you would relinquish your freedom to vote him out or his offspring, then what? Racism is the number one killer in the world of opportunity, whether by drug addiction, economic suppression, or any other socially engineered construct of control.

No wonder it is hard to advance, it is most likely to have been by effective design and not human frailty or lack of ambition. Most of these atrocities were committed in the name of morality, religion, and politic. The rest can be attributed to pure unadulterated greed. Now Patriotism is the new buzzword and dog whistle.

Arianism is the belief that Jesus is above man but below God, which a twisted adaptation is used today to promote racism in essence insinuating that the white race is above all other races. That and Patriotism are alibied to save the country. Their Patriotism aims to restore America to what principles or period and, how by government coup, mass murder, or slavery?

The above examples of how dangerous these fallacies, grandiose delusions of superiority, mass deceptions, and wanton acts against segments of society are promoted. It is transmitted as intentional contamination of reality and faith persistent throughout time. It ignores truth and fairness but embraces ignorance, violence, and inequality from a self-appointed group of moral law and order manipulators with religious principles.

They want you to believe the meek will inherit the earth but let us not forget even Jesus warned of a house divided. Something more closely resembling fairness, equality, and freedom must emerge soon if we avoid the fate of all great civilizations before us. The clouds of unrest rumble on the horizon of implosion.

With the former leader of the free world attempting to install himself as a quasi-dictator by promoting insurgence via a violent takeover of the Capitol lawmakers in one fell swoop, our foundation is wobbling badly right now yall. Like all of the above, Trump’s actions will have long-lasting repercussions both at home and abroad. The chaos has been ignited.

We are a resilient nation when in solidarity. We have survived much, but as we now tussle with the Covid-19, which Trump unduly exacerbated by admittedly downplaying the presence and deadly consequences, regardless of how it originated. He bungled the response.

The foundation of what has stood for 244 years is on the brink of destruction and collapse in four years of one man. A day of ego soothing indiscretion and foolishness carried out by his army of terrorists threatens Democracy.

Remember, those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. This is how dictatorships and strongmen come into power, but they keep control by oppressing those who brought them to power. They prefer the iron fist technique of persuasion for their longevity of rule.

These above-referenced influences of American foundational structure and guidance have a very well-earned placed in history and should be rightfully singled out for their intentional and insidiously contrived transmission of mental and social contamination. Let us not forget the accompanied death and suffering. Now we can add the destruction of Democracy and Capitalism.

You cannot have Capitalism without Democracy. Trump is not solely to blame because the table was set long before him. He just feasted at the table. However, he can be held to account for his contribution, and many share his vision if not his methods. This needs to spread no further.

Hopefully, it is not too late to forgive them, for they know not what they do. Seduced and cajoled by a snake oil salesman bent on deceit, vanity, and ego inflation selling miracle notions and poisonous potions. It is the puppet master who pulls the strings when the puppet dances.
Now, this seems like being lost in space with the cowardly constantly whining Dr. Smith and the robot, who frequently cannot compute reality and have malfunctioning meltdowns. A sellout and his malfunctioning companion, the public.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz